Sure if you want, but I would rather grill out some steaks frankly.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFHTT
Printable View
Sure if you want, but I would rather grill out some steaks frankly.Quote:
Originally Posted by IFHTT
Just let him use your net connection for a while and he'll be really happy...
Y: fff
Sapphi: uuu
st33v: ccc
Jaredster: kkk
st33v: combo achieved
Jaredster: boner achieved
Y left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
st33v: Jaredster i told you not to say that around Y
Jaredster: what should I say instead?
Jaredster: flaccid penis?
Y joined the chat room.
Y was promoted to operator by Gotwoot.
st33v: that seemed to work
Jaredster: amazing...
haha, thanx for bringing this thread back steev
Hahahaha, wow.... now that is just special. If only I payed more attention to GW now and days....
[21:32] * Arcness 14»»7 MPClassic 14«»7 [7¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦&# 166;5¦¦¦7] [gg] Macross Frontier - 14 [20034F5A].mkv 14«»7 20:59 / 24:08 14«»7 ~289.47KB/s 14«»7 409.47MB 14««
[21:32] <Arcness> so good
[21:32] <Yukimura> that ep raped the hell out of my computer
[21:33] <Arcness> it was worth it
[21:33] <Yukimura> yes indeed
[21:33] <Arcness> your computer moaned and was satisfied
[21:34] <ChariLaX> it was faking
[21:34] <Arcness> maybe but your mom wasnt last night
[21:35] <Yukimura> as long as it's convincingI really don't care
[21:38] <ChariLaX> Arcness, my mom's nasty
[21:38] <ChariLaX> I hope she paid you well
[21:38] <Arcness> she did, she gave me a son
So I remember assertn when he was a strict forum mod and a total lover of the rules. Even on IRC he never made jokes or joined in on all the fun. He especially hated it when mut or I planned to make a stupid/funny forum threads. But now assertn is a full blown troll I knew all along that he would eventually become a sarcastic bastard. Cheers to assertn for becoming funny
[23:58] <~DO> YOU HEATHEN
[23:59] <~DO> _kAi_ you damn aussie
Session Time: Sun Aug 24 00:00:00 2008
[00:00] <&st33v>
[00:00] <~DO>
[00:00] <&_kAi_> DO you damn fag
[00:01] <~DO> suck it _kAi_
[00:01] <&_kAi_> masamune might
[00:03] <~DO> So what has everyone been up to?
[00:03] <&st33v> DO
[00:03] <&st33v> everything
[00:03] <&st33v> you?
[00:03] <~DO> Details st33v
[00:03] <~DO> I need details
[00:04] <&st33v> hmm well
[00:04] <~DO> Well I'm about to pick my VP for this upcoming nov elections
[00:04] <&st33v> went to detroit and peoria for 17 days
[00:04] <~DO> why?
[00:04] <&st33v> hung out with some people i havent seen in 3 years
[00:04] <&st33v> went for a wedding
[00:04] <&st33v> and also because i can
[00:05] <~DO> whao big shot
[00:05] <&st33v> then i came back to LA
[00:05] <&st33v> then a few days later I was invited to a conference in SF
[00:05] <&st33v> for several days
[00:05] <&st33v> came back to LA
[00:05] <&st33v> my car overheated on the way home from the airport, and might have damaged the engine
[00:05] <&st33v> probably looking to lease a new car next week
[00:05] <~DO> Yeah well I ate a sandwhich
[00:06] <~DO> beat that
[00:06] <&st33v> earlier this month my friend announced the game he's been working on for 5 years
[00:06] <&st33v>
[00:06] <&st33v> i helped promote that for him
[00:06] <~DO> did he finish college
[00:06] * Quits: Whitebeard ( (Quit: )
[00:06] <&st33v> he got mentioned on kotaku and some news blogs, and also got interviewed by several large non-local papers
[00:06] <&st33v> and got approached by a few publishers
[00:07] <&st33v> meanwhile I got offered a business partnership with a couple friends of mine who are a year into their new business with $700k of investment capital
[00:07] <&st33v> oh and sakura-chan and I broke up
[00:07] <&st33v> so, tell me more about that sandwich you ate?
[00:07] <~DO> I wasnt aware you guys went out
[00:07] <&st33v> yeah, for like 5 years
[00:08] <~DO> gay
[00:08] <~DO> a real relationship right
[00:08] <&st33v> sorta
[00:08] <~DO> hm well
[00:08] <~DO> shit happens I guess
[00:09] <~DO> are you heartbroken st33v?
[00:11] <~DO> _kAi_: I think st33v is so heartbroken he cant respond
[00:15] <&st33v> lol DO
[00:15] <&st33v> i dunno, i never saw it as anything particularly serious....
[00:15] <&st33v> but i am kinda sentimental about it
[00:16] <~DO> 5 years
[00:16] <~DO> what the fuck
[00:16] <~DO> thats a long time
[00:21] <&st33v> DO, you're a long time
[00:21] <~DO> whatever
[00:21] <~DO> you ho
i remember that time when I joined the channel after being away for a month and nasphreak was there, so I left.
that was good times.
Did the same when I saw St33v there.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
@Deadfire appears
Archangel: *doesn't care*
-Deadfire sets mode +b *!*Gotwoot@*
-This *!*Gotwoot@* ban affects: Archangel
-Deadfire kicked Archangel (Sorry, but you are dismissed)
@Deadfire: bet he does now
Some one forgot to close the door on IRC again.Quote:
-Deadfire sets mode -b *!*Gotwoot@*
@Yuki|Work: booooooooooooo!
@Deadfire: hmm?
@Deadfire: want him banned again?
-Archangel enters #gotwoot (
@Yuki|Work: duh
Archangel: That was mean
@Yuki|Work: see!
-Deadfire sets mode +b *!*Gotwoot@*
-This *!*Gotwoot@* ban affects: Archangel
-Deadfire kicked Archangel (Requested)
-Deadfire sets mode -b *!*Gotwoot@*
@Deadfire: happy now Yuki?
@Yuki|Work: i guess
@Yuki|Work: i've got stuff to say to him now
-gotwoot049 enters #gotwoot (
gotwoot049: Penis
-gotwoot049 quits (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.)
@Deadfire: Deadfire sets mode -b *!*Gotwoot@*
@Deadfire: hmm.. I wonder
Nope sorry, still don't care.Quote:
@Deadfire appears
Archangel: *doesn't care*
-Deadfire sets mode +b *!*Gotwoot@*
-This *!*Gotwoot@* ban affects: Archangel
-Deadfire kicked Archangel (Sorry, but you are dismissed)
@Deadfire: bet he does now
And that penis remark was pure win on my part
Fuckin right.... leave when im there :D I dont want you around anyway <_<>_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
I miss the great times of #gotwoot
seriously..anyone remember the plan to fly to where I lived jump in a van go to ihop and gangbeat the fucker the my ex cheated on me with and then go gangrape her?...
....terrible. ::leaves forum::Quote:
Originally Posted by Nasphreak29
Note: You have to follow the link to get why this is worth posting. Note the bottom left corner.
[17:24:06] <Y>
[17:24:14] <Y> i wanna read THIS series
[17:25:41] <Kraco> Looks pretty promising.
[17:32:00] <Sapphi> lol
[17:32:03] <Sapphi> wat
[17:32:11] <Sapphi> ohshiiiit
[17:39:55] * Sapphi slaps Y around a bit with a large trout
[17:40:01] <Sapphi> i wanna read that too1!!!
Meanwhile in another channel...
[17:42:05] <Sapphi> which chap is this from? :(
... fail?Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
I'm currently in the channel, and it's deader than ever! I require an explanation!
Clearly this is a clever scheme plotted well in advance to shun me! The humanity! The ployness of it all!
I'll just go and create some monologue stories in the meantime.
Is it weird that I'm down for this?Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
i'll actually come....
Gotwoot irc: Now with 50% more sexual devianceQuote:
[16:06] <%Arkangel> Lulz
[16:06] <%Arkangel> Twintail fetichist
[16:06] <+Buffalobiian> idd
[16:06] <+Buffalobiian> but it's rarely a deciding factor
[16:07] <+Buffalobiian> also a ponytail fetichist if you count twintails
[16:07] <+Buffalobiian> oh, lol
[16:07] <+Buffalobiian> this was funny today
[16:07] <+Buffalobiian> maybe even a bit disturbing to you all
[16:07] <+Buffalobiian> maybe it should go in Ani's confession thread
[16:08] <+Buffalobiian> or stay burried in the darkness of my heart :P
[16:09] <+Buffalobiian> basically, it was the closest I ever got to a "pedo" moment
[16:09] <+Buffalobiian> but it was strangely asexual
[16:10] <%Arkangel> Argh
[16:10] <%Arkangel> Wtf?
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> I was at the bus stop
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> and there was this girl
[16:10] <%Arkangel> I don't want to know >_>
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> prob 8-10
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> had her back to me
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> blond
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> pink dress
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> half-back
[16:10] <+Buffalobiian> shoulder straps
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> leaning over her mum
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> mum was scratching the place underneath her strap
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> :S
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> weird moment
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> then the bus came
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> I lined up
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> saw the front of the dress
[16:11] <+Buffalobiian> dfc
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> I was slightly back to normal
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> saw the face
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> back to normal
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> paid and rode the bus
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> the end
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> ponytail btw
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> it was just weird
[16:12] <+Buffalobiian> no boner
[16:13] <+Buffalobiian> no urge to touch/grab
[16:13] <+Buffalobiian> or penetrate
[16:13] <+Buffalobiian> just...weird
[16:13] <+Buffalobiian> okay...I'm scaring myself now
[16:13] <+Buffalobiian> :(
[16:14] <%Arkangel> ...
[16:14] <%Arkangel> Not just yourself O_o
[16:14] <+Buffalobiian> all I can say is
[16:14] <+Buffalobiian> it's probably the same kind of attraction as when you look a a piece of art
[16:14] <+Buffalobiian> good art
[16:14] <+Buffalobiian> you just kind of stare at it
[16:14] <+Buffalobiian> and take in the details
Utterly hilariously disturbingly awesome.