ANN just removed the previously posted title for episode 183.
Wonder what was that about....
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ANN just removed the previously posted title for episode 183.
Wonder what was that about....
it already says 3more weeks im going with that i have no real reason not to believe that since its the best idea of when it will end and also the only info we got
Last week they said it was 23 more weeks, remember?Quote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
Again. Do not take Dattebayo's info as true. Until proven correctly, they are just rumors.
Response to below:
An april's joke that lasted for 3 weeks?
If I remember correctly, they posted it more than one week.
Not a valid argument man.
that was a joke for april fools. dont think they are doing it again.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Yeah, what RyougaZell said. I can get with April Fool's jokes on the 29th of march, but the 16th of March is just pushing it, don't you think? Not to mention they have Naruto 001 and the Funimation buyout as their jokes. So personally, I'm neither believing nor disbelieving Dattebayo. At least until we get an actual title for 183 (the one on ANN must have had no source to be removed)
Yeah man, I back you up.Quote:
Originally Posted by Naruto_Fan
This was such a good anime, now it is even worse than the rouroni kenshin filler arc.
Well episode 183 is back in ANN and the English translation of its title is (taken from ANN as well):
The star that shines brighter
Re-added ANN info.
2006- 05-03
183. The star that shines brighter
Hoshi wa Kagayaki wo Mashite
Having star in the title is a bad sign...
bleh... I'll watch hack//Roots instead...
Click-click......POW. What you just heard was the sound of me painting the wall with my brain.... This is rediculous. are the damn fillers ever going to end? I have almost completely given up hope. The rest of this arc better be friggin awesome or I'm done with Naruto (which just means I'm done anyway, as there's no way they can make it awesome)
I'm still lingering on the words of that Perriot official saying the fillers would end by this May. That, at least, gives me some hope.
This recent development is really tearing apart that hope though. How long do they plan to keep this up?
Woo-hoo, more peacock chakra fillers! This is the best news!
peacock.......................... peacock? you silly bastard Its not about that its probally about ANOTHER star..... Yes another Chackra Star that has even a Worse storyline to it and somehow it lets naruto make better ramen......
I am gonna take up smoking just so I can add to the enjoment Naruto by putting Cigarette buts out on my arms and legs while I watch fillers...........
Mother son of a gun. Well, me thinks its about time to start the vacation from Naruto, atlast. I know it took me long enough but i was hoping for a better episode the next week and the next week after that and the next week after that, for about a year. But watching the bullshit they are passing off as anime is unbearable. Well i am packing my bags, someone give me a call when the fillers finally end.
To the Naruto writers
Hello. You fucking asshole, mother fuckers. I hope i am the one torturing you ass in hell and if murder wasn't a crime i would take pleasure in hacking your asses to pieces. You all, can't write a fucking descent filler to fucking save the world. Fucking morons, i think you all define the meaning of that word. You fucks, fuck you. You are so lucky i don't live i Japan, so so lucky.
well i feel better. Anyone know where do i mail this too by any chance know the personal addresses and emails of the writers. Anyways see you all when the fillers end, if it ever does. What a shame to do something like this after it started off so great. What a waste.
Before sending it to anywhere I suggest that you translate from whatever it is to english so they might understand it. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
why its readerable, and it expresses my fustration. It shows exactly how i feel; pissed off, aggravated, dissappointed and insane. There is no need in wrting a formal letter to morons.
I'll second that, they would be so confused by something well written that their heads would explode. Not that that would be a bad thing... Rewrite it dragonrage!!!! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
This is kind of spoiler-ish. If you care about spoiling the fillers dont read this (and I feel sorry for you).
183話 (5/3)
母の死を感じ取ったスマルは、怒りにわれを忘れて飛びだすが、アカホシはこの機にスマルを討ち取ろうと、里 の忍者を総動員して迎え撃つ。しかし、ミヅラたちが星の修行の真実を告発してアカホシの野望が露見すると、 忍者たちは反発。そこでアカホシは最後の手段にでる。
>>脚本=武上純希 演出=木村寛 絵コンテ=林隆文 作画監督=森田実
Poor Translation:
183 stories (5 / 3)
As for the star increasing shining,
Forgetting the crack in anger, it starts flying the スマル which gets wise the death of the mother, but when ス マ Lu probably will be arrested in this machine, entire mobilizing the ninja of the village, it ambushes the アカホシ. But, the ミヅラ prosecuting the truth of training of the star, when ambition of the アカホシ is divulged, as for the ninja rally. Then as for アカホシ in with last expedient る.
Pure rare production = Kimura Hiroshi picture continuity = Hayasi Takashi sentence drawing supervision = Morita truth on >> script = military affairs
"last expedient" gives me hope.
uhh, yeah. here's a slightly more readable summary of 183, from
Sumaru learns of the death of his mother in a previous episode. The ninja of the village rally after Akahoshi’s secret ambition is revealed and the truth of the meteorite is revealed by Mizura (i.e. the sick ninja from the latest episode).
Evil... just plainly evil...
I hope 184 has a better title...
The only good thing of this filler arc is seeing Tenten.
I agree, Tenten is the only thing that makes this arc worthwhile
ANN: 184. Inuzuka Kiba's Lo~ng DayQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell