Ohh right, forgot about the Legendary part lol.
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I will say, Caulifla has an odd design. She has really peculiar proportions. She's almost looks more like a One Piece design than a Dragon Ball character.
Kale obviously gets really buff when she transforms, but Caulifla doesn't look like she changes at all. She's still really thin.
Yeah, but at least he got the shit beat out of him, and Vegeta threatened his family or some cool shit like that.Quote:
Eh. I don't think it's a reduction, I genuinely think it's that Universe 6 Saiyans are just different. I mean, they don't even have tails. And Cabba leaned it just as fast.
Cauliflower learned to tickle her back with her chi. :S
I'm just venting, not really serious. DB can continue to be DB.
It might just be that Cabba is the first SSJ smart enough to focus on what's actually happening to his body during SSJ to actually notice what's going on to the point where he can just describe it to someone else.
Everyone else is all like, "Harness your rage!"
"Harness my rage? Is your black belt in poetry? Why don't you explain to me what you're actually doing with your chi."
You mean like how Gohan taught Videl how to fly ?
Somehow they forgot some of the ideas they had years ago...
Im not even mad they sidelined buu again, but WHY did they have to get rid of fit buu?
Caulifla is best Waifu/Waifulifla/Waiflifla
Fuck yeah! It's happening! I'm worried about what Rat God is going to do. Is he going to steal U7's idea and resurrect his own guys, or is he going to somehow try and stop Freeza's resurrection? I hope it's not the latter.
Her head is way too big for her body! Her AND Cabba have that problem. They look like Mr. Satan when he's being drawn extra comedically.
But clearly, Kale agrees with you.
Videl all the way man.
If I was the god of universe 4, I'd get Freiza to throw and promise him I'd resurrect him in Universe 4 if he does. For the Emperor of Evil, there's no better way to get out of hell with a "Fuck You" while you're at it.
The preview makes it sound like they'll just send trashy assassins though.
I kinda feel bad for Cell. Doesn't even get considered.
I guess Freeza is the more iconic character though, and from an in-universe perspective, Golden Freeza is literally the strongest enemy they have that's not Beerus or from another universe/timeline.
I wish more characters in this canon knew the fusion dance, because there's nothing in the rules that says you can't do that since it's a battle royal, but it WOULD be against the rules to use the Potara earrings.
That's what I meant. People in the tournament fusing during the tournament for huge power increases, not more than 10 people entering the tournament fused. Goku/Vegeta is the obvious one, but 17/18 would be awesome too.
I'll be damn surprised if this tournament doesn't end with 1 person left standing. But even if it did, fusion dance only lasts 30 minutes at most(and way less than that if you use transformations), so it would wear off before the time limit anyway, as long as you didn't wait till the end to use it.
So did Caulifla turn SSJ2 for a moment there?
That's what the internet has been saying. Personally, I've never been able to tell the difference between 1 and 2 unless I was looking at them side by side.