Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Those colorized Neji pics are just guesses, there is no way for us to know what his clothes will look like until we actually see him in the anime.
Also, when I saw "post-filler" Neji the first time, my Neji fandom leapt a couple of miles. Suffice to say, I love the design.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Yeah and we will get new Fillers about " Naruto and Chuunins Go get some new gear" arc.
New Neji Sakura and Naruto looks way better. Hope we'll get thoses outfits with no delay
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Kraco
At first I thought Sakura was pregnant, then I realised it was an empty speech bubble...
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Always knew that Sakura was a teenage slut and Sasuke was a deadbeat dad. That's gotta be the real reason he left. That, and Sakura wouldn't shut up or stop crying .
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Heh heh. A great edit, mr3vi1m0nk3y!
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
LOL... That comic is hilarious
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Nice!!!....that so could be passed off as the real thing. On Neji though he looks more more mature now and more fitting to his charactor. The robes were a nice thing but him fighting with them doesn't seem do-a-ble. I wonder who is the next charactor?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
My favorite ones are the ones where Inane releases joke chapters about Narutofan stealing their scanslations
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
So...what? She's, like...taller now?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
gloves and a long-sleeve shirt
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Well, Tenten still looks cute, but based on this it looks like she won't change into any real babe. I wonder how she intends to conquer Neji, who is, on the other hand, turning into a real badass. Although who knows, maybe Neji likes her best the way she is.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
With this outfit you get the feeling that Tenten is more concern with being a good ninja than looking sexy
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: nests
With this outfit you get the feeling that Tenten is more concern with being a good ninja than looking sexy
Damn! That should be a crime.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
nests sentiment has my concurrance.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I agree. Of all the current (anime-wise) female genin in konoha, she seems to be the least interested in guys. Except for the "he's cute" comment about Sasuke during the chuunin exam and the way she was staring at Lee while he was training that one time, she seems the least interested in boys. Then again, that could be because Ino, Sakura, and Hinata are obsessive about the boys they like. I take it that scroll is for summoning more weapons for Tenten, huh?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Moegi ain't too interested in boys.
And Neji totally reminds me of Haku
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Do we know if these colorized pictures are actually the right colors?
For the Naruto and Sakura pictures, yes, those are the right colors. Kishimoto included his own colored pages that Inane usually includes in the release with theirs. So far, however, its only been Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura. As for Neji, the ones Assertn and Deadfire posted haven't really been confirmed yet. The artist that digitally colors it (mostly people from DeviantArt) usually color it to what they think makes the character look nicer.
EDIT: Whoops...I was on page 4 and I thought that was the last page, lol. Sorry about that.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Rek
Moegi ain't too interested in boys.
Moegi isn't a genin at this point in the anime, I said currently, referring to before the time jump.
Edit: v Good point as well.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
moegi thought sasuke was cute the same time temari did