She voiced as Katagiri Yuuhi in Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka
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She voiced as Katagiri Yuuhi in Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka
Yuuhi wasn't loli though.
I hesitantly agree. Officially Yuuhi's legal (citation needed), short in the anime, and acts like a spoiled brat for a good part of the anime.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
According to wiki:
She does have a (small) rack, so she's not pre-pubescent, but the art fluctuates so much it's hard to tell when it actually counts.Quote:
n the marketing of legal pornography, lolita is used to refer to a neotenic female, frequently one who has only recently reached the age of consent, or appears to be younger than the age of consent. Usually overlaps with 'barely legal'.
There're shots like this:
Then there's this: (pantsu)
And are all of those romance harems too?
yeah, as far as i now. comedy-romance-harem.
Hayate no Gotoku - Comedy, with romance harem later on.
Kanamemo - Comedy and Slice of Life, with a little yuri among the side characters
Zettai Karen Children - Action and Comedy, with a loli-harem (not much romance though)
Pita-Ten - Romance harem
Mnemosyne - Action and yuri, lots of violence and sex
She is only a main character in the first and last one though.
Nabari no Ou - light-action with implied yaoi
Wasn't Archie asking for loli-tsunderes?
Miharu, who Rie Kugimiya voices in Nabari no Ou, is a guy.
oh, yeah i guess your right.
I wasn't asking for loli tsunderes, but for loli tsunderes played by Rie Kugimiya
Anyway, i'm thinking about watching Love Hina now. How much of a loser is the main character?
Keitaro? He is at first...but he's not really that bad. The resident's behavior exaggerates it. As much as I liked Love Hina, I can't bring myself to watch it again.
1) The anime is pretty bad compared to the manga (not Negima manga to anime bad, but the story doesn't get finished even with all the movies)
2) I realized the entire premise and the dynamic of the main romance are a complete and utter ripoff of Maison Ikkoku. Just change some ages and genders around and a healthy dose of ecchi.
Then what's with all the awards and stuff? I was under the impression this was one of those must-see animes that go around
Or is it just that the manga is that good?
Yes, that much is obvious (particularly since everything we have written down is about Rie Kugimiya), so I didn't feel the need to write it down.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Love Hina presents a harem-romance story, and it does it well. It isn't ground breaking, but it is well worth watching if you do not dislike harem anime. Most of the cliches as we call it nowadays were started (or at least popularized) by Love Hina.
Well yeah but within the harem genre i was looking for something without a worthless male leader but apparently i came knocking the wrong door...
Any ideas?
Try these
Bakemonogatari - Main guy helps everyone out, so he can't be worthless by definition
Clannad - Same as the one above
Chrome Shelled Regios - Main guy is just absurdly strong
Isekai Seikishi Monogatari - Main guy is even stronger than the one above, relative to the rest of the cast
Utawarerumono - Main guy is really smart, and charismatic enough to have practically the entire female cast fall for him.
GunXSword - Not really the usual harem setting (no school etc.), but the main guy is pretty bad ass, and looks like a cowboy but uses a sword. Has mecha.
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure - Mecha anime. Main guy can be a wuss, but is the best pilot in the show.
Maburaho - Main guy starts out a wimp, but has many cool moments when he manages to use his power. Think Zero no Tsukaima.
EDIT: and before I forget, yes, these are all harem.
I was looking for something along the lines of Majutsu no Index ( God, i want a second season so bad... )
Have you seen the ones I mentioned? Check them out since some of them are quite similar to Index, at least a lot more than Love Hina.
The Love Hina anime honestly isn't that good. I think the reason it's so popular is because it's the right series that came out at the right time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
But to add to shinta list, since he already added a spin-off, try out the Tenchi muyo series if you haven't. It's a harem theme with a rather competent main character.
Non worthless male lead harem (some of which you have probably already seen):
Ai Yori Aoshi - Kaoru doesn't really have a choice to make given the premise, but he is far from worthless and has strong determination.
Chrome Shelled Regios - Layfon is badass.
Nagasarete Airantou - Ikuto holds his own against girls and animal (most who are are stronger than him).
Sekirei - While Minato might seem useless, he's actually one of the strongest of the male characters in the show. Determined and caring, similar to Ai Yori Aoshi's lead.
Shuffle! - In terms of male leads and how they act, Rin is one of my favorites. One of the few leads to deserve the harem that falls into his lap, similar to the way Layfon is in Regios.
Kanon - Yuuichi is the same way as the leads of Sekirei and Ai Yori Aoshi.
Ranma 1/2 - While he might not be the manliest of heroes given his tendency to crossdress, Ranma isn't worthless by any stretch of the imagination.
Tenchi - I haven't seen all of it, but in the movie where he goes back in time to save his mother was pretty good back in the day.
Vandread - Hibiki can come off as a bit of a whiner in certain parts, but he's trying to reach the pinnacle of being GAR like Kamina from Gurren Lagaan (before that existed). It's hard to blame him when he had literally never seen a woman before the series started.
Utawarerumono - shinta already covered this quite well.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Can we add an extra filter to this? Say, harem with a good main character and an actual plot ( meaning i would need to watch more than just the first and last episodes to get what's going on )Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu