this is probably the best episode in Index S2 so far, not really difficult but this was fun to watch and how this show should always be (or most of the time, I don't mind a few Comedy episodes now and then)
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this is probably the best episode in Index S2 so far, not really difficult but this was fun to watch and how this show should always be (or most of the time, I don't mind a few Comedy episodes now and then)
So maybe I missed something but can someone explain why Himegami threw a rubber ball at Touma in the beginning? I know it's probably inconsequential, but it strikes me as a bit odd.
Yeah but I dont remember her to be the violent type
That actually does sound like a plausible explanation. And fits well with the theme of artificially trying to make Touma extremely unfortunate while in practice the natural looking cases make him look above average fortunate. Even getting continuously involved in all manner of trouble and fighting isn't ill luck to him because he has the strong hero mentality of needing to help friends and strangers alike, no matter the risks to his own person.
TL;DR: Having biribiri and co lusting for your cock makes up for any broken egs or bite marks from annoying loli nuns that may come your way
I'm happy to see Itsuwa appear :) (as if my last message didn't already say this)
But I'm also happy to see Orsola and Agnesse again... and that they left Index behind. She'll probably find a way to be annoying, but its priceless to leave her behind.
I ignored your spoiling of her name but at this point Kraco hasn't said anything so fuck it
Yeah Itsuwa is hot, she's appealing to me though i can't exactly pinpoint why. Maybe i just have a thing for chicks with spears.
I'm not sure but hasn't her name been mentioned already?
or more like screamed out already because she got hurt during Orsolas rescue arc
that guy with the sword was like "[INSERT NAME IN CAPS HERE]!!!"
and yea she's hot and more important (for me) cute. I call dibs on her
Itsuwa > Biribiri imho
edit: just realized her name is being said in this episode too
tch... if I knew she'd reappear I wouldn't have rooted for a Touma X Misaka ending.I hope she appears more often now and not only as a side character like the others... but its hopeless most likely, knowing that the Author(s ) doesn't have the balls to upset the community and change the female counterpart.
I'm a Touma x Misaka supporter myself but i don't really see it happening at this point, just this episode the fucker was complaining how he HAD to dance with Mikoto all night long... bitch must be teh gay
You don't claim Index, you shove her away to the next guy
If we are claiming them... then I'll claim Agnesse too. After Mikoto and Itsuwa of course.
But yeah... everybody shoves Index away.
FYI, i will duel Zell to the death for ownership of Misaka's waifu status