there was a novel about death note, it was translated to english but i cant seem to find it, i dont really live in the us so it will be a problem getting it, maybe someone have a link to download it?
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there was a novel about death note, it was translated to english but i cant seem to find it, i dont really live in the us so it will be a problem getting it, maybe someone have a link to download it?
Wrong thread dude, ask around on the download section.
So there's a novel about Death Note? Does it have an original story or does it revolve about the original?
its before the death note and all, an investigation with L and the chick that light killed (ray pembar's wife)
So a prequel. That would be a nice addition to the story, since L's my favourite out of all the characters.Quote:
Originally Posted by ForteCross
I've just finished this, and boy, it was a hell of a ride. When L died, it felt like half the enjoyment died with it, but it built up enough to get me through to the ending. Great series indeed.
There was a prequel movie called "L: Change the World", but it was released in Japan/Asia. I'd imagine there's a book/manga version and probably an anime version coming out.
It's actually a sequel movie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Originally Posted by Psyke
A sequel? Than that means that neither Light or L show up?
In that case screw that, Death Note without those guys isn't worth shit
Originally Posted by ForteCross
This is what you're referring to I think. I don't know where it's available for download, though.
Edit: I watched part of the Deathnote movies on Youtube. The acting was so awful I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes.
The movie's called L: Change The World. So...... L's the main character.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Link for L: Change the World
L is freaking hot.. but the terribleness of the first Death Note movie... a hard decision to attempt this one!
Trust me, the first 2 movies are better. :cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Technically it's not really a sequel, it takes place just before the last scene in the second part of the first movie, so L is still alive and it's what he was doing in the time he had before he died.
Anyways, I came here to post this:
Necropost ftw!
Am up to Episode 22 and noticed there are some live action movies, they any decent?
Cant wait to watch it more tonight, just have to wait til I get to work now.
In 1 word? NoQuote:
Originally Posted by salmonman78
They're just an excuse to milk some more money from the fans.
I watched in the theaters and bought the DVDs. :o