I thought Alphonse sounded alright. Maybe it's just your perception of Kugimiya Rie's recent roles that's throwing it off.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
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I thought Alphonse sounded alright. Maybe it's just your perception of Kugimiya Rie's recent roles that's throwing it off.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
gSS's Tokyotosho comment reminded me of the fact the OP sucked. I wonder why they chose a poor song for the OP for a series everybody would expect to be popular and gain attention. There must be some deeper psychology hidden in that.
Any song by YUI is a win in my book. So I loved it. And I'll stick with Shinsen this time around if gSS is serious about changing it. They've already changed songs before.
I enjoyed the episode a lot. It helps that I only saw about 10 episodes of the first series before dropping it due to HDD issues (at that time I only had a 4GB HDD and no burner)
Yeah, the torrent was taking forever for me to download. Had to remove it from utorrent and grab it again for it to download fast.Quote:
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
I can't even get mine to start downloading.Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
That had to get out, still the animation is pretty good but Roy's voice is shit. Is that Lockon's voice ? Are you kidding me ?
The day got saved by Armstrong, clearly. Without it, that first ep would have been a gigantic let down.
I didn't have problems with Roy's voice. It has been so long since the old series that I only remembered Ed's voice, which is just as impressive as any Romi Paku's dude voices, of course. Roy's VA has some good roles like FMP's Kurz Weber and Samurai 7's Kyuzo. He suits me fine, especially if Roy appreciates ladies... (I haven't got a single recollection of whether he does.)
Just to get it out of the way: I didn't like Roys voice. But probably just because I thought the old one was brilliant. Newcomers probably won't notice anything and whining about it won't actually change anything so ah well.
Good ep, I've not read the manga, but I was entertained and I'm looking forwards to the rest of the series. It was kinda strange because it didn't feel like the other series (Not in a bad way), but it still is FMA...
It seems we're on the same page. I agree the voices are kinda ruining this for me already. The majority of them just don't seem to fit and Mustang's especially just sounds terrible and so does Ed's, especially when he was screaming during that flashback. And yeah it really doesn't feel like FMA but it's just the first episode.
Other than that though the ep was pretty good, it's nice that we seem to be jumping straight into the story from the first episode. The only thing, other than the voices of course, that really bugged me about the episode was that they were really overplaying some characters and other characters were just acting out of character. They really overplayed Ed's character, especially the height thing, and Mustang was completely out of character.
-Because it has to be said, this episode was beautiful.
When does the storyline start? Do/should I watch the movie before starting fma2? Thanks
Al's VA is the same, btw. And Ed overplaying the height thing is actually much less than before.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Watched Eclipse's subs, good as usual.
I don't know where most of the voice hating is, I think it's fine. Mustang's voice does sound a little weird compared to the original series, but it isn't bad. Just have to get used to it.
This was an interesting and action packed first episode. They introduced a lot of the characters quickly, as well as their powers. Even the "bad guys" were shown.
I enjoyed the OP and ED.
Its the first episode, they just reintroduced the major characters. No you don't need to watch the movie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Takuma
Really. Well now I don't feel so bad about never having watched the Japanese version of the original. Oh and I meant Ed's voice not Al'sQuote:
Originally Posted by animus
Romi Paku as Ed is the same voice actress from last season as well.
To my knowledge the bulk of the posters in this thread don't speak Japanese so why are so many of your posts talking about voices? What does it matter if a particular character sounds a certain way or not as long as the noise their voice makes isn't patently offensive to ones ears? I don't understand Japanese so I generally just tune voices out unless I need to keep track of who is speaking lines when it's not obvious from lip flaps.
Anyway, I liked that they started this series with events that were fresh to anyone who'd seen the previous series. One the one hand it really drove home this series' independence from the other one but at the same time it managed to reveal a lot of the same background information that was given in the first ep of the previous series, I thought that was well done. Other than familiarity with the characters I had little idea what was going on in this ep in terms of plot and I think that's a pretty good for a first episode of a remake.
On the matter of subs though I'm somewhat up in the air as who to stick with. Eclipse's video quality seemed a touch clearer than gSS's to me but I didn't like them adding President into Bradley's title . For one I'm too used to seeing "Fuhrer King Bradley" but even if that wasn't the case Japan doesn't really use the title 'President' and the German (which it's pretty clear what country the country in FMA is based off of) title of President is largely ceremonial. That was the only issue I noticed with Eclipse's sub though and I suppose it's not such a big deal that I'd want to step down in visual appeal over it.
i thought it was a very good first episode. we had lots of action, many characters introduced, fitting levels of humor, and created the setting.
i do think the voice acting is important, and even if people aren't able to understand the Japanese, different voice actors and actresses bring a different touch and delivery of the characters. but i didn't have much of a problem with the new voices at all. I particularly like what I heard from Kimblee and... the girl on the phone in Lior... Mustang's voice is going to take some getting used to, but I certainly didn't think it was bad.
I liked both the OP and ED songs, and the soundtrack so far seems very good so far. I am not a big fan of the choice for the ED animation...
Armstrong's comic relief effect is incredible. Loved the fluid animation for the fights. I got Shinsen's version first, and, as you probably imagine, it's not as good as Eclipse's, the whole "Fuhrer vs. President" thing aside)
severe amounts of bonus points for what Yuki mentioned, the "freshness" of this first episode. it looks like this thing isn't going to disappoint.
OMG!!! More FMA goodness!!! :D
It's been a damn looooong time since I was so excited about an anime series... heh can't wait for the download to complete! *jumps*
Hmm between Shinsen-Subs and Eclipse, can anyone advise which is a better version to get? I'm quite out of touch with the various fansub groups now.
Edit: Wow can't believe it's been 5 years since I first joined this forum! And my post counts are still as pathetic as ever lol
I don't get what you have against Rie as Al's voice - it sounds similar to original series.
Kimbley's voice is perfect now - badass, but Mustang new voice is just bad...
Overall good ep.
Agreed about Mustang.
I actually like the OP, but that is partly because I am a fan of YUI. to be honest, I watched the episode just because I realized Yui sang the song the moment I heard the OP.
@Yallo - please contribute more then. After reading that post, it sure seems you have better grammar and can express youself better in general than some in this forum. More talk about this show is welcome.