haha yea at first I agreed and then I realized we weren't talking about captain planet
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Heart is the element that lets you talk to animals. You can probably guess what the transmutation circle looks like.
And you know this applies to FMA how? It doesn't exactly seem like you know from the post before since you said you don't know about the other elements. I'd understand more if the fifth element was Ku (Nothing) rather than heart as it's part of Japanese elements at least in martial arts.
woah, getting a little too deep right there.
Wrath is suppose to kick ass. That much I know. but he is still not the fastest. Sloth is the fastest.
Wrath's ocular technique seems like a rip off from Sasuke and or Kakashi.
As far as alchemy specialization, it is probably not that big a deal, since skilled alchemist can do basic stuff like fixing a radio, clock or even a new paint job on the truck without much problem. Whether they need to draw some transmutation circle, thats a different story.
btw, Hohemheim is the one that doesnt use a transmutation circle. Thats because he has a philosopher's stone.
Izumi, Al and Ed, uses a "simplified" transmutation circle, clapping their hands. to form a "Ovular" circle.
I was under the impression that his speed comes from the use of his eye. He can "see" pretty much everything in front of him, like a super situational awareness. His speed is a combination of being a homunculus (Envy, Lust, and Greed are about the same speed) and that situational awareness. He could track the trajectories of multiple bullets, and then using fairly average homunculus speed, swat them effortlessly out of the air.
So...yeah, it pretty much is the second sharingan ability. I wouldn't expect him to copy alchemy with it though.
I'm still pretty sure the fifth element in Japanese philosophy is Ku which is "nothing/void" so don't really see how heart can be the fifth.
Nice already? Time to download! Can't wait to see it.
Nice episode, nice to see Wrath & Greed's fight resume.
Also fairly interesting to see Hohenheim, and how he dealt with the philospher's stone.
For whatever odd reason, the bit in this episode which had the most impact was soldiers of 'King Bradley' prodding Briggs' soldiers with their guns (verifying them being dead).
LOL Homunclus number 1 seems to have the same disposition as Naraku from Inuyasha.
(yeah, i dont need the parts that you thought i need)
Wrath, not needing his eye to get up to the main gate does make him all the more bad ass. But that old man from Xing, that is some kickass power he has.
Overall, an action filled episode that went over too quickly. ill have to rewatch it.
Old man from Xing is completely bad ass. He kind of reminds me of the Pai Mei from the Kill Bill movie.
Okay sorry fireheart. It's my fault, humor and sarcasm are hard to read on a message board. The whole heart thing is a joke. Captain Planet is an old show where captain planet would save the world from evil polluters. 5 kids had rings they would use to summon captain planet when they needed his help. The rings had these elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart.
Here's a intro video:
One with Naruto:
I'm sorry, again, that you took me seriously.
Wrath already kicks this much ass and it should only be a matter of time before Pride returns. Hohenheim also had the expression of a person who never had a Plan B. Not good for the good guys. Although Mustang, Scar, and Ed makes quite a strike team.
According to RandomC, the manga will end next month, thus this anime adaptation will cover the full manga. Nice.