I hope Simon starts fighting again soon and takes the position of leader. I don't really like Kittan.
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I hope Simon starts fighting again soon and takes the position of leader. I don't really like Kittan.
wikipedia says 26 eps... i'm not sure more would be better, unless there is another much much bigger story (obviously the Spiral King is not the main villain, or at least its not only the beastmen, but it would need to involve much more than that for it to be interesting for 52 eps...) the pace of this show is fast.
Gurren-Lagann - 11 - [anon]
Simon is back with one hell of a vengance!
hrmm...is anyone else worried about how viral suddenly had enough power to fend off the dai-gurren by himself?
lol why does nia give me the lacus clyne feel? man..i won't be laughing if she becomes the leader.. -_-'
awww man i'm really gonna miss kamina's spastic believe in me, that i believe in u that u believe in me that i believe in you speech..lol But i suppose he really did have to go, he was like taking up all the spotlight and was pretty much a complete characteer. Like there wasn't really much growth for him possible since he was already super uber cool haha...
Man finally we get to see Simon back to his senses, and in total badass glory during the fight scene with Genber. This show just gets my goosebumps out at it's best.
after hearing much and being highly recommended, I took a look at this show, watching eight episodes in two sittings.
i'm not sure what it is, but I really felt that there was something missing up until the 8th episode. The 50 person village intrigued me, and Boota makes me laugh, but other than that, I just couldn't get into the plot, the characters or the comedy. Part of it was the almost insane lacking of the prospective of death, which came to an end when Kamina dies. Otherwise, all the explosions and cave-ins are all sound and fury signifying nothing.
I'm not a huge fan of zany, hyper action or fanservice or super upbeat "YOU CAN DO IT!" attitudes. Someone once said that Eureka SeveN was an emo mecha show, all on a moody blender of depressants and stimulants. Well, this show seems to be primarily a sugar rush sustained by cocaine. The only thing I like is that it's almost campy, almost making fun of itself and the absolutely typical shounen mecha that it embodies.
Well, that's my two cents. And, as usual, it looks like alot of other people disagree and really enjoy this show. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose
I will casually continue to watch this, but don't be surprised to not see me saying a whole lot, and I think the odds are high that I'll drop it somewhere along the way. Black Order does a great job, I'll be sticking with their subs.
I love it, it's so absolutely off-the scale with the action. One of the reason why I liked it so much, is because of the art. You have to take it for what it is. It's not deep, it's a crazy action packed mecha anime. I'd compare it to 300, which is what came to mind.
I was just thinking of making a "This is SIMON!" image in Photoshop. The art on the explosion of Guame's Ganmen was truly beautiful. Galaxy in the background, reference to Simon's line about drilling a hole to the heavens, and each explosion in the sequence comes out as a cross.
Nia is also very likable. Despite her total naivette about almost everything, she identified the problem with Simon almost immediately, and began to make the efforts to get him out of Kamina's shadow right away. It took a while for it to get the message through to him, and now he and she can both live their own lives. I loved her little tear-filled gasp when he came through for her, and her resolve to provide a proper burial for the other "dolls."
kickass ep... I hope Simon gets as much confidence as Kamina had... because this is what made the show for me (even though for some obscure reason, Simon has always been my fave character)
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
haha yeah that's pretty much the only reason i kept watching this show, it just seemed really different from the typical mecha anime. Like at first i was very reluctant to watch it cause it all just seemed so...spastic. But ten episodes later it turns out that it's the silliness that acutally keeps me watching.
the last few mecha series i've watched seemed to have really annoying slow and clumsy moving mechas which kinda bugs me...so this series makes me happy chappy
Yeah, I have to agree with you that this show is really lacking in terms of character depth and plot. Watching 8 episodes in 2 sittings, I can see where you are coming from. I couldn't possibly watching more than 2 -3 episodes of this show in succession as there would definitely need to be a more engaging storyline to keep me into it. But I actually enjoy watching this show on a weekly basis. 20 or so minutes of this 'sugar rush sustained by cocaine' every week isn't all that bad. Its not the kind of thing of thing to go crazy over but it is decently entertaining in small quantities.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Anyways, pretty good episode with Simon back to his senses again. I really hope though that there is more to this series than simply bringing down the spiral king. 4 of the 5(?) spiral king subordinates have already been quite unsuccessful against the Gurren Brigade, so hopefully they are sufficiently close to taking down to king.
Also, I was dissappointed that Kittan simply handed over leadership to Simon. Personally, I would have liked to have see Simon fight for that position as well as some sort internal conflict within the brigade. I really didn't like how all the confusion and despair over Kamina's death was resolved for everyone as soon as Simon turned normal. There should still be feelings of resentment over a kid taking charge, regardless of how close he was to Kamina. Maybe I am just asking too much?
There would be no Gurren Brigade without Simon. There would've been no Gurren-Lagann, there would've been no Dai-Gurren if not for Simon. Even though, Kamina was the figurehead I'd say, the motivational speaker, and the leader. Behind the scenes, it was all Simon. It's only natural that he became the leader, he's now ascending and gaining the leadership status on his own merits. Kittan knows his faults, he lead the whole Brigade into a trap even with obvious warnings. There's no one more fit atm than Simon.
If you think about it, this show isn't much different from Mazinger-Z (anyone familiar with Nadesico should be familiar with Mazinger-Z plot and style). Simple, combining-robots mecha with an Evil Force versus a "family" of heroes. Kamina's death ("Joe!" from Gekiganger 3), his death occuring right as his relationship with Yoko turns serious, the evil cackles from the enemies, made beastmen or aliens to increase our distaste towards them. Showy Super Attacks that destroy the enemy completely and are easy to repeat. Even Nia is not unlike the Aquamarine subplot of Gekiganger 3 in Nadesico.
It's the simplicity of the cocaine sugar rush that makes Gurren Lagann great. We can go into each episode not expecting too much from it, but being pleased when they add a little depth to everything. Unlike Gekiganger 3, we know there's no chance of Kamina (Joe) being resurrected for a final showdown with an overpowering final boss thus forming the Dragon Dai Gurren Lagann Platinum. Yoko has become an extremely bitter heroine since Kamina's death and their ultra-short romance. No brief period of grief and then happily moving on. Yoko probably won't be the same for a long time. Nia identified what was wrong with Simon right away, and has been approaching him for days, unlike a quick conversation that fixes everything in an instant.
Vapid simplicity makes Gurren Lagann decent, but sneaking in depth beyond that base level, and a good rock soundtrack too, makes it great.
It's a shame now. The Simon-Yoko relationship won't take off anymore with the introduction of Nia. Her lines now are reduced to "Kamina, why'd you have to die idiot T_T" and "I've got your back Simon!". I see no chance for her character to become anymore than a side character anymore. Her heroine role now belongs to Nia. If she's still solemn and obsessed with Kamina, her character would be dead to me. Her overreaction over the past couple episodes was necessary in a sense, but also completely unnecessary at the same time to the watchers (or atleast just me).
Finally! it's gotten awesome again. :)
I watched Nadesico (I found it boring), I see no similarities.
Not Nadesico, but the anime within the anime, Gekiganger 3. Gurren Lagann is very much in line with older, more traditional mecha from the 70's and 80's.
Man, am I late to the show or what? Just got into this series (finally had the free time to watch a few episodes) and its got some great scenes.
After episode 11, we can get less emo Simon and a little more comedic sillyness.
Episode 12 - anon
Beware, the file is just about 400 megs for some odd reason.
You guys need to download the raws and Anon's .ass files so much better then their actual releases. ( tho its the exact same everything script wise)
This is the raw you should get:
Its awesome quality, 500mb but awesome nonetheless.
I really enjoyed the part where the guys complained that Yoko was wearing more than usual. I knew it would happen too. For how slutty she dresses all the time, Yoko has been pretty embarrassed when it comes to showing more skin.
Kind of sad to see Adaine go, she was more interesting than some of the other villains because she openly hated Nia so much.
Nia's hair looks terrible short by the way. But maybe it will grow on me.