RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: animefreak
hey,Eurasian. Can i get some of your pictures? you too Wing dancer.
hmmm, I wouldnt mind seeing their pics either(you dont have to if you dont want to, not a big deal) but I probably wont *dark cloud over head mode*
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
i still want to see it. post it!! post it!! post it!! but then again you don't have to if you don't want it.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Lol, you guys are starting to sound like you have no associations with other girls in the outside world.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
No, i just wanted to see more girls. lol
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
i just hope Winged Dancer is as pretty as people say she is. I am one of those 70%.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
I hate you.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
The love is mutual, Oh mighty GS! BTW, how much weight you said you could lift? Well, I'll ask you sometime on IRC 'cause I don't see you answering that here =P
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Sorry guys I'm too lazy to find a better picture of myself. Excuse me for the retarded smile, it REALLY tickles when those pigeons grabbed my shoulder...
I have a much better one with the pigeons too, but I can't seem to find it.
You look like one of friend BOC. The way he look and smile.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
i think that % is more about 85-90 since no one posts pics anymore.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i think that % is more about 85-90 since no one posts pics anymore.
That's because a lot of people already posted their pictures, hehe. Maybe the people who already did so should post a new picture!
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: animefreak
[You look like one of friend BOC. The way he look and smile.
That is NOT the way I smile. Ok people, I'll ask my friend to send me some pics of me and I'll post them. He has them because I didn't bring my camera on that trip, not because we're gay.
Once WD sees it I'll probably be added as #4, unless that retarded pic already earned me a spot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
More like #400, pigeon boy.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
give it up guys, theres only one spot left on WD's list....u know she can't resist the paki charm [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
i'd post more pictures of me, but im not as self consious as WD....i dont need ppl telling me im kool, i know it already (my mom told me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
i think we still need to see a pic of iceman as well
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I took a pic with my phone camera, but you can't see the blue in my hair very well, does it no justice. So I'll take another one when I get hold of a better camera.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
sorry no spots left obviously ill take the last one, even tho i dont know who took the 2nd one. since i look like a god
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Gods_Son
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
I hate you.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
whats this i hear about WD's list? is it like one of those type of polls girls like to come up with when they're hanging around in the women's bathroom?
i wonder what rating i am [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Okay to all you mirc people. before I post this. fuck you XDDDD.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Woah, a50. I think you kicked my ass at Street Fighter II once in an arcade.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Assassin
give it up guys, theres only one spot left on WD's list....u know she can't resist the paki charm [img][/img]
i'd post more pictures of me, but im not as self consious as WD....i dont need ppl telling me im kool, i know it already (my mom told me [img][/img])
i think we still need to see a pic of iceman as well
Was it something along the lines of "Beta, tum bohat cool ho meray chand..."
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
There seems to be a misconception. I don't have any list of any sorts, and while I do go to the bathroom with friends, that time is used to talk shit about those who stay back at the table and, in some ocassions, talk about everyday life from one toilet-cabinet to another and to another all accross the bathroom.
So sorry to break yer bubbles boys, but there's so far only three guys I find attractive and they're not ranked among themselves... and only Eruasian knows!!!!!!!!!!111
On the up side, I have a picture now! I need my mother's computer to scan it, so I'll post it in the afternoon.
If I feel like it.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
so why dont you post the list then and post that pic to while you're at it.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Souryusen
Woah, a50. I think you kicked my ass at Street Fighter II once in an arcade.
LoL, yeah. Probably. =D
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
While I'm sure WD is quite attractive and posessed of teh vagina, I fail to see why so many people are in a hurry to be lumped into the small list of people she confesses find attractive; A list that includes our favorite crying goth queen, Terra.
Aspire to this, folks.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
He's a lumberjack and he's alright,
He works all day and he sleeps all night!
He cuts down trees, he wears high heels suspenders and a bra!
He whishes he'd been a girlie, just like his dear mama!!
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
He's a lumberjack and he's alright,
He works all day and he sleeps all night!
He cuts down trees, he wears high heels suspenders and a bra!
He whishes he'd been a girlie, just like his dear mama!!
I'm such a MP freak that I can't let this slide - did you post the lyrics slightly different on purpose? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
hey anime050. You look like a guy i know from high school.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Ok, this picture was taken last weekend. I was in Toronto for provincial DECA. That's me buying a game for the very first time (I'm a pirate). $25 Farcry, hard to pass up.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Deblas
Peace, homey!
Yo yo yo! Wut up Big A
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
wow so that's wat xiaowugui looks like! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
anyway, yeah it'd be nice to see more photos in this thread
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That's a nice shrine.
Yeah, It's pretty nice ;D.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
He's a lumberjack and he's alright,
He works all day and he sleeps all night!
He cuts down trees, he wears high heels suspenders and a bra!
He whishes he'd been a girlie, just like his dear mama!!
I'm such a MP freak that I can't let this slide - did you post the lyrics slightly different on purpose? [img][/img]
Not really - I say the pic and realized I couldn't not write that song, I just couldn't. I tried to remember the first paragraph but I couldn't, so I just typed what I could remember =P
Nice to find another MP fan here though.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: anime050
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That's a nice shrine.
Yeah, It's pretty nice ;D.
why cant I saee the picture o.o IM so hated ;(
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
You don't deserve to see his shrine.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Wow BoC, what a cheery bloke you look like.
The new Terra look! Less gay, but only slightly.
And yes, the Adidas cap is the only cap I have. I don't give a shit about what brand it is.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
man, i'm like, the best looking guy here.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
About time someone commented on that picture.
It was quite awkward taking that picture because I was trying to pay the cashier at the same time, while my friend's setting up his cheap ass camera. So I'm standing there unsure of to wait for the picture or just pay first. I don't exactly remember which came first now. Anyways, I felt like an ass standing there holding Farcry at checkout getting my picture taken.
btw Terra, that looks a lot more feminine.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
man, i'm like, the best looking guy here.
[sarcasm]I could agree more. I wish I looked like you. And that mysterious look on your face even makes guys melt.[/sarcasm]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
pfft we all know who the best looking guy is, just go back to page 1, i believe hes carrying a slab of canadian club [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Wow BoC, what a cheery bloke you look like.
The new Terra look! Less gay, but only slightly.
And yes, the Adidas cap is the only cap I have. I don't give a shit about what brand it is.
o.o ::licks.:: >> << >>
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I shall curse the Atlantic ocean now, excuse me.
Or instead, I'll get off my lovely ass and get a picture of me! Wouldn't that be better?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
WD, why choose only one?
@Hikyuu: Congratulations, you are the first person who has ever... licked... me.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
WD, why choose only one?
@Hikyuu: Congratulations, you are the first person who has ever... licked... me.
So how does terra taste hikyuu?
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Well, I am now posting two images. It was gonna be one, but since Terra complained and I have a weakness for girly guys, I'll post two.
They are really good! So good in fact that I've decided to name them!! They are called "My Brother Is Not Around To Take A Decent Pic Of Me And I've Lost My Favorite Lipstick So You Don't Get To See My Face Just Yet But You Do Get A Nice Idea Of My Body".
So there. Once my bro gets home and I get a new lipstick, I'll post my face.
As for now...
There I am!
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
finally...are those blue highlights I see? anyway pretty nice, i would post mine, but I dont have any/I dont believe in posting pics of myself online
edit: now all we need is a pic of Eurasian
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
haha... all that suspense...finally decreasing. we finally gget to see some pics of WD. i give it another month or so for her face to show up. har har har.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I know, blame my selective memory. Which reminds me I have a test.. Damn.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
and she dressed up for us too... arent we soo lucky!
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
You mean you've seen the doing-the-dishes-in-a-swimsuit pic?¡?? ...oh, not about that...?
The "attire" just goes to show how much Mexican winter rules. Those were taken around a week and a half ago, you see.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Oh finaly WD picture. Heres a pic of me at work. I'm the one in the green shirt. It's the best you all will get for a while. I know it's small but tough [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
WD, very nice pics! Just out of curiosity, what did you use to highlight your hair? It looks awesome.
Originally posted by: Knives122
edit: now all we need is a pic of Eurasian
Eurasian already posted her pic, a while back. You must have missed it.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I dyed it white with some chemical and the blue is made with natural vegetal dye that I buy from some hippies. It usually looks way more blue, but it was already starting to lose its color by then... it's almost white now. I have to get more dye, perhaps magenta or orange this time.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Looking as hot as ever, I see.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
When you first said green I thought it was all green. So it's just highlights...
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Yay for WD for finally posting up something, lol. Lefty, we gotta see your face also, haha.
Yeah, Eurasian already posted her picture somewhere at the beginning. Go look for it if you want it.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
You can kinda see my face. the only pic I have is my drivers liscense and I look like i've been on a three day bender.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: KitKat
WD, very nice pics! Just out of curiosity, what did you use to highlight your hair? It looks awesome.
Originally posted by: Knives122
edit: now all we need is a pic of Eurasian
Eurasian already posted her pic, a while back. You must have missed it.
I looked for it(around page 3) and she took it down
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
hehe i saw the elusive eurasian pic, that was ages ago, she shouldve just left it up
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I'm sure no one cares but mabey some day i'll post a pic.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Looking as hot as ever, I see.
Why are her muscles bigger than yours?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Are you implying I'm fat?!?! Are you implying it?!?! UH???
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Do I sense that Souryusen is gonna get hurt, lol
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Are you implying I'm fat?!?! Are you implying it?!?! UH???
Good lord, I get enough of this at work and at school. It needn't follow me home too.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: intense
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
WD, why choose only one?
@Hikyuu: Congratulations, you are the first person who has ever... licked... me.
So how does terra taste hikyuu?
Europeanish.. maybe like.. nutella ;o?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
@ WD: Nice pictures, I like your hair
@ Lefty: I like your pic of you in that kimono more. Your katana also looks better then mine, but mine has been used in actual combat so that doubles it's worth.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
nice WD i dont get what you were so afraid of showing, i should probably post more stupid pics of myself soon...they really reflect my personality, stupid pics i mean, im good at those.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I was never afraid of posting anything, I was just too lazy to get the pics. All true, that. I'm actually pretty confident on my looks - I don't consider myself to be a model-like beauty but I'm, well, content.
But lazy. So yeah, one more month and you may get my face.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Are you implying I'm fat?!?! Are you implying it?!?! UH???
I think Souryusen is implying that.
Wow Sou, that pretty risky saying that to a girl. You should be ashamed of yourself.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Tsk tsk. Maybe I'll put up a pic of me and my lucious, long black hair.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Souryusen
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Are you implying I'm fat?!?! Are you implying it?!?! UH???
Good lord, I get enough of this at work and at school. It needn't follow me home too.
You had that one coming though. Teehee!
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
@ Lefty: I like your pic of you in that kimono more. Your katana also looks better then mine, but mine has been used in actual combat so that doubles it's worth.
Mine just a reproduction not the real thing. A real one would have set me back about 7000+ dollars.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
@ Lefty: I like your pic of you in that kimono more. Your katana also looks better then mine, but mine has been used in actual combat so that doubles it's worth.
Mine just a reproduction not the real thing. A real one would have set me back about 7000+ dollars.
Pics showing my katana on my birthday party 2 days ago (my real birthday was 4 days ago. Yes that is on Valentinesday [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img] )
The Evil Pervert Samurai
His Twisted Friends
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Finally put together my new computer. Running like a champ! This means my webcam is now working, so I'll post some more pictures (in needed). The camera is a cheap piece of shit so the pictures will suck. For now...
Shitty camera, now one with layer overlay [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Sorry Elite Hentai, my sword > yours
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Nice pictures WD, hope you show your face next time.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
@ Lefty: I like your pic of you in that kimono more. Your katana also looks better then mine, but mine has been used in actual combat so that doubles it's worth.
Mine just a reproduction not the real thing. A real one would have set me back about 7000+ dollars.
Pics showing my katana on my birthday party 2 days ago (my real birthday was 4 days ago. Yes that is on Valentinesday [img][/img] )
The Evil Pervert Samurai
His Twisted Friends
It's WWII era i take it. From the lack of a Hamon(temper line) and the slightly missforged tip. Granted it's a Kodachi it's still a nice sword. Just make sure to clean it properly every months or it will rust very fast.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
piss off BoC, you don't want me to break out my collection -,^
now, another pic of me from cali... this time, no orange underwear: pacific
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
That little thing you have in your hand isn't a sword, it's a dagger.
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
Originally posted by: Lefty
Originally posted by: Elite Hentai
@ Lefty: I like your pic of you in that kimono more. Your katana also looks better then mine, but mine has been used in actual combat so that doubles it's worth.
Mine just a reproduction not the real thing. A real one would have set me back about 7000+ dollars.
Pics showing my katana on my birthday party 2 days ago (my real birthday was 4 days ago. Yes that is on Valentinesday [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img] )
The Evil Pervert Samurai
His Twisted Friends
It's WWII era i take it. From the lack of a Hamon(temper line) and the slightly missforged tip. Granted it's a Kodachi it's still a nice sword. Just make sure to clean it properly every months or it will rust very fast.
I always thought it was a little straight for a katana.... but aren't kodachi's supposed to be short weapons? My sword is 92 cm long. The blade is 70 cm. Isn't that a normal length for a katana?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Katana is at least 100 cm long and a wakazashi is about 50 cm in length. Plus the Tsuka(handle) is too short for a regular kata as well. Kodachi are just a little shorter than a normal katana.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
BoC, your sword looks like the plastic ones I see at ToysRus [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Elite and Lefty have much more dangerous looking swords.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Damn you all! It's not a dagger, it's just a really really short sword. I couldn't get a longer version because they don't fit in a luggage case.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Barely a sword, Barely. It's an over sized knife, but we'll let slide this one time.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
lol when i first saw it, i thought it was one of those from toysrus, like a power rangers sword or something, but then, i read the posts after it, and discovered it was real.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I beat it will break the first time he tries to cut a apple.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
It's only for decoration. All the edges are blunt. The only way to actually hurt someone with it is to forcefully stab them.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Lefty
Katana is at least 100 cm long and a wakazashi is about 50 cm in length. Plus the Tsuka(handle) is too short for a regular kata as well. Kodachi are just a little shorter than a normal katana.
I thought 100 cm was too long for a normal katana. Here is one of my sources of information:
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
100 CM is 1 M or 2.4 shaku or three feet but I should have told you that these are lengths set by the kendo federations for standard sword length. You were right about it being a Katana but it's a very very short one id say about 2.2 -2.1 shaku in length which is just out side the normal length for a katana by todays standards. Yours is for a sword style that has a more defensive closes quarters since the length allows for being closer in but it loses attack distance. Plus the handle is two short to be held with two hands with ease, and the tsuba is too small as well for a normal sword.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
from the hallowed annals of irc
[01:38am] « yallo » ...
[01:38am] « yallo » I'd totally do winged dancer
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I never ever ever said that!!!!
[01:35] <%Samanosuke> whoa, id totally stick it to winged dancer
[01:36] <%Samanosuke> i believe i dissed her once before though...
[01:36] <%Samanosuke> as is standard for all the people of gotwoot
bah stupid sam...
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
o, i guess that was me that said that then.
carry on.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
lol samanosuke thinking with mr. wriggley again?
dont worry im sure 90% of the forum does, i know i do
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Hum, weird thing is, I don't feel as insulted as I think I should. Whatever, I guess. And yes, being dissed is something so very common here I'd be uncomfortable if I wasn't insulted every now and then.
And I have to agree - that sword looks like one of the Power Rangers things you buy for little kids on christmas. I guess it's because it has those weird decorations around the hillt... they make it look a bit less like a dagger and more like a toy.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
And I have to agree - that sword looks like one of the Power Rangers things you buy for little kids on christmas. I guess it's because it has those weird decorations around the hillt... they make it look a bit less like a dagger and more like a toy.
Winged Dancer: The other castration.