You mean something like this right? Cuz i made a wallpaper a while back.
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You mean something like this right? Cuz i made a wallpaper a while back.
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Yay, i just noticed after i made it that i could have just used neji in the exactly same post. I guess its true what they say, great minds do think alike lol.
Awesome wallpaper ... going use that for my desktop until i get my old laptop back and i can continue working on my neji wallpaper I was working on before.
Nice work, Jing!
some GSeeDestiny sigs I made for my forum. I admit, the Yzak one is <u>KINDA</u> similar to Terra's yzak sig.
*thats a big Kinda*
i got bored and took a study break and in that break i made this wallpaper:
not sure how much i like it but nonetheless thought id share my studybreak production with yall, btw its not anime related at all just kinda an abstract or whatever, all i know is i felt like making something green atm [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
cool, how long study breaks do you guys have? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Garralovessand. those sigs looks good buy maybe you should do a little more work with the backgrounds they look a little to plain. and i dont think your yzak looks to similar to terras. also the shin sig got a little to dark background and the impulse pic doesnt really fit, maybe you should try to make the impusle sig black and white and stick it under the red color overlay and make theb ackground a little more visible. i think that would look nice.
AlbinoFury that is an awesome wallpaper, simple but just cool looking. I love that dragon thing in the centre ... Man if it wasn't for this test today, or work this weekend i would so love to try my hand at a wallpaper.
ok im finally finished with my sig. it didnt turn out like the first idea i got but after alot of work i think it turned out very nicely anyway. the text was a pain in the ass.
you changed your avatar and sig... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
who is the charater on your avatar anyways..?
its auel neider from gundam seed destiny. the gundam in my sig is his gundam abyss.
to answer ur ? PSJ i made that wall in a 30 minute study break [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i dig the new ava and sig, but i cant see abyss in there, maybe im just looking at it weird but its a bit dark [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] gw though
yeah i agree the abyss in the sig abit dark.
see if you can dodge it
hmm yea maybe i should try dodge it up a little ill seee what i can do.
okay i found the problem. when i made the background i set the abyss pic opacity to low. i need to redo the whole background to fix that but i guess i can dont want it to look bad.
Great sigs gaara & PSJ, everything Destiny is wonderful.
Btw gaara the only similarity I can find to my sig is where you put his name and even that isn't identical.
hes probably talking about the circular lines on the rght side, and yzak pic on the left side. structural wise.
pretty good gaara, im currently having a sig making block(which means I dont know what to make) so hopefully I have one in like the first week of novem.(SAT studying) and also hopefully Ill be able to make it look like the one below
new sig!, i kinda liked the way this one turned out
looks good jing like the color we dont get to se too many red ones.
I was told many people hated red [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] .
Really PSJ? I feel like I've made all too many red sigs myself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
jing I really like the colors of your new sig aswell as teh font and the butterfly. Really nice.
the effect on the right side jing looks a bit weird, more out of place then anything