Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I agree too... SFreedom is shit. Infinite Justice all the way!!!
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
aw man dullindal didnt shoot kira oh well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
arthrun pwned shinn like nothing *is reminded about the "OFFICIAL RANKINGS" stating that Shinn is superior to arthrun in skills* dahahah fukuda fooking sux
rey owns, he owned jibril and dullindal, too bad he had to go and die... and i'm still clueless as to why kira went into messiah...
shinn was some main character [/sarcasm]... i really want that gsd: endless waltz now.. that could possibly save gsd... seriously, what was the point of the whole series if zaft just got owned like nothing by the goodie too-shoes faction at the end. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
oh well... did i mention fukuda fooking sux?
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Deblas
No, I think its Freedom. doesn't SF use a beam shield?
Yep, that's definately original Freedom. Considering the fact that it's holding a shield in its right(left) whatever, hand, instead of a beam rifle. Methinks it's a reused scene from Freedoms fight with Destroy...
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
This ending SUCKED ASS. One ofthe biggest copout endings ever. Two thumbs Down for a show that started out pretty good.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
i hate kira.... i was the main kira hater on the kira hating thread whenit existed........... and a real man would know when to stop when he goes too far. athrun was just too good for him... doing that is just plain stupid, i dont think its manly at all... also, athrun was the one that took down shin, not kira, i dont know where u got the idea i was a kira fanboy...
Ps strike freedom does suck, go justice!
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
Desperation combined with jealousy is a foul stench...
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Wow Akatsuki in this episode kicked ass. They should have changed the final picture of the opening song for phase 50 from athrun, kira, shinn to athrun, kira, mwu. That would be fitting. =)
As what have been said a lot of times in this thread, shinn in this episode totally SUCKED. BTW athrun went seed when he shielded luna from shinn's attack.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
I heard that there was going to be a 40 minute ep on the final DVD that is released for Destiny in Japan. Hopefully this is true and it will wrap up the ending.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Well drunkenmaster, those things arent' really surprising. Any real man would fight til the end. SHINN IS ADMIRABLE AND ALL KIRA FANBOYS SUCK AND ONLY LIKE HIM CUZ HE WINS AND NOBODY LIKES A GLOATER SO STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
(ps: strike freedom blows)
@Terra, Shinn might fight till the end, but he fights till the end like an idiot, HOW COULD HE EVER THOUGHT HE COULD STOPI ATHRUN'S BEAM SABER WITH DESTINY'S BARE-HANDS?, That is just plain stupid, not admirable. HE just attacks and never stops a second to think.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
@Terra, Shinn might fight till the end, but he fights till the end like an idiot, HOW COULD HE EVER THOUGHT HE COULD STOPI ATHRUN'S BEAM SABER WITH DESTINY'S BARE-HANDS?, That is just plain stupid, not admirable. HE just attacks and never stops a second to think.
I agree that Fukada made Shinn out to be a dumbass in the end, but at Shinn's defense with Destiny's bare hands... I believe it's not as dumb a move as you think... Shinn was in the middle of doing his Destiny palm thingy whatever and Arthrun came in and bashed him out of the way and immediately countered with his beam sabers... I think it was crazy Shinn even reacted with trying to block that counter with Destiny's hands because I don't think theres any other option he had. Destiny's hands emit beams from them, so I'd think it's not that dumb of a move. Don't tell me he could've dodged that attack, because there's no way there would've been enough time. If you think there was enough time to dodge that attack, tell me why Arthrun didn't dodge Kira's "Savior" attack, and why Kira didn't dodge Shinn's attack. Well, there's also the fakt that Arthrun is teh uber. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Oh well, why the hell do I even care? Shinn was a very poorly developed character. It's a shame, he had a lot of potential to be something in this series, but "fukuda" fooking sux.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
lol @ kyubisrage for quoting a Michael Jackson song (which is good btw). Unless the "lover not a fighter" part was a coincidence.
Where I'm from, everyone says that in defense to being called a pussy, and most people who say that don't even know where it came from (I know I didn't [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) Heh.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
My god, the good guys won without any tragic losses, without any ridiculous plot twists that throw them into more and more desperate situations at the last second, which they overcome with a Deus-Ex-Machina?
thats actually original
Seriously, everything you read/watch/listen to these days is filled to the brim with tragedy and generally dark themes. Its nice to finally see the good guys come through with a non-pyric victory for once.
Of course, just as Dullindal said, the world is immediately going to fall into chaos. He had most of it conquered, and now most of the world lost its leader.
And Kira said he was ready to fight, so that it doesn't fall all the way into darkness.
God, what a premise for a follow up.
All you naysayers who were hoping the good guys would lose half their friends to eke out a victory, go watch Evangelion for your fill of depression and pointless death.
A happy ending to this series is orginal and suits me fine.
PS: Strike Freedom owns, admit it. But not as much as Justice, or the new King, Akatsuki.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
Asuran clearly went seed when he blocked shinn's palm cannon and then dismantled Destiny.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Originally posted by: RoninChaos
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
its kinda funny how athrun didnt even use seed... and he pwned so hard. we only got a taste of his seed mode against shin in that one episode (43?). i wonder what athrun would be like if he actually even needed to stay more than 3 seconds in seed. it seems that kira needs his seed to take on shin, but athrun doesnt even need it remotely...
Asuran clearly went seed when he blocked shinn's palm cannon and then dismantled Destiny.
yeah i didnt mean it that way sorry, im just saying he fights evenly with shin without seed and the only times we ever see him in seed is for like 3 seconds, unlike kiras extended usage. @ MetroTZ, meh freedom is OK, but justice is like 5000000 times better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. probably the most funny part was when shin came in to save luna and he was like: are u alright?!!!. its so funny, shes so happy and hes like all aggroant with his annoying voice, 2 mins later hes crashing down. just the thought makes me laugh.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
Sorry for not posting earlier, I know many of you have been dying to read what I will type....and here it goes **drum roll**
THIS EPISODE.....................................SUCKED !!!!! I really thought everything was rushed. I even felt rushed watching it. I wanted to run around and feel like I was keeping pace with the action (or lack thereof). I really am disappointed with the finale. The series overall had it's great moments, but the ending really left a sour taste in my mouth. Sigh, oh well, it could have been worse. I'm glad Kira didn't shoot because he would have missed anyway. Although, Rey shooting the Chairman was a bit out of character. Rey was no clone of Rau, Rau wouldn't have changed his course of action in any way whatsoever. And him being Talia's son???? WTF [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] Oh, and if anyone is wondering what happened after Kira and company came back to earth.....well they didn't make it. For some reaosn, as they were entering the atmosphere, their respective suits and ships disintegrated while returning in the atmosphere. The protection wore off, and sun's ultraviolet rays all played a vital role in the death of everyone that was attempting to come back to space. In a sad but serious tone, Cagalli had this to say: They will all come back, they always do! This in turn sent a chilling response down the audience's spines.
Gundam Seed Destiny Final Phase
where can i put files on a website and link it so everyone can download it? (like movies, music etc)