A geass canceller? that would mean a chance for Lulu to use geass on the same people again. Just how would he use this key factor for his plans.? hmmm things will get intresting in the comming episodes.
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A geass canceller? that would mean a chance for Lulu to use geass on the same people again. Just how would he use this key factor for his plans.? hmmm things will get intresting in the comming episodes.
True that canceling the Geass effect on his previous subjects would allow Lelouch to Geass them again, which could work to his advantage. However, I see having a Geass Canceler running around the place as a really bit potential threat, especially to Lelouch. As someone mentioned before, Geass tends to play a crucial role in his plans. Without absolute security that his orders will be carried out, all of Lelouch's plans that use them will be on the basis of "If he caries this out..." and "What if this doesn't happen?". That's too shaky to plan any reliable strategy, lest he can control Jeremiah's movements. In the end, it's in his best interests to take him out as soon as possible.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Like mentioned before, Orange-kun is playing a role very similar to Mao, likewise with his timing into the second season. Heck, he even chose Shirley as his first victim. (first main character close to Lelouch that is.)
Another thing I noticed and no one has mentioned...
Nunally visited Kallen so...
1) Is Nunnally in the main land? or
2) Is Kallen being held captive at Japan?
I was laughing during the whole chase.Quote:
Originally Posted by kenren
My hunch says this is the case. It's kind of interesting they haven't seemingly done anything with Kallen so far, unlike her mecha. But then again, keeping the prisoner isolated and guessing what is going to happen is already one mild form of a torture alone and a basic component of any prolonged torture treatment in general.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Or maybe Suzaku or Nunnally is keeping her safe.
It was stated before in china that Suzaku took Kallen/Karen. Being Suzaku is in Japan I can only assume that she is rather close to his location. Lloyd is also near Suzaku as he maintains the Lancelot and is currently the one working on the Gurren,Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Nunnally is the Governor of Area 11 where else would she be but there?
Since Suzaku is still pretending he's a nice guy I suspect he handed Kallen over to the local jail and told them not to rough her up or try to extract any information out of her. Thus they tied her up since she's pretty dangerous acrobatically and just left her in a cell. I'm curious to see what Nunnally will do with her though. I definitely can't see her sending Kallen to get Geassed by the Emperor and she's a softy so she probably wouldn't want to start interrogating her for information about Zero, all that really leaves is talking about stuff, most likely Japan.
Which then makes me return to a previous question...
Does Kallen know Lelouch is not only a britannian... but also a Prince?
Does Shirley know now that she recovered her memories and knows Nunnally is the Governor??
Let us not forget that Nunnally already has an inkling about Zero's identity. It only makes sense that she asks Kallen about it, though of course in her innocently cruel manner. Let us hope if she does that Kallen does not slip up and expose the siscon brother.
If the reset geass means that she still retains the fake memories and everything after that, then she should know about Nunnally being governor as well as Lelouch's sister. But that would also mean she knows that the emperor and Lelouch used geass on her, or at least find it strange that she actually forgot what Lelouch specifically told her to forget and that she actually met with the emperor.
Nooooo just when the Shirley x Lelouch love was going to start.... damn!
This is getting to the climax at the moment, I really can't wait for the next episode to come 8[ I really wonder how shirley will act now... (damn again: it was so close!)
:) I like Anya.. and I won't listen to all the "Anya haters" in the web.. she's funny,cute and cool.
What does she think about Lelouch... I bet she has/had a crush on him
!) From what we know...no.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
2) Most likely.
That is my question... Kallen obviously know that Lelouch and Nunnally are brother and sister... so how come the director of this series is ignoring the obvious, and hasn't make Kallen learn this? CC knows... Sayoko knows... Viletta surely must know...
I'm pretty sure Kallen knows Lelouch was a former royalty. Don't forget, she was also with C.C.'s for a time. I'm sure they had a nice chat about Lelouch and Geass.
Kallen was upset at first, but now she believes Lelouch is the only one that can save them. In the grand scheme of things, being of royal descent doesn't matter to her.
Well, not anymore, since she got seduced by Lelouch.
I don't know about Anya. It looks to me like she had some old crush on Lelouch when he was younger. But that doesn't figure out right to me. She's about the same age as Nunnally plus Lelouch seems to have no memories relating to her (so far). It's weird. And she's the only one who can confirm that Lelouch had a double without being caught up in his web. But didn't blur it out (maybe in the next eps)Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I think the next 2 eps should become very interesting and hard for Lelouch.
Of course, it's not as simple as a court girl having a crush on a Britannian prince. Having triggered off C.C.'s scrambler, she's not going to be there to merely form a love pentagon. I don't have an idea myself, but she most likely links back to Marianne in some way. I'll be interesting to see her story unfold, but I have a feeling that it'll be after this arc at least, with the reintroduction of Orange-kun.Quote:
Originally Posted by Besu
Maybe she's like the proto-type genetic clone of somebody (maybe Marianne), but with different hair color?
nah I doubt the story behind Anya will develop into anything that complex.
[Nipponsei] Code Geass R2 Sound Episode 1.zip
I suggest we turn this thread into a CG music release thread like the other ones in the Series En Fuego section.
I don't know exactly what this is, but I'll find out soon enough.