No. My friend couldn't even install it while I got stuck at the loading scene with weird textures. That pissed new off quite a lot. I even forgot to post because of it.
Printable View
No. My friend couldn't even install it while I got stuck at the loading scene with weird textures. That pissed new off quite a lot. I even forgot to post because of it.
Are you both on Win7/8 64? Also I don't remember seeing any servers outside the US. I wonder if the beta is localized by region.
BF4 requires some beefy PC specs to play. My Bloomfield i7-930/Radeon 6970 runs poorly at high quality, but ok at medium. I don't know FPS count but it's low. My Haswell i7/GTX770 plays it great at high quality.
I'm on W7 64. The Beta was available to me and the servers' pings looked pretty decent. I spawned below the map and had the loading screen overlayed on top so I wasn't able to evaluate performance at all.Quote:
Are you both on Win7/8 64? Also I don't remember seeing any servers outside the US. I wonder if the beta is localized by region.
BF4 requires some beefy PC specs to play. My Bloomfield i7-930/Radeon 6970 runs poorly at high quality, but ok at medium. I don't know FPS count but it's low. My Haswell i7/GTX770 plays it great at high quality.
Lo and behold, it just happened. Topside team was owning with points A and B, then all of a sudden the other team took B, took C, then owned the topside team and won it. I was on the topside team :(.
What I've noticed with the team that spawns topside is that once they are beaten back (lose A), they will resort to sniping from spawn and essentially get pinned there. Then there isn't enough ground support for the few assault members to take back and defeat is ensured.
Is it just me, or are the "forum" and "front page" buttons swapped now? I always impulsively click the front page button whenever i want to get to the main forums page, and it's driving me insane.
Yes and the today's posts button is gone, I keep clicking on private messages. Today's post and new posts were redundant though.
Haha, I have a habbit of clicking our banner to take me to the forum main page. If that got swapped on me I'd be a little annoyed as well.
@Abdula: so that's what it was. I thought something was different, but I was still shown "new posts" - which was what I was after anyway, so I didn't pin it down.
I'm actually starting to get reaaalllly pissed off about the button arrangement now. It was set the other way for, what, 8 years now? Why change it?
Not intentional, forum software update replaced the static navbar template with a new nav manager utility. It's pretty much exactly what I had wanted from 4.0, so I can't complain too much -- much less insane now. But it screwed with the ordering of things a bit, and I was trying to get it up and running on not enough sleep. Better?
Yeah, that was one of those customizations that moved us away from the default that I hadn't captured at the navbar switch. Better now?
Yes, I kept pressing private messages instead.
Indeed, much better. Thanks!
My country decided it wanted to be racist and its people are posting anti-Haitian bullshit all over Facebook. Fuck this place.
Why Haiti of all places?
Bad relations overall, my country was enslaved by their hand for 30 years and currently a lot of them are trying to migrate illegally in here. Now some people are spreading some BS about Haitians trying to take over again even though they don't have the means or the numbers and theres no real evidence of this. Catholics are also attacking them claiming they are satanist and practice voodoo, apparently this country is not backwards enough.
The biggest issue right now is that they cross the border illegally and doing work for a cheaper fee, disregarding the fact that Dominicans are doing exactly that in U.S.A. FUCKING HIPOCRITES.
When I have shitty Facebook friends who post a lot of controversial material, I usually hide their news feeds, block, or unfriend them. There's no point in arguing because some people aren't really open-minded and it would be a waste of your energy to convince them otherwise.
Right. Hiding news feeds is so convenient. I've started hiding single posts so I don't keep seeing the same posts over again.
The new Justice League animated movie wont have aquaman in it. People, the super friends was 20 years ago, let it fucking go already!
Really? That's weird.
I've read Justice league: origin and he's definitely in it, heck he's on almost every cover; maybe because he doesn't show up till right before darkseid makes his appearance.
Shame though, he has a pretty badass scene summoning a bunch of giant sharks.
Still looking forward to it though, if just for seeing superman vs batman/flash/lantern animated.
Perfect opportunity for DC to cash in on an Aquaman movie to help establish him as a character in the universe, then add him to the JL live action movie. They could make a new superstar Hollywood hunk out of whoever gets the role. He'd walk around shirtless most of the movie.
LOLLLL Shinta's sig makes it so hard to browse this forum in public.
There are too many people on this earth, and getting a job is too competitive.
That sucks. Being 21 with no experience in your field is tough.
I just spent 2.5 hours playing GTAV. Most of that time was spent on mass destruction with little advancement of the storyline, and lots of reloading saves. I have to find a better way to use my free time.
I've started watching FMA Brotherhood again, since I have access to Netflix this week. Unfortunately, whoever chose the subtitle font and colour likely only tried it with live action shows. The flat yellow text blends into light anime screens so that it's nearly impossible to read a lot of the time, and I have to work so hard to read it that I miss things going on in the picture. They have a lot to learn from fansubbers. I am not impressed.
Having a hangover at night.
That must have been a badass party.
Or alcoholism... just kidding. Getting old sucks, and it's harder and harder to hold your liquor as you try to relive your heydays in college and young adulthood.
My bitch, sorta: just finished GTA:V. Fun game, satisfying missions and activities for the most part and the characters do grow on you after playing them a while.
It seems they haven't made many changes to the engine since the first GTA games. Controls are still wonky and frustrating, as well as some viewing angles. If you're approaching a door, especially when running, you have less than a 10% chance of making it through the door. Most likely you hit either door jam, then circle around and hit the other door jam and not the door. I almost destroyed a second PS3 controller due to this sort of game-induced rage, which in hindsight might be the coders' intent... increase hardware sales by pissing off the players.
I`ve never seen a person actually rage playing a game, how many controllers have you broken by now?
That isn't really raging.
Raging involves breaking things or body parts, usually your own.
I once smashed my ps1 and ps2 to the floor because it won't work due to the lens being broken due to my usage of pirated discs.
I cannot even count how many times I threw my ps controller, and mouse somewhere. I also smash my keyboard around a lot, but only broke it in half with my bare hands once.
I also once punched the screen of my crt TV and the back of it hit the wall. That was when I was beaten by the boss of a fighting game for the nth time using some cheap ass move. TV still worked fine though.
I regularly punch the concrete wall of my room when I get pissed off at a game, but I have yet to dislocate my wrist or fracture my knuckles because I use proper form and somehow manage to control my power before impact.
But this is all in the past. In the past few years, I have simply cared less and less about winning in games. Or maybe I have just been playing VNs much more, where you cannot really lose.
My bitch:
Why the hell does alcohol have to ruin your liver? Why is there no safer alternative that does exactly the same thing?
What about weed?
An X360 controller, a PS3 controller, 2 (maybe 3) PC keyboards, and 1 mouse. I hate it when poor code/system glitches lets the computer cheat and the same movements/button presses you made a thousand times before suddenly results in a different action which gets you killed after meticulously completing 95% of a mission, only to have to do it all over again.
Usually it only takes one time destroying something and having to buy another one to make me learn not to abuse the hardware. I have a punching bag so I could hit that like shinta with his concrete wall, but it's not as satisfying as smashing the offending controller.
@shinta: alcohol doesn't purposefully destroy your liver, it's designed to filter the alcohol out of your system. Unfortunately as with anything, excess can overload a system and damage it.
My bitch: Why is weed illegal here?
why is weed illegal anywhere? I don't smoke a lot, but i'd like to have the option.
although, I think one of the guys from south america is a big anti-weed person, and he has some good points.
Lots of other things do even more damage to your liver. Like Tylenol (acetaminophen). That's why you have to drink in moderation, so you can enjoy it for years to come. Also, eat a variety of foods that help your living process. Good fats (fish, nuts), veggies with sulfur in them (leafy greens, garlic, broccoli) etc.
Weed is illegal in the US because Newspaper kingpin William Hearst spent a lot of time demonizing it in all his papers, largely speculated to destroy the hemp industry that competed with his paper/logging industry along with the DuPont family, who had recently created nylon. Since you can't tell the difference between the male and female plants from a distance, they get banned. In the end, the reason is still greed.
I completely dropped paracetamol from my system for years now just to avoid causing more damage to my liver. I am doing more than enough of that with my daily drinking.
Only reason I can think of weed being illegal is because prison contractors make too much money off cops arresting loads of people for these minor crimes. That or maybe it would reduce productivity of an economy if too many people smoke too often.
Personally I think humanity needs more motivation and less drug-induced lethargy. People are lazy enough as it is. How are we ever going to colonize Mars or discover a cure for cancer if everyone is high all the time?
Not sure if you're just joking around, but the people who end up getting us on Mars or discovering cancer usually aren't the type to let drugs get in their way in any case. As for everyone else, the worst that will happen is they'll slack off somewhat in a management/services position. If everyone does this though that might be a problem for economic output.
Well those people may never get to the point where they can lead us to greatness if they are high all the time. If people are already successful and just smoke to reduce stress or have some downtime then I'm ok with that.
Well that is why we have moderators on the forums...
You have clearly never witnessed someone smoke two bowls and then clean their entire apartment because they are so high. Or do what would normally be demoralizing monotonous manual labor with an intense focus and accuracy after they had their "lunch" break.
Not all people who smoke weed get lazy and eat Cheetos while watching Dora the Explorer. People have different reactions to the stuff. Like delusions for example, believing they understand "the criminal mind" better after doing so. Some get paranoid, some get hyper, even some people get angry (and aren't offered weed again).
But you're referencing a minority of people who aren't average, because they likely carry intellect within the top 1% or .01% of our population. Again, people who would be getting us on Mars or curing cancer probably won't be held back by marijuana.
But as for the rest of the population doing their everyday jobs, yeah that is the concern.
I... beg to differ, but I'm no expert in the matter either so I won't pursue the case.
It's not so much that pot can reduce productivity Ani, but that it's arguably comparable or even less harmful than other sources of entertainment. It's not so much why is weed banned, but "Why is weed banned but xyz (alcohol etc) isn't?"
Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of productive citizens (college grads with degrees in engineering and computer disciplines) who smoke pot, but they use/found pot as a way to relieve stress. I think if pot were legalized, kids would lose any motivation to pursue college/education before they got a chance to realize their potential. If you mess up in high school, chances of getting into a decent college are slim, as well as the chance you will do something that helps society.
I just like to cite the Chinese and the way they force youth into certain professions and niches, to direct their energy for the betterment of their society. While I like freedom of choice, I see too often that it leads to mediocrity and listlessness. I don't see that pot legalization will help the cause.
They drink themselves silly anyway. Legalisation of weed doesn't mean we leave it unregulated either.
If weed is comparable to alcohol in terms of psychological effects but is less harmful physiologically, then the only real argument I can see arguing for the harsher legislation is because "less harm = more use". In other words, one might argue that because you can get high without killing yourself, people would be more inclined to do so. You might say that people drink in moderation because they understand that they can actually die from drinking too much. In practice, whether such self control and harm limitation takes place is questionable.
Alcohol is legal because it has been used pretty much everywhere since time immemorial. Weed has been used also since ancient times, but only in very limited areas and not in the Western societies (that I know of, at least). Alcohol is even used by the church, which used to be the meter of right and wrong for a long time. Drugs were introduced later and were thus easier to ban as they didn't have such a widespread penetration in the population.
Things like this have the additional complication of already being banned by the law a long time ago and thus needing a majority in the parliament to be ignored by the law once again (or allowed and regulated, like it most likely would be). It could be a political suicide for any old politicians to start to advocate drugs. I reckon most voters still don't use drugs so they wouldn't care to have them legalized, thinking "since I don't smoke pot, nobody needs to".
Ryllharu mentioned some of the reasons for illegalization presented in the article. I find a site that rants about a subject to be biased and hard to trust for straight facts.
Some big differences between alcohol and marijuana use are their after effects. I found I could drive a car just fine while still affected by marijuana, while alcohol is well known to severely impair driving ability (but so does phone usage). Lack of hangover is another major factor, as marijuana does not cause severe hangover so it will be more readily used if it is legalized.
Alcohol's plus side is that it removes your inhibitions. How many children would not have been born if their parents had not connected in an alcohol-induced sexual liaison? Marijuana adds inhibition to do pretty much anything.
I would not recommend driving while high on pot. I teleported a couple of times while doing that.
Yeah I wouldn't recommend it either but I'd say it's a lot safer than driving while drunk on alcohol. I was on the tail end of a high so it's wasn't really dangerous (lying to myself I know). The weirdest thing was that my buddy told me I'd always drive 10mph slower than I thought while high... and he was right. I struggled to maintain 60mph and every time I thought I was driving 60 I'd look down and see I was driving 50mph.
You guys understand what I mean by teleport right?
It isn't driving faster. It is basically time/memory skipping. All of a sudden, you are at a place much farther than you think you were supposed to be.
That happens to people talking on cell phones too. They're cruising along below the speed limit in the "express lane" and then suddenly realize they have less than 200 feet (60m) to their exit. They fly across lanes with reckless abandon. They got on the highway, were having a good conversation with someone, and suddenly they're already there!
Sometimes their teleporting powers are really strong, and they have to reverse down the highway (thankfully, I've only witnessed this occur on the shoulders).
Any accident occurring while the driver of the vehicle is using a cellphone should be treated as a DUI, if not worse, as it is much more easily preventable. It is a lot harder to convince the drunk to not drive in the first place, usually requires peer pressure.
I'm all for that. Any impaired driving that results in an accident should carry a higher penalty, though proving what caused the accident would be tough without a toxicology report.
I teleport sometimes just while thinking about stuff while driving. I think your senses go on autopilot to keep you in your lane and at the appropriate distance from other cars, but this has only happened to me on the highway so that's easy to do without focusing on it.
Pretty easy in the US these days. They just have the phone company pull the records and give them to the police. It's just metadata :P
They don't need to care who they were talking to or the subject of the call. They just need to know that the phone was on making a call or text at the time of the accident or immediately prior to it. I'm also sure that the insurance company would be very interested in knowing if it was willful negligence as well.
Yep, I get ya.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta
I can also proudly say that it's never happened to me. :D
Oriental Roaches.
They are fucking fast, disgusting, and arrogant. I planted roach bait and it significantly reduced the appearances, but I just saw one today crawling on the wall beside my wall clock. I did a jumping shoe slap from a chair ala Jackie Chan to kill it, then I had to wipe the crap oozing out of its body and spray everything with alcohol just to feel cleaner. WTF.
I am so glad I won't be seeing them anymore in a week or so.
Winamp shuts down next month
I quite like Winamp, even if it's "bloated".
For some reason I find Winamp's (musical) presentation more airy than Foobar's. I've got both on my system since Foobar lets me do other stuff besides listening.
I'm partial to the flavor notes of Winamp's output. The smoky bouquet of coriander, fresh wintergreen, and hints of pickled water chestnuts really add to the quality of my music. The finish leaves a lot to be desired, but the nose is superb.
Fuckin sommelier jokes on gotwoot now. How high brow.
Actually I'm one of the three people in the world who use Zune (and the music pass really is worth it, at least if you live in the US). It does seamless transitions like Winamp was known for, but honestly that hasn't really been a problem for years. 98% of my music has an outro that fades. It took me a good five minutes to find a song that doesn't have one so I could test it.
I'm also one of those people who think that all my music sounds better when the equalizer is zeroed across the board. My music gets to sound exactly the same on whatever it is played from: over my speakers, streamed through whatever is attached to the TV, in my headphones on the portable zune, and in my car.
The car is the weirdest one. Most people move the bass up, move the treble up. Music sounds weird and crappier. Zero it all and turn the volume up two notches instead, sounds great.
Keeping equalizer zeroed is great!
I keep the equalizer zeroed too, but that doesn't mean everything sounds the same. What needs to be flat is the frequency response at the end point (ie listening chair or whatever). If you know the frequency response of your headphones (headroom has some charts), you can theoretically invert that chart and apply that equalisation to get a perfectly flat response*. The proper way would be to actually get a sound meter to measure it all out, but... that's pretty hardcore. I might do it if I ever get a good speaker setup though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
*a flat frequency response may or may not actually be desirable for headphones since high frequency generally loses energy over distance more than low frequencies. A rising base response (there's a graph of it somewhere) may actually sound more lifelike (or rather, speaker-like).
Did a big, hard shit resembling a medium white radish.
It was ~22cm in length and refused to be flushed.
Dealt with it using knife and fork.
You ate it.
I should ban Bill for making a post that gross...
Buff, you should probably go to a docto...oh wait.
I hope you threw away those utensils.
Came in here to say that that is gross, dude.
That would be an interesting experiment. How much food could we save by digesting it twice?
It would be difficult to do because once you start handling the specimen the water becomes one homogeneous colour and you can't see it well. You've got to go by feel.
Plastic utensils were godsend. Only had one, so had to make it count.Quote:
Originally Posted by DS
Thank you all for your concerns. I'm touched that you were all as taken back as I was. I'm otherwise in good health. Rectum feels strangely empty (lonely?) after losing something so large, but that's just temporary.
Please guys, is there a way to automatically block access to the threads when you are having a breakfast, when there are specific words on page that you want to access?
Three groups got accused of plagiarism, two of them asked me to fix their shit for them (so far), one got angry when I said no, the bad thing about being nice is that when you say no ONCE, you`re an asshole.
In recent years I've been toughening up myself to say "no" the first time so that I don't have things to deal with afterwards.
I suppose it depends on the people you're saying "no" to as well. Some just have this expectation that they're entitled to your help.
What kinds of groups are these? Fellow classmates, random students you see in the library, students in a class you are TA'ing, friends, etc? Because 2 of these kinds of groups probably deserve your help.
Fellow classmates I guess.
Well they either see you as a knowledgeable person and leader, or as a shill. Sounds like you think they think you're a sucker, but good on you for saying 'no' and standing up for your principles.
Origin's update pisses me off. It had 2 days to do whatever it wants, but it chooses to wait for me to play a game before it goes "Let's update!"
Is it that hard to learn from Steam? I'm sure they're not going to sue you for an auto-update feature. >_>
Following Steam's lead is not a smart move. Just kidding, it's a lot better than it used to be. But yeah Origin has some major issues they need to work out. I was dl'ing BF4 and after 6 hours got to 90% when my PC crashed. Booted up, had to start the dl all over again, even though Origin's dl scheme is supposed to resume at the last completed block of data.
Wanna bitch some, too: Why am I such a scaredy cat? Wanted to subtly tell a girl that I like her last friday, but chickened out at the last second. Well, she was with all the rest of the class, so if I had called her out, everyone would have stopped and looked. Was too much for me. Still, I hate that I didnīt do it. Fuck me, forever alone. :>
Just be gay.
If you were subtle enough then others probably wouldn't have noticed it, or she might have missed it too. Though what did you mean by "subtly" telling her?
I guess this part is why love and relationships are supposed to be fun and exciting, but I liken them to job interviews... not something I look forward to.
Some guy I had a crush since forever invited me to a beach house till new year, wed be sleeping together but i cant go cause i must go meet my family. fuck my life
Just set up my new Windows phone... then dropped my Windows phone and dented a corner of the glass screen and plastic shell. It's a small dent but just knowing it's there pisses me off. I had an Android phone for over 2 years, dropped it a few times, no damage. Damn these ultra-slim pansy phones.
No way to "excuse" yourself for just one year?
@Ani: I reckon that phones these days need a case if they're expected to last. This is until the flexible displays start popping up. The fact that you only had a dent instead of a shattered screen would have pleasantly surprised me.