Bokurano ~ Episode 10 ~ The Triad ~ avi
Twinkle twinkle, little light, you gon' die after this fight. Fin~
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Bokurano ~ Episode 10 ~ The Triad ~ avi
Twinkle twinkle, little light, you gon' die after this fight. Fin~
i have been waiting for a very..very..long time..
Finally. I love this anime. I got a bit surprised when she asked for a customer, didn't see that coming.
Phone call isn't in manga. Next episode will be "lively".
wait... was that just an uplifting episode of Bokurano? I mean, I kept waiting for it to get dark and depressing, but it seemed to be positive all the way through! I so thought the fat businessman was going to be the 'customer' and then I thought the actual guy was going to turn out to be some crazy sick weirdo... I was totally expecting something else from this episode.
So, Nakama's mom was really just an honest working woman now? And that guy didn't do anything to Nakama? And nobody got hurt in the battle?
What was with the location of the fight? Every other one happened right outside of the pilot's house or in their neighborhood, but even Dung Beetle didn't offer any kind of explanation for why this fight was different...
Crap, preview looks like Moji's up next... he's my favorite... T_T
i'm half way through the episode..i must say.. i got stunned when the fat guy came..i thought he was the customer @_@..
EDIT: if phone call isn't in manga.. then Kana requesting to find her brother's mother is also made up?
Woot! Been a while since we've seen any kids dying or giant robots getting beat down.
You mean kids dying WHILE (well, after) giant robots getting beat down.
i freakin' cried. this show just does it to me... i feel like i'm about to be in tears just as the OP closes...
Moji was my favorite... Heroic beyond words, and brains to boot.
That had to be the hardest fight they've had yet; basically a two on one, with a false core and giant freakin swords. (I was confused though, as I thought Blue was defending, and Yellow cut off Zearth's head, but then Moji yells about how that means the non-attacker is a coward, and the core, and then stabs Yellow? I was confused...) Although I think I understand, that the enemy defending its 'fake core' thought Moji was doing the same thing, and so attacked the head instead, revealing that the one which wasn't defending actually did have the core... a pretty risky strategy...
Was Moji actually protecting his core? We still don't know where it is...
Dung Beetle was so nasty early on in the episode (though you knew he would grant Moji's wish, this show isn't that twisted) and Ushiro seriously needs to get beat the fuck up... I can't stand him.
It was insanely risky. What if the core had been in the head?
Moji tells Dung Beetle that he knows where the Zearth's core is (using his sixth sense, the only lame part of the episode). I think it actually is in the chest where he was protecting, since the head got sent flying and the abdomen got pierced pretty badly. Besides, humans almost always ride in the chests of mechas.
I'm pretty sure Zearth's core is in its chest. Dung Beetle, despite being a twisted little fella, seemed to confirm that.
Double dose of angst, giant robots, and dying kids
Bokurano - The Triad - Episode 12 - avi
Bokurano - The Triad - Episode 13 - avi
They sure expanding manga's content but i like that they doing it while staying true to characters. The truth about Zearth and battles was reviled.
WowZorz! Those two episodes were teh shyt. Won't spoil anyone just yet.:D Love the plot. Christ, I love how they develop the characters. Awesome ending.
Pure awesomeness!
Seriously, I love the concept of the battles. I've always thought Zearth would be battling robots from other countries.I can't wait for more =)
talking about episode 12 and 13...
wow, that is NOT what I expected to be going on AT ALL!
Just when it felt pretty safe to guess that the opponents going againt Zearth were aliens, we get this bomb dropped on us. For me this was the most gripping fight so far. Moji's was a little more tactically interesting to me, and I never really cared much for Ano, but seeing the 'other humans' cheering on their fighter and then actually seeing the actual enemy pilots was really something else... I got shivers when the stars started to disappear...
Funny that the whole 'parallel universes' was just discussed in This thread and now these two episodes came out... Now I know what Kokopelli meant when in the first manga chapter he mentioned that he was "human, but not from this Earth". Seems like whoever served as the Dung Beetle for the enemies in 13 told them the truth and that information then got passed on to the public... makes 'our reality' look not so great by comparison...
Weeding out future universes... what a premise...
Ano's otaku dad was really funny to me. Episode 12 felt a little off, and I didn't care for the music, but it was nice to have some slice-of-life humor (only in a show like this does a 13 year old girl getting spanked by her dad qualify as humor). Episode 13 was absolute craziness. And that ending!
the new ED is very good. I'm glad they didn't replace the OP either.
So basically, we're just watching an anime version of The One. Same concept but a lot more interesting.
only on the very broad level of 'Zearth' vs. 'Alternate Earths'. they make it pretty clear, the battle is between different worlds. While they look similar at times and are all populated by humans, the actual people fighting are all different. Ano says it herself in Episode 13 when, "but this Earth doesn't have my mom or dad or baby brother on it".Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I will grant that the concepts have some similarities, though...
but i'd rather take slow, plodding giant mecha battles over fast-paced martial arts, provided the former has an excellent story (or stories, as this series seems to be composed of lots of little stories weaved into a larger one), while Jet Li's flick was, um, well, it didn't leave me 'moved', that's for sure...