1 more final for me which is Biology on Monday. Then freedommmmmmmmmmmm! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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1 more final for me which is Biology on Monday. Then freedommmmmmmmmmmm! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
screw you all!
I have a 2 physics finals to go. Saturday i have Statics, then monday i have Mechanics. Then i get a 13 day break (not even 2 full fucking weeks....). After that, im back with anotehr 5 physics courses.....fucking engineering
God...Studying for Philosophy is doing my head in. Thankfully it's my last final.
Good semester I'd say.
Oh, man, reading all this made my day. Am I soooooo glad I have co-op until March. No finals and getting paid to read and post on this forum pretty much all day is fun as hell. Although, not looking forward to going back to school in April.
Used to be a mech eng major, loved the math, hated the theoretical, unpractical bullshit, so I changed to IST.
Back to Drexel on April 3rd, yippe.....bah!
Does anybody here use facebook?
I'm gonna start soon. Couple friends told me about it.
Yeah, I do. I don't use it often though, it's just a crappy version of a blog w/out the essential blog-ness. PM me if you wanna add me.Quote:
Originally posted by: Xollence
Does anybody here use facebook?
Well it's not really a blog since you need to go to college in order to get an account. It's to connect college people together and to find old highschool friends.
And yet you still didn't add me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
For you conspiracy nuts out there, be sure to read the Facebook's privacy report in its entirety; that'll be sure to keep you up night upon night. Kukukuku...
I, myself, REFUSE to sign onto Facebook for it IS TEH DEVIL!!!111one111!!!
Ahh, finals... They have this uncanny knack of sneaking up on you. In fact, it feels like I was only unpacking my dorm things only yesterday...
had Grapjics (cs) and Crime control and deviance (soc) today, 6 hrs of finals is heinous
finally done w/ databases on tuesday.
I'm done!!!! I so deserve a shopping spree.
wow.. wtf.. didnt I start this topic before I went to college >>.. and it hadnt died till this month .. oh well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]... heheh .. I use Face book.. I should be the Only Yale at University of Maryland College park
What do people even use facebook for, it seems useless to me. Now I am completely socially impotent but still, what is the point of facebook, so you can see where people from your high school went to college, who cares.
And why are finals so god damn difficult, as has been said an infinite number of times before, if you think you can accurately judge someones knowledge of a subject that took 4 months to teach them in 3 hours you are an idiot. Does one night of playing DotA and talking to my friend instead of studying mean i'm bad at statistics? I think it means i'm bad at time management and have a DotA problem...
Well, I just started to use facebook and its a great concept. It helps me stay in touch with all my old friends all over the country. I just created mine. Send me a PM if anyone wants to add me to thier freinds.
Only a week and a half untill spring semester....woo hoo.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Classes start 10 AM tomorrow for me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Taking 19 credits but it's going to be my last semester.
*High Five*
My last semester too. I'm going to be so glad to graduate. School is fun, but I'm ready to be done and start paying off my overwhelming student loans.
Hehe yeah I know what you mean. What's your major btw?
Engineering Physics and Society. If you're wondering about the society part, it's this add-on that you can have with any type of engineering at my university, and it extends your undergrad to 5 years, but you get to take other fun courses that break up the really tough technical ones (and also allows me to minor in Linguistics, which I love).
It's a new semester, and I've found a new vigor for the subject matter. It's surprising, I think I'm just riding a "high" wave from getting an unexpectedly good grade in compilers.
This semester: a class on database engines, and history of early modern philosophy! Oh, and working somewhere like 40ish hours a week at my job all semester, because my university's collections office lied to me. Whee! (And they wonder why I've been so negligent of the forums lately [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img])