Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
I think Meer just said she's Lacus to fight the thought of leaving with Athrun. I'm pretty sure she wanted to, but she knew that if she does, Athrun wouldn't treat her like the real Lacus. To her (obviously an amateur singer), playing Lacus is like a dream come true. For whatever reason, she was suddenly given the opportunity to live the life of the most famous person in the world. She would have to throw away this miracle if she leaves with Athrun. To her, being Lacus is about receiving attention and power. The second she leaves, she's no longer Lacus. She kept saying she's Lacus because she doesn't want to lose what that name has given her. So to sum it up, I don't think Meer is wacko at all.
I think what you are referring to here are "Delusions of Grandeur", and I'm pretty sure delusions are a symptom of some sort of psychological illness.