Do it Knives, DO IT!
I already asked Krb but he's a greenie meanie.
Through my awesome new powers, I've discovered who a few of the ninja mods are. ~~
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Do it Knives, DO IT!
I already asked Krb but he's a greenie meanie.
Through my awesome new powers, I've discovered who a few of the ninja mods are. ~~
Originally posted by: Y
I just unbanned you.
edit: Mut's post got deleted? Now my picture doesn't make sense.
Originally posted by: Assassin
<Terracosmo> I'm so fucking lonely right now that I'd gladly make out with a fellow guy
<Terracosmo> let's hit it Assassin
* Assassin backs away slowly
<Terracosmo> you started it
<Assassin> im such a makes me want to hurt myself
<Assassin> but, if u insist
* Assassin takes off his pants
<Terracosmo> let's skip the slow undressing part and cut directly to sex
<Assassin> u got it baby [img][/img]
<Terracosmo> god I'm so fucking drunk
<Terracosmo> gnight
* Terracosmo has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Assassin> [img][/img]
I only have vague memories of that
What the......?
Kind of gay....
[01:44] <DragonOutlaw> do you think superman has super orgasms
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> jesus christ
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> wtf DO
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> what's wrong with you
[01:44] <Assassin> lmao
Do Mut and Y still go to Gotwoot's IRC channel or are they gone from that too?
they're both still there. so come to irc and join the mayhem
<Mut[at]chi> Y is gonna get laid in Cali
<Assertnfailure> haha
<Mut[at]chi> Cali girls have never seen a Hurricane Katrina survivor
<Y> laffo
<Mut[at]chi> wtf
<Mut[at]chi> I'm not joking
<ChaosKiddo> lol
<Mut[at]chi> dude, when I was at the market, I told the cashier I was from Mississippi and I almsot got head
<Mut[at]chi> Imagine
<Mut[at]chi> if I really was from MS
<Assertnfailure> uh
<Mut[at]chi> vagina everywhere
<Wilik> yea right
lol go Y!
well heres another thread with missing pages. Anyway, why the hell is my home address banned from GW? someone unban me NOW!
I've been banned from the IRC channel. I assume Mut is chortling up his sleeve somewhere in Cali...
I only logged on to ask a moderator to do something, and after saying "evening Mut" and "i was on my way out anyway" in general chat (the two sentences before mine were "yeah, he's a fag" and "shut the fuck up and leave") I left.
So I guess I'm just wondering, what is the criteria for getting banned from IRC? While I would appreciate being unbanned, I'm not going to grovel for it.
I cleared the ban list.
IRC is it's own little world. There are no rules there. And if there are rules, they change from moment to moment.
And on another note.....I finally have hops in the channel!!! Wheee!!!! Over a year of idling has finally paid off. Thanks DO! [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
[23:14] <Assassin> god, this place is so boring
[23:17] <Deadfire> no shit
[23:17] <Deadfire> you think?
[23:20] <Assassin> i do
[23:20] <Deadfire> well then
[23:21] <Deadfire> what are you going to do about it
[23:21] * Assassin strips and starts dancing
[23:22] * Deadfire gets the gun
[23:22] * Assassin uses the gun in erotic ways
[23:23] * Deadfire has quit IRC (Quit: you sick <censored>)
[23:23] * Bung has quit IRC (Client exited)
[23:23] <Assassin> [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
[22:30:26] *** #gotwoot was created on Sun Jan 08 19:20:17 2006.
[22:30:52] * Assassin whips out little willy
[22:30:59] Deadfire: WTF
[22:31:18] Deadfire: i come back and your still being a dumbass
[22:31:25] Assassin: what...its a will smith figure
[22:31:38] Deadfire: and then you wonder where is everyone
[22:31:40] Mut[at]chi: lmao
[22:31:51] Deadfire: I'll tell you something ass
[22:32:05] Deadfire: no one liked talking to you
[22:32:09] Skye-sama: night everyone.
[22:32:17] Assassin: Deadfire
[22:32:21] Deadfire: because of shit like that
[22:32:27] Assassin: dont be so mean
[22:33:08] ChariLaX: <Deadfire> i come back and your still being a dumbass
[22:33:11] ChariLaX: hah
[22:33:16] Mut[at]chi: lol
[22:33:17] Deadfire: the truth hurts doesn't it
i tried, but it messed up or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
You tried too much.
yea or i suck at reading directions >_<Quote:
Originally posted by: Kraco
You tried too much.
You can't blame us for trying
*** WebUser4118 has joined #gotwoot.
WebUser4118: ass
*** WebUser4118 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
Wilik: drive by assing, thats new
Assassin: lol
Wilik: well atleast its better then the usually join/part
Assassin: indeed
Assassin: i wonder if its the same ppl that come and go, or if its a new person each time
Wilik: look at the hostmask dumbass
Wilik: [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Assassin: i r tech n00b
*** WebUser3036 has joined #gotwoot.
* Wilik holds WebUser3036 hostage
Wilik: talk or die!
Wilik: you have 30 seconds to respond
Wilik: times up!
*** WebUser3036 has signed off IRC (Killed (Wilik (you're dead!))).
*** narutard007 has joined #gotwoot.
Wilik: thats better
Wilik: back for round 2 eh WebUser3036
Wilik: I see you are wearing a disguise!
Wilik: but you are not clevor enough to outsmart me!
narutard007: ?
Wilik: it speaks!
narutard007: yup
* Wilik backs away slowly
Wilik: careful all, we dont know what kind of beast he may be
Deadfire: What have you done Wilik
* Wilik shrugs
Wilik: I have no idea, but it cant be good!
Deadfire: I told you not to play God
Wilik: but... I couldnt help it!
Deadfire: Thats it I will have to stop you and your ways
Wilik: my fruitile efforts at making the channel more active have failed!
Deadfire: Wilik did you get the lesson here
Deadfire: "never try"
Wilik: Deadfire, I think we have exhausted the beast of all its language skills, perhaps now is our chance to capture the beast
* Wilik jumps on narutard007 and ties him to a spike wedged firmly in the ground
Deadfire: what a noble quest!
*** narutard007 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
*** narutard007 has joined #gotwoot.
*** narutard007 has signed off IRC (Quit: narutard007).
Wilik: bastard!
Wilik: he got away
Deadfire: ...
*** WebUser9289 has joined #gotwoot.
Deadfire: he decided against the rape
Wilik: another!
Wilik: hes our chance!
Wilik: lets take him!
Wilik: you get the left, i'll get the right
Deadfire: alright
Wilik: we'll flank him in the middle!
* Deadfire goes to the left ogf the user
* Wilik charges WebUser9289!
* Deadfire charges
Deadfire: ....
* Wilik grabs him by the rough of his neck and ties him to a spike planted firmly in the ground with CEMENT!
Wilik: that should hold him!
Wilik: lets query him for knowledge Deadfire
Deadfire: indeed
Wilik: grab the red hot poker from the fire, we shall we more aggressive techniques this time
* Deadfire slaps the User for information as Wilik gets the poker
*** WebUser9289 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
Deadfire: Damn
Wilik: how dare you let him get away Deadfire!
Deadfire: I'm sorry
Wilik: I turn my back for 1 second to grab the poker and you let him leave
Deadfire: it's not my fault i slaped hit hard
Deadfire: *him
Wilik: this is a sad day if I do say so
Deadfire: indeed
Wilik: 3 beasts have gotten away without a single shread of information gathered
Deadfire: but a quote for bash and the fourms
Wilik: rofl
Man, you Webusers!!! Why don't you stay in the channel and talk.
Also, don't write
"Hey? anyone there?"
and then leave like 10 seconds after it, people aren't always on their IRC screen, they could be browsing the net or something, some will be idle.
Change your nick '/nick <whatever>'
and sit down and say something.
The adventures continue:
Wilik: why is it that people in like japan download more manga from our site then anyone else
Wilik: I mean seriously
Wilik: go buy the shit you lazy cheap bastard
_kAi_: they wanna learn english?
Wilik: they can learn 'banned' and go somewhere else
_kAi_: i'm suprised they would get it from MT, considering the raws for most series is
Wilik: people in indonesia
Wilik: 53 Luong Van Can, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi
Wilik: like wtf is that
Wilik: I just perma banned 2 ips
Wilik: for excessive abuse
Wilik: load dropped ~5 points
Wilik: im about to ban all of indonesia
_kAi_: LOL all of indoland
Wilik: im dead serious kai
Wilik: they are the biggest problem we have atm
Wilik: I ban them
Wilik: the server works better
_kAi_: really?
Wilik: they use download managers and dont read the rules
Wilik: they just dont give a shit
_kAi_: oh
_kAi_: bastards, they are my closest country neighbour
_kAi_: they dare jump in my backyard without a pass
Wilik: right now
Wilik: we are getting pummeled by 3 people from indoland
Wilik: and 1 guy from the phillipines
Wilik: if I ban indoland, it'll make me all nice and fuzzy inside
Wilik: just a ban on 202.*.*.*/24 should do it
Wilik: should ban the whole country
Wilik: and then some
Wilik: but i'll be happy
_kAi_: hehe
Wilik: hrm
Wilik: cant ban 202.*.*.*
Wilik: it'll ban australia as well
Wilik: I see
Wilik: guess I cant do that
Wilik: dont wanna ban the webmaster
Wilik: ok I wont ban 202
Wilik: but just so you know kai
Wilik: its just because I like you man
_kAi_: you're so kind
Wilik: I know I am
this is fucking hilarious... i must join back irc chat one day but for some reason i was banned... hemmm... thanks for the laughs deadfire and web monkey.... made my night.
OK, you should be able to join now.
it says unable to connect, connection refused.
when i try to connect to the server
try using
[04:26] <@_kAi_> take pictures of your mother/sister
[04:26] <@_kAi_> naked
[04:26] <Ifinghatetonton> yeahhh that sounds like a blast
[04:27] <@_kAi_> you'd fuck your mother/sister?
[04:27] <Ifinghatetonton> its all good fun lol
Ah, how we love our network admin
[00:12:15] KitKat: I can go from deep sleep to walking out the door with all my school stuff in 15 minutes
[00:12:47] Assassin: Teach me oh mistress of lasers and cookies!
[00:13:57] Deadfire: my morning routine this week mostly had me standing there wondering what the heck was happening, what the heck I was doing, what the heck am I have in my hands and.. where my pants were
[00:14:16] DragonOutlaw: when i wake up
[00:14:38] DragonOutlaw: I move with the swiftness that only i can have
[00:14:48] Deadfire: your slow right DO
[00:14:55] Assassin: the swiftness of a dead cow
[00:15:17] Deadfire: thats been there for a week
[00:15:22] * DragonOutlaw /kill Assassin DEAD COW
[00:16:16] DragonOutlaw: I can blink and breath at the sametime
[00:16:20] * DragonOutlaw wins
[00:16:23] Assassin: heh
[00:16:29] * KitKat is amazed
[00:16:36] Deadfire: I can talk and piss you off at the same time
[00:16:43] * Deadfire wins
[00:16:44] DragonOutlaw: no you cant!
[00:17:00] DragonOutlaw: i bet i could make you mad though :p
[00:17:22] Deadfire: ok ok DO you win I can Type and piss you off at the same time
[00:17:35] Deadfire: of course you can DO
[00:17:38] DragonOutlaw: I win all
[00:17:59] Deadfire: how do you win an "all"
[00:17:59] DragonOutlaw: DragonOutlaw means win in some languages
[00:20:01] KitKat: In the language of the Asdfghjkl tribe for instance
[00:20:23] KitKat: Instead of saying 'win', they all speak the name 'DragonOutlaw'
[00:20:40] DragonOutlaw: DragonOutlaw means OWNAGE
[00:20:50] KitKat: but it is a name too revered to be used for common usage
[00:21:06] KitKat: So they use the short form, DO
[00:23:02] KitKat: DO, you killed my internet!
[00:23:08] DragonOutlaw: i did not
[00:23:18] DragonOutlaw: well im so powerful
[00:23:23] DragonOutlaw: when i sneeze her internet cuts
[05:09] * Joins: WebUser7925 (~Gotwoot@3E3CE23D.8F9A7677.C11C2BC2.IP)
[05:12] * WebUser7925 is now known as drne
[05:12] <drne> can i get help from anyone?
[05:13] <drne> !list
[05:13] * Wilik sets mode: +b drne!*@*
[05:13] * Wilik sets mode: +b *!*~Gotwoot@267179EE.29FF69F3.41BC9D09.IP
[05:13] * drne was kicked by Wilik (If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!)
[20:10:36] *** WebUser4623 has joined #gotwoot.
[20:10:49] WebUser4623: anyone no where i can get some new hentie movies
[20:10:59] Deadfire: ....
[20:11:08] WebUser4623: im trying to sell them.
[20:11:10] WebUser4623: easy money
[20:11:19] WebUser4623: many pervs in my school wooooot
[20:11:35] _kAi_: lol
[20:11:43] WebUser4623: anyone no?
[20:11:51] WebUser4623: i can make a quick 200 profit lol.
[20:12:06] _kAi_: you shouldn't make money off fansubs
[20:12:10] _kAi_: it's bad
[20:12:13] WebUser4623: why not
[20:12:14] WebUser4623: - .
[20:12:18] WebUser4623: i need the money bad
[20:12:28] _kAi_: no you don't
[20:12:34] WebUser4623: yes i do
[20:12:35] DragonOutlaw: stfu WebUser4623
[20:12:40] WebUser4623: when ur going to go to a private school next year
[20:12:43] DragonOutlaw: least talk to us with a real nick
[20:12:50] WebUser4623: i dont have one...
[20:12:51] _kAi_: lol
[20:12:57] DragonOutlaw: get one
[20:12:59] _kAi_: you need money because you're going to a private school
[20:13:00] DragonOutlaw: faggot
[20:13:01] _kAi_: you're an idiot
[20:13:04] WebUser4623: no.
[20:13:08] _kAi_: yes,
[20:13:09] WebUser4623: cause i have a bank account
[20:13:09] _kAi_: you are
[20:13:12] WebUser4623: i have a scholorship
[20:13:16] WebUser4623: but i need to save money
[20:13:22] Deadfire: this is getting better
[20:13:25] _kAi_: get a job you bum
[20:13:27] WebUser4623: how do i get one?
[20:13:29] WebUser4623: i cant
[20:13:30] _kAi_: apply
[20:13:32] WebUser4623: im not old enough
[20:13:36] WebUser4623: im 14.
[20:13:42] _kAi_: ask your parents
[20:13:46] WebUser4623: ?
[20:13:57] WebUser4623: they own a business
[20:14:01] _kAi_: are you paying for private school?
[20:14:03] WebUser4623: thats a 39 min drive
[20:14:19] _kAi_: your parents will be paying for private school
[20:14:20] _kAi_: not you
[20:14:24] WebUser4623: ..
[20:14:27] WebUser4623: u dont no my parents
[20:14:28] _kAi_: or does the scholarship pay for it
[20:14:50] _kAi_: goto government school then
[20:14:57] WebUser4623: cant
[20:15:00] WebUser4623: too many gang fights
[20:15:04] _kAi_: pussy
[20:15:05] WebUser4623: 2 ppl shot already
[20:15:09] WebUser4623: for no damn reason
[20:15:19] _kAi_: and what's wrong with that?
[20:15:32] WebUser4623: maybe i dont want to die by a gun?
[20:15:36] _kAi_: pussy
[20:15:51] _kAi_: you are an idiot anyway
[20:15:53] _kAi_: leave
[20:15:58] WebUser4623: nah then i wouldnt be able to get in
[20:16:03] WebUser4623: to a priv school
[20:16:12] _kAi_: bullshit
[20:16:18] _kAi_: you aren't even paying for private school
[20:16:32] WebUser4623: yes but my parents arent rich
[20:14:27] DragonOutlaw: dude type /nick
[20:14:33] DragonOutlaw: and put in your nickname
[20:14:35] WebUser4623: type/ Chinky
[20:14:37] WebUser4623: ?
[20:14:43] * DragonOutlaw /nick Chinky
[20:14:47] WebUser4623: uh
[20:14:49] WebUser4623: it says
[20:14:52] WebUser4623: unknown command
[20:15:11] DragonOutlaw: wtf are you talking about
[20:15:13] DragonOutlaw: TYPE IT
[20:15:16] WebUser4623: I DID
[20:15:16] DragonOutlaw: dont c/p it
[20:15:19] WebUser4623: it says unknown command
[20:16:18] WebUser4623: watd u do
[20:16:19] WebUser4623: did u do
[20:16:23] WebUser4623: slash ur wanted nick?
[20:16:40] *** WebUser4623 is now known as Duh.
[20:17:16] *** Duh is now known as KaiisanIdiot.
[20:17:30] *** KaiisanIdiot is now known as Jk.
[20:17:34] Jk: better name
[20:17:15] DragonOutlaw: so you came down here for hentai
[20:17:40] DragonOutlaw: why don't you just download it yourself
[20:17:50] Jk: cause i cant find any new ones.
[20:17:56] _kAi_: he doesn't know how
[20:18:02] DragonOutlaw: one question
[20:18:04] Jk: and i hate real porn it makes me disgusted
[20:18:09] Jk: this is jsut for cash
[20:18:18] _kAi_: he hates porn but he gets hentai
[20:18:24] Jk: i dont like either
[20:18:11] DragonOutlaw: what does #gotwoot have to do with hentai?
[20:18:17] Jk: dont no.
[20:18:30] Jk: but if im going to sell stuff
[20:18:32] DragonOutlaw: hentai is porn
[20:18:34] Jk: it should atleast be fake
[20:18:39] DragonOutlaw: why
[20:18:44] Jk: who cares its cartoons
[20:18:45] DragonOutlaw: your a fag?
[20:18:48] DragonOutlaw: arent you
[20:18:52] Jk: ...
[20:19:02] _kAi_: yeah, i'd say so
[20:19:04] Jk: i dont get on the comp much im not a comp whiz
[20:19:16] Jk: i just came back from track meet
[20:19:20] DragonOutlaw: sure shows
[20:20:08] Jk: ive saved up 2k so far from the school year
[20:20:11] DragonOutlaw: how old are you?
[20:20:14] Jk: thats 1 year of priv. school
[20:20:18] Jk: im 14
[20:20:26] DragonOutlaw: you want to go to private school?
[20:20:29] Jk: no.
[20:20:31] Jk: im forced to
[20:20:40] Jk: but i no my parents can barely afford
[20:20:41] Jk: im not stupid
[20:20:46] DragonOutlaw: pirvate school hahah
[20:20:49] DragonOutlaw: don't go
[20:20:55] Jk: i have a choice?
[20:21:02] DragonOutlaw: yeah
[20:21:05] Jk: nah i dont
[20:21:08] Jk: i have asian parents
[20:21:12] DragonOutlaw: so
[20:21:14] Jk: ...
[20:21:16] DragonOutlaw: they must be short
[20:21:18] DragonOutlaw: beat there ass
[20:21:21] Jk: my dads 6 5
[20:21:24] Jk: but my moms short
[20:21:27] DragonOutlaw: TALL AZN
[20:21:33] Jk: yah i dont get it
[20:21:37] Jk: im like 5 8
[20:21:45] Jk: nothing compared to my dad
[20:21:49] Jk: id get my ass wooped
[20:21:51] DragonOutlaw: Does he know karate
[20:21:58] Jk: he knows tae kwon doe
[20:22:01] Jk: used to teach it
[20:22:14] DragonOutlaw: Yeah you'd get your ass fucked up
[20:22:22] Jk: yah i no
[20:22:25] Jk: already happened
[20:22:27] Jk: a couple of times
[20:22:37] DragonOutlaw: Did your dad ever throw you threw a tv
[20:22:43] DragonOutlaw: and do some high kick or something
[20:23:07] DragonOutlaw: did he yell some asian proverb
[20:23:08] DragonOutlaw: like
[20:23:21] DragonOutlaw: Dragons don't come out unless the milk carton is half full
[20:23:48] Jk: well i need to make some money
[20:23:55] Jk: i tried makin it out of candy
[20:23:56] Jk: but to slow
[20:23:57] DragonOutlaw: sell your body
[20:24:00] Jk: ...
[20:24:02] Jk: IM 14
[20:24:07] DragonOutlaw: point?
[20:24:08] Jk: and anyways i wouldnt
[20:24:13] DragonOutlaw: fresh body
[20:24:17] DragonOutlaw: work the streets sucka
[20:24:25] Jk: thats where
[20:24:25] Jk: ppl get anally
[20:24:26] Jk: raped
[20:24:30] Deadfire: JK if you say you have morals your lieing out right
[20:24:35] DragonOutlaw: charge em 100 bucks a raping
[20:24:42] Jk: u cant charge
[20:24:43] DragonOutlaw: anal 200
[20:24:45] Jk: they come out behind u
[20:24:54] Deadfire: charge them
[20:25:04] Jk: give me 200 i can fuk anally?
[20:25:05] DragonOutlaw: behind over and ask them "check, credit card or cash"
[20:25:07] Jk: hell no they would
[20:25:12] Jk: kik my ass
[20:25:15] Jk: and do it anyways
[20:25:22] DragonOutlaw: sell drugs
[20:25:28] Jk: sell drugs...
[20:25:32] Deadfire: and thats worse then asking this channel for hentai how again?
[20:25:32] Jk: theres police dogs
[20:25:34] DragonOutlaw: make some opium
[20:25:35] Jk: in my school
[20:25:49] DragonOutlaw: kick the dog in the face
[20:26:02] Jk: get arrested for "animal abusement"
[20:26:03] DragonOutlaw: carry a knife
[20:26:04] Assassin: say the police officer molested you
[20:26:07] Assassin: easy way out
[20:26:13] DragonOutlaw: and he didnt pay
[20:26:13] Jk: we have cameras
[20:26:20] Jk: metal detectors
[20:26:22] Jk: the whole shyt load
[20:26:37] DragonOutlaw: get some smoke bombs
[20:26:51] Jk: but how the hell could i?
[20:26:57] DragonOutlaw: throw it
[20:26:58] Jk: plus point is
[20:27:02] Jk: i need quick cash
[20:27:02] DragonOutlaw: that blocks the cameras
[20:27:08] DragonOutlaw: rob a bank
[20:27:15] Jk: i cant even
[20:27:16] Jk: buy a gun
[20:27:17] Jk: ...
[20:27:18] DragonOutlaw: JK i just gave you like 10 solutions
[20:27:19] Yale: butt smex?
[20:27:23] Assassin: ya, go all ninja on ur skool
[20:27:24] DragonOutlaw: im like a think tank
[20:27:28] Jk: by selling hentei movies
[20:27:31] Jk: so funny
[20:27:36] Jk: so many nerdy rich kids
[20:27:37] DragonOutlaw: thats so gay
[20:27:43] Assassin: and sad
[20:27:46] Jk: i made 2k so far
[20:27:47] DragonOutlaw: dont sell hentai movies
[20:27:49] DragonOutlaw: sell apps
[20:27:50] Jk: thats pretty good
[20:27:52] Jk: apps?
[20:27:54] DragonOutlaw: apps you stupid
[20:28:03] Jk: its quick money eh
[20:28:04] DragonOutlaw: like programs people need for there computer
[20:28:05] Assassin: lol
[20:28:11] DragonOutlaw: photoshop
[20:28:14] Jk: ppl r more interested
[20:28:15] DragonOutlaw: stuff like taht
[20:28:15] Jk: in porn
[20:28:18] Jk: they dont give a damn about that
[20:28:27] DragonOutlaw: if they're nerdy
[20:28:28] Jk: where i can get some
[20:28:31] DragonOutlaw: they would
[20:28:34] Jk: there nerdy for porn
[20:28:35] Assassin: ok this is what you do
[20:28:36] DragonOutlaw: or
[20:28:39] DragonOutlaw: this may be CRAZY
[20:28:44] DragonOutlaw: how about you get a job
[20:28:49] Jk: im 14...
[20:28:52] DragonOutlaw: so
[20:28:57] Assassin: buy a hooker for a nite and charge your friends $100/15 min
[20:28:58] Jk: i tried working
[20:29:03] Jk: at barnes and nobles
[20:29:07] Yale: 14 year olds are allowed to work...
[20:29:12] Jk: but they said i had to be 16
[20:29:15] DragonOutlaw: lie
[20:29:19] Jk: ...
[20:29:20] Jk: go ask...
[20:29:22] Assassin: he gave special services to the manager
[20:29:27] DragonOutlaw: so your 14 huh
[20:29:29] DragonOutlaw: hang out here
[20:29:30] Yale: JK get yourself like a work release or something
[20:29:31] Jk: yah
[20:29:38] Jk: i got no idea how to do that
(Double posting because of limit)
[20:29:31] DragonOutlaw: i'll train you
[20:29:43] DragonOutlaw: stfu
[20:29:49] DragonOutlaw: JK i now own you
[20:29:55] DragonOutlaw: Im going to make you a touch azn
[20:30:00] DragonOutlaw: i mean tough
[20:30:11] Assassin: DO, aren't you white?
[20:30:14] DragonOutlaw: yes
[20:30:16] Jk: im azn
[20:30:23] DragonOutlaw: WHITE + AZN = O_O
[20:30:26] Assassin: so a white guy is gonna make an azn guy more azn
[20:30:28] Assassin: awesome
[20:30:35] DragonOutlaw: make him tough
[20:30:38] Jk: if a teacher catches u with porn
[20:30:39] Yale: hentai >>?
[20:30:40] DragonOutlaw: right now hes a pussy
[20:30:41] Jk: they care
[20:30:44] Jk: but hentai movies
[20:30:50] Jk: they just pass it by
[20:31:13] Yale: why do you need money/
[20:31:18] Jk: priv. school
[20:31:22] Jk: gang fights at publics
[20:31:23] DragonOutlaw: you jerk fuck JK
[20:31:24] Jk: and riots
[20:31:30] DragonOutlaw: join a gang
[20:31:32] DragonOutlaw: right now
[20:31:33] Assassin: ya
[20:31:35] Assassin: the crips
[20:31:36] Jk: about the illegal immagrant thing
[20:31:40] DragonOutlaw: bloodz
[20:31:41] DragonOutlaw: NIGGA
[20:31:41] Jk: crips r losing
[20:31:43] DragonOutlaw: bloodz
[20:31:44] DragonOutlaw: NIGGA
[20:31:44] Jk: bloodz r winning
[20:31:47] DragonOutlaw: Join them
[20:31:49] DragonOutlaw: get a glock
[20:31:52] DragonOutlaw: wear red
[20:31:55] Jk: u think they would let a azn in?
[20:31:57] DragonOutlaw: say FUCK
[20:32:05] Yale: JK... get yourself commited >> live off the system
[20:32:05] DragonOutlaw: Fuck nigga im the illest around
[20:32:07] Jk: u gotta be atleast like fukin 200 pounds when ur 10
[20:32:09] Assassin: show them some crazy ass kung fu
[20:32:11] DragonOutlaw: say that stupid
[20:32:13] DragonOutlaw: Fuck nigga im the illest around
[20:32:22] Jk: say that dumnass
[20:32:24] Jk: and get shot
[20:32:29] DragonOutlaw: get back up
[20:32:34] DragonOutlaw: be like Yah boi
[20:32:53] DragonOutlaw: join the bloodz
[20:32:55] Assassin: call up yo homies and bust a cap in thier collective asses
[20:33:01] DragonOutlaw: call them all niggas
[20:33:09] Jk: man if u even call em
[20:33:11] Jk: an eggroll
[20:33:14] Jk: u get ur ass kiked
[20:33:17] Yale: slit your wrists..
[20:33:21] Yale: then calls the cops
[20:33:25] Yale: go hospital
[20:33:30] Yale: then commited
[20:33:42] Yale: then you wont have to worry about life
[20:33:34] DragonOutlaw: they will like you
[20:33:43] Jk: fuked their fat mama?
[20:33:44] Jk: most of them
[20:33:46] Jk: dont have moms
[20:33:48] Jk: ...
[20:33:50] DragonOutlaw: they do
[20:33:53] Jk: no the ydont
[20:33:55] DragonOutlaw: wtf
[20:33:57] Jk: they live on the streets
[20:33:58] DragonOutlaw: did they come from space
[20:33:59] Jk: literally
[20:34:02] Jk: no they died
[20:34:05] Jk: or gave them up
[20:34:08] DragonOutlaw: stop listening to tyour parents
[20:34:14] DragonOutlaw: THEY HAVE MOMS
[20:34:15] DragonOutlaw: AND DADS
[20:34:22] Jk: they have dads
[20:34:23] Jk: in jail
[20:34:32] Yale: why dont you sell drugs
[20:34:37] Jk: because i cant get hold
[20:34:38] Jk: of drugs
[20:34:41] Jk: in the first place
[20:34:54] Yale: My friend sells cocaine.. he seems to be doing well
[20:35:01] Jk: i cant get hold if it
[20:35:04] Jk: of
[20:35:06] Yale: why cant you get a hold of an ounce of bud?
[20:35:07] Jk: no idea how to
[20:35:13] Yale: ask around
[20:35:14] Jk: i tried selling weed
[20:35:16] Jk: but they dont
[20:35:19] Jk: buy anymore
[20:35:27] Yale: well.. you buy weed to start
[20:35:30] Jk: plus if i get caught with stupid crak
[20:35:33] Jk: im arrested
[20:35:39] Jk: but if i have hentie movies
[20:35:41] Jk: theyd be like
[20:35:42] Jk: wtf?
[20:35:43] Jk: and leave
[20:35:55] Assassin: you're not old enough for that yet
[20:35:58] Assassin: stick to drugs
[20:36:03] Assassin: no age limit
[20:36:05] DragonOutlaw: Jk
[20:36:07] Jk: drugs>hentai?
[20:36:11] DragonOutlaw: give up
[20:36:16] Jk: i thought about that
[20:36:19] Jk: but nah
[20:36:40] Jk: anyone tell me where i can get some/
[20:36:52] Jk: so far i just bought of ebay
[20:36:55] Jk: and copied and sold
[20:37:03] Deadfire: google it?
[20:37:05] Jk: but its getting to damn expensive
[20:37:06] Assassin: you're choices are simple: 1. prostitution 2. drugs 3. gangs 4. mental institution/jail
[20:37:06] *** Jk is now known as Bitch.
[20:37:16] Bitch: ooo bitch?
[20:37:19] *** Bitch is now known as BigBitch.
[20:37:24] *** BigBitch has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
[20:37:30] DragonOutlaw: :)
[20:37:33] DragonOutlaw: my job is done
[20:37:58] DragonOutlaw: [20:37] -OperServ- The nick JK is now being changed to Bitch.
[20:38:00] DragonOutlaw: -
[20:38:00] DragonOutlaw: [20:37] *** Global -- from OperServ: DragonOutlaw used SVSNICK to change JK to Bitch
[20:38:27] DragonOutlaw: bet hes like
[20:38:31] DragonOutlaw: OMG IM HAxXEDED
[20:50:44] Deadfire: [20:34:00] Assassin: youre the 2nd stupidest person to ever coem in here jk
[20:51:05] dragonrage: who was the first assassin?
[20:51:06] Yale: the first being.... >>
[20:51:15] Wilik: Twist
[20:51:23] Assassin: some kid yesterday who said the same thing
[20:51:35] Yale: lol twist? xD
i would include my thoughts on this post, but they are a blatant violation of forum regulations.
Just think:
Stereotypical Asian foodstuff's first letter + Dave Cheppelle sketch - first letter = My least favorite social/cultural poser type
haha some of that stuff is gold XD
a white guy toughing up an asian guy? well i'm puzzled. I love how you guys were telling him to go become drug dealers. and this part was gold.
[20:50:44] Deadfire: [20:34:00] Assassin: youre the 2nd stupidest person to ever coem in here jk
[20:51:05] dragonrage: who was the first assassin?
[20:51:06] Yale: the first being.... >>
[20:51:15] Wilik: Twist
Some parts of that were indeed great! Oh, well. It's good that parts of the best conversations are copy-pasted here. Due to time difference, I would never get to see them live. Thanks, Deadfire.
No problem, and now more from the IRC players
<darkshadow> the saleen version prolly costs that much because it has the lable SALEEN
<DragonOutlaw> getting it to 550 has to cost a bit though
<darkshadow> i think, if you max out the car
<darkshadow> every mod possible
<DragonOutlaw> lol
<darkshadow> you wind up at something like 250k
<DragonOutlaw> sure i'd do it
<DragonOutlaw> just give me money for it
<DragonOutlaw> :)
<DrAgE> question... what are you gonna use the car for with all those mods?
<DragonOutlaw> DOish stuff
<DragonOutlaw> duh
<darkshadow> PWNED
[20:27:56] WebUser1494: yo how do u download enime from this web site
[20:28:05] master_me: by gtfoing and stfuing
[20:28:06] darkshadow: we dont have enime
[20:28:18] darkshadow: can i interest you in some anime?
[20:28:22] WebUser1494: ya
[20:28:23] WebUser1494: anime
[20:28:28] Deadfire: ...
[20:28:30] *** Mode change "+m" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
[20:28:32] darkshadow: well we dont have that either
[20:28:33] darkshadow: sry
[20:28:35] darkshadow: now get out
[20:28:47] Deadfire: Web user I promise i willl tell you once you get a nick
[20:29:01] KitKat: people with real nicknames can talk :)
[20:29:10] darkshadow: if it doesnt have a name
[20:29:14] darkshadow: it doesnt exist
[20:29:24] Deadfire: countdown starts now
[20:29:26] Deadfire: 10
[20:29:28] Deadfire: 9
[20:29:30] Deadfire: 8
[20:29:31] Deadfire: 7
[20:29:45] KitKat: countdown for what, exactly?
[20:29:50] DrAgE: and the dramatic pause.....
[20:29:51] *** WebUser1494 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
[20:29:59] Deadfire: see I am the master
[20:30:06] Deadfire: 10 seconds and he droped
[20:30:35] KitKat: I know DO's name!
[20:30:40] KitKat: mwahaha
[20:30:44] * DragonOutlaw gasps
[20:30:45] Deadfire: I know Kitkat's name
[20:30:52] KitKat: hehe
[20:30:59] KitKat: I don't know Deadfire's name though
[20:31:05] KitKat: I know he's Canadian
[20:31:11] Deadfire: I don't think anyone does
[20:31:24] Deadfire: although it's on my profile
[20:31:30] KitKat: Is it an embarrasing name, like Gerald?
[20:31:35] KitKat: or Horace?
[20:31:46] Deadfire: lol...nope it's a simple nmae
[20:31:49] Deadfire: *name
[20:31:56] Deadfire: unlike my middle names
[20:32:01] master_me: What about Gunther?
[20:32:06] * darkshadow knows deadfires name
[20:32:08] master_me: I don't like that name.
[20:32:13] Deadfire: Gunther (in Latin Gundaharius and in Anglicized Old Norse Gunnar) was a king of the Burgundians west of the Rhine from at least 411 to his death in 437. Legendary tales about Gundaharius appear in Latin, medieval German, Old Norse, and Old English texts, especially concerning his relations with Siegfried (in Old Norse Sigurd) and the death of Gunther from treachery in the hall of Attila the Hun.
[20:32:18] Deadfire: hmm...
[20:32:21] KitKat: lol
[20:32:21] Deadfire: not bad
[20:32:27] master_me: ew, it's worse than I thought
[20:32:32] KitKat: Beowulf!
[20:34:16] *** everybodyherisafag has joined #gotwoot.
[20:34:36] master_me: I think he wants some enime.
[20:34:38] Deadfire: wants one too
[20:34:43] darkshadow: WE DONT SERVE THAT
[20:34:54] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
[20:34:55] *** everybodyherisafag has been kicked from #gotwoot by KitKat: No reason to be mean like that
[20:35:04] Deadfire: We don't serve your kind here
[20:35:58] *** hahaha has joined #gotwoot.
[20:36:04] darkshadow: its enime!
[20:36:08] darkshadow: err i mean anime
[20:36:14] DragonOutlaw: time for some fun i guess
[20:36:24] KitKat: you go right ahead, DO
[20:36:33] Deadfire: Stop...It's DO time
[20:36:37] * darkshadow grabs popcorn
[20:36:41] *** hahaha is now known as imahugefaggot.
[20:36:47] * DrAgE sits back and watches
[20:37:00] *** imahugefaggot is now known as DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck.
[20:37:41] DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck: what the fuck is this site about
[20:37:54] Deadfire: what the heck does it look like?
[20:38:19] *** DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
[20:38:31] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is * Gotwoot IRC Web Client
[20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is using modes +iwx
[20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck is connecting from *
[20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck on @#gaysexteens #gotwoot
[20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck using Gotwoot
[20:38:32] DragonOutlaw: DO_pwns_me_like_a_truck End of /WHOIS list.
[20:38:39] DragonOutlaw: i kept making him join that channel
[20:38:53] DragonOutlaw: hes back
[20:38:57] DragonOutlaw: but with a diffrent name
[20:39:14] DragonOutlaw: well i dont get why hes changing his name
[20:39:19] DragonOutlaw: since i havent banned him or anything
Haha that conversation was funny
[21:22:08] Masamuneehs: deadfire: he probably saw the don't use commands in title and was out
[21:23:00] Deadfire: Masa your stomping on my parade again
[21:23:08] Deadfire: what did I say about that
[21:23:19] Masamuneehs: wasnt listening
[21:23:42] Deadfire: and you never do with me :(
[21:24:16] * dragonrage give deadfire a flamethrower.. burn masa
[21:24:39] dragonrage: start your killing spree early lol
[21:25:01] Deadfire: Why Masa is all the way over there...and I'm lazy
[21:25:20] Deadfire: so I will make my minions of evil do it
[21:25:27] * Masamuneehs takes a step closer, just to taunt
[21:25:47] dragonrage: yeah kinda hard to burn him when he is on the other side of the world
[21:26:03] Deadfire: Minion.. I mean Dragonrage... go flame him
[21:26:29] Deadfire: you other minion... I mean Darkshadow you help him out
[21:26:54] * darkshadow flames, DEADFIRE!
[21:26:55] * derzerb stares.
[21:27:10] dragonrage: masa stay still pin point you with lazer guided missle...
[21:27:15] * dragonrage fire one
[21:27:42] dragonrage: did it hit?
[21:27:45] Deadfire: Derzeb you attack Dark as he can't aim
[21:28:12] darkshadow: arg how did i miss
[21:28:30] Deadfire: Thats it... my minions cause much chaos.... *insert evil laugher*
[21:29:20] Deadfire: thats it dragonrage, battle to the 2 out of 3
[21:28:40] dragonrage: toy had one to many guiness...
[21:28:45] dragonrage: you*
[21:29:03] darkshadow: thats like beer right?
[21:29:27] dragonrage: no its like soda
[21:29:29] * darkshadow HATES beer
[21:30:13] Masamuneehs: darkshadow don't be a pussy and drink your beer
[21:30:27] * darkshadow HATES beer
[21:30:37] Masamuneehs: DONT BE A PUSSY AND DRINK YOUR BEER
[21:30:35] dragonrage: lol no thank i am a pacifist
[21:30:34] * darkshadow SMASH beer
[21:30:54] * darkshadow drinks his mineral water
[21:31:05] dragonrage: masa hows the dark stuff treating you?
[21:32:12] Masamuneehs: bah
[21:32:30] dragonrage: that good huh?
[21:32:25] Masamuneehs: it's so thick some of it, but i've found some good ones
[21:32:39] dragonrage: cool
[21:32:50] Masamuneehs: oh it is good, compared to the crap i drank back home
[21:34:23] *** derzerb has left #gotwoot.
[21:34:52] Deadfire: ?
[21:34:57] Deadfire: there go a Noob
[21:35:29] Deadfire: Us idlers should make up a sport
[21:35:37] Deadfire: called Nobb watching
[21:35:40] Deadfire: *noob
[21:35:43] dragonrage: lol
[21:35:51] Deadfire: and count how many of them come in a day
[21:35:56] dragonrage: and what are the rules?
[21:36:08] Deadfire: extra points if you get them to talk
[21:36:23] Deadfire: no points is the leave within 10 seconds
[21:36:33] dragonrage: ok
[21:36:33] Deadfire: *is if they
[21:36:53] dragonrage: but if you make them leave in 10 sec or less
[21:37:02] Deadfire: you lose points
[21:37:06] dragonrage: ic
[21:37:11] Deadfire: fair?
[21:37:46] dragonrage: how many points you get id they start flaming?
[21:38:11] Deadfire: 1 point per line of flame
sigh, DO's endless powers, is there even a real #gaysexteens at gotwoot becuase....well nevermind i guess terra's there.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Haha I definitely miss you guys in IRC. Good times good times.
omg it's Eura.
Well, if you miss me so much, why aren't you in the channel?
I think this is the first time I've ever banned someone from the channel.Quote:
[20:34:54] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by KitKat.
[20:34:55] *** everybodyherisafag has been kicked from #gotwoot by KitKat: No reason to be mean like that
Did it feel good to ban somebody?
And very good conversations once again, Deadfire. Good work.
we had mentioned the movie Memoirs of a Geisha...
[00:07] <rockmanj> maybe i should be like the chairman
[00:07] <rockmanj> get em while they're young
[00:07] <rockmanj> :-P
[00:08] <Assassin> ...
[00:08] <dragonrage> see i knew you were a child molester...
[00:27] <rockmanj> hey, ASS change that back to the im joking part
[00:27] <rockmanj> im not a child molestor
[00:27] <Assassin> give me a good reason, and i'll consider it
[00:27] <rockmanj> becuse its slander
[00:27] <Assassin> not good enough
[00:28] <rockmanj> and umm
[00:28] <rockmanj> you are the most awesome person...ever
[00:28] <rockmanj> :-D
[00:28] <Zinobi> rockman cmon think
[00:28] <dragonrage> suck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:28] <Assassin> pfft, fine
[00:29] <Assassin> nah, im only kidding! hah!
[00:29] <Assassin> you fail!
[00:29] <Assassin> child molester
[02:33] <%Assassin> dont hold you're breathe
[02:34] <@_kAi_> Zinobi can though
[02:34] <@_kAi_> he wants to die
[02:34] <+Zinobi> :P
[02:34] <%Assassin> ya, by all means
[02:34] <+dragonrage> please do
[02:34] <%Assassin> set up a video camera and make a movie of your death
[02:34] <+Zinobi> well i do wanna have sex atleast 20 times before
[02:34] <%Assassin> then upload it and send us the link
[02:34] <@_kAi_> lol
[02:35] <@_kAi_> then upload it
[02:35] <@_kAi_> and send us the link
[02:35] <@_kAi_> you idiot
[02:35] <+Zinobi> lol
[02:35] <+dragonrage> lol
[02:35] <+Zinobi> haha
[02:35] <@_kAi_> have it as a streaming feed
[02:35] <%Assassin> lol
[02:35] <+dragonrage> if he is dead how does he send the link assassin?
[02:35] <%Assassin> with his last breath, thats how
Do not believe these lies.
Believe what you want to believe..... that includes you rockmanj:DQuote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Fun With Terra!
As some of you know Terra Doesn't come to the channel much but when he does it is a site to behold
[22:59:14] Terracosmo: DO you aren't catchy
[22:59:18] DragonOutlaw: yes im
[22:59:19] Terracosmo: you're just good for the occasional sex
[22:59:22] DragonOutlaw: =(
[22:59:26] DragonOutlaw: that really hurt
[22:59:32] Terracosmo: sorry but it's the truth
[22:59:39] Terracosmo: you have a nice ass but you aren't catchy
[22:59:49] DragonOutlaw: I'll shank you!
[23:02:53] Terracosmo: if I commit suicide now you will all remember me as a sexy dumbass
[23:02:57] DragonOutlaw: no
[23:02:57] Terracosmo: I wish everyone remembered me as a sexy dumbass
[23:03:03] DragonOutlaw: i'd just remember you as the dumbass
[23:03:10] Terracosmo: stfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[23:03:12] Terracosmo: all the sex
[23:03:15] Terracosmo: all the goddamn seeeex
[23:03:19] dragonrage: freaky dumnass
[23:03:24] Terracosmo: okay okay
[23:03:26] DragonOutlaw: here lies Terracosmo
[23:03:28] Deadfire: I'll remember you as the gitter Goth
[23:03:29] DragonOutlaw: "dumbass"
[23:03:30] Terracosmo: I wish everyone remembered me as a dumbass
[23:04:36] Terracosmo: "dead from stroke due to extensive Naruto hentai wanking"
[23:06:04] Terracosmo: btw you guys, your nicks suck
[23:06:05] Terracosmo: I can't separate them
[23:06:08] Terracosmo: there's like darkshadow
[23:06:09] Terracosmo: darkrage
[23:06:10] Terracosmo: deadfire
[23:06:11] Terracosmo: deadrage
[23:06:21] darkshadow: lol
[23:06:22] Terracosmo: dragonrage
[23:06:23] Terracosmo: wtf
[23:06:27] Terracosmo: dragonfrie
[23:06:28] Terracosmo: fire
[23:06:29] DragonOutlaw: im DO
[23:06:31] Terracosmo: dragon fries
[23:06:33] Terracosmo: dragonoutlaw
[23:06:34] DragonOutlaw: bitch
[23:06:41] Terracosmo: dragonoutlaw what kind of fucking name is that
[23:06:45] Terracosmo: imagine a dragon with an eyepatch
[23:06:46] Terracosmo: which is like
[23:06:52] Terracosmo: "I'll rob you bitch"
[23:07:45] Terracosmo: but seriously dragon outlaw
[23:07:48] Terracosmo: imagine a dragon
[23:07:52] Terracosmo: who happens to be an outlaw
[23:08:22] *** Terracosmo is now known as cumbucket.
[23:08:36] cumbucket: this name rules
[23:10:15] Cumbucket: fuck yeah
[23:10:19] Cumbucket: there was this disney movie
[23:10:22] Cumbucket: with a blind guy
[23:10:24] Cumbucket: which one was that
[23:10:30] Cumbucket: maybe it wasn't disney
[23:10:51] DragonOutlaw: [23:08] *** Global -- from OperServ: DragonOutlaw used SVSNICK to change Terracosmo to cumbucket
[23:11:43] DragonOutlaw: LOOK AT CUMBUCKET
[23:11:48] DragonOutlaw: he is in all the gay channels
[23:11:52] Cumbucket: man all these gaysexteen channels
[23:13:40] *** Cumbucket is on: @#W @#L @#T @#U @#N @#O @#G @#A @#R @#D @#what23423423 @#gaysexteenz80312894232342323423 @#gaysexteenz803128942323423 @#gaysexteenz8031289423 @#gaysexteenz8 @#gaysexteenz7 @#gaysexteenz6 @#gaysexteenz5 @#gaysexteenz4 @#gaysexteenz3 @#gaysexteenz2 @#gaysexteenz1 @#gaysexteenz #gotwoot
[23:18:40] * dragonrage take out hitori hanzo and ask DO "wanna dance"
[23:19:03] * DragonOutlaw takes out his awesomely sharp penis
[23:21:29] Aliveashes: this conversion has really gone to shit
[23:21:54] Aliveashes: we know this when we start talking about DO's ass
[23:28:44] Terracosmo: I want kisses with taste of watermelon and peach
[23:28:48] Terracosmo: who is willing?
[23:29:06] * dragonrage volenteers darkshadow
[23:29:22] darkshadow: stop volunteering me!
[23:29:26] * Terracosmo thinks that dragonrage wants to volunteer himself
[23:29:32] darkshadow: we all know its YOUR deepest desire!
[23:29:57] * dragonrage says anh i not curious but he is
[23:30:18] master_me: He doesn't look any different.
[23:30:23] Terracosmo: you are all curious
[23:30:27] master_me: His hat is a bit different, but that's it
[23:30:34] Terracosmo: I will show you pleasure that no woman can ever hope to match
[23:30:38] master_me: It's always his hat
[23:30:39] master_me: I mean
[23:30:44] master_me: Y'know.
[23:30:45] dragonrage: what the fuck you talking about master_me
[23:30:48] * Deadfire gets his fedora
[23:31:03] darkshadow: master me talks about his own world
[23:31:04] master_me: I dunno, I'm just tired I suppose >_>
[23:31:19] * Deadfire gets on his clockwork orange outfit
[23:31:39] * dragonrage here is your volenteer terra keep him company
[23:31:41] Terracosmo: lol
[23:31:43] Terracosmo: kinky
[23:31:54] Terracosmo: jesus stop it with the volunteering let's just have an ORGY
[23:31:57] dragonrage: what you gonna cook
[23:31:59] Deadfire: indeed and for my next act
[23:32:21] * Deadfire gets the whiped cream, and strawberries
[23:32:28] dragonrage: lol
[23:32:41] * darkshadow steps back
[23:32:42] * dragonrage get the camera
[23:33:30] * dragonrage thinks this will make a good post your pic post.
scary shit
That certainly seems to be true. Quite spectacular.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Yes indeed! I just wish it was easy to access Irc through my college network, its a pain in the ass here to try and find the right port to get in.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
[23:02:57] Terracosmo: I wish everyone remembered me as a sexy dumbass
^ I'll be putting that as part of my signature Terra. :D
Keep the unfunny convos comin.
It's true though.......I dont think i'll ever be able to identify dragonrage, darkshadow, and deadfire as individuals, but rather the collective conscious of 3 people.
Originally Posted by NarutoMaster
Many of the things I said during that conversation are hazy so I'm glad Deadfire saved them. Fun stuff. :D
Ouch... that hurts, to my defense I was there before them (For the most part) and this is a recent developmentQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Thanks to everyone else for the props and I'll see about posting more up
These three segments were hilarious. The random switching of topics and the transformation of Terra into "Cumbucket" nearly made me choke with laughter.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
[21:38] <Arthain> !rules
[21:39] <Arthain> alright, question, how come it says you can't do !list, yet you can do !LIST... are they two different commands?
[21:39] * Wilik sets mode: +b Arthain!*@*
[21:39] * Wilik sets mode: +b *!*
[21:39] * Arthain was kicked by Wilik (If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!)
so perfect :p
[01:12] <DrAgE> yeah you freaked me out with that penis of your..
[01:12] <rockmanj> huh??
[01:12] <DrAgE> had nightmares
[01:12] <rockmanj> what the hell??
Time for a update
[18:15:30] *** WebUser2679 has joined #gotwoot.
[18:18:40] WebUser2679: am i allowed to list?
[18:18:48] Assassin: yes
[18:18:53] WebUser2679: !list
[18:18:53] *** Mode change "+b WebUser2679!*@*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[18:18:53] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[18:18:54] *** WebUser2679 has been kicked from #gotwoot by Wilik: If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!
[18:18:59] Assassin: oh, i meant no
[14:34:19] *** raving_fan has joined #gotwoot.
[14:46:13] raving_fan: ...
[14:46:37] raving_fan: ..does ANYTHING happen on this channel EVER??
[14:47:12] raving_fan: I may as well be talking to a rock...
[14:47:56] *** WebUser7283 has joined #gotwoot.
[14:48:39] WebUser7283: hey! raving_fan!!
[14:48:46] raving_fan: yo!!
[14:48:51] raving_fan: that you??
[14:49:00] WebUser7283: ye!
[14:49:05] WebUser7283: yeh it is!
[14:49:12] WebUser7283: it's myself!!
[14:49:26] raving_fan: holy fuck!!
[14:49:39] raving_fan: really???
[14:49:40] WebUser7283: yep
[14:49:56] raving_fan: wow.
[14:50:09] raving_fan: how are your grades?
[14:50:20] WebUser7283: not too bad.
[14:50:35] WebUser7283: I'm probably failing french
[14:50:45] D: stop talking to yourself
[14:50:49] raving_fan: I'm stopping now.
[15:08:08] Thi3f: Couldn't you have avoided that by not installing the shit?
[15:08:17] seanos_work: ....i could, but then I'd be bored in work...
[15:08:26] seanos_work: so instead of joining a channel multiple times and talking to myself...
[15:08:51] darkshadow: like some person in here
[15:09:41] Deadfire: who will remain nameless
[15:10:16] * Deadfire coughs *Cough*raving_fan*Cough*
[15:10:50] darkshadow: why did he stop talking
[15:11:14] seanos_work: mmmm subtle as sledgehammer, eh deadfire...
*Yes, about a hour later he goes up again*
[16:10:55] raving_fan: I'm nameless?
[16:11:11] raving_fan: I didn't know everybody hated me that much
[16:11:18] darkshadow: we dont hate you
[16:11:24] darkshadow: you just act stupid
[16:11:25] raving_fan: *phew*
[16:11:31] Deadfire: Wow I don't what to insult first your reply or the time it took to give it
[16:13:37] darkshadow: everything you say here
[16:13:39] darkshadow: is logged
[16:13:43] raving_fan: oh
[16:13:46] darkshadow: and CAN be used against you :p
[16:13:51] raving_fan: how do you do that?
[16:13:58] darkshadow: DF powers
[16:13:59] raving_fan: If I may ask
[16:14:11] raving_fan: lol.. um.. DF?
[16:14:25] darkshadow: DF as in deadfire <_<
[16:14:29] raving_fan: oh
[16:14:32] raving_fan: duh
[16:14:38] raving_fan: *wacks head*
[16:14:48] * darkshadow wacks your head too
[16:15:26] raving_fan: thanks
[16:15:32] raving_fan: much appreciated
[16:15:44] * darkshadow washes hand
[16:15:51] raving_fan: wow
[16:15:55] raving_fan: show the love
[16:22:35] Thi3f: Deadfire, just leave already, nobody likes you
[16:23:26] darkshadow: DF is cool
[16:24:03] Deadfire: Thi3f noone ever did
[16:24:17] Deadfire: and I hardly think they should
[16:24:29] Deadfire: I don't even like what I type
Heh heh. That was just classic.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
More Fun with Terra
[19:31:44] Terracosmo: wait
[19:31:47] Terracosmo: was he the guy who wrote !list ?
[19:31:47] *** Mode change "+b Terracosmo!*@*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[19:31:48] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[19:31:48] *** Terracosmo has been kicked from #gotwoot by Wilik: If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!
[19:31:58] Deadfire: LOL
[19:32:05] Zinobi: terras a dumbass
[19:32:07] RedX1: ouch..
As Terra Got banned I decides to be relay his typings to the channel and at this point
[19:34:02] Deadfire: [19:33:50] Terracosmo: yo
[19:33:52] Terracosmo: tell someone to unban me :O
[19:34:13] Deadfire: Assassin?
[19:34:23] Masamuneehs: someone wake up dragonoutlaw
[19:34:42] Deadfire: everyone WhoIS him
[19:35:38] Kraco: Nobody can make Wilikbot to unban? Only ban.
[19:35:52] RedX1: any other bright ideas?
[19:36:36] Deadfire: um
[19:36:47] Deadfire: I'll just relay his PMs?
[19:37:03] Masamuneehs: aww you're such a sweetheart deadfire
[19:37:18] Kraco: Somebody changes his nick to Terra, and starts to talk about crazy things, and everything's back to normal.
[19:37:19] RedX1: you're the man! get to it.
[19:37:22] Deadfire: Masa....*insert insult here*
[19:37:26] Deadfire: [19:35:39] Terracosmo: to be posted in the "today I learned thread" :
[19:35:51] Terracosmo: today I learned that I can't write list with an exclamation mark before it anywhere in a message
[19:38:37] Masamuneehs: at least he's learning something, unlike me who should be studying but is goofing like none other
[19:39:42] Deadfire: ha I really would like to be in Italy just as a place to travel too for a week or two
[19:40:10] Deadfire: [19:40:04] Terracosmo: DEAR MORTALS
[19:40:31] Deadfire: [19:40:25] Terracosmo: My name is overlord Terriuscosmixx VII and I am currently hidden within the walls of the galaxy
[19:40:39] Deadfire: [19:40:33] Terracosmo: you can hear my voice through the mortal host I have chosen with the name of Deadfire
[19:40:56] Deadfire: [19:40:41] Terracosmo: I have a simple message for all of you
[19:40:44] Terracosmo: It follows
[19:40:48] Terracosmo: that is all
[19:40:46] Terracosmo: BREAD.
[19:41:01] Masamuneehs: DF: tell him this mortal says he can suck me left nut
[19:41:17] Deadfire: [19:41:10] Terracosmo: do not bother to try and find me to find out the meaning of BREAD.
[19:41:40] Deadfire: [19:41:23] Terracosmo: for I am hidden within the walls of the galaxy
[19:41:23] Terracosmo: also,
[19:41:27] Terracosmo: I am hidden within the walls of the galaxy
[19:41:29] Terracosmo: BREAD.
[19:41:23] *** Terra has joined #gotwoot.
[19:41:46] Masamuneehs: don't trust this one! I sense an imposter in our midst...
[19:41:51] Deadfire: indeed
[19:41:52] Kraco: Somebody call an exorcist. We have some Terracosmo haunting in the house.
[19:42:00] Deadfire: lol
[19:42:07] Terra: hello
[19:42:38] Terra: i should not type ! list
[19:42:47] Deadfire: Terra is (Zach)
[19:42:50] Deadfire: hmmm
[19:43:01] Terra: you caught me :'(
[19:43:07] *** Terra is now known as Zinobi.
[19:55:21] Deadfire: Terra why do you have Cosmo at the end of your nick
[19:55:29] Deadfire: I mean do you really need it
[19:55:46] Terracosmo: I've been thinking about renaming myself entirely
[19:56:06] Terracosmo: maybe
[19:56:14] Terracosmo: you see
[19:56:20] Terracosmo: once upon a time I was fat and ugly
[19:56:25] Terracosmo: and straight
[19:56:38] RedX1: that explains alot..
[19:56:45] Terracosmo: and I decided to get an account at gamefaqs
[19:56:50] Terracosmo: because
[19:56:52] Terracosmo: it was so cool
[19:56:58] Terracosmo: I was like what 13 years old and seriously very fat and ugly
[19:56:59] Terracosmo: and straight
[19:57:06] Terracosmo: so I thought to myself
[19:57:11] Terracosmo: what can a fat and ugly
[19:57:12] Terracosmo: and straight
[19:57:17] Terracosmo: person like me name myself at gamefaqs
[19:57:26] Terracosmo: I used some cool words
[19:57:29] Terracosmo: Omega and Cosmo
[19:57:32] Terracosmo: so my name was Omega Cosmo
[19:57:35] Terracosmo: it was so cool
[19:57:53] Terracosmo: following my gamefaqs career was several other forums where I eventually shortened my name to Cosmos because everyone called me Cosmo
[19:57:59] Terracosmo: later on I became thin, hot and gay
[19:58:05] Terracosmo: and because I was no so incredibly hot and gay
[19:58:07] Terracosmo: I needed a new nick
[19:58:20] Terracosmo: I loved Cosmo so much that I didn't get rid of it
[19:58:24] Terracosmo: but I needed a new cool prefix
[19:58:30] Terracosmo: again I went into the depths of cool words
[19:58:31] darkshadow: terra you truly wake up this channel when you get here
[19:58:33] Terracosmo: and found TERRA
[19:58:41] Terracosmo: together they formed Terracosmo
[19:58:52] Kraco: Man, what a story!
[19:58:54] Terracosmo: and now you are telling me that I should dump Cosmo
[19:58:58] Terracosmo: which I can do
[19:59:00] Terracosmo: because to be honest
[19:59:06] Terracosmo: I'm even more gay now than before
[19:59:10] Terracosmo: so why not change my name again
[19:59:20] Masamuneehs: so what is your actual birth name then?
[19:59:20] Deadfire: to just terra?
[19:59:34] Terracosmo: my actual birth name is of course Roger the Mutant Armadillo
[19:59:45] Terracosmo: and yes Zin
[19:59:47] Kraco: That's pretty gay already.
[19:59:52] Terracosmo: the Terracosmo owns all
[19:59:59] Masamuneehs: seriously, now i need to know
[20:00:18] Terracosmo: my real name is actually Andreas
[20:00:18] Terracosmo: which
[20:00:22] Terracosmo: in a HILARIOUS twist of fate
[20:00:25] Deadfire: The original Greek form of Andrew (Andre in French, Andries in Dutch). Means 'manly' (derived from 'andros,' meaning 'manly').
[20:00:29] Terracosmo: exactly
wow, i missed quite a good story.
and darkshadow is right. you do add color to the forum. what kind i can't really say.
Terra has a rough history behind him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Damn, now I'm curious to know the meaning of BREAD. Fucking Astronomy class, can't even tell me how to find the walls of the galaxy.
Well today we got a new member in the channel and unlike our other join-and-parts he stuck around to make a new GW record. here is how it went down
[11:38:27] Dvee8: Ciber one of the few females? I saw only one on the stats page
[11:38:47] Ciber: uuh wtf
[11:38:50] Ciber: i'm not a chick
[11:38:53] Wilik: rofl
[11:39:05] rockmanj: wow
[11:39:21] Deadfire: lol
[11:39:31] rockmanj: i was watching domino
[11:39:35] Dvee8: Sorry. Just guessing
[11:39:36] rockmanj: but that mande me stop
[11:39:46] rockmanj: hilarious
[11:40:23] Dvee8: Glad to know that I made my presence (and ignorance) known in my first few minutes here
[11:40:35] Deadfire: Dvee8 you are going down in gotwoot history already and you just joined
[11:40:39] Wilik: yea thats a great way to make friends Dvee8
[11:40:43] Dvee8: lol
[11:40:48] Deadfire: that has to be a record
[11:41:00] * Dvee8 bows
[22:12:17] DragonOutlaw: whats the diffrence between KAI and a bucket of shit?
[22:12:24] DragonOutlaw: the bucket!!!
[22:13:04] RedX1: classic.
[15:01:50] Wilik: I could have sworn I banned aol
[15:02:00] *** Mode change "+b #gotwoot!*@*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[15:02:04] Wilik: whoops
[15:02:09] *** Mode change "-b #gotwoot!*@*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
[15:02:15] *** Mode change "+b *!*@*" for channel #gotwoot by Wilik.
<CK> _kAi_
<_Jad_> everyone is joining
<CK> you've created an epidemic
<CK> of name shortages
<_Jad_> hop on
* DragonOutlaw was kicked by _kAi_ (I'm stopping the source!~!!!!!!!)
<Deadfire> this is a big night
* DragonOutlaw has joined #gotwoot
<CK> .......
<DrAgE> lol
<Deadfire> lol
<DrAgE> nice
<CK> well that was...great
<xDM> hmmm
<Z> im still not on the forums yet -_-
<CK> the only 2 people with long names in normal users are raven and dragon
* _kAi_ sets mode: +v Deadfire
<CK> <Z> im still not on the forums yet -_-
<CK> its been working for a while...
<Deadfire> TY Kai
<DrAgE> hemmm attacking when your enemy isn't looking huh kai
<_kAi_> i just gotta bring him out in the open
<_kAi_> he's probably charlie in the tree
<CK> kAi have you gotten onto the forums?
<DrAgE> ic
<DrAgE> its ASSertnfailure b-day
<xDM> lol
<CK> ...okay so should we do something...?
<DrAgE> nah
* Assertnfailure was kicked by _kAi_ (Happy Birthday!)
<CK> okay
* Assertnfailure has joined #gotwoot
* Gotwoot sets mode: +o Assertnfailure
<DrAgE> ;p;
<DrAgE> lol
<Nin10doman> happy birthday, Assertnfailure.
<Z> lol
<Nin10doman> we love you.
<RedX1> speak for yourself.
<_kAi_> incorrect
<_kAi_> you!
<DrAgE> kai was that from all of us?
<Nin10doman> SHARE THE LOVE
<DrAgE> what love?
<CK> Dunno, but i wish i could kick him right now
<Nin10doman> The love that beats deep within your heart, waiting to be released unto the world!
<RedX1> i think the love got sucked out of this room a long time ago..
<Z> you gay?
<Nin10doman> let it free, DrAgE! LET IT FREE, AND DANCE AMONG THE LILIES!
<CK> Still wishing i could kick him
<CK> surprised kai hasn't done it
<RedX1> in person or from this room?
* xDM has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<Z> some one kick him
<_kAi_> no
<CK> lol
<Nin10doman> damn you guys are boring.
<Z> your gay
<Nin10doman> Your mom is gay.
<RedX1> burn..
<_kAi_> coming from Nin2doman
<CK> is there someone named "nin10doman" on the forums?
<RedX1> nintendo?
<Nin10doman> Yeah. I used to be around semi-alot, and then mut banned me.
<CK> lol
<Z> oh yeah?
<Nin10doman> But I don't see him around anywhere... ¬¬
<CK> surprise surprise
<_kAi_> who is mut?
<_kAi_> heh, haven
<RedX1> the asian?
<_kAi_> haven't seen him in a while
<Z> at nin10doman your mom is such a nerd when she has sex she goes 1010010110101!
<CK> ....
<DrAgE> i think complich murdered him!
<CK> this is going right into that IRC thread, i don't think i've posted something from a chat before
<CK> :)
<RedX1> should've seen yesterday..
<Nin10doman> Z, that binary doesn't translate to anything.
<Deadfire> I'm too lazy go ahead
<DrAgE> you should been here last night it was fun
<RedX1> there was racism and everything..
<Z> i dont know binary :(
<Nin10doman> :(
<CK> <Nin10doman> Z, that binary doesn't translate to anything.
<_kAi_> it's hex for EB294B3895
<CK> check?
<Nin10doman> ...maybe.
<Nin10doman> ¬¬¤
<DrAgE> red you fucking asian SPY!!!!
<Z> ....?
<Nin10doman> What you got against AZNs?
<_kAi_> there azn-ness
<Nin10doman> well that's not very nice.
<RedX1> it's not our fault we have technology and you people are just big or fat.
<_kAi_> i'm not very nice.
<Nin10doman> Why not?
<Z> cuz hes kai
<_kAi_> yeah
<Z> he betrayed his own beyblade TEAM!!! AH!!!
<Nin10doman> I think you could change. You should try being nice sometime.
<_kAi_> beyblade
<_kAi_> lol
* DrAgE taked out flamethrower and burns Redx1..... i got you now.
<Nin10doman> that wasn't a very nice thing to do.
<RedX1> hey, nin, we don't take to kindly to nins!
* Z thought DR was a dragon?
<Z> dont dragons breathe fire?
<CK> <Nin10doman> What you got against AZNs?
<CK> <_kAi_> there azn-ness
<Nin10doman> Red, why you gotta be hatin' on me?
<DrAgE> i am but what my breath is not to be wasted
<CK> what the fuck?
<RedX1> because you're a nin..
<Z> good for you
<_kAi_> dragonsoftie
<RedX1> you are you.
<DrAgE> i am kind when i wanna be, that is true.
* RedX1 slashes the letter a on drage
<RedX1> a for asian!
<DrAgE> but i am scheming to take reds girl from him.
<Nin10doman> yay!
<CK> i'm asian
<RedX1> good, i got back up.
<Assassin> DrAgE, leave his mom alone
* Z slashes a Z on everyones chest
<RedX1> you're all going down now.
* Z thinks
<RedX1> ouch, assassin..
<RedX1> just ouch..
<CK> kAi can you even be racist? your an aussie
* DrAgE scales are harder than that
<Assassin> :p
<_kAi_> we don't like azn-ness in here
<Assassin> who the fuck was ronaldbow
<_kAi_> webuser666
<DrAgE> yep
<Z> Ronald Wilson Reagan
<Assassin> LUCIFER!
<DrAgE> webuse8666
<Z> count the letters in that name
<_kAi_> ronaldo bw
<Deadfire> G'night all
* Deadfire has left #gotwoot
<DrAgE> peace
<_kAi_> later dumbfuck
<_kAi_> fucken bastard
<Z> lol
<Nin10doman> Hey kai.
<_kAi_> sup
<Nin10doman> Who's your idol?
<_kAi_> me
<DrAgE> itsn't he your underling.... poor deadfire
<Nin10doman> that's cool.
* Z whispers bleh
<_kAi_> i know
<_kAi_> i'm the only one to look up to
<Nin10doman> You must feel pretty cool.
<Nin10doman> Do you feel cool, kai?
* Z the guy next to me cant understand im not talkting to him
<_kAi_> yeah, it's pretty cold today
<CK> okay this is getting way too fucked up
<Nin10doman> that was very literal, kai. But somewhat witty. You get points for that.
<_kAi_> i get points for everything
[14:06] * DragonOutlaw /join #prison
[14:07] * %Assassin /hop #prison
[14:07] <@_kAi_> lol, DO is going to make a channel for everything
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #everything
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #make
[14:07] <+DrAgE> i know
[14:07] * %Assassin /hop #prison-fence
[14:07] <@_kAi_> /quit #prison
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #channel
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #IRC
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #life
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #food
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> #ps2
[14:07] <@_kAi_> #DO
[14:07] <+DrAgE> lol
[14:07] <%Assassin> #homo
[14:07] <@_kAi_> #DragonOutlaw
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> i want my own channel
[14:07] <%Assassin> #10!
[14:07] <DragonOutlaw> it'll be awesome
[14:08] <@_kAi_> i'm op
[14:09] <%Assassin> #DOisGay
[14:09] <DragonOutlaw> RUN
[14:09] <DragonOutlaw> stupid KAI
[14:09] <DragonOutlaw> how dare you start channels against me
[14:07] * Now talking in #DragonOutlaw
[14:08] * Joins: Assassin (
* Retrieving #DragonOutlaw modes...
[14:08] * _kAi_ changes topic to 'DO is gay'
[14:08] * Joins: DragonOutlaw (distro@Network.Administrator)
[14:08] <Assassin> haha
[14:08] <DragonOutlaw> :O
[14:08] <DragonOutlaw> =(
[14:08] <@_kAi_> haha
[14:08] <Assassin> #DOisGay
[17:14] <Chaoskiddo> <Eurasian> And I'm not old enough to drink..but does it really stop
[17:14] <Chaoskiddo> i heard it doesn't stop you from being a whore
[17:14] <Eurasian> You fucker
CK for the win
2 days in a row on IRC. 2 days in a row it gets...interesting?
<Ciber> we know you poor college students can't afford to drink ;)
<Thi3f> DUn dun dun
<Deadfire> hey I can afford.
<Deadfire> sometimes
<Ciber> i know i won't be drinking much
<God2> ....yes you will!
<DrAgE> i do not drink, i just hold the bottle.
<Ciber> don't want to end up with half of the gw women in my suite and divorced the next day
<God2> lol
<Ciber> haha
<Z|SCHOOL> bleh
<Ciber> last time i got drunk, i could not remember how i got home :P
* God2 slaps Z|SCHOOL around a bit with a large trout
<Chaoskiddo> half the GW women is a whole...3
<Ciber> thought it was 2
<Deadfire> it's 0
<Chaoskiddo> i have no idea
* Z|SCHOOL is now known as Z
<Thi3f> Girls don't exist on the internet
<DrAgE> well i think its like 5
<God2> fools! there are no women!
<God2> its all a hoax!
<Z> so are youg gay?
* God2 slaps Z around a bit with a large trout
<God2> hush boy!
<Chaoskiddo> Aren't you like the youngest person on gotwoot?
<Ciber> lo
<Z> i think
<Ciber> lol
<DrAgE> they both are young
<Thi3f> Or maybe we're old
<God2> no, Im only the youngest persn with a sig.
<DrAgE> i am the older brother of time, i don't know about the rest of you all.
<Z> shouldnt say tht
<Z> god how old are you
<Ciber> damned UPS
<Ciber> sobs are so late
after some shit about moniter sizes or something..
<Chaoskiddo> God
<Chaoskiddo> <Z> 14 here
<Chaoskiddo> <Z> bday?
<Chaoskiddo> I'm interested to find the youngest person on gotwoot
<DrAgE> god and zinobi are both 14, they met in the girls locker room.
<Z> ...?
<Assassin> i think the youngest person ever was some 11 yr old like a year back
<God2> its probably a member that we dont even know about
<Chaoskiddo> that would be inferring they're girls
<Chaoskiddo> and as deadfire stated
<Chaoskiddo> there are no girls on the internet
<Z> soo your point being...?
<Ciber> lol
<Thi3f> Z, you don't exist, now go away
<Ciber> plenty of girls on the internet
<God2> no way. I've contributed too much in the various hot babes threads to be a girl
<DrAgE> no girls on the interweb, are you sure, damn there are sure alot of posers.
<Assassin> except they're all fat and ugly
<Chaoskiddo> Ciber, those porn sites you go to, they're all men
<Z> ahh i see
<Assassin> lol CK
<Ciber> *rolls eyes*
<God2> rofl
<DrAgE> nice CK
<Ciber> probably 80% of the women i know in real life spend some time online
<God2> didju guys know Kitkat moderates the Hotbabes thread in General Discussion
<Ciber> either aim/msn/or *gah* myspace
<Assassin> <God2> no way. I've contributed too much in the various hot babes threads to be a girl --> you could be a lesbian like Eurasian
<Z> really?
<DrAgE> noooooooo
<Thi3f> lmao
And it ends with an Eurasian mock.
Edit: Okay i lied, shortly afterwards...
<Assassin> heh, poor Eura :p
<Ciber> she's not a lesbian...
<DrAgE> i fell sorry for her... would hold her hand but ciber would get jealious.
<Eurasian> man i come back to look at the convo
<Ciber> lol
<Assassin> haha
<Eurasian> .../cry
<Chaoskiddo> <DrAgE> i fell sorry for her... would hold her hand but ciber would get jealious.
* DrAgE hands Eurasian a tissue
<Chaoskiddo> If ciber would get jealous, that means ciber is also a lesbian explaining the men on porn sites issue doesn't it?
* DrAgE and a beer.
* Eurasian thanks DrAge.
<Ciber> ...
<Assassin> lmao
<Z> interesting
<DrAgE> ciber i think its time you came out to your wife.... no use staying in the closet.
Edit2: well, while i was away...
* God2 slaps Arcness around a bit with a large trout
* God2 eats the trout
* Z|writingscipaper runs from the trout to get a stergen!
* Z|writingscipaper slaps God2 with the stergen
* God2 kicks Z in the balls
* Z|writingscipaper cries out in pain
* God2 gives Z a bandade
* Z|writingscipaper throws out a Phoenix Down
* DrAgE hai >:( the battle of the 14 years old begins... IRC has become a daycare center.
* Deadfire casts Death on all Noobs
You guys need to learn how to edit your logs
[18:52:48] Arcness: its just retarded that you posted it
[18:52:59] Arcness: Its not funny at all
[18:53:39] * Deadfire waits as noobs start pressing the report to mod button about it
[18:53:53] Arcness: deadfire
[18:54:06] Deadfire: yes, arc?
[18:54:22] Arcness: read that last CK post in the irc. Dont you find it retarded?
[18:54:25] Chaoskiddo: <Arcness> Its not funny at all
[18:54:34] Chaoskiddo: funny? no i just found it mildly interesting
[18:54:39] Arcness: its not even
[18:54:57] Deadfire: Arc do I find anything CK posts retarded?
[18:55:11] Arcness: lol
[18:55:14] Arcness: I can assume you do
[19:00:49] Z|writingscipaper: CK you didnt get the whole battle
[19:01:14] Deadfire: he got the better part of it, if such a thing existed
[19:02:12] Chaoskiddo: I got the part that i had enough patience to read
[19:02:35] Z|writingscipaper: but that eneding sux i mean cmon i had a Riboon equipped along witht the badass Buster Sword equipped
[19:02:47] Chaoskiddo: Acctually Deadfire casting death
[19:02:51] Chaoskiddo: is the only way to end it
You guys are jerks. >=O
that convo almost makes me want to go in there.........almost.
I may give you guys the honor of being graced with my presence sometime(although I think it would be like blood in the water......)
*hands Eurasian another tissue* there, there, don't cry, come back and we will make it all better.:oQuote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
Sounds like a trap...Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
But yeah I will be back...idling...kekeke
----The Night I was Banned ---
[02:04] <AngelEyez> !list
[02:04] <DrAgE> ooooo
[02:04] <DrAgE> you didn't get kicked
[02:04] <Assassin> now its ur turn DrAgE
[02:04] <AngelEyez> Yeah hax!
[02:04] <Assassin> wiliks script is temporarily off
[02:05] <AngelEyez> Lol
[02:05] <Assassin> !list
[02:05] <Assassin> see
[02:05] <DrAgE> i sense danger, but oh well
[02:05] <DrAgE> !list
[02:05] * Wilik sets mode: +b DrAgE!*@*
[02:05] * Wilik sets mode: +b *!*
[02:05] * You were kicked by Wilik (If you weren't so damn stupid I wouldn't have had to ban you from our channel. Next time read the rules!)
[02:05] * Attempting to rejoin channel #gotwoot
[02:06] <Assassin> :p
[02:06] <DrAgE> damn you!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:07] <DrAgE> damn you to hell assassin
just thought i would make things clearer.
In my defense, there was some testing going on in IRC and some of the commands were turned off.
[19:23:07] DrAgE: please.
[19:23:11] DrAgE: my eyes.
[19:23:18] DrAgE: it burns
[19:23:31] Deadfire: I spoiled nothing you doit
[19:23:50] DrAgE: idiot*
[19:24:05] Deadfire: I meant doit this time
[19:24:54] Deadfire: It's a contracton of idiot. It is used when the objext of this insult does not even deserve three syllables to describe him or her or it.
[19:25:01] Deadfire: :P
[19:25:25] DrAgE: DOIT : A thing of small value; as, I care not a doit.
[19:25:44] Deadfire:
[19:25:50] Deadfire: FTW
[19:26:29] DrAgE: you are saying i am a waste of time
[19:26:32] DrAgE: DF
[19:28:07] Deadfire: you are a Waste of alot of other things too "P
[19:28:13] Deadfire: mainly my air
[19:29:37] DrAgE: you got anymore?
[19:29:43] DrAgE: or is that it?
[19:29:47] Deadfire: possibly
[19:29:53] DrAgE: ic
[19:30:55] DrAgE: you name doesn't fit you. Then again, maybe you are just scheming and plotting you next attack.
[19:30:58] DrAgE: your*
[19:32:16] Deadfire: My nick fits me like a glove
[19:32:28] RedX1: that's mine!
[19:32:54] * Deadfire gives glove back to red by slaping him in the face
[19:33:13] RedX1: i got your birthday planned out nicely, deadfire..
[19:33:19] RedX1: it will be your last!
[19:33:35] Deadfire: You can't even get to the border of canada
[19:33:48] Deadfire: nor where to start looking for me
[19:34:08] RedX1: don't worry.. i have my ways..
[19:34:47] Deadfire: Red drinking more will not help you this time
Like i said DeadFire, you should be a Journalist. You're pretty good at taking thing out of context. :p
nice disclaimer btw.... maybe people should actually read it. lol.
<Terracosmo> what the fuck is Calvin Klein doing here?
<CK> advertising
<CK> buy my shit
<Terracosmo> go to hell you cheap jeans
<Terracosmo> I bought your stuff
<Terracosmo> it sucks
<darkshadow> ok idolo was badass
<CK> i know
<darkshadow> every zoe fan in here should watch it
<CK> but at least i got paid for it
<CK> Hot ones are expensive
<Terracosmo> true
<Terracosmo> such as I
<RedX1> since when was it about the models, it's all about the clothes!
<CK> Say...want a job?
<Terracosmo> why not
<Terracosmo> but it will be expensive
<Terracosmo> at least 5 bucks and a yzak figurine
<Terracosmo> and it better not be a duplicate
<CK> Where the hell am i supposed to get a Yzak figurine?
<Terracosmo> you're Calvin Klein
<Terracosmo> you can like
<Terracosmo> travel through time
<CK> Fine i'll bribe Fuduka with my amazing clothes
<Terracosmo> since Fukuda sucks just like your clothes, he'll probably want to sign a deal with you
<Zinobi> amzing?
<Terracosmo> and then in the next Gundam Seed series
<CK> Terra, he's not a fucking model
<Terracosmo> everybody will have CK clothes
* Kanbei has joined #gotwoot
<CK> Awsome free publicity
<CK> now sign the contract.
<Terracosmo> Kira: There are three things that are vital to my success, my love for Lacus, all the love and support from my friends..
<Terracosmo> *Kira turns around*
<darkshadow> terra
<Zinobi> terra your quitting your "would you like fries with that job"?
<darkshadow> the little letters say: you must lick ck's balls
<Terracosmo> Kira: Did I mention that these jeans are from CK?
<Terracosmo> I don't have a fries with that job
<CK> darkshadow, are you his fucking lawyer? go away
<Terracosmo> I'm in the kitchen
<Terracosmo> I spit on the fucking meat
<Terracosmo> THAT'S RIGHT
<Terracosmo> I SPIT ON YOUR FOOD
<CK> You'd be perfect as a model
<Terracosmo> yes
<Zinobi> terra
<Terracosmo> except I'm not hot and have a body which hasn't seen the light of exercise in years
<Zinobi> you should be the president of the world
<Terracosmo> but yeah I'm a perfect model
<CK> Zinobi, then we'd all be forced to wear Yzak masks
<Terracosmo> I'd be an awesome president
<Terracosmo> I'd shoot all Kira fans
<Terracosmo> voila
<CK> And when Terra wakes up, he'd be surrounded by Yzak
<Terracosmo> all done
<Terracosmo> world peace
<Zinobi> unless we were close friends with him
<CK> Zinobi, better throw yourself at his feet before he rises to power
<darkshadow> kira must die
<darkshadow> twice
<Kanbei> ugh, what are we talking about
<CK> Hey you, want a job?
<darkshadow> YOU werent talking about anything
Yes things get creepy when Terra comes in the channel. And darkshadow for the win against Kanbei (knives)
Got to love watching our admins go at it
[14:04:18] Wilik: I love how all those fat ass white bitches sit around and complain about how the mexicans are taking their jobs yet do nothing but sit around milking the government tit for all its worth with their 5 kids on welfare
[14:05:10] Wilik: if they took away welfare maybe they would spend their money on better things like condoms and aborations
[14:06:12] Wilik: atleast the mexicans with 5 kids work their ass off for that minimum wage job they have
[14:06:40] Wilik: and what do their women do all day?
[14:06:50] Wilik: laundry and cook and take care of their kids
[14:07:07] Wilik: not sit around and watch opra and jerry springer
[14:07:18] Wilik: I hate white people
[14:07:23] Wilik: you can quote me on that
[14:09:00] Wilik: you gotta admit Rick, I have a point ;)
[14:09:16] Wilik: how many homeless mexicans do you see on the side of the road asking for change? none
[14:09:25] Wilik: why? because they will GET A FUCKIN JOB
[14:09:49] Wilik: you see all these retarded ass white and black people begging for change instead
[14:10:26] Wilik: I tell them to fuck off and get a job
[14:10:40] Ciber: i gotta admit
[14:10:48] Ciber: i can't remember the last time i saw a hispanic bum
[14:10:54] Wilik: exactly
[14:11:07] Wilik: because they will go get a job making sushi
[14:11:14] Wilik: even if all they know how to make is beans
[14:11:26] Wilik: because they dont care
[14:11:54] Wilik: man, like 2 days ago this black dude came up to me and asked me for 5 bucks for a meal
[14:12:10] Wilik: I pointed him in the direction of the local soup kitchen and told him to go there if he was hungry
[14:12:27] Wilik: he had the nerve to get mad at me
[14:13:02] Wilik: I was like 'look dude, I am not going to invest in your drug/drinking habits, go find some other dumbass tourist or something to con into that'
[14:13:38] Wilik: then this white bum guy asked me for change to ride the bus
[14:14:13] Wilik: I was like 'and where exactly are you going to go? the bridge you sleep under is 2 blocks away, you are clearly used to walking judging by the state of your shoes, why not just walk your ass over there'
[14:14:48] Ciber: gonna give you some advice josh...
[14:14:55] Wilik: dont fuck with the bums?
[14:15:00] Ciber: stop pissing off bums
[14:15:05] Wilik: this is texas not nyc, we carry guns
[14:15:11] Ciber: but you don't
[14:15:17] Wilik: they dont either ;)
[14:15:23] Wilik: but I do carry a pocket knife
[14:15:27] Ciber: yeah they usually carry knives :P
[14:15:36] Ciber: you'll be stabbed before you react :P
[14:15:40] Wilik: I doubt it
[14:15:50] Ciber: i've seen it happen
[14:15:51] Ciber: trust me
[14:15:54] Wilik: I usually have it open in my pocket with my hand on it when a bum comes up to me man
[14:15:56] Ciber: you won't be expecting it heh
[14:16:05] Wilik: I always expect the worst :P
[14:16:19] Wilik: I grew up in the ghetto
[14:16:20] Ciber: either way
[14:16:25] Ciber: you don't want to stab a bum
[14:16:30] Ciber: in our retarded system
[14:16:33] Ciber: you'll get 10 years
[14:16:36] Ciber: and then get sued
[14:16:37] Ciber: lol
[14:16:39] Wilik: probably
[14:16:43] Wilik: but they wont get much
[14:16:54] Wilik: i'll just go get my car and run his ass over
[14:17:09] Wilik: and say he jumped out infront of me in an attempt to end his pathetic life
[14:17:16] Wilik: thats not my fault
[14:18:13] Wilik: I have no remorse for bums
[14:23:27] Ciber: did i show you the new GW command bridge? :P
[14:23:35] Wilik: no?
[14:23:39] Ciber:
[14:23:56] Wilik: I have a better desk then you
[14:24:09] Ciber: lol
[14:24:24] Wilik: thats about it
[14:25:24] Wilik: dude Rick you have a huge metal poll in the corner of your room
[14:25:50] Ciber: yup
[14:25:57] Ciber: joy of old nyc buildings
[14:26:01] Wilik: lol
[14:26:17] Wilik: you have alot of shit man
[14:26:21] Ciber: that tube is the "heater"
[14:26:30] Wilik: you kidding?
[14:26:32] Wilik: lol
[14:26:40] Ciber: those two bars across the bottom of my desks
[14:26:51] Wilik: ah I see
[14:27:02] Ciber: both have routers and shit zip tied to them
[14:27:03] Wilik: I have central heating/air
[14:27:11] Wilik: yea I noticed
[14:27:17] Ciber: that's cause you live in a new building :P
[14:27:30] Wilik: newer then yours yea
[14:27:50] Wilik: whats that big huge thing on the right side of your desk?
[14:27:58] Wilik: next to the 360
[14:28:04] Ciber: uhh
[14:28:06] Wilik: a vcr?
[14:28:09] Ciber: it's a receiver lol
[14:28:12] Wilik: ah
[14:28:23] Wilik: looks like a vcr
[14:28:29] Ciber: wtf lol
[14:28:40] Wilik: whats it recieve? messages from aliens?
[14:28:48] Wilik: the thing is huge man
[14:28:48] Ciber: dude
[14:29:00] Ciber: you know the receivers that are amps and everything
[14:29:04] Wilik: ahh
[14:29:06] Ciber: for home theather systems
[14:29:09] Ciber: that's what that is
[14:29:09] Wilik: its a sterio
[14:29:24] Ciber: it's called a receiver dammit
[14:29:32] Wilik: I know ;)
stop trying to turn me out to be a drunk, you fudge monkey!Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
don't look at me like that, you're the craziest out of them all!
HA! Crazy like a fox...Quote:
Originally Posted by UltxDarkRedX1
anyways it's to bad I don't really have anything good to report from last nights FF7 cosplaying action. Yes we did that (everyone had a name from FF7), and no please don't ask me how it came to that, I don't know
[19:22] * DrAgE slaps Chaoskiddo around a bit with a large trout
[19:22] <DrAgE> heres a fish
4[19:23] <Chaoskiddo> Okay"?
6[19:23] * RedX1 swings the case full of bricks again at drage's face
[19:23] <RedX1> and there's my thank you again.
[19:23] <Zinobi> DR
[19:23] <Zinobi> you should go to a hospital
[19:23] <DrAgE> now, now no need to be jealeous.
[19:23] <Zinobi> right about now
6[19:23] * DrAgE slaps RedX1 around a bit with a large trout
[19:23] <DrAgE> heres one for you too
[19:24] <Zinobi> DR you didnt even cast curaga
[19:24] <Zinobi> god man learn how to fight
4[19:24] * Chaoskiddo smacks RedX1 and DrAgE with a rubber chicken
4[19:24] <Chaoskiddo> There your both dead
[19:24] <Zinobi> do you even have ribbon equipped?
4[19:24] <Chaoskiddo> Zinobi, no more gay battles
4[19:25] <Chaoskiddo> I'll take Deadfire's road
4[19:25] * Chaoskiddo casts death on everyone
Thats how it started....
6[19:25] * Zinobi has ribbon epuipped
[19:25] <Zinobi> :P
6[19:26] * RedX1 casted reflect a long time ago
[19:26] <RedX1> so, you die!
[19:26] <Zinobi> id reply to that but im not gonna
[19:26] <RedX1> i meant ck, if that's what you're wondering.
[19:26] <Zinobi> *coughBigSheild*cough*
[19:26] <DrAgE> i see new people.... anyone know who they are?
[19:27] <RedX1> my body guards..
4[19:27] * Chaoskiddo turns into Seph
4[19:27] <Chaoskiddo> You all die
4[19:27] <Chaoskiddo> Now shut up
[19:27] <Zinobi> we should all rename our selves with name from FF7
[19:27] <RedX1> silence, you long white haired faggot!
[19:27] <DrAgE> i think not.
Zinobi's credited for his great idea :P
And...the fight started from there, and ended with Sephiroth and Vincent being the only people alive.
Who was Vincent then, if you were Sephiroth?
Also, lol @ Wilik's rant against bums.
I am Vincent., and i must say it was a blood bath. Sephiroth, owned. But we must not forget that there was one other. The_Kalm_Traveler, infact he is still there in the distance.
Wilik's testimony, was inspiring. I very much enjoyed it.
What? Ciber talking about money? Those have to be editsQuote:
<Ciber> we know you poor college students can't afford to drink
[14:23:27] Ciber: did i show you the new GW command bridge? :P
------ Abuse of power can be FUN --------
[01:44] <Assassin> propose a cool sounding name to use in a mmorpg
[01:45] <Z> Lecko
[01:46] <Assassin> i said kool
[01:46] <Z> Lokar
[01:46] <Assassin> get off the L's
[01:46] <Z> Azok
[01:47] <Assassin> you suck
[01:47] <Wilik> McGillacuddings
[01:49] <Z> i got it
[01:49] <Z> GaylordFocker
[01:49] <Assassin> wait i have one
[01:49] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
[01:49] <Wilik> Fudgepacker?
[01:49] * Z was kicked by Assassin (kicked)
[01:49] * Z has joined #gotwoot
[01:50] <Z> what was that for?
[01:50] <Assassin> quiet you programming primate
[01:50] <Z> ooooootaaaaaay
[01:50] <Wilik> primate?
[01:50] <Z> yeah im a monkry
[01:50] <Z> oo
[01:50] <Z> oooooo
[01:50] <Z> ooo
[01:50] <Wilik> Assassin, dont make me embarise you infront of the newbie
[01:51] <Assassin> i was talking to Wilik acutally
[01:51] <Assassin> and niggaplz!
[01:51] * Assassin has quit IRC (Killed (Wilik (Assassin? how fuckin original is that? come up with something better dumbass)))
[01:52] * Assassin has joined #gotwoot
[01:52] <Assassin> monkiplz!
[09:24] <RedX1> good morning, everyone!
[09:25] <_kAi_> it's night to you
[09:25] <Arcness> lol
[09:25] <RedX1> my clock says different.
[09:25] <_kAi_> change it
[09:25] <_kAi_> 23:25:48
[09:25] <RedX1> make me!
[09:26] * _kAi_ sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
[09:26] <Arcness> lol
[09:26] <Arcness> he made you alright
[09:26] <Arcness> lol
[09:26] <_kAi_> /msg me when you're done
[09:29] <Arcness> hey Kai
[09:29] <Arcness> remember that Red guy
[09:29] <_kAi_> lol
[09:29] <Arcness> I dont really remember him well, but talked back to you that one day
[09:29] <_kAi_> yeah i just noticed his msg
[09:29] <_kAi_> haha
[09:29] <_kAi_> oh
[09:29] <_kAi_> someone else i see
[09:29] * _kAi_ sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
[09:30] <RedX1> sheesh..
[09:30] <Arcness> youre lucky
[09:30] <Arcness> i said something
[09:30] <_kAi_> haha
[09:30] <RedX1> appreciate it.
[09:30] <_kAi_> yeah
[09:30] <RedX1> people are so cold this morn.. i mean night..
[09:31] * Arcness sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
[09:31] <Arcness> appreciate it more
[09:31] * Arcness sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
[09:31] <Arcness> :P
[09:31] <RedX1> having fun?
[09:31] <Arcness> iam done
[09:31] <Arcness> lol
[09:31] <_kAi_> lol
[09:32] <RedX1> good.. lol.
[09:33] <RedX1> yet, i still fear you both..
[09:33] <_kAi_> nothing to fear
[09:33] <Arcness> ya
[09:33] <Arcness> except from me and kai
[09:33] <Arcness> but thats about it
[09:33] <Arcness> especially kai
[09:33] <Arcness> but especially me
[09:34] <Assassin> no ph34r of me?
[09:35] <_kAi_> who are you?
[09:35] <Assassin> bob
[09:35] <Arcness> well
[09:35] <Arcness> you didnt ban him
[09:35] <_kAi_> hey junaidbob
[09:35] <Arcness> turn on that h and show him
[09:35] <Assassin> im playing nice cop today
[09:35] <Arcness> liar
[09:35] <_kAi_> oh ic
[09:35] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
[09:35] * RedX1 was kicked by Assassin (haku told me to)
[09:36] <Arcness> lol i said ban
[09:36] <Arcness> not kick
[09:36] * RedX1 has joined #gotwoot
[09:36] <Assassin> lol, i improvised
[09:36] <RedX1> why's everyone picking on me?!
[09:36] <RedX1> damn..
[09:36] <Arcness> Red
[09:36] <Assassin> cuz ur a commie bastard!
[09:36] <Arcness> lol i had a comment
[09:36] <Arcness> but thats good enough
[09:36] <Arcness> good one
[09:36] <Arcness> lol
[09:36] <Assassin> B)
[09:37] <RedX1> commie bastard?
[09:37] <RedX1> where?!
[09:41] <Arcness> Red if you mess with Kai
[09:41] <Arcness> this is whats going to happen
[09:41] <Arcness>
[09:41] <RedX1> kai has the power to do that?
[09:42] <Arcness> of course
[09:43] <Arcness> i've seen him do much worse
[09:46] <RedX1> really now?
[09:49] <Arcness> yup
[09:49] <Arcness> really
[09:49] <Arcness> dont test him
[09:50] <RedX1> ahem..
[09:50] * RedX1 gets ready..
[09:50] <Assassin> thats quite a punch
[09:50] * RedX1 runs
Best birthday party ever
[22:14:42] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (happy early bday))).
[22:14:52] Deadfire: lol nice DO
[22:15:09] DragonOutlaw: =)
[22:15:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:15:15] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:15:20] Arcness: lol DO
[22:15:26] Arcness: thanks
[22:15:28] Arcness: lol
[22:15:45] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (WHOESE BIRTHDAY IS IT EVERYONE!?!?!? ITS HAKUS))).
[22:16:00] darkshadow: rofl
[22:16:06] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:16:10] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:16:16] Arcness: Lol
[22:16:18] Arcness: AGAIN!
[22:16:19] Vincent: lol
[22:16:25] DragonOutlaw: Damn right
[22:16:35] Arcness: no
[22:16:36] Arcness: again
[22:16:39] Arcness: i wanna go again
[22:16:40] Arcness: do it
[22:16:41] Vincent: third time is the charm
[22:16:41] Arcness: lol
[22:16:55] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (M000000000000000000000))).
[22:17:16] RedX1: then what's the fourth?
[22:17:18] Z: that isnt relevant to his bday
[22:17:19] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:17:23] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:17:27] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (Shut up Z))).
[22:17:44] Vincent: lol
[22:17:46] Deadfire: lol
[22:17:47] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:17:51] DragonOutlaw: :P
[22:17:52] Arcness: lol
[22:17:57] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:18:07] Deadfire: boot DO Arc
[22:18:14] Deadfire: just try it
[22:18:17] Vincent: yea
[22:18:25] *** Z has been kicked from #gotwoot by Arcness: Thanks for getting me kicked
[22:18:27] *** Z has joined #gotwoot.
[22:18:29] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
[22:18:29] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:18:29] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
*DO then starts doing this many times over*
[22:21:38] Arcness: i wont even be able to get on the server
[22:21:44] Arcness: thats gonna be my bday
[22:21:46] Arcness: lol
[22:21:52] DragonOutlaw: >.>
[22:21:53] Arcness: kline
[22:22:09] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
[22:22:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:22:09] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
*This starts another chain of boots*
[22:24:49] Arcness: my friend got whipped before
[22:25:02] Arcness: lol
[22:25:10] Z: haku dont wear a hat theyll steal it!!
[22:25:11] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
[22:25:11] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:11] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:25:12] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
[22:25:12] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:13] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:25:20] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: BRB ACTUALLY
[22:25:20] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:21] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot
Giving him a total of 4 kills and 28 boots from the channel.. Happy B-day Haku!
Bump, If anyone has any questions ask Deadfire
[13:26:53] *** WebUser8713 has joined #gotwoot.
[13:27:08] WebUser8713: hello
[13:27:12] Deadfire: Well a webuser has joined
[13:27:18] darkshadow: :o
[13:27:18] Deadfire: hello there
[13:27:20] Aiham: Hello Webuser.
[13:27:26] WebUser8713: hi :)
[13:27:38] WebUser8713: how cna i download naruto he re?
[13:27:39] Deadfire: want to pick a nick and chat awhile?
[13:27:46] WebUser8713: uhm
[13:27:54] Deadfire: I'm sorry I only understand english
[13:27:54] WebUser8713: how do i pick a nick?
[13:28:09] Deadfire: /nick *insert nick here*
[13:28:10] Aiham: /quit NAME
[13:28:15] Aiham: Aww.
[13:28:18] Aiham: Hokay, /nick HAME
[13:28:20] Aiham: NAME
[13:28:26] WebUser8713: uhm
[13:28:26] IFHTT: grab a blanket and a basket of food and go out to a park and pickanick
[13:28:26] WebUser8713: ok
[13:28:45] *** WebUser8713 is now known as sasuke.
[13:28:49] darkshadow: omg
[13:28:51] Aiham: WOW
[13:28:51] Aiham: Original!
[13:28:54] Deadfire: there you go
[13:29:02] Deadfire: ok now what is the question?
[13:29:14] sasuke: uhm, i wanted to download some naruto
[13:29:16] Deadfire: now I will warn you
[13:29:42] Deadfire: If i can find that answer on our frontpage these guys will insult the shit out of you
[13:29:42] sasuke: about what?
[13:29:59] * darkshadow tries not to
[13:30:00] Vincent: your momma
[13:30:16] sasuke: uhh
[13:30:20] sasuke: what?
[13:30:22] Deadfire: ok what eps of naruto are you looking for?
[13:30:37] sasuke: 100-133
[13:30:49] Deadfire:
[13:31:16] Deadfire: you see thats under the heading torrents on the frontpage
[13:31:33] sasuke: oh....
[13:31:33] Deadfire: so I'll allow these guys to do their shit
[13:31:34] sasuke: err
[13:31:46] sasuke: how do i use a .torrent file
[13:31:57] Deadfire: ah now thats a interesting one
[13:32:13] Deadfire:
[13:32:19] Deadfire: you find that answer here
[13:32:31] Deadfire: you need a program to do it
[13:32:36] sasuke: forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff :o?
[13:32:48] Deadfire: ROFL
[13:33:03] darkshadow: .....
[13:33:04] IFHTT: bahaha
[13:33:09] Aiham: LOL?
[13:33:21] Deadfire: ok shh everyone again
[13:33:35] * Aiham shh's
[13:33:45] * darkshadow sheats katana
[13:33:49] Deadfire: sasuke, you do understand that you already crossed that line a long time ago right
[13:34:00] sasuke: uhh really?
[13:34:11] sasuke: a friend gave me the other episodes
[13:34:20] sasuke: is that illegal ???
[13:34:32] Deadfire: in the US it is
[13:34:54] sasuke: oh
[13:34:57] sasuke: thats bad right?
[13:35:05] Deadfire: umm... depends
[13:35:07] sasuke: can they see what i have on my pc?
[13:35:11] Deadfire: I can
[13:35:14] Deadfire: and I am
[13:35:14] sasuke: :o
[13:35:24] *** sasuke has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
[13:35:30] Aiham: Haha.
[13:35:31] Deadfire: PWNED!~!!!!
Heh heh. The end was really great! I wonder if the dude deleted all his episodes before he stopped to think...
"forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff ?"
This kid sure knows the truth behind things instinctively.
Hahaha, LoL. That was great, but still harsh, lol.
Whats the channel for this Irc? ?
check the IRC FAQ. #gotwootQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
or there is the Web interface Found here you need java for it
Oh hell. That sasuke-kid was so....
Hmm... I definitely need to join the chan one of this days...
Why not do it now...Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Stop messing with my team mate, he is a busy man:p . Also he is at work and they block IRC so he can't get on it. But i have a feeling he will find his way to IRC late at night.:D
Someone wanna unban me? "LMAONADE"
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
You got your ass banned? who? :D
wish i could help you there buddy but you have to /msg one of the @ or %..... I think posting it in the IRC FAQ might help.
Maybe they don’t need a cup of LMAONADE any more.
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
you have been unbanned come back in.
Oh cool. Ya I was spamming the "Yo mama" jokes. I must admit, they are pretty good.
It makes you think doesn't it?
[20:47:33] Z: DF are hiding a world wanted suspect?
[20:47:45] Deadfire: It's possible
[20:47:47] Z: do you know what he did?
[20:48:38] Z: do you want to know?
[20:48:44] Z: to bad your gonna know
[20:49:20] Z: 10 years ago a man going by the name Terra left his homeland of Zanzibar
[20:49:52] Z: he traveled the world in search of revenge against the world...for his birth
[20:50:02] Kanbei: what the hell are you talking about
[20:50:19] Deadfire: it appears he is telling my life story
[20:50:24] Deadfire: go on Z
[20:50:31] Knives122: it would be a short
[20:50:48] Z: on his travels he went to every continent and sexually abused each leader Ghandi, GWB, etc.
[20:51:39] Z: he has been wanted for several years and we traced his name to a hd an 80 gig harddrive
[20:52:13] Z: that hardrive was bought from a man in Moscow 9 years ago
[20:52:33] Z: it seems that that hd has the evidence we need
[20:52:44] Z: do you have that HARDRIVE?
[20:53:48] Deadfire: prehaps
[20:54:05] Z: damn you we are running out of time
[20:54:38] Knives122: what happens when the time runs out?
[20:54:45] Z: we need to see what is on that hd we may be able to solve this case
[20:55:13] Knives122: what case?
[20:55:23] Z: Terra will have succeeded in giving the world leaders...a virus more deadly than AIDS itself
[20:56:25] Z: This man we are searching for is not the Terracosmo you know
[20:56:25] Knives122: super aids?
[20:56:46] Z: SDVS
[20:56:59] Z: Super Deadly Virus Syndrome
[20:57:07] Knives122: is it terras evil counter part?
[20:57:12] Z: the scientists couldnt name it for some reason
[20:57:14] Knives122: Evil Terrra
[20:58:00] Z: the Terracosmo you know is not the man we are looking for Terracosmo's name is like Dio or something
[20:58:12] Z: Tera is this guys actual name
[20:58:15] Z: terra
[21:00:01] Z: if you decide you know anything anything at all heres my card
[21:00:27] * Z hands Deadfire and Knives122 a blank piece of paper
[21:00:38] Z: view it under a black light youll see
[21:01:02] Knives122: Dio is the pic of terra with the pink hair isn't it?
[21:01:27] * Z walks away like Sherlock Holmes does after he does something really brilliant
Z for president/prime minister/furher/chairman