Originally posted by: Mae
Not too bad an ep. Plenty of things blowing up. People can talk about plot until we're all blue in the face, but we all know everyone watches GSD for the pretty explosions [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I like Kira and Shinn's fight, the move where Kira disarmed Shinn by cathcing the saber in his suit's hands was nice. I don't think there was any real danger of Shinn running out of energy. Rey just wanted to call him back to get him to cool down some, and maybe give him another saber, since it looks like that is the only thing that can really damage Freedom.
It was too bad Cagalli couldn't do more, but I guess she's a politician, not a pilot.
The new trio beats the others so far in my book. For bonus points can anyone tell me the name of the dom pilot with the glasses?
You forgot the Kira destroyed both of his beam boomerangs which Shinn threw at Cagalli...