Well I spend my free time on an anime message board so...no. No I don't.
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Well I spend my free time on an anime message board so...no. No I don't.
This is more entertaining than the last episode.
Mr Popo layin down the law
also I think the idea behind not fighting at 100% from the start is that they can learn about their opponents abilities while conserving some stamina. They also want to avoid showing the enemy their full potential if they don't have to. They also probably don't want to unintentionally annihilate every weak opponent.
of course the real reason is to drag the fight out for more air time and flashy transformations.
Episode 91
-If time was an issue, Goku could have just awakened in the Hyperbolic time chamber.
-You could also throw Buu in there and have him sleep off the 2 months.
Thought the same. But ... who cares about logic :/
I'm sure they'll think of something. It's just an excuse to have another episode of padding while they have a "wacky" let's-wake-up-Buu adventure.
Pretty sure Vegeta will destroy the time chamber again. That scene was not there for free...
Speaking of the time chamber ... and I´m aware that I´m trying to bring the logic again ... how exactly did Thin Boo and SS3 Gotenks escape from it by blowing a whole in the space-time continuum, using a strong attack? Pretty sure Blue Goku´s Kamehameha is far strong than whatever Boo and Gotenks did back then. He should be ripping spacetime all the time :>
Didn't they pretty much just yell their way out?
lol :D
Ep 92
SSJ being reduced to a "tingly feeling in your back" is kind of shit.
Next week episode is best week episode :p
At least this says where they focus their energy when going SSJ so at least that is new. Looking forward to next week though. Gonna see some Kale LSSJ.
Yay! Forums are back! I was worried there for a moment.
I...was not expecting that ending. I don't want to get my hopes up, but the idea of having Freeza on the team instead of Buu is awesome as shit.
He should be fairly easy to convince to join. "Fight for us and we'll ressurrect you with the Dragon Balls."
Eh. I don't think it's a reduction, I genuinely think it's that Universe 6 Saiyans are just different. I mean, they don't even have tails. And Cabba leaned it just as fast.
Legendary SSJ. The intro shows Kale transforming like Broly.
On one hand ... yes. On the other hand, it´s cool that they´re giving a pseudo-biological explanation for how you activate SSJ. Just for the record, SSJ activation never made sense. Goku turned into SSJ on Namek because he got REALLY angry. But he got REALLY angry during old DB, too, when Kuririn was killed by one of Piccolo´s children.
Personally, I try to rationalize it that way that you have to truly BELIEVE that you can transform yourself into SSJ for it to work. When Goku first transformed into SSJ on Namek, he was angry, frustrated, and simply wanted to have the power to beat Freeze; therefore he manifested the SSJ. It was easier for everyone else, because they already KNEW that the SSJ transformation was real, so they were higher motivated to make it happen. It´s similar to walking over smoldering coal - if you don´t know that it works, you wouldn´t even try. But after you see people doing it, you realize that it actually isn´t difficult.
Did he still have his tail then? Because I seriously think not having a tail is a requirement for SSJ, because the only time a SSJ has had a tail has been on non-canon stories like movies and GT.
More realistically though, he didn't go SSJ back then because Toriyama hadn't thought of it yet.
I was under the impression that they first need to reach a certain base power before they can transform, U6 saiyans could do it because they surprassed said level ages ago.