Nah, I only pierced my skin enough to bleed.
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Nah, I only pierced my skin enough to bleed.
Kraco: lol, i do tend to go way off and have run on sentences but just wanted tell you guys a story :D
Oh heres one i guess...
Me and my dad were talking about college and stuffs... I was like dad, i think i want to go to a filming school. He was like what? Why waste your time. You just should be a begger.
And the other day i was like, When i graduate highschool, i think i want to rest up a year before going to college, to like get some job and stuff.
He fucking gives me a cold stare and i couldn't tell if it was his drunk face or poker face
"If you do that, You are out of this house, I don't want to see you if you do, get out"
Who's father is like mine? Give me some stories:(
I think you have Asian Parent Syndrome, aznimperialx.
LMAO that site is funny XanBcoo, i've seen that kinda of stuff that parents do to their children...however im the complete damn opposite of that
1.playing trumpet, playing bass soon. ( nothing classical about that )
2. I don't study math, i see it, i memorize it, i ace it
3. fuck extra classes, i have enough throughout the day
4. Only took one strandazied test, was a test to get into this really "excellent school" dad was pushing me and i never wanted to go, just did it too see how smart i was
and indeed i was smart
5. I've seen many asian couples here in New York.
Some stuff are true...
1. i tell my pops I got an 97 on a test, he goes Oh but not a 100
2.he'd chop me up if i was to get jiggly with a girl (believes im too young wtf)
3. He never talked about family honor...hmm
4.He always wishing i could do better and stuff...But i say i can't because he's my dad
F**k Latin and english 12, they give too much f***ing home work..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, anzimperialx, I think he just cares:o Hey arent you also 14 years old? Of course you shouldnt be having sex with girls!
Family honor? What's that :confused: :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by aznimperialx
My dad is the biggest homo...
just yesterday i was talking about getting the guitar/bass and i was like Come on, let me get it on the site, then he goes NO, i don't trust the internet, fucking old man and his outdated shit. He's like Get it at a store.
So i find one, and me and my friends are talking/planning to go there. And he gets home now and i ask him for money, he goes Why don't you go with your mother, i said i don't want to, going with friends who play. Then he goes Well Maybe the site is cheaper (WTF). And then he says like OK heres what you do, Go to print out the guitar you like and print it out then you go to the store and compare it, Then whatevers cheaper buy it.
I start to get mad and i say YO not everything is the same price and I Can't FEEL which guitar fits me on the site. And i tell him to go fuck away get out and shit.
I don't fucking care about getting whatever is cheap. Its not like its going to be cheaper by 100 bucks. And i aint waiting on no fucking internet to ship. And now i probably have to break the plans because he most likely bitch about me yelling and not giving me money.
Well Today I am going to bitch about who ever left me the neg rep saying "How's that going to help" to a post I previously made in this thread in which I stated, "I'd snap that bitch in half". I don't care about the neg rep itself, but the reason behind it. I don't recall this being the "Give legitimate answers to people's problems" thread. So whom ever it was, and you know who you are, you've earned a big fuck you. :D I'm happy now.
haha i used to get hassled a lot by my parents too aznimpeialx but dont worry about it. my friends tell me that my parents are probably shamed to have such a son.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
things that make me an asian failure
1) i play the saxophone and electric guitar, not a violin but i did please them by taking up the piano
2) i play basketball, football and lacross all on sport teams instead of going to math clubs.
3) i find something wrong with eating rice everyday 365 days. i mean comon, how many fucking things are you going to make with rice?!
4) i date, yes i date instead of study.
things that allow me to keep my family name
1) my grades, even my parents cant argue with those grades
2) i'm going to an ivy league college
3) 1560 on SATs (i think, i may be off a bit)
4) i learned math 4 years ahead yes that part is true.
but my point of bitching here was...
Hahaha good for you! I like how you're defying the stereo-typical view of asians. I do all of those things except:Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
1.) I don't attend an Ivy League
2.) I got 1430 on my SATs
3.) I learned math 1 year ahead :p
Oh you sick bastard, you...Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
nice sig BoC.
Too bad they stopped making the anime.
The manga is sick though :D
eh, it didnt bother me THAT much, it allowed me to sleep through all my math classes.Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
LOL. I still haven't gotten mines too and i'm pretty pissed because of it. Fucking Game Crazy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Okay, its embarrasing to ask since every one here seems to know what it means but what is SATs?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
The SAT is an aptitude test that measures the knowledge one would accumulate throughout the span of grade school. Colleges set a minimum you have to achieve in order to be accepted to that college. Different colleges accept different numbers. A lot of colleges, provided your score is high enough for their standards, will grant you a scholarship and pay for your tuition to come to their college. 1560 is an excellent score as 1600 is the highest you can make, although I think there is a new SAT this year with 2400 as the top score.. Hope that explains it well enough :D.
Don't worry gr3atfull, you won't have to worry about SATs unless you want to go to university in the US. ;)
That's one test I'm glad I never had to deal with.
edit: lol i'll put this at the top so you guys dont need to scroll down. This might be repetitive because is pent so much time on my rant that 2 people beat me to post.
yes but did they fuck up your order too? mine shipped out on the 29th, as a PRE-ORDER. it should've gotten to me on the 28th.Quote:
Originally Posted by AtHRunOwNZaLL you live in the US? if not you dont really need to worry about it but itsQuote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
but its really the Scholastic Assessment Test
which is supposed to pretty much gauge a students ability and predict his/her future. of course not a single test can correctly judge a studen't ability yet, colleges have accepted this as an important standard for them to decide upon whether or not they will accept a student. basically, if you live in america you will be cramming these things into your head from about 9th gradeish.
however in 9th grade you'll be studying for something called the PSATs which are preliminary SATs which will determine if you are deserving of a scholarship (in college eyes) yet once again i mentioned, this system is very unreliable and just this year a bunch of student's grades were fucked up during the SATs and its been all over the news (though not top priority news, for some reason they find talking about more soliders dead in Iraq "news") and for a long time, people have been aruging the fact that the SATs are shit and only recently have people begun to see why.
well i hope that helped...but this bitching will be done for my younger brother here (i got 2)
he has to take the SATs in 1-2 years (he's in 10th grade) but he's studying for the PSATs (which are generally taken in 10th grade) and they changed the whole SAT system (in fact, i took it during 2nd to last year of the "old" test) and now it includes 2 english sections and only 1 math section. Now lets see, who generally scored highest on the SATs? the asians. why? because of a 800 in math and constant drilling of vocab words into their heads for that 650-800 in english. Lets be honest, with the asian stereotypes, some are frequently true. Like the fact that we learn accelerated pace. So generally, asians scored high on the math section. THis enabled them already 50% of a good grade, and scrapping a 650 would be good enough for a 1450. now for some reason, some people look down on 1450, yet its a relatively high score. And it is enough to get you into an Ivy League college. But now, math only stands for 33.333(....and on and on)% of the SATs and english stands for 66.666(and on and on)%. This puts asians at a disadvantage.
now why does "the college board" find knowledge of the english language including grammer and essay skills more important than math? i have no idea. I always thought of them as equals and i see no reason why math deserves to be bumped down like that. So now, a math genius (AKA an asian) scores 800 on his math section. woohpty doo. now if he scores 650 on both english sections (though not likely, no offense i'm talking about the average asian who's bad at english, but me being born here along with many others won't find this that bad) gets a 2100. Now then, 2100 a good score? i have no fucking idea. I knew for the old SATs that 1400 was a good score (relatively good) and thats the average of 100 points off each section. so a 2100 is about the same thing. However, this sudden change will allow younger students to adapt, but now the older ones who they decided to change the rules in when they had no chance to study for the new one. Now by changing the test while my brother is in 9th grade, gives him 1 year to study for the a whole bulk of the test which most students used to have a lot more time to study for. and to top it off, he has to study 2 english sections at once (nobody here is really worried about his math) and so thanks to this, (now i'm about to relate it to me and why i bitch about it because to be honest, i dont really care about my brother THAT much, i'm done with the test, i got lucky) but now i recieve calls at 1:00am from either my parents or my brother ASKING FOR HELP. now how the hell would i know how to handle this? i never took that part of the test, they've even gone as far as sending me 5 essays for me to check over in which i sent them back saying they were fine without reading them. I have no time for this shit and i dont want to take the SATs all over again. And to make matters worse i had 1 year for tutoring at high wages of $80 an hour (lets face it, when you get 1560 people are begging you to teach them) but now, my knowledge is like ancient history...completely worthless.
and now, i end my rant rather badly.
Hehe, I had to respond to your rant. As a disclaimer, I really know absolutely nothing about SAT's or what's on them. So all I have to offer is speculation.
To start, I'd like to say that every single job I have applied for so far has had as one of it's core requirements "Good communication skills". I'd say that employers weight this even more highly than technical skills, and I'm in a field that's about as math-y and abstract as it gets, without going into pure research. At this point, you may think that academics are the be-all and end-all of success, but really they don't mean much. People skills, networking, and being able to write well and express yourself eloquently are the key to getting a good job. I'd say that the changes in the SAT's are a natural reflection of that, putting more emphasis on communication and less on math.
My thesis project this year was to build a robot. Interestingly enough, the people who did the best in the class were not the top students, the ones who get the highest marks, but they were the average students, the ones who never really stand out. So, don't take SAT scores too seriously. Academics are a good measure of how much knowledge you can cram into your brain and regurgitate, but what really matters is being able to apply that knowledge and being creative in how you apply it.
Not everyone in the US has to take the SAT to get into a university. I attended a private university without ever taking one. But that's because I took the ACT instead.
I'd Like for everyone to know in gotwoot that I finally got my guitar since i've been complaining about it =)
Well, now you have no other choice but to record some songs, and post them for us to download.
Wow. thanks for explaining guys, now I understand. Here in Québec, when you want to attend CEGEP or University, you dont pass any test to attend it. They only look at your marks in your previous years and the provincial exams you take at the end of the year in 10th and 11th grade.
And by the way what is an Ivy League college?
@ KitKat:
Nope, not going to the USA for university. Planning to go to McGill University (you might have heard about it). But if I see next year that an English CEGEP is too hard for me might go to the Université de Montréal for french.
Talking about education, I got something to bitch about. Im so mad. I want to attend a french CEGEP since its easier for me but my parents wont let me. They are like you spend 12 years at a french school, now you should do your cegep and university in English. The world is in English, so you better get use to it. I tell them, I dont care. I am planning to live in Montréal, since I love this city and the people are great.
But studying in Enlgish is really hard. For an example, I was trying to do my friends math homework (she is in a english school) and I DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. They have different names compare to the french one. In science, I learned all the scientific names in french. They are really different to the french ones.So how am I going to do next year? I dont even know my english verbs tenses, you guys might have noticed by reading my posts.
I envy my friends that are attending french CEGEP. The only thing to cheer me up about this CEGEP, is that Im going to be with my friends and that its close to my place. If I attended the french one, its in downtown so 1 hour of public transportation for me every day.
Hmm... What are you actually going to study once you get into the university?
The thing is that English is the language of science, and universities are places of science. I can't imagine how you could avoid English and English vocabulary to any extent in the world of science. Although perhaps I underestimate the determination of the French speaking people...
^ going into science and then into biology to study genetics. I want to be a geneticist.
I mean writing something in English is a problem for me. Writing an essay is a huge problem, that’s why I always ask a friend to correct it for me. I know it’s not good, but I have too.
Or even reading in English when it’s in advance English is hard. For an example, reading my friends text books, or solving a math problem is hard for me. When I do them in French it’s the easiest thing in life. Something like is easy. I am talking about harder ones.
Scientific terms are different not all of them but there are some. I mean I have to learn everything again. For an example, I have to learn that parabolle is parabola in English (this is an easy one). It’s going to be really hard. I am going to be so lost when the teacher is going to be talking.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
But big problem is writing. My parents are like well do the tests in French. You see, here you are allowed to choose to do your test in French or English even though you are attending an English or French University. But i dont see the point of taking an english course and they writting the exam in French.
Originally Posted by Kraco
I most likely not, Gotwoot people are too harsh when it comes to critzing:(
And i still gotta learn but im learning fast
And Yes We sorta formed a band, me and my friends...
What did you make? I made a 19. They give the ACT way too early in the morning, so I would roll through the first half of a part and get tired of reading, and just guess on all the second halves.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I agree completely. Asian parents always stress the importance of academic achievements but always neglect the significance of social skills. They think a 95% average in high school means their kid is set for life. It's quite a shame that those parents can't see beyond a textbook.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
That's why I'm just enjoying my last year of high school right now. Even without busting my ass off, my marks are already high enough to get me into any university in Canada. So why work so hard when I don't have to? Exactly 3 months to go so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Yeah I took the ACT too, twice actually. The first time I made a 19, but as you said Heretic, it's way too early in the morning to be able to focus well on the reading part. The second time I fell asleep on the math part... Needless to say I f'd that test up. I made like a 16 I think.
^The ACT is on 20 or 100?
I think 32 is the highest you can get. I can't remember if its 32 or 36...
Man I hate it when you do something wrong or you don't do something good enough and people bitch at you like it's going to change it.
It's like I fucking know already, get off my back! WTF!
oh ~34.... But what is the difference of ACT and SAT?Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
That is my every day life with my studies.But thank gosh they arent as bad as asian parents.
Guess I should bitch about something too.
On Friday I had to do a Powerpoint presentation. I made my thing on Powerpoint 2003 and used the most basic of animations and slide transitions. When I brought it to school none of them worked on Powerpoint 2000. I booted the thing up and I literally yelled out "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!" None of the slides worked right and I had to present using editing mode, meaning I had to manually select slides and highlight text. Seriously, WTF!
@ BoC. Wow that really sucks. This would happen alot in my A.P govt class, the teacher was obssesed with giving projects; many times it was always easier to make a powerpoint, instead of getting a project board and getting really messy with glue. The problem was we had a brokedown computer with an outdated powerpoint from the library. I just stuck with the board and glue.
Now to my complaint. I ordered papa johns and waited for an hour and 10 minutes for its arrival. Supposedbly the driver was lost.... but I have ordered from here many times, they should know were I live. After that the delivery man forgot my two twenty ounce drinks and the order of wings; this right here ruined my night. Or it ruined yesterday. :( This is the second time this has happened.
I'm convinced that my roommates are stealing my fabric softener.
I can recall about 3 different occasions where I go to do laundry and notice my fabric softener missing, and I dont know how that couldve happened.....
So today I go to target to pick up some more detergent and fabric softener, and then just a few hours ago I go to do my laundry and.......WTF my softener's gone?!
I just don't get it.......:confused:
Perhaps they're just operating under a "what's yours is mine" mentality? Or they think you're just a really nice guy who keeps buying them fabric softener :) .
Mother fucking bureacratic Bullshit at my unviersity!
So I'm studying abroad this semester, meaning I'm halfway around the world from anyone I need to really talk to about my academic future.
I go through the trouble of e-mailing, calling (super long distance) both my Dean, the Dean of Study Abroad and my Academic Advisor. I lay out my plans for the upcoming fall semester. "Sounds great!" "Yeah."
Me: "Can I enroll in these courses online, from Italy, during the regular Pre-enroll period?
All of them: "Yes. You shouldn't have a problem, being that you're a senior next year!"
Not only did I only get 2 of the 6 courses I hoped to take, but 2 of the ones I really wanted said 'You cannot pre-enroll for these courses, you must seek the professor's approval first'. The courses I got a fucking freshman could have got into. So much for giving priority to upperclassmen...
Now, gee, I could have been working on that months ago if the fucking monkeys in the admnistration hadn't just nodded like goddamn bobble-heads! But now I'm here, impossibly far away to actually go meet with these professors, and now I have to beg them to let me into their course, along with every Tom Dick and Sally who just decided to take these courses on a whim this morning...
This shit pisses me off to no end. I am paying these cocksuckers far out the ass to get a quality education and they can't even check to see whether I can enroll online or not? Where the fuck did they get their education from anyhow? Normally I'm all nice and friendly, but when I get back to school (sometime in the summer) the entire college administration is going to get very used to seeing me each and every day at their offices until I get into the courses I want. And if i don't get into those courses, I'm going right over their heads to the Board of Trustees. They don't care if they piss off a student or two? Well they'll be pissing their fucking pants when me and the other couple hundred kids who got FUCKED by their system crash a Trustees meeting (I will personally make sure both the university and local press covers the event) and specific names (along with copies of e-mails) get circulated.
I will have my justice or I will annihilate everyone who promised me otherwise :mad::mad::mad:
Man, you are seriously pissed off and for a reason. That's messed up. It easy for those people to just say "yes, sure", and then forget the whole thing. But it's a different thing for those who suffer from the consequences. Even the cold, uncaring "I don't know. Go find out yourself" would be infinitely better than just making a guess that can have a bad outcome.
I hope you can sort the issue out somehow without losing too many nights' worth of sleeping.
My TA is such a bitch! K, so we had a com sci assignment due at 4:00, and I was done at 3:40, and I had spend about 5 hours on it. Everything was going great I thought. WRONG. Now, how our system works is that you have to both submit it electronically so that the TA can compile it and make sure it runs properly, and also give a paper copy because apparently its easier to read that way and they can put corrections on it to hand back to you. So I submit it through the system, it works great, but when I try to print it, my account is out of pages (Yes, not only do you have to give your firstborn to pay for classes, and your arm to pay for books, but you ALSO have to pay to print stuff). And naturally, I am out of cash, so I cant go to the nearby office to get more pages. But i do have some on my Debit card. So I e-mail the thing to myself and run over to the library, since there is an atm machine, withdraw some cash (20$ since the damn thing wouldnt give any less :( ), then put it onto my account and run back to the computers to print the damn thing then run up to the drop off boxes. By the time I get there, it's 4:15. But I think, "it's ok, the teacher said there was a grace period where you could still hand in your assigmnent. it wasn't due at 4:00 sharp, but he didnt specify how long it was so that people don't abuse it. Well apparently, the grace period was less then 15 fucking minutes, and so the next week when i go to check what I got on it, bitchzilla's like "sorry, you handed it in late you get a zero" and I'm like "But I electronically submited it on time, and that contains the EXACT SAME FILE". but she's like "too bad!" I am so pissed! the assignment portion of the class is worth 50% of the entire grade. So far i had done decent on the assignments, but now with that 0 i am failing it, so i'll probably have to drop out of that course, and let 500$ go down the drain.
Eh? It didn't help you told you had problems printing it?
You should let the Israelis know one of the last nazi criminals is hiding in your school, disguised as a teacher.
nope it didnt help. And this is the first time I've heard of an asian chick being a nazi :p Maybe she's one of them self-hating nazis...Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
hey, Japan was an Axis power too!
axis power but not part of the nazis. the nazis were a political party in germany.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
and now i'm here to bitch about how LaZyKiD beat sephiroth before i even got this fucking i'm not pissed at LaZyKiD's accomplishment, i'm bitching about how EB games hasnt given me it yet. :mad:
Well, I've got this assignment that's due tomorrow, and everything was going fine until I wanted something clarified yesterday, as no one knows what to do, the whole class has repeatedly asked what it is he wants done. At first it's evaluate some websites about the information on it, then it was changed to evaluate sites that evaluate other sites information, or use the criteria given and compare it to the other sites criteria and back and forth.
I asked last week, and it was evaluate information from 6 websites using the criteria given.
Wait a sec, I ask yesterday and now it's evaluate sites that evaluate other sites with the criteria provided.
They keep changing this shit weekly, I had just about finished the one I was going to hand in, but now I got to start from scratch and hand it in tomorrow.
Classes have repeatedly asked their tutors and the lecturer, and even the tutors don't understand the assignment paper, and have repeatedly gone and asked the lecturor what it is that we have to do.
There is only one good thing out of all this; my tutor is the one that's going to be marking it, so I asked him what exactly it is he wants (which I still think is totally wrong) and I'm going to start that now.
This subject is total bullshit, and I think it's thrown in my course just to take up some space.
EDIT: ok, finished I can breathe easier now.
Although, I've been procrastinating all day.
God damn Moderators.
Terra posts "I can add that to the title.
Does anyone know why they did that, by the way? (no use creating a new topic just for that question)"
So i decide to post right after him.
Woofcat "it was posted 3 hours after april fools was over. Thats my guess."
So now i get warned, negitive reputation for breaking the rules. God damnit Terra. I assumed since you broke the rules to ask a question i could to awnser the question of a Admin. Guess not. Btw, anyone know the ETA on warnings leaving? or are they forever?
Maybe it was a bait. You know, he posted the question so that somebody would make the mistake of answering, and thus would get a warning.
It's a cruel and unforgiving world out there, filled with people of malicious mind. Better take good care of yourself.
Originally Posted by woofcat
Bloody Photoshop. Crashed just when I was about to save my work. 20 mins of work and creativity wasted. Well, fortunately it was nothing I couldn't recreate, but it sucks nonetheless. Maybe it was just PS 7.0's way of telling me that it would be a high time to upgrade to 8.0...
Oh goddamnit Kraco the same thing happened to me about 3 hours ago. When you dedicate that much time to something like that, only to watch it crash and burn before you, it just makes me want to beat the hell out of something. Get CS2, though you may just want to wait because soon they'll be releasing CS2.5.
I have a keygen for CS2 if any of you want. And no, it doesnt come with an uber virus.;)
Why are you "god damning" me? :P I wasn't the one who bitched at you. I don't know why the mod did that.Quote:
Originally Posted by woofcat
I think Kraco said it best:Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Originally Posted by Kraco
MOTHERFUGGING! WHY WONT MY GASH BELL EPISODES DOWNLOAD ANY FASTER :( I think i did something to piss off god. Well whatever it was, Im not taking it back!:mad:
I hate how stupid people seem to follow me around everywhere. Today in class, this retard asked the follow question. Fasten your seatbelts...
"Can you have two universes in a Venn diagram?"
Goddamn, son, why don't you just hang yourself? WOW!
Well, I'm not as spazzy tonight as usual(Don't worry, I'm well aware that I am infact a spaz, in case some of you were harboring that idea) because I just received news that one of my friends died in a drunk driving accident tonight... So I will bitch about him being a dumbass and driving drunk in the first place. Stupid bastard, and as bad as that sounds considering he died, it's true. He was only 18 and now he's lost all chances of living an entire life... *Sigh*
Well putting aside the fact that as an admin, terra can do pretty much anything he wants (GW isn't a democracy remember), his post contained a legitimate question relevant to the topic. Your answer was a guess. If it were an offiial quote or something from DB, that would've been fine.Quote:
Originally Posted by woofcat
Since terra was kind enough to remove the warning, you should be happy. But keep in mind, the release threads are strictly for release info, so if you're unsure about posting something in there, just dont do it. About the only things i'll let go is legitimate info about the eps, like if its a joke episode or something. Other then that, if you really think it needs to be said, and are unsure if its allowed, contact a mod and we and edit it into the original post (although i highly doubt something like this will ever come up).
Edit: sorry to hear about your friend IFHT. My condolences to you and your friends family.
Man, that's really terrible. Sorry, but you're completely right. Some kids are stupid enough to do shit like that even though they know they're putting themselves in danger. What's worse is that they put others in danger too.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
Guess all those PSAs we were forced to watch in school really didn't work.
Exactly and what's even worse, is no one will take it to heart and use the incident as an example. I know for a fact they won't because it was the same as when I went to that same highschool. It seems like every year someone dies in a drinking or other intoxication accident there, and you'd think by now someone would have gotten the message. It's rediculous that they can't follow the trend and realize that the whole "It won't happen to me or anyone I know" thing isn't valid.
well that is sad. My condolences, but that goes to show you that drinking and driving don't mix. He made the sad mistake of doing so, you don't ever do that man. Well i think the best we can hope for is that his death has taught others not to drinn and drive. But it is always sad to hear some died,especially if its a friend. You ok man? I hope that you're alright....and i hope his family is coping alright.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
1 down, 500 million to go.
@dragonrage: I'm alright, it's just pointless you know. Things like this are easily avoidable yet somehow they happen alot more than they should. I really feel bad for his family, and everyone at school, I always hated going to school the day after someone died, it feels like a funeral all day long.
@BoC: That's pretty logical rationale. It's amazing the common sense needed to succeed in life isn't as common as it should be.
IFHTT: you seem to be taking it fairly well. Just keep your head up and smack your friends around when they try to repeat the mistake. People might be stupid, but most of them can learn, you just have to keep pressing them with the lesson.
Driving drunk is one of those areas I'm not going to comment on, as my actions in the past have spoken louder than any words I could say on the matter and are probably not what people should use as an example...
You ask me, it's because of the enforcement of the 'don't drink under 21' rule. Take away that rule and you can monitor kids in a safe drinking environment. Take away that law and you get more cops to patrol those spots. Take away that law and kids won't be all 'damn breaking the law makes me cool, so i better drink (as much as I can)' and make stupid decisions.
AND START PROSECUTING DRUNK DRIVING FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS: reckless endangerment of yourself (and others) with a deadly weapon.
Well said Masa, I am dealing with it in an ok manner due to the fact that the more death's you go through the easier it gets to cope with. I feel the most grief for his family that has to deal with it first hand. The sooner you realize you're not invincible, which is apparently what a lot of teenager's these days think, the faster you learn of your own mortality. I agree with you about the legal drinking age contributing to the problem somewhat, but I think the mentality of people today is a bigger cause of the problem.
So basically i could bitch about everything that bothers me at work, i mean i work fuckin retail, and you see some DUMB fuck's sorry but man people today, are honestly either gettin dumber and dumber, or one less chromosome.
i work a at a zoo doing retail work, and occasionally i work the carousel and the bike's and boat rentals, now i don't know what it is about these two place's but they attract some of the most mixed crowd's makes me wonder why the human race is still around.
first off, no the triceratops on the carousel is not a animal we have at the zoo, it has been exctint for 16 million years give or take alot! second learn how to fuckin read a sign specially when it's a 24" x 24" sign for god sakes it's a dark blue sign with huge bold white letters, WTF are you mister magoo. when i say no one under two on the bikes and boats i mean no one under two, it doesn't say no one under two unless there 22 months and 2 weeks. secondly we rent 2 and 4 seater boats not 5 or 6 seaters honestly don't ask if you can get all 6 on when the boats are right next to the register check out stand. when the boat says maximum weight limit 900 lbs, it means 900 lbs not 1200, when your fat ass sinks a solid plastic boat made to be unsinkable your too god damn fat and plz do yourself a favour and loose some god damn weight or walk yourself into traffic. as for the bikes, when i give you a set of instruction's listen to them, people these days don't know how to listen, soon as i turn my back i hear a childing crying in pain and why, cause they didn't god damn listen. and you wonder why kids don't listen or do well in school today, it's cause of today's parenting..i swear to god if i see another 4 year old in a god damn diaper, ima just slap the mom...that child is 2 years to old to be wearing a diaper.
i don't know what it is about people but ever since i started workin retail, i just about want to destroy almost all of the human race...
For the love of god, SOMEBODY PLEASE SEED THE KAA FMA ep. 1 - 50 torrent!:(
95 days remaining at this rate >:(
Don't post stuff like this this in the bitching thread. There's a difference between bitching and asking people to seed a torrent for you...
Well my friend today just told me that University of Waterloo (where I applied) starts to send out offers of admissions in May, and it might take as long as June 2 to receive them. Who the hell do they think they are? All the other universities have been giving out offers since March. I already got accepted into another university like 1 month ago, yet Waterloo is gonna take another month from now. Pissing me off.
@ IFingHateTonTon:
I am really sorry for what happened. But thank gosh he didnt get anyone else killed.
Go to Waterloo if you get accepted, its a really good university.
Now, I am really pissed that this week, we have like 8 tests.
And only on thursday, we have:
1.physic test
2. physic lab to give in
3. chemistry test
4. chemistry lab to give in
3. Math test
This is going to be one long week.:mad:
Now this is fucking bullshit:mad:
I lost my cell phone, not misplaced in the house somewhere or left over someones house but completely lost it, it seems someone stole it without my knowing directly from my pocket(don't ask me how, but it's obvious that he was a ninja). I pretty much have to put up my own money this time to get a new Razr V3(the newest model).
I personally think it's more funny then disappointing, but I am pissed off that I now have to put up all my wallpapers and ringtones that I got from the internet (I knew there was a reason why I kept all that stuff).
I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow -_-
Ps: it's pretty relevant that having a phone is like having a small pet with you all the time, and mine would be dead right about now(after a month)
well don't get me started on cell phones it's bad enough there so god damn small, but now there makin em thinner and more expensive, my current cell phone was 350 bucks, i love the damn thing, if i lost it i would be pretty pissed off, i mean after all you loose it and you some how feel naked...i havn't been unfortunate enough to have on stolen.
and again today at work...people once again are the biggest fuckin morons on the planet...honestly im dubbing this day as moron day, all outta towners and just damn right dumb. if ignorance is bliss then you my friend must be in heaven..once again these people for some reason are either blind or don't like reading, i try to tell someone look you got two adults and 6 kids most i can put on a boat is 4, what makes them think magically it can hold 8, i just don't get it with some people, for gods sakes why is the human race so fucking challenged.
Sangai I truly understand you I can tell you that the reason is very simple. Homo sapiens reached his peak when he was fighting for his survival. Evolution only lets strongest and/or smartest to continue on. We humans became so good at it that we ended avoiding even the natural selection and that leads to today, 30.000 years without any kind of selection has fcked up those few million years we had needed to reach or zenith :D
Haha, and it kinda helps that I live 20 minutes away from campus, 3 minutes by car :DQuote:
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
You know, I tell myself that every night before I go to sleep. It really troubles me to know that these people survive and reproduce, and survive some more.Quote:
Originally Posted by sangai
i just don't get it i see so many things wrong today that these parents are doing, granted i used to work at a school, and had the advantage of working in the daycare, my grandmother owned the school and now my mother does, but when i see parents that let there children run around with no shoe's or there 4 year old still wears a diaper, it's like in no way are you ready for parent hood...then like i said there are the people that are just either plan ignorant, dumb or hell even just fugin dense in the skull...askin me if we had a triceratops at the zoo, i mean this isn't jurassica park. our zoo is unique in that we have a special enviroment set up for the elephants were it is designed to reinforce natural behaviors, i actually got a complaint on "why do you have to tease the animals by puttin there food up really high" granted im sure i could understand something like that from a child, but not a adult, use some god damn common sense, we have history posted on each elephant even a entire explanation on why we do that...but oh wait i forgot, people don't know how to read.
lol i could bitch about this for days..and it would just be a broken record sayin the same shit lol,
then there is the fact that they know it's gonna be busy on a certain day, yet they manage to under staff on a busy day, and over staff on a dead day...that really grinds my gears,
some of my other complaints is, mainly i understand the fact that it's a privatly owned zoo owned by the maytag company, but gettin repairs to things and structures built taking over 18 months to have built or even considered to be built is rediculous.
let see , not only do i do my job, but i do the job of horticulture, operations, and hell sometimes park ranger, it's not my duty to do these things ,each of these division's in my work place are payed to do these things , but some how SOME HOW i end up triming the tree's raking the gravel sweeping and removing the trash from the grounds , this is what horticulture is supposed to do. then i have to retrieve bikes that are stolen from paying customers, adminsiter first aid *which really isn't that big of a deal, and when someone ditch's a bike on a 35 acre park, i can't leave till it's found, andi can't leave the register, who else would i rely to ifnd it for me but the rangers, but appearantly there to busy sitting in there carts doing other things, while i have to walk the zoo whcih takes about 4 hours on foot. then there is operations, these guys are the laziest bunch of M#@(# F#$*@#$ers out there, they sit on there ass while one guy works, and stare while he does it, but they where supposed to set up and maintain the duck decoy's around each of the islands that have animals on em to keep the public at a safe distants...when the public gets stuck i have to rescue them, again park rangers job not mine..i don't have the means or tools. so when these plastic ducks need replacing or repair it's supposed to be operations who go's out and replace's them on there lil motor boat, but now suddenly it's my job because they don't wanna do it no thanks , now i have to get my ass out there on a lake with a fugin paddle boat, which has no control when you trying to do work, you fugin a holes
lol why do i still work there one would ask, well maybe id like to one day transfer to a different position ..which is really easy for employee's.
Arg, I hate online buying unless you are ordering alot.
Xbox to USB dealing thinger
$10 USD
Shipping to Canada
$27.50 USD
God damn pricks.
I am now looking for a store in canada that will sell it to me.
Shipping is really expensive. Few moths ago, I wanted to buy a link from my cellphone to my computer. It cost about 7$. Plus shipping and handling, total: 35$ wanted. Finally, I bought the link from a store that cost about 25$ + tax.
Those kids wher ei work piss me off sometimes...almost enough to bring the hulk out..but then i gotta remember that they are kids...
Today, actually just 5 minutes ago I found out that my paper on New Jersey immigration, which was originally due on April 19th is now due today at 4 PM. I mean it even says it on the damn syllabus ( Problem is the school book store sent those books back just last week, which means they would have to order it back from Rutgers again. The guy says it'll take a "few days", which probably means a week. I'm so screwed. :-/
well, it seems that i'm an idiot.
i've finally finished the army trainning of communication (god, how do you write this in english?), and i've been given back all my personal documents (medical problems, behaivor, stuff i need to sign off when i'm over with the army and all other papers) which i need to pass on to my new base.
long story a bit shorter, i've put the bag in water to have it cleaned after 2 months of laying in the dust, and forgot to take the papers out, and now they're all wet. which means i have to call the army and try to arrange copies of them...
also, i'll need to tell them about it, and that's really stupid.
LOL, it's the army, im sure they get that all the time. not like it's the marines or nothing..
well i think i can make you feel a lil better, within the last i dunno maybe 10 months i have replaced the master cylanoid and power booster pump on my truck *those control the breaking system... now recently my brakes went out sending me correening into a intersection with almost no control, had to turn hard and fishtale it to stop,....anyways i have had to get rides to work for the pass couple of day's, now if only if only i wasn't to lazy to go and check the most probable reason for the loss of my breaks, which of course break fluid..but no i assume automatically it's the master cylanoid or power booster pump. feelin pretty stupid for crippling myself like that.
I hate the limited durablity of boxer briefs...i mean they might as well be made of paper.
and also:
i wonder who the genius is that came up with that shit??
and after a long time, a bitch not related to the army.
my main computer is dead, or at least on it's dying bed, or even being revived, still, it's not working.
anyway, the computer i'm using now is my mothers, and i don't dare download anything to it (my parents think that the reason the computers in our house always break down is becuase we download too much stuff). and it means i'm fucking bored to the core, I've even read Kenshin and one piece again, and i'm out of anything decent to do...
sure, i could always try and watch something again (there must be some anime i don't remember completly), but when i look at my collection, i can't find anything intersting...
i'm only thinking "trigun again? i remember it down to the core... hunter X hunter? i've read the manga 20 times already, Ranma? it'll only annoy me that nothing happens. Futurama? i can quote each episode...Lain? i'm stilll sorry i watched it the first time.. Witch hunter Robin? I fall asleep whenever i see it."
basically, what's good in having an 400 discs anime collection if you don't have anything to watch?
why not just go out and hang out with your friends? shooting pool or just sitting somewhere quiet outside with a beer in your hand talking about good times?
God damnit... It's the last day of classes but I can't go out drinking like everyone else because I have a big com-sci program due at midnight that's worth 10% of my mark :(
This sucks
You know what really pisses me the fuck off. Men that are too overbearing about their girlfriends. I was at work not 15 minutes ago, and I saw a customer chasing what looked like a dog, though I could be mistaken through the parking lot. So I got up to look through the big window in the front by the desk to see if she may have needed help. Then this male customer was like "Why don't you take your eyes off of my girlfriend, prick." and literally pushes me against the wall. My face is red now because in a room full of customers I get slammed into a wall, and the only thing running through my mind was retaliation. But I can't do anything of that sort since I am at work, hadn't I have been though, I would have laid this scrawny fucker out. I'm not going to stress about it anymore because what's done is done, but sometimes you can just feel the urge to fuck some one up running through you.
Damn. I was out of town (and decent net connection) for a mere week, and I already feel totally out of touch here. There are like 100 threads with new posts, 100 new episodes to watch (well, a little exaggeration)... I just don't know where to start. I almost feel like a stranger here. What a dangerous place this is, to make me feel like this.
Well, I figure I can't go wrong with the Bitching Thread now...
I agree with you that going that far was fucking idiotic and that the guy should be shot (or something to that effect), but at the same time I can't really blame overbearing boyfriends because we live in a society where girls can be molested (or similar) when you least expect it, by any random asshole. Of course that does not in any way defend the guy's actions which you describe above, however. But you get my point.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
My Bitch of the Week: Every god damn time I dl an extension to make my Firefox better everything fucks up and I can no longer click the quick reply button on this forum anymore and everything goes fucking CRAZY!!!!!
So now I get to uninstall everything and be normal.(as to before when I was super-normal)
bottoms line: it's gay
Yeah, trust me I'm watchful of the girls I know too, regardless of relationship, but not to the extent that I cause trouble just because someone is looking at them. That is just stupid. Looking back though, I'm glad I didn't make a big deal out of it, because in everyone's eyes that saw it happen, he took the title of bigger idiot. And had he been that good of a boyfriend, he'd have been out there helping her rather than bitching at me. I agree with you though there are some really sick people out there, just like the guy in the "Wanted to eat the body" thread... And as you stated in that thread, "Humanity fucking blows".Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Yeah I know how you feel man. I get rude customers all the time at work. All I can do is smile politely and say thank you. It's so degrading. I think the worst group of people to serve are Koreans. Since I'm Korean too they feel like I'm obligated to give them a discount. Another thing that pisses me off is when people say "oh I only ate a little" and want a discount in a buffet. Damn cheap bastards.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
Here's another rant about my computer engineering teacher.
This guy is a dumbass. Right now, as a class, we're working on a project to build an enclosure to hold all the components in a computer. So basically, we're gutting a computer (piece of shit may I add) and putting it all in some kind of display. It has to work. If this doesn't sound like a stupid idea already, continue reading...
First day, after he gives a brief description of the project, I come up with a bunch of questions because he pretty much said nothing useful. Here are some of the questions:
Me: What materials do we have at our disposal?
Answer: Whatever is in the woodshop, plus that piece of MDF out there.
Me: We're gonna hang this thing on the wall?
Answer: Yeah that'd be nice.
Me: How big do you want this thing to be?
Answer: That's for you guys to decide.
Me: What will this thing be used for? Just as a display...?
Answer: Well we could make this into a server.
Me: With this computer we have? It's a piece of crap.
Answer: Well the parts are for you to decide.
Me: Ok. What's our budget?
Answer: I don't know.
Later on the first day, he says we should use Autocad to do the designing. I said we should just use a ruler and measure the dimensions of all our pieces. He says that's not a good idea because it's not accurate enough. How stupid can this guy get? If we're using Autocad, it probably means we're measuring the dimensions of components and transferring them into Autocad. It's not like we're designing something in Autocad and putting that on paper. We have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is measuring the dimensions with a ruler. Goddamn, this guy has no logic what so ever.
Today we were all in what he calls "thinktank mode." He keeps trying to contribute ideas but they're stupid. He then goes on to say "it's your project." Well, if it's our project then stop coming up with stupid ideas FOR US.
Oh, and just to touch up on this guy's noobness, he says he built his own computer, but when asked, he doesn't know his CPU socket. "It's...uh...a 2.8 GHz." I rest my case.
Woah... What is he doing teaching anything to do with the internals of a computer if he can't even tell you what socket type his processor is. Ask him if he uses a dsub connection or a DVI connection for his monitor. I'm sure he'd be like "It's...uh...LCD..." hahaha noob.Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
Well, from what you told, it's quite obvious he might have built the computer, but certainly didn't design it (what exact components he wanted it to have). Or maybe he designed it using AutoCAD... And the clerks over at the shop just pushed some compatible components to him to get rid of the dolt...Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
Thats a page out of my book when it comes to these guys, although with that case If I had to give him advice at my desk I'd tell him he failed the exam and to get rid of his computerQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Nope, he says he did weeks of research on what parts to get. He concluded that 512 MB of RD-RAM, although quite expensive, was the correct way to go because it's the fastest memory out there. Again, I rest my case.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Dsub? Is that some kind of submarine...?Quote:
Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
Anyways, I'm going to bitch about my truck today. I don't know what happened but somehow, somewhere in the wiring there is a short thats pulling a 12v draw from the battery and causing me to have to jumpstart the damn thing when I need to drive somewhere.
If locating the short wasn't such a damn chore I'd have it fixed by now, but I've gone all through the damn thing and it's either the power seat, or something inside the door, but I can't pinpoint it any further. It's driving me insane.
I hate vehicle problems, they always seem to occur right when all the payments are due...
@ BoC below :D Ok then I'm taking the pic out. Either way he'd probably be at a loss for a real answer.
(I know what D-sub is)
Nothing works anymore, this is the last time I take advice on what to dl for firefox from you guys :p . Downloading "pdf downloads, update notifier, ie viewer, tab mix plus, adblock plus/filter set g. updater" has completely fucked my firefox over.
Not only do none of the flash things work now(for example, quick reply here doesn't work), but my sig won't come up now either, uninstalling the extensions didn't work and neither did a system restore to my computer(don't ask me why I thought that would work), so I may have to uninstall firefox alltogether which will be a pain in the ass b/c I have like 500 favorites.......................I'm gonna go bang my head against a table now
It'll keep your bookmarks and stuff if you uninstall I believe. I could be wrong though, but I could have sworn it'll ask you if you want to keep them.
yeah I'm pretty sure it didn't work just now, so unless I go around my computer and look for any copies of firefox I have around I'm stuck like this
ugh so annoying