Sharkcoons are too dumb to survive in the wild thats why they are endagered species.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
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Sharkcoons are too dumb to survive in the wild thats why they are endagered species.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Nope, this stories been passed down generation after generation of Purple Sharkcoons. The reason Sharkcoons are endangered is because its really quite hard to get a Shark and a racoon to..well :rolleyes: um, ya know, do it, thus leading to a really small population, but with the help of these threads::D
We've gotten many sharks and racoons to put aside their differences and get down with their bad selves, and thus, in a manner of speaking,
You sir....are our father.:)
*ducks as some ramdom object flys over him*
Ah..., guys just to remind you all that you got 3 days (excluding today) to PM your submission as a attachment.
now back your little war..
gosh damn the amount of posting in this is nuts.
It's cool that the groups made themselves some sigs though, really wasn't expecting that. Looking forward to the entries, hope the guys who got the pics I pulled out enjoy working on them :)
Technically couldn't two sharckcoons just do it? So if you have a male sharkcoon and a female sharkcoon, theres no need to force two sharks and racoons to do it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
"Crossbred mutant abominations will soon take over gotwoot. Save yourself before its too late."
______----------===The Purple Sharkcoons===----------______Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
So whos the bitch and whos the butch ? :p
I was wondering how come DeadFire has access to such hardcore hentai pictures. I was going to ask him about it but your post made things clearer. No offense DeadFire.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Fockers! All the way............
..........up your asses
You suck Jadauqoierugioauoireuqi f23ujarkerjka :p
Originally Posted by Knives122
Who pissed in your cereal this morning, knives1234567890?
Guilty as charged...Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Whats with extending each other's names by 819324782 characters?
You guys suck0318-4293048
You other teams better have something good up your sleeves (or fins, or trashcans). Tomorrow's deadline day!
The Fockers have got this covered.
Good thing I didn't eat that bowl that day, or any other day for that matter.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
But he extended the numbers b/c I usually spell his name like this: Jaduaoeqioerjoeiajreijfianvakeoa3qjdkafa
it's an inside joke ;)
Originally Posted by Knives122
Originally Posted by Knives122
They clearly don't should at least be consistant with it.
The pics? Don't you mean the pic you pulled out.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
So, are all the moderators working together to make these events? I assumed it was just Deadfire with that much free time...Quote:
Originally Posted by Budweineken
The consistency is that I'm not consistent with it. Every time I've done it I've made sure to not do it in the same way againQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
... I really don't know what to make of this.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
I thought you proved that I did?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Anyways today is the day I need those pics IN ATTACHMENT FORM!!!!!. Oh sorry I kind of went off the handle there, it's possible that is because I wrote that in the rules and explained that 3 times...
If you don't know how to make a attachment well, sucks to be you now doesn't it
Has somebody given the captains the ability to attach files to PMs? At least I don't have that ability as a regular member.
Don't tell me can't, darn it...Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Alright if you can't uploaded it then to imageshack, *sigh*
Since Im not the captain of my team I hadn't noticed that...
Yeah, we can't add attachments in pms. Woops.