Please sir, may I have some more?
[SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku 16 (xvid)
[SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku 16 (h264, 720p)
School kendo antics abound :)
.... at least, for the first 15 minutes. you'll see....
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Please sir, may I have some more?
[SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku 16 (xvid)
[SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku 16 (h264, 720p)
School kendo antics abound :)
.... at least, for the first 15 minutes. you'll see....
yeaaaa. that was weird... although the super-move was pretty cool... and hayate's training (with the wave and the flower) to get a supermove was kinda funny (<--- phrase purposefully written to puzzle the hell out of someone who hasn't seen the episode)
but the last fifteen minutes... well i guess its a kind of filler...
I'll think of it as a collection of short "slice of life" films :p
They really experiment a lot of stuff with Hayate. Its nice, but I just hope they dont overdo it. It kind of gets me down though, that there are a lot of guys stronger than Hayate. I always enjoyed him surprising the hell out of everyone with his extreme power and jack-of-all-trades quality. Now he is just one of the butlers. Well, I guess this was a super combat story to begin with, so I cant really complain...
Yey, a Nagi episode. Does anyone else think that the relationships between the characters in this show is based mostly on pity? I mean, Maria and Nagi pity Hayate and interact with him as such, and as shown in this episode, Hayate pities and symphatizes with Nagi for being unable to draw manga. Its like a circle of looking down at each other rather than a real love triangle.
Code Geass Lancelot FTW!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by KoKo37
cool ep. wasn't as cool as i thought it'd be tho, but still very enjoyable
Total randomness again. Not as much as Lucky Star, but still pretty up there.
I didn't really like this episode. There wasn't really a focus at all. I did like the mentioning that screencappers should be on high alert during the whole episode, and then providing numerous slow shots and several angles. The Lancelot reference was amusing as well, but Lucky Star had a reference to CG too this week. ("Buy me the Le***ch manga")
This episode just didn't have "it" like the other anime exclusive episode and the main storyline.
Beet the Vandal ......
LOL, good episode.
Great episode.
Can.. err.. can someone tell me where I find the ED song?
(The second one, not the first one)
I am kind of.. addicted to it. :o
Huh, whaddya know ... eclipse is on their usual schedule ...
[Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!! - 22 (XviD)
[Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!! - 22 (720p h264)
surprised nobody posted 20 or 21.
I guess there's not much to talk about with this series though ...
This show's enjoyability really droped of for me around the episodes where Hayate went to school. Maybe I'm not getting the jokes anymore or something but it's felt fairly bland for a while.
yea... the last two eps (20-21) were uneventful. enjoyable but nothing to talk about.
22 was funny as hell tho and a lot happened. and several Haruhi references!
I think it simply gets repetitive, having no real plot. All people can talk about it "I liked this joke, or that joke" and that gets tiring and pointless fast.
Oh, and it seems like I understood everything about each character after seeing them only once. They really should develop them a bit more.
The narrator really makes this series. Can you imagine what this series would be like without that voice? I can't.
I absolutely agree. I liked that voice ever since I first heard it in the anime Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas. He played a freaking stone statue there that cant move any part of its body (but can teleport and shoot lasers), and thus had no expressions, but his voice made it possible to understand and be funny and interesting.
His role in Code Geass and Baccano was unfitting though.
23 and 24:
Finally caught up... I was still on episode 11 or so. Hopefully Hayate can learn an Ultimate Technique soon. This show could use a bit more action, all the action scenes are well animated, so they are fun to watch.
By the way, how loyal has this been to the manga so far?