That looked awesome, though since it's not a ps3 exclusive it should really go in its own thread.
Printable View
That looked awesome, though since it's not a ps3 exclusive it should really go in its own thread.
Am I the only one who feels it looks a bit slow-paced?
He is a master in pressure points and knows all of them, particularly those that can blow the head or abdomen.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
From memory, most points are activated with strong finger pressure.
I know it's a little late in the game....
But I finally got ps3 media center going on my computer and was playing with it... Awesomeness !
I also played the brutal legend demo, which was slightly amusing... I don't think I'd spend $50 for that game but it was ok.
Wow did anyone go those spam mail on saying something like PSN doing pay online for games effective 1-12-10? Well it was false. And another thing, PS3 Media center isn't that good. The best one is ps3 media server, your actually able to play some MKV and Xvid-HD files.
That's what I installed. I was able to play some mkv's. played a bunch of stuff to see how it played and it ran good considering it was over my wireless connection.
NEW 250GB PlayStation 3 System Available November 3
"Today, we announced the availability of a new PS3 system with a 250GB hard drive hitting store shelves on November 3. The PS3 250GB system has the same slim look, feel and features as the 120GB system, but with a 250GB built-in hard drive for $349.99. With the new, larger capacity, you’ll have even more room to store your favorite games, movies/TV shows, music, photos and PlayStation Network downloads."
Source: PlayStation Blog
Is the slim still limited in HDD height?Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Because a 500GB 2.5 drive on a 120GB slim would be a good alternative too.
You even get 750GB drives...
September NPDs
Data care of NPD Group
Reporting Period: 8/30/09 through 10/03/09
* Nintendo DS - 524,200
* PlayStation 3 - 491,800
* Wii - 462,800
* Xbox 360 - 352,600
* PSP - 190,400
* PlayStation 2 - 146,000
01. Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360) - 1,520,000
02. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 442,900
03. Madden NFL 10 (Xbox 360) - 298,600
04. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS) - 258,100
05. The Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox 360) - 254,000
06. Madden NFL 10 (PS3) - 246,500
07. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (Xbox 360) - 236,000
08. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) - 212,500
09. Guitar Hero 5 (Xbox 360) - 210,800
10. The Beatles: Rock Band (Wii) - 208,600
That extra Joker content seems to be helping the PS3 version of Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Yeah, it still needs to be a 2.5 inch laptop drive.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
I think that's the first time the PS3's ever out sold the Wii.
I was thinking about the 9.5 mm limit in height for the drive ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Uncharted 2 Title Update
The next time you start up UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves you will be required to download an update to the game (Japan and Asia regions — your update will be available next week).
Here’s the list of (most of) the changes we made. Some changes have been withheld to protect the innocent.
* Addressed respawn points when the artifact goes out of bounds in the Plunder gametype
* Dynamically adjust the win condition for fewer players during the course of a match
* Added features to deter players from voluntarily leaving during a match
* Added rate limit to “When a Chapter is Completed” Twitter event
* Fixed a display issue during letterboxing
* Fixed Danish Trophy description
* Fixed screenshot utility in standard definition resolutions
* Fixed the “Players Met” list not displaying recent players
* Addressed a variety of Multiplayer connectivity issues
Double Cash Weekend has started as well and continues until Monday, November 2, 2009, at 11:00 AM PST.
In every match during Double Cash Weekend, you’ll be getting twice the Cash award you normally would for completing typical game actions – not medal-related currency awards – giving everyone a leg up in increasing their Rank for a limited time.
God of War III: Ultimate Edition
it would be great to do the god of war 3 release along w\ the HD 1+2 pack they're putting out here in november.
But I guess they can advertise 3 along w\ the remastered 1 and 2 that you could buy here in a couple weeks.
I Finally got an HDMI switch for my tv ( only has 1 hdmi port ) and it's great... It automatically switches to the ps3 when I turn it on and back to my dvr when I turn it off.
Yeah, that's pretty much what they're doing, because the God of War Collection comes with a demo for God of War III. I can't wait to get my hands on it and try it out. 11/17 can't some soon enough.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
I'm in the market for one at the moment - can you link the one you got?Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
October NPDs
1. Wii - 506,900
2. Nintendo DS - 457,600
3. PlayStation 3 - 320,600
4. Xbox 360 - 249,700
5. PSP - 174,600
6. PlayStation 2 - 117,800
01. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) - 537,000
02. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 441,000
03. Borderlands (Xbox 360) - 418,000
04. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 314,000
05. NBA 2K10 (Xbox 360) - 311,000
06. Halo 3 ODST (Xbox 360) - 271,000
07. NBA 2K10 (PS3) - 213,000
08. Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360) - 175,000
09. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - 169,000
10. FIFA Soccer 10 (Xbox 360) - 156,000
This is just the beginning of our integration with Facebook and we are looking forward to adding new features enhancing the experience in future updates.
Additional highlights from update 3.10 include:
* The Photo category on the XMB has been revamped to make it easier to see more of your photos stored on the PS3.
* The PSN Friends List has been modified based on feedback we received after update 3.00. Additionally, you can now choose a color for your PSN ID on the XMB.
Source: PlayStation Blog
The US Airforces 336 ps3 array used for cracking encryption and who knows what else. Thay have plans to either expand this, or make a new one w\ 2200 ps3 units.
November NPDs
01. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) - 4,200,000
02. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) - 1,870,000
03. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) - 1,390,000
04. Assassin's Creed II (Xbox 360) - 794,700
05. Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360) - 744,000
06. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 720,200
07. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 679,000
08. Assassin's Creed II (PS3) - 448,400
09. Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox 360) - 362,100
10. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 315,000
4.2 mil on one system alone, crazy.
Nintendo DS - 1.70M
Wii - 1.26M
Xbox 360 - 819.5K
PlayStation 3 - 710.4K
PSP - 293.9K
PlayStation 2 - 203.1K
I wasn't expecting those type of numbers for the 360.
Stealing a post Ryll did at the FFXIII thread...Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
What else, besides DVD, is not region free on the PS3? I was under the assumption that a Japanese PS3 and an American PS3 only differed on the DVD region.
Hrmm, DLC isn't region free. It only works on games from that region.
PS3 System Software Update – 3.15
Tomorrow December 15th, will be doing an all PS3 Gold Box sale.
But wouldn't that be affected by the region of your account?
Im under the impression that if I had funds on my Japanese PSN account I could buy stuff from there.
Heck... I have 3 accounts. An American, one from Europe and a Japanese one. I can get the free demos from all 3, but have only bought from the American one, which is a pain since I have to import a PSN Card.
Yeah, you can buy games and stuff from other PSN stores, but DLC won't work on another region's game. Like if you have the US Version of Rock Band, you can't use songs from the EU PSN on it, because it's region coded.
That I do agree. But if you imported a Japanese PS3 to use American games it would be no problem to get the American DLC, right?
Its just that Ryll's post on not all being region free wasn't very especific.
DLC and Blu-ray are affected by region, the rest works fine.
The Japanese Blu-Ray Region is the same one as the American one.
Hence my question of why Ryll says importing one would not help him (besides the DVD's and PSone games)
I wasn't specific at the time because I couldn't be. I don't own a PS3, so it really came down to a quick 10 minute google search. Between the discussion here and some additional research, maybe this will be more enlightening:Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
It may not seem like a lot when you first look at it, but region-locked DLC is a big issue for this generation of consoles. Publishers are huge on DLC now (enough that some criticize that games are going gold intentionally unfinished or loaded with locked content).
Of course, this is coming from someone who doesn't own a PS3, and where Microsoft has been considerably more aggressive in getting exclusive or timed-exclusive DLC. I'm expecting Sony to respond in turn. It may be that it is not as prominent on PSN as it is on XBL, without owning one I'm not qualified to answer that. Still, if the past year or two have been any indication, DLC is only going to increase dramatically for both consoles, and this generation will be a lot longer for both Sony and Microsoft. The two each have peripherals intended to close the gap with the Wii, if not surpass it, in order to extend the cycle further.
So while it might not seem like a big deal given that one can always import PSN cards, it might just be more of a hassle than it is worth, similar to what you said RZ. There is only going to be more DLC in the coming years. Independent of the two manufacturers, it is going to be Activision and EA pushing for more the hardest. Indie developers too.
DLC might be the only thing region locked, but I think you might be downplaying the importance of that in the coming year or two.
Maybe Im not explaining myself... or maybe I am getting confused myself but...
How is DLC region-locked? Why would you not be able to download stuff from the American Store if you own a Japanese Console? The DLC is directly linked to your PSN Account and not the console. Or am I wrong here?
Currently I have 5 dollars on my American PSN account. I also have an European and Japanese Account, and correct me if Im wrong, but if I owned an European or Japanese PSN Card I would be able to download from those accounts as well.
Am I wrong? If so please do tell. For I still can't see the issue regarding DLC.
For instance... if you owned an American game why would you try to get a DLC from the Japanese store if the same content is available on the American store? Or if you owned a Japanese game, why would you try the American or European store for DLC.
Like I said... Im confused here Ryll.
I believe he's talking about stand alone DLC, not used for games.
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
What I'm finding from search is that all DLC is region locked. Stand alone to the console, and in-game to the region the game is from.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Don't you think that needing three accounts is a bit excessive? I know they're free on PSN, but still...
Why would it be excessive, some content either doesn't show up at all, or shows up much earlier in other regions.
Yeah, it's pretty necessary. I have a Japan, Asia, and US account as well.
I have 5 PSN accounts. US, Japan, Europe, Hong Kong (for Battle Fantasia Demo), & and Austria (for free Wipeout HD).
Amazon's all PS3 Gold Box Event starts in a few minutes. Assassin's Creed II for PS3 and 360 is the Deal of the Day for $39.78.
Amazon Gold Box Page
Lightning Deal Schedule (best guesses from clues given):
Grand Theft Auto IV - 6 AM PST / 9 AM EST
Infamous - 9 AM PST / 12 AM EST
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 - 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - 1 PM PST / 3 PM EST
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 3 PM PST / 6 PM EST
Saw - 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST
Street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition - 7 PM PST / 10 PM EST
Is it still free? Wipeout HD I mean. Or is it gone?Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
I opened up an European Account to get the Valkyria Chronicles Demo when it came out 2 months earlier than America. I think I also got a Premium Theme free from it. Or was it Japan?
The Japanese account I got it to download the Tales of Vesperia Demo... a Demo of a game that as each day passes seems more unlikely to see the light in english. I also got several PSP demos from the Japanese Store.
I just wish I had some yens in my Japanese Account to download the Demon's Souls Premium Theme.
And since the PSN accounts are free... well... if Marik tells me the Wipeout HD game is still free in Austria I'll be opening a new account.
Nah, its not free any more. There was a promotion going on back in March, where you had to create a Austrian PSN account between March 16th & April 18th and they would send you a code for Wipeout HD.
Now that you mention it... I think I did follow the link you posted a few months ago. Never got my code so I totally forgot it. Guess I must have done something wrong. Oh well.
Hrmm, check this out.
The only thing that interest me is the 3 year extended warranty.
Originally Posted by Marik
But meh... while Sony doesn't allow Mexican Credit Cards to be used for the PSN, then this is another feature I'll have to skip.
Funny that we get PS3 tv spots and all that here in Mexico, but we can't buy things from the store. Lame.
Just received my cashback PS3 (from a supplier).
Did the setup, I'm updating it to 3.15
I was sure it would be noisy, and it is by my standards (I use my iphone to the lowest possible volume to listen to music for example...)
It was to sit in my bedroom, to record TV, TV recording playback, lightweight media center and blu-ray player.
I'll just have to put it in the room next to the bedroom and only route the hdmi from there. no big deal and the BT remote should do the trick.
The sound isn't that strong, although its not nighttime yet when the noise floor is a lot lower.
But it's ratling a bit, with lots of unpleasant harmonics that make it very noticeable.
The idea is that for a night recording (via playTV), the ps3 switched on will probably prevent me from sleeping if in the bedroom.
I know that may seem dumb or not that interresting, but since the lightweight/TVrecording/BR media center will probably be 98% of the use I'll have with that PS3, it's of the utmost importance to me.
Not at all, to me anyway. Is this the PS3 slim? Or the fat? Because from what I've heard, acoustically the slim is a bit improvement.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Slim one. For some reason, at low speed the fan does not have a smooth sound that would have been somewhat acceptable. But that's just me anyways.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I've been playing with some functionalities, will have to better check blu-ray settings regarding judder...
There's great potential, HDMI CEC even works with my Panasonic screen, meaning you can use the PS3 with the screen's remote, which is great for my wife.
However, I wish they do not clutter XMB anymore as it seems there are lots of icons, most of which could be under the same section/icon. I think of all the PSN related stuff for example.
They should also pay attention to things they add like Life with Playstation and language localisation...
I'll wait for a bit before trying the videostore, prices are way too high, as I can have the same level of service for less (2.99€ for SD films, 3.99 for HD -renting- and buying titles is beetween 1 to 5€ or more expensive than actually buying the BR disc...)
I might at least subscribe for a PSN account if it does not force me to input my credit card data... like the applestore (although there was/is a solution)
Next thing is playTV, should buy it in the days to come.
Also, I wonder if the usb port can be powered when the PS3 is in sleep mode, so that it keeps charging the game controler. I have another solution working, but it would be a better idea to use the PS3s ports.
From magicbox:
iPhone hacker George Hotz "Geohot" has released the exploit code to hack the PS3 hardware. The exploit will give user full memory access and complete control over the processor, on PS3 running Firmware 2.4.2. He said the exploit should also work on all current versions.
Not sure if I want my PS3 games to be pirated :(
Not sure if true, but the exploit apparently needs the 'otherOS' functionality.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Anyways. This dude needs to be shot.
Playstation Plus
So yeah, Playstation Plus which is basically PSN but paid with extra features. PSN retains it's old features (yeah, you can still play games online without subscribing). It was announced at E3 and it launched today. So far the features are lackluster and I won't pay for it. (I already have an XBL subscription). Maybe if the offers they featured were better, and they seem to rotate new stuff every month or something I would think about it.
Oh yea, for early buyers who buy a year they get 3 months free. Your mileage may vary.
C'mon now, really? All he does is tinker with shit and make it possible for other people to tinker with shit. It's not like he creates bombs and turns out suicide bombers like hoes. I mean... I'll tell you who needs to be shot: Rush Limbaugh. Talk about a guy who's allowed to run rampant with freedom of speech and freedom of thought. If ever there existed a guy who made a case for 1984 big brother type shit in a weird, twisted, ironic way, it's Rush Limbaugh. That guy's mouth is given free license on radio airwaves, and the FCC does shit to stop him. Mr. Ruger and his eight offspring might get to doing some regulating though
PS3 Uncrackable, Hacker Gives Up
I loled
The update (v3.61) is mandatory and is available now.
Yeah. I managed to login yesterday and made the mandatory password change. I couldn't log into Mortal Kombat though, since stupid Midway made it mandatory to redeem a code... via PlayStation Store which is still down... I can't download Harvestasha's alternate personalties for Ar Tonelico Qoga either
I wonder if Stitch (missing in action) still beleives this after the recent weeks.
Yea, I was able to login, but that was about it (although most of my ps3 "buddies" do not have the same games as me).
I'm definitely getting Dead Nation. I can't decide between InFamous and Little Big Planet... recommendations guys?Quote:
After the PlayStation Store goes back online, all PlayStation Network customers can select two PlayStation 3 games from the following list to keep forever:
Dead Nation
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD + Fury
PSP owners can select two of the following titles:
LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
ModNation Racers
Pursuit Force
Killzone Liberation
we are getting ratchet and clack instead of superstardust...I'd say get lbp if you are a multiplayer kinda of guy, infamous if you enjoy the single player experience more.
Well, since I mostly play RPG... I would say I prefer single player. So far InFamous seems more interesting. I'll think about it.
I confused though... my main account is an American one... but I do have a Japanese and European account... would those account also apply for the Welcome back kits?
I have almost beaten inFamous, but it was still a really fun game. I am curious about dead nation and LBP. I am kind of on the fence. I would like to do more multiplayer, but I don't really have many people to play with.
i'm grabbing the LBP and the InFamous
Managed to grab:
Dead nation
Super stardust
the last guy
ratchet and clank
and WipeoutHD
...and I still have one choice left....thanks sony ;P.
The asian region free game selection sucks so much. Thankfully I have a US account. Got Wipeout and inFamous.
From the top of my head:
dead nation 1.5gb + 200mb patch
lbp 2gb
super stardust, 250mb | 250mb patch
ratchet and clank , ~3.5gb
wipeoutHD, ~1.8gb
locoroco and the last guy are both small like super stardust
infamous is ~7gb
Got Dead Nation and Infamous. Are you able to get more games for free in other regions??
If you have multiple ps3 accounts (created before April 20, 2011), you can get 2 games for each account.
I was able to get everything except Super Stardust (which I did not want). Methinks I might need to get a new hard drive for my PS3, but I do not know if I want to go through all the trouble to back it up and whatnot.
Not sure if i have posted, but if anyone wants to play any of those new games with me, my psn is the same as my gotwoot name (rockmanj).
I upgraded the HDD when it was last full (40GB). It hasn't been full since (limit:500GB)
You know, that dead nation game is kind of fun.
It is. I stopped at 1st level though since I started playing Little Big Planet.
I was under the impression those 3 arrested lamers were being investigated since last october.
The last level is insanity, I was doing it on coop and my friend died at the last wave...shit became intense as hell, seriously time well spent.
Best Buy has a coupon that gives you a $100 gift card with the purchase a PS3. The coupon is only supposed to work on the normal sku, but I went there today and got the Black Ops Bundle and the $100 gift card. I chose inFAMOUS and Wipeout HD as my free games.
JPN psn is back up, redeemed the last guy and locoroco.
GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!! My PS3 just YLOD on me T_____________________________T
Happened to me a few months back, I didn't have a chance to back up my saves :(
That sucks RZ.
In regards to losing saves, I'm not sure I follow. Can't you just pull the hard drive out and plop it into a new one?
Btw, my 360 arcade is over a year old now. Any steps i should take to prevent any RRODs?
I still own a working 1st Gen xbox360 (Xenon board, no HDMI), though I have since upgraded.
1) Keep it well ventilated. Give it at least 30 cm of space in all directions. Never put it into a cabinet, and never put it on a carpet. Hard surfaces only.
2) Try not to use it when the room you're in is over 80°F (26.6C), this will significantly reduce the cooling capacity (hotter intake, less efficient venting).
3) Don't leave it running if you can avoid it, let it take breaks and cool back down to ambient.
4) Ideally, horizontal is better (superior cool-air intake), but if you do that, again, make sure it is on a hard surface. Anything else will work as an insulator. If you want to keep it extra cool, put it on a wire baking rack, or a laptop cooling-fan rack.
Giving it room to breathe is really the only key. You can't stop the dvd drive from failing though...
That really sucks.
My sincere condolences Zell.
Well... I'm currently seeking someone in my hometown that can make the PS3 run enough time to backup all the shit its on the disc... if it dies afterwards I don't really care... but I want my save files... and my Atelier Rorona disc that's still inside the damn thing.
Damn it...
Can't you just connect the drive to a pc and recover the files?
What Bill said. Apparently the only way to backup to a PC is through the backup tool inside the PS3... which you need to have it running... on the original console since placing the hdd on another console requieres reformating the disc.
Damn it...
That is rough man, How long have you had it?
If you have the Phat version: well good news then, as opposed to the bad.. A YLOD is pretty easy to fix (read temporarily) so getting your save games is highly possible.
Whether it's permanently fixable is still a question mark as I'm still experimenting on that. I'm going to fix my friend's YLOD PS3 for the 3rd time now so it seems the issue persists. I was thinking of ordering a different heat sink from the same model to see if that will help.
I don't know if you're a little tech-savvy and willing to try and fix it yourself. The things you'd need to do that are a philips screw driver, a torx, a heat gun, some isopropyl alcohol, some thermal paste, possibly some no-clean lead-free solder flux (pen form) and finally gilksy's guide to fixing YLOD.
The alternative would be finding someone near you experienced in fixing this against payment.
Good luck!
I did find a guide that uses those tools you just recommended Killa-Eyez. Unfortunately I don't have neither the experience nor confidence to try it myself. A co-worker said he may be able to do it, but since he has never opened a PS3 before he said he wasn't conficent either.
On other news, I found a place that can fix it and will charge me about 100 dollar (ugh). If I didn't want the save files I would say screw it... but since its a BC unit... all, and I mean ALL, my PS1, PS2 and PS3 saves are in there... so I need to get them. It hurts to pay that much (specially since a new unit is 300~350 depending on the hdd) but the save files are a must...
I also heard the solution isn't permanent, so I'm considering getting a Slim after I manage to back up the files. Plus I'm going to take Marik's route and getting PlayStation Plus to be on the safe side.
What are the adverse effects of stuffing up that guide? I mean, if all that results is "did not work", then you can just have the coworker look at it for you.. and only if it didn't work, have someone else fix it for you for money.
Well... the guide requieres you to heat several parts of the motherboard. I think that screwing that part equals killing it for good.
I've done it the first time without any experience in fixing PS3's. I do have some technical background and my friend didn't have anything to lose, it was broken anyway. The heating procedure is only to get the solder hot enough, the components can withstand that. It is of the outmost importance you do not move it when reflowing or afterwards for another 10 to 15 min. If you do, parts might shift again or even come off. It's all in the guide. If you follow it there's no problem.
The only co-worker I know that had a technical background didn't seem confident enough so I ended leaving the PS3 at the repair shop I found. They told me to phone today after 16:00 to check on it. I plan to backup immediately and use it again until it breaks (with periodical backups). Afterwards I may end up buying a slim.
Anyway, thanks for the inputs Killa-Eyez!
My PS3 lives again!
The 1st thing I wanted to do was to Backup the disc in case it died on me again, but it seems I need to format my external HDD to FAT32 firsthand... yet that would mean I need to back up around 300~400GB first... and there is no way in hell I will do so.
Will probably buy a PSN plus subscription though.
I have been looking around for a second controller and saw this just now. It's a new Fight Pad for the PS3, made by Hori and it's going to be released on August 26 for the sum of $34.99. The shape kinda reminds me of the Marvel PDP pad for the Xbox 360.
PS3 System Software Update (v3.70)
I can't wait for this to be released. Automatic cloud saving and automatic trophy synching. :)
To make things easier for PlayStation Plus subscribers, we’ve added the option to automate two existing features. The [Automatic Download] feature will now be called [Automatic Update] as a result of these new options.
A new auto upload function for online save data back-up will be added to make it easier to back-up your game save data. Under (Game), select the game for which you want to automatically upload saved data, and then press the Triangle button.
Also, Trophies will now sync automatically at the timing of Auto Download.
The Japanese update also included the functionality for the PSP remasters.
Really hate my PS3. I bought the first gen 80GB PS3 since it was backwards compatible with PSone and PS2 games. Plays PSone games flawlessly but PS2 games are only 80 % compatible. 20 % play flawlessly and the other 80 % play for an hour and then freeze. Glad I kept my old PS2 system.
Sony always releasing broken failed systems since the beginning. :(
Why didn't you replace it when you had the chance? My PS3 has partial backwards compability and so far of all my library of games only 2 were unplayable. Ar Tonelico II didn't even start and Yakuza froze on Chapter 8. Yakuza was never fixed, but a patch from Sony allowed ATII to be playable.
Playstation Plus is looking pretty good for the month of September. I like how they list what's coming for the entire month now, instead of waiting two weeks for another update.
Playstation Blog: PlayStation Plus September Offers: 10 Free Games including Plants vs. Zombies
Gonna grab...
Astro Tripper – 9/6
Altered Beast – 9/6
Jet Moto – 9/6
BulletStorm – 9/13 Full Game Trial
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 – 9/27 Full Game Trial
Plus Exclusive Clouds Dynamic Theme – 9/6
Edit: I'll probably grab the RE 4 HD Remake while it's 50% off as well.
Did anyone else receive a message on their PS3 about a Home Private Beta? I clicked the attachment in the message and it led me to the Playstation Store, but I didn't have to download anything.
Edit: Hrmm, just found this on the Playstation forum.
Well looks like PS HOME is about to launch a special Beta. Today, Sony sent out some invites for a Special Beta that Home will be offering.
The invites are sent VIA Playstation network so check your PSN accounts on your PS3. Here’s info on the beta.
The Message Reads as followed:
“Dear Playstation Plus subscriber.Because of your recent visit to Playstation Home you have been selected for a special Private Beta.Information on the Beta:
How to Acess:
(beta link)
- Log Into Home and go to Personal Space
- Press start> Options > Personal> Redocorate
- Select Private Beta Teleporter
- Walk to Teleporter
I don't use HOME so I wasn't aware of this. Besides... my PS3 YLODed again so...
Playstation 3's Black Friday Bundle has been leaked.
New PS3 Hardware Bundle (Model #CECH-3001A) featuring
- 160gb Sony PS3 Slim System
- Rachet & Clank : All 4 One Game software
- LittleBigPlanet 2 : Special Edition Game software (includes $35 value of bonus content)
- 30-days Playstation PLUS trial membership
Attachment 1002 Attachment 1003