wait a minute.. is thats sakura? !?
true she look so more hot...
edit : humm the female version of kakashi??? here
and more for temari lover...
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See, they can even make Kakashi look hot!!!!
Oh, yeah... My vote... I must say that Hinata is hot in that "Oh my god, I'm going to jail" kinda way
So my vote is for Temari... (less guilt there, Haha)
Girl version of Naruto!! ...damn I wish she wasnt him and just be a different char >,<
Oh my god.
Look at Temari's legs.
lol, I remember people going nuts over that scene when that ep came out.
holy shit that pic of sakura's hot?!
(hmm time for new avatar?)
temari is hot as usual.
Temari's .... legs.....
I'm sorry, what was I saying??
Oh... Chaoskiddo...... Like the new avatar...
sakura is cute.. and oh.. temari leg...
lol thats nice..
I didnt think I would say these words.
Sakura is looking hot.
lol, are they about to be raped? they're all tied up.
I think someone has a bondage fetish.... *shivers*
They are just about to see Naruto fillers. They are tied up so they cant run away.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
lol, are they about to be raped? they're all tied up.
LOL, probably a filler arc where konohamaru and his friends go on a D rank mission or something. O SNAP! Better hide this idea before its turned into another filler arc since it seems too hard for the series to just get back to the real story.
heh , nice sexy pictures [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
more!!! XD
Can someone plz find a more releaving picture of Temari.
Thanks in advance.
You can always find the Hentai versions of the ones already posted if you're that deperate...
I said revealing not disgusting. Yes there is a difference.
Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
Hinata's hot think its something to do with the shy thing and the way she blushs she gets my vote
Temari's not bad bit to demandin i want a bitch whos gonna have ma dinner ready when i get home not one whos gonna complain and wave her fan at me "look bitch i do the ninja stuff around here and you do the cooking got it"
Tsunade shes hot and she got tig ol' bitties to bad shes past her prime "look love no amount of cosmetic surgery's gonna hide the fact that you been banged more times than an Essex girl in a supermarket car park"
Kurenai shes not bad but lets face it we all know how she gave Hayate an S.T.I.
Anko's damaged goods she got taken in by the size of Orochimaru's serpent. He hated it so much he was put off women for life and has since turned his attention to young boys
Wouldn't you want your woman to look as good as Tsunade when she's 50 some fucking years old?
He doesnt want Anko, Temari, Tsunade orKurenai.
Dont you get it. He is gay. He wants a man.