It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
You know what's overrated?
Winter!! God, they picture everything so white and pretty but they don't picture your toes getting cold and your hair freezing because it was wet nor do they picture you falling into the snow and not being able to get out.
winter isn't overrated if you're into skiing or snowboarding...
That must be very true but if you live in a tropical country and yet Christmas in TV, even national, country-made TV is pictured with snow and... snow, you do tend to get tired =P
@el_boss - that thing about tap water might be true. Hotel's tap water is safe, for instance. my house's tap water is safe, but most of the time, yes, you'll suffer from lots of dhiarrea. In fact, your weak swedish stomach will die from our food!! or not.
Overrated -
I never understood what's so good about One Piece. I tried - read up to chapter 200 of the manga (pretended I liked it), watched the anime when I heard my favorite seiyuu has a role in it but I just couldn't get into it.
I don't like the artstyle at all, the women are horribly painted and the guy takes Super-Deformed to the next level, most character designs strike me as stupid.
And the plot seems like the most average shounen plot for me - I fight you, we become friends, we fight bad guys and get beaten at first before the power of friendship defeats evil.
It's so goddamn overrated
@Winged Dancer: One Piece has one of the deepest most emotional plots I have ever seen in an anime. I'm a real macho man (or not), but there were parts that almost made me cry (which I would never do for something fictional but almost). One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects. I agree that the artwork is a little "childish" at first but it gets better as the show progresses (keep in mind that the show started in 1999). The only problem I have is that almost all the women look like eachother except Robin. And my stomach is made of iron, no food in the world can topple me... except extremely fat food which give some moderate troubles.
Almost all "classic" authors and their books are overrated.
Religion in general is overrated.
The Lord of the rings books and movies are overrated beyond belief. I mean the books suck ass, as do the movies now that they have lost their original luster.
It's so goddamn overrated
What is "the revolutionary swedish sleep system"? :S
For the record I'm not as sexed up as I might appear to be, it's more like an image thingy... but hey, not like anyone believes me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: el_boss
@Winged Dancer: One Piece has one of the deepest most emotional plots I have ever seen in an anime. I'm a real macho man (or not), but there were parts that almost made me cry (which I would never do for something fictional but almost). One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects. I agree that the artwork is a little "childish" at first but it gets better as the show progresses (keep in mind that the show started in 1999). The only problem I have is that almost all the women look like eachother except Robin. And my stomach is made of iron, no food in the world can topple me... except extremely fat food which give some moderate troubles.
Almost all "classic" authors and their books are overrated.
Religion in general is overrated.
The Lord of the rings books and movies are overrated beyond belief. I mean the books suck ass, as do the movies now that they have lost their original luster.
everything he said.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: el_boss
One Piece displays one of the widest specras of human emotions and brings up alot of "tough" subjects.
The last few episodes in the Arlong Park episode... oh man, brought a tear in my eye.
What's overrated? Sex. SOOOO overrated.
edited for grammar and punctuation
It's so goddamn overrated
I still can't get into One Piece. Gave it a try (and a long try - 200 manga chapters should be enough) and got no reaction out of me. I simply can't. Whether it's because of the art style or the plot (which I've never found to be as deep as you all guys say) or whatever, I can't.
I mean, I'm a girl! I'm really sensitive, too! Cry with most books and things. Cried with Victorian Romance Emma, cried RIVERS with Gankutsuou, cried a lot with Basilisk, cried EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Saikano, cried when I first read Lord of the Rings, cried with uh, Final Fantasy IX, with Little Women and Little Men too, and with that movie Finding Neverland - cried during ALL of the movie.
But the most I've gotten out of One Piece is rolling my eyes. Perhaps it's TOO macho for me! like, it only makes guys cry!
The Lord of the Rings - I absolutely love it. Read it when I was 12 (eight years ago) and loved it, re-read it two years ago and still loved it. Of course the style is old - not only was it written 50 years ago, it was written with that style in mind. It's the mother and basis of all modern epics, that much is a fact.
Guess it all comes down to one's own likings... someone in this thread said reading was overrated, I think that's just an excuse for not reading but then again I've always loved to read - ever since I was a little, little girl.
Vampires are fucking overrated.
Want the real deal on Vampires? Here it goes -
Vampires as we know them (Dracula-like, handsome sexy devils) were created in the Victorian Era as a representation of everything man wanted to be but couldn't. I mean Jesus, during the Victorian Era it was considered wrong to say "leg" in everyday conversations because of the sexual undertones!!
So instead they created the Vampire, an sexy mature man who seduces young, nubile virgins and sucks their blood - SURPRISE, that's a methaphore for popping their cherry!! In other words vampires are just frustrated grown men who want to have sex with teens.
Same goes for female vampires. Why do they only eat children blood?
Because it's a metaphore for a woman's biological fear of child-birth. Not only that, during the Victorian Era women were so repressed they tended to snap during child-birth and tried to kill their babies. Yes, the victorias were _that_ fucked up.
But thanks to Anne Rice and the morons who make the roleplaying game everyobody is like "ooooh i'm a vampyr, lol, its so cool, like, lestat and shit" and they just don't notice that being "gothic" means "being ultimately screwed up" or perhaps "wanting to kill one's mother because her spanking made you develop an anal conflict that makes you want to screw older women."
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
I still can't get into One Piece. Gave it a try (and a long try - 200 manga chapters should be enough) and got no reaction out of me. I simply can't. Whether it's because of the art style or the plot (which I've never found to be as deep as you all guys say) or whatever, I can't.
I mean, I'm a girl! I'm really sensitive, too! Cry with most books and things. Cried with Victorian Romance Emma, cried RIVERS with Gankutsuou, cried a lot with Basilisk, cried EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Saikano, cried when I first read Lord of the Rings, cried with uh, Final Fantasy IX, with Little Women and Little Men too, and with that movie Finding Neverland - cried during ALL of the movie.
But the most I've gotten out of One Piece is rolling my eyes. Perhaps it's TOO macho for me! like, it only makes guys cry!
The Lord of the Rings - I absolutely love it. Read it when I was 12 (eight years ago) and loved it, re-read it two years ago and still loved it. Of course the style is old - not only was it written 50 years ago, it was written with that style in mind. It's the mother and basis of all modern epics, that much is a fact.
Guess it all comes down to one's own likings... someone in this thread said reading was overrated, I think that's just an excuse for not reading but then again I've always loved to read - ever since I was a little, little girl.
Vampires are fucking overrated.
Want the real deal on Vampires? Here it goes -
Vampires as we know them (Dracula-like, handsome sexy devils) were created in the Victorian Era as a representation of everything man wanted to be but couldn't. I mean Jesus, during the Victorian Era it was considered wrong to say "leg" in everyday conversations because of the sexual undertones!!
So instead they created the Vampire, an sexy mature man who seduces young, nubile virgins and sucks their blood - SURPRISE, that's a methaphore for popping their cherry!! In other words vampires are just frustrated grown men who want to have sex with teens.
Same goes for female vampires. Why do they only eat children blood?
Because it's a metaphore for a woman's biological fear of child-birth. Not only that, during the Victorian Era women were so repressed they tended to snap during child-birth and tried to kill their babies. Yes, the victorias were _that_ fucked up.
But thanks to Anne Rice and the morons who make the roleplaying game everyobody is like "ooooh i'm a vampyr, lol, its so cool, like, lestat and shit" and they just don't notice that being "gothic" means "being ultimately screwed up" or perhaps "wanting to kill one's mother because her spanking made you develop an anal conflict that makes you want to screw older women."
Originally posted by:Giboc[/b]
Hahaha, silly silly boy, there are no girls on the internet.
About the vampire thing, that just creeped me out.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
not all vampires suck, Alucard from Hellsing was awsome. Just a reminder....
P.S. Wait, who doesn't want to be a sexy man who seduces teenagers?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
She didn't say vampires sucked, she said they were overrated and I agree wholeheartedly. I've got 3 friends who's screennames have something to do with vampires. They're an obsession for gothic and emo kids who like the sexual masochism involved with vampires, and think that they are teh coolest thing ever because they're undead and dark and evil and etc.
It's so goddamn overrated
Goth is overrated. Not as it began, but as its become. I can't stand gothic people who feel so superior to everyone else. They're supposed to be so accepting and open-minded to everything, but I know so many that are unrelated to each other, yet share the common characteristic of being condescending pricks. I know one goth, just one, who is into it and displays everything that the group is supposed to stand for, and never once do you get the feeling that he feels he's better than you, even though in most cases he probably is.
Edit: Oh god...I've been hearing a lot about Dane Cook lately, and now a thread was created in his honor. So I went to his site and checked out some of the audio and the clips there. In 40 minutes on that site, the most he could muster out of me was a chuckle at the practical joke he pulled on his friend. This man is not funny, and given his popularity, highly overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
Yeah, asian chicks are super overrated. I mean, my asshole is way tighter than them. I feel it everytime I take a shit. It hurts.
Anyway, Dane Cook is a bag of douche (ripped off a Dane Cook line right there). Like Uchiha Barles said, he is retardedly overrated. Most of his shit is over-the-top, ostentatiously ostentatious, and thus, ostentatiously annoying. And it's not like any of his shit goes over my head either. I get it, and it's still not funny.
It's so goddamn overrated
I'm talking about labels on people like "He's a goth" "oh look at him what a jock" etc. etc. Everybody labels people they don't know and labeling people is so goddamn overrated, you don't know the person so why bother trying to have an opinion about them?
Pro Wrestling, Nascar, Monstertrucks and every other passtime in that vein americans have.
I have failed to see the coolness of all these things, okay sure they are big and muscular so thin nerds can obsess about their manliness and sure they drive around in a circle for 1 million laps and crash once in a while and on top of that those other guys drives a big ass truck named after a superhero and tries to do retarded "tricks" with their big toy.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
not all vampires suck, Alucard from Hellsing was awsome. Just a reminder....
P.S. Wait, who doesn't want to be a sexy man who seduces teenagers?[img][/img]
Alucard from Hellsing was good because he's an actual Vampire. He doesn't need to be talking shitty gothing lines or to worry about the endless pain of un-living to be cool, and best of all - he's not OMG tortured because like I have to kill humans to survive!!!!1 =((((((
And the thing about old men seducing teens? Well, it'd be pretty freaky for the teen, if you ask me.
I like Vampires. But I also like gothic literature, which is much much much screwed up than most vampires-wannabes will ever understand. If only the people at Whitewolf attended to some gothic lit course perhaps they'd be able to create a better roleplay.
On labels - I tend to keep an open mind before labeling people... which is to say I do label them but only after I've gotten to know them or tried to at the very least. They are useful for gossiping, and since there are girls on the internet, we get together and gossip, so there.
It's so goddamn overrated
standardized tests are overrated. Not everyone is good at test taking.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
And the thing about old men seducing teens?
It's so goddamn overrated
LOL, I saw that film just yesterday. It makes me laugh so stupidly much.
BTW, the Ace Ventura films are overrated, or at least so by my cousins, who consider them to be the pinnacle of comedy.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
LOL, I saw that film just yesterday. It makes me laugh so stupidly much.
BTW, the Ace Ventura films are overrated, or at least so by my cousins, who consider them to be the pinnacle of comedy.
seriously the first Ace Ventura movie is close to the best comedy piece ever made. That movie is brilliant, the second one is nothing special but the first one is godly.
It's so goddamn overrated
OMG, Aceventura was the best comdey movie ever. Every time i see him come out of that Rhinosaraus and the kids are watching, i just cant help but burst out and laugh.
It's so goddamn overrated
WD's cousins and you guys would get along great then hhahaha... and i agree, i LOVED the first ace ventura....then jim carrey wanted to be taken seriously as an actor =P
It's so goddamn overrated
I like his serious attempts much better than most of his comedies. Perhaps liking Ace Ventura and One Piece are related...?