Is it humid too? Houston weather sux.
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Houston is always humid.
Nah, not always. As much as we bitch about the weather, it's not enough to make us move to a nicer area.
Tutoring my friend Calculus 1 for free, I realized I never want to be a tutor or even a professor anymore.
My friend
- Is doing this transfer course from a community college so it's much, much easier than the university one
- Got a huge extension to do this course (meant to be done in four months, but he paid the school to get an extension of an extra four months)
- Has been doing nothing for the last three months after the winter semester ended (just weekend part-time work)
- Doesn't come prepared with proper supplies (shitty pencil, no eraser, little paper)
- Refuses to buy the aforementioned supplies even though he has a job
- Doesn't read or preview material before coming for help
- Doesn't have basic arithmetic and algebra intuition (bringing shit to the other side)
- Pretty much counted on me to "check" his assignment (i.e., doing the entire thing for him)
- Depended on me to teach him this course in a single month (on his last month)
- Had three full months to finish an assignment, but left it until the last 2 days to do it
- Begged me to help him just now that he has yet to learn two huge concepts to finish an assignment due in three days
- Claims he has depression, which is why he's doing so poorly in calculus, but fucking nothing is actually bothering him (good relationship with family, friends, etc.)
- Doesn't quit his job when I tell him that passing this one essential course is more important than having beer money
- Forgets concepts I teach him 15 minutes ago
- Has tried every of our other friends for help, but I'm his last resort because the points above probably pissed everyone off too
Never had my blood boiling so hard with a friend before. Seriously, how do people like this even get into university? How do people not understand basic high school math? Math and basic calculus is all about following instructions. How do people fuck this shit up?
EDIT: I mean, if you at least come prepared with supplies, some idea of what you're about to learn, and don't have me on-call to tutor you ("I'll text you when I want to learn"), I wouldn't be too mad. I kind of want to see him fail this course (given all the resources he has exhausted) just to see how much of a fucking idiot he is, but... fuck.
Haha, I'm kinda guilty of the whole procrastinating bit, but I suppose I feel better that I don't ask people to fill in my gaps for me (I'll just die quietly by myself to get everything in order before the due date).
Don't write off tutoring/professoring just yet. You're doing it for free right now for a friend who doesn't even really want to do this course. Those who pay tuition would be the ones who actually want to get something out of it, so you'll get less of the shitty attitude. Those with rich parents might be paying tuition too, but if they don't want to do much, you won't have to either (and be reimbursed for your time in the same manner).
As a professor, those who haggle you should be the ones with with an interest in the field. The uninterested ones just shoot off after lectures for beer and cram textbooks/notes before exams.
And now if I hadn't started a video game yesterday, you would have just guilt-tripped me into doing pre-reading for tomorrow.
It's that if I ever became a professor, I fear I'll get students like these every year - the ones who are forced to take my courses and are just looking to scrape by, but have put in near-zero effort the entire semester.
I don't mind procrastination that much, but at least come prepared with supplies for a friend who is doing something for you for free. I probably wouldn't be complaining at all if I was getting paid.
you can try the same route that parents use to make sure their kids bring their supplies to school. make sure he gets brand notebooks and pens, so he'll want to show them off. tell him to import some super fan-service pages that have tentacle porn if you flip them fast enough.
So tell him your grievances and tell him what to do to succeed. Most likely you're going to have to spell everything out (ALL your requirements, having read material before hand, being prepared with questions/stationary etc.) and make a hardcore study plan schedule.
If he's depressed, he might just fail until he sticks to the schedule without exceptions. Nothing personal, that's just how depression+failing school works.
If he still doesn't do anything after all that, just bounce. You're not getting paid so you're not obligated to endure anything past being as clear as possible.
EDIT: Just saw your edit. lol, Don't even bother tutoring for free if you secretly resent him to the point of wanting to see him fail... It's just going to give you more reasons to be pissed.
But as a side note, helping someone when they're down is something that that person would never forget. Lord knows that I (and many others) wouldn't have succeeded at NYU if there weren't people to help me when I was being retarded or just plain needed help.
College just isn't for everyone, especially in your late teens early twenties. If he can't concentrate or commit to learning, he's probably got his mind on other things that he needs to resolve before he can pursue a degree. Tell him to quit wasting his time and yours and go do something else.
I'm with you though, I've always thought it would be cool to be a professor at university level. All those young hot impressionable babes in class, looking to you for guidance and to teach them how to be women. Plus I'd spend all class just talking about random shit that somehow applied to the lesson at hand. But really I haven't found many college professors who enjoy what they do, probably because students are vacuous idjits who think more about sex, drinking, and spring break than the subject matters of the classes they are in.
Ani, how is it that you haven't gotten people to worship/obey you yet?!
Wow, you could not be more of a douchebag if you tried. But I bet this post will be defended as "ironic sarcasm."
I mean, holy shit, this whole thing amounts to, "I would request that every girl I would actually consider marginally attractive who came for office hours to suck my unwashed penis for help," and "Nor would I actually be qualified to teach anything, thus requiring more students to come to me to seek 'extra credit' while pretending to be a 'cool' teacher right out of Saved by the Bell or a TGIF Sitcom."
And here I thought this was Gotwoot, not Penthouse Forums.
I could if my name was Ryllharu and I went around with a holier than thou complex and took shit on the internet way too seriously.
I don't really want to be worshipped or obeyed, just to give my 2 cents and for people to factor it in when considering their situation.
You guys should consider making a thread in the flame pit title "Shit Animeniax says" and just bitch about him there. This was amusing the first 50 times or so that it was done, but at this point this is leaking into every damn thread he post in.
Just consider it, since i know you guys love the attention and it's impossible for everyone who hate Animeniax to just put him on ignore. Then again, bitching about Animeniax is like half the activity on this forum, so that might just effectively kills this place.
Animeniax effectively kills this place. You cannot make a post in a general thread without him shitposting his two cents, regardless of lack of qualifications, experience, or knowledge on any given topic.
Just play the ball, not the person. As for the above posts, let's just stop there. (Feel free to continue in the pit)
I spent at least 1hr trying on these two pants over and over again today at the shops. The "Straight Leg" wasn't as form-fitting as I'd like, while the "Skinny" was too shrink-wrap around the calves to look comfortable for semi-professional wear. There was another pair that was right in the middle (ie perfect fit), but didn't come in the colour I was after and also costed twice as much.
Oh, and all of the above were around an inch too long at the hem, and tailors cost shitloads in Australia. I might get a friend to teach me how to take them up so I can do them in the future myself. I was good at textiles in junior highschool, but I can't remember any of it. I made shorts, so the hem-sewing part must have been part of the course somewhere.
How much does it cost to have pants cut in Australia? Here it costs about .50 USD in the tailoring area within the department store itself.
I had a place in Hong Kong that would do it for free if I bought the pants from there. The cheapest I've found in Australia is around $15 per pair of pants. The usual mark from other places I've rang seemed to be between 18-21AUD.
Yeah it has nothing to do with idiots like you and ds who just have to comment with their shitposts in reply to innocuous statements. The current topic of enkoujin's tutoring experience was going fine until you showed up. Your snarky ahole comments stifle discussion and discourage others from posting because it will end up with a post war. It doesn't discourage me though.
Surprising that tailoring is so expensive there considering the demographics. In the states there are Asian tailor/laundry shops on every corner next to the liquor store and convenience store.
Formal warning: stay on topic* and do not continue the exchange here. PM me if you don't know what this means.
(*Bitching about other people's posts doesn't count)
edit: report problematic posts.
There are plenty of resources available to help teach you how to hem with and without sewing (these are the most popular ones on Youtube):
Honestly, I don't even know how the Australian economy stays functional with such a high minimum wage. Over here, it probably only costs $5-10 CAD to hem a pair of pants - at a regular store. If you pay someone to informally do it, it's more like $3 CAD/pants. Definitely something I'm going to look into.
EDIT: $1 CAD ~= $1 USD
There are fast food workers in the US who are on strike looking for $15/hr. Are people really that dumb? If fast food workers get $15/hr then where's the motivation to do anything else with their lives than be a fast food worker? You'd have to pay other low skilled laborers more money, or raise prices on products, then have to pay others more to be able to afford those prices, so the fast food laborers are back at square one.
You mean like an extension of the Flame Pit?
You're right. From my understanding of junior macroeconomics, one problem is that even if you do increase the minimum wage, you're probably subjecting your society to two mechanisms: long term inflation (positive/negative depends on society) and structural unemployment. As businesses seek cheaper labour, this would result in greater law evasion by increased migrant workers to meet labour demand or outsourcing work, which result in greater loss of domestic jobs.
Of course, I haven't taken senior economics, which probably places greater emphasis on mitigating negative externalities through government intervention, so I'm incorrectly oversimplifying the issue.
This reminds me that high schools should incorporate basic micro and macroeconomics into the curriculum.
It's fairly simple if you think about it. Pay workers for the job they have. If they want more money, they have to increase their skill set. Don't expect more money for doing the same job (outside of COLA or merit increases). If these fast food workers strike, there are plenty of people who will take the jobs at minimum wage. Or heaven forbid, some of these fast food places close down and people eat healthier.
There have been a number of pushes to force a class into the national curricula that amounts to, "How to Survive After Leaving Highschool." Unfortunately, most of the proposals don't go anywhere.
Really basic stuff that most people have to learn the hard way, like:
- Pay your bills on time. Why? Your credit rating.
- What's a credit rating and why you want an awesome one.
- What you need to apply for loans/mortgages.
- Why you want to have a household budget.
- What is a retirement fund? What's the difference between an IRA and a Roth IRA?
- If you need help, where you can go to ask for it, and no, it isn't something worth being embarrassed about.
A small number of Universities have this as a required course for Seniors, or the ones that don't have it as a strict requirement have them filled instantly. All of them should have it, even if it is just like a once a week course.
It really should be required learning for anyone exiting at a given level of education, probably high school.
Needed some Arctic Silver 5, but I didn't want to order it online and have to wait at least 3 days for it to arrive. It's hard to find at local stores in Austin. I found it at a Radio Shack but it's repackaged in Radio Shack packaging and they charge $13+tax for the same 3.5g that costs $8 at Newegg.
See if you can find Shin Etsu.
I generally gets much better results with it compares to Arctic Silver and i get them for pretty cheap here in houston (4-6$).
Hell, the reason you probably have a hard time finding it is because AC5 is old and outdated. I haven't looked at the exact names but i know there's a few new brands that outperforms it.
Edit: This is slightly old, but it should be relevant since these are the brands that i see comes up often.
The policy in Australia for some time now has been to maintain an inflation rate of 2-3%p.a.for a healthy amount of growth. Wage increases should at least match inflation or else workers are really getting poorer.
I've got some old thermal paste in my drawer and I have no idea how good it is. I sure wouldn't want to fry a cpu.
Let me know the name and approx how long ago you got it and i can probably tell you.
Based on what I've read about thermal pastes the only major difference of real relevance between them is that some unlucky ones turn to dust in a number of years, losing their effectiveness, whereas the luckier ones remain more like they were long enough for the computer to be scrapped in any case. Otherwise the performance differences, as long as we talk about decent stuff, probably fall below the differences caused by the skills of the person installing the cooler (too much/too little or uneven).
But since building a computer is essentially selecting components that suit your tastes and otherwise amuse you, naturally a thermal paste, should you go for a custom one, is just like any other component. I have actually never bought any. I have only used the ones that came with the components, and I never needed to reinstall them so the factory paste has been enough.
That's partially true. The thing that you look for most in Thermal paste is curing time, essentially anything that reach peak performance within a week is good to go.
This only really matters for people that want power with a fully decked out computers that it's absolutely necessary for the paste to reduce as much heat as possible. For pretty much everyone else though, most paste will do just fine.
I went to a Fry's here in Austin and they don't carry Arctic Silver 5 but they do have the Shin-etsu TIM. I'd never heard of Shin-etsu before so I didn't want to risk it. I'll check out the articles and maybe return the AS5 and go back to Fry's for the Shin-etsu. Thanks for the info.
I wonder about the importance of curing times. I'm not one of these guys who builds a PC and then immediate torture tests it for 24 hours.
@Buff: I had 2 year old tubes of AS5 and some Tuniq TIM and they were both solidified and unusable. They were both capped and stored at 80F room temp. If your thermal paste is still smooth flowing and consistent then it should be fine to use.
@Kraco: What I was questioning was whether the tube of paste was still usable for further installations, not whether the paste on my chip right now is becoming bad. Thermalright Chillfactor. It came with my Thermalright HR-01 Plus heatsink that I bought in 2009.
@Ani: I've read that the key is to store the tube upside-down so no air gets in. I haven't been doing that to mine. I guess I'll find out next time I have to use it.
If it's from 2009 then it's most likely toast. I'd order a new tube with your next CPU or motherboard purchase, which I should have done to save myself a few days wait and two trips to the store.
@Buff That's a pretty good paste, but check the consistency before using. 4 years old is is not great depending on where you stored it, just careful and not use paste that has gone bad.
Most of the time, i'd rather just buy a new tube. There's no point trying to save 5-10$ if it could potentially damage your much more expensive CPU.
Some machines (speaker systems, in this case) just have horrible software menu designs.
Tip to future/current interface designers: If the system has a menu->settings option.. make sure ALL the options for the system are in there in some form. Don't leave L<-->R balance out of the entire settings config, only to make it available when you're playing a dvd/clip.
It makes it hell trying to troubleshoot why sound was missing from one speaker. People will play with every setting under the settings menu, only to learn that it doesn't actually contain all the settings.
I had a similar gripe a few years ago when everything decided that they wanted to use small icons instead of the traditional menu bars. Sure it saves space, but it also means that options are hidden and unavailable until you perform certain actions or changes. Drop-down menus gave you the ability to preview their options before investing into it.
I reapplied the TIM on my i7-930/Corsair H110 watercooler with MX-4 and now my temps are worse than with the stock TIM they pre-apply to the cooler block. Not only that but now my PC won't wake from sleep because the overclock fails and I have to go into the BIOS to reapply all the OC settings each time it tries and fails to wake from sleep.
FYI I only have the H110 in this system because of a logistics problem (it wouldn't fit in the case I got for the Z87 system I built).
I've personally never had better performance than the pre-applied TIM. I have no idea if it's because I use too much... or too little (or if there were air gaps). The pressure and mounting should have been right.
Well the stock TIM on the H110 is noted for being pretty high quality, so I was hesitant to use another compound. But I thought the temp on the stock TIM was a little high so I switched to MX-4. I might clean it off and reapply since there was a lot of movement when reinstalling the cooling block.
What do you guys use to clean? The locally available isopropyl alcohol is of the 60% antiseptic type, and I think it's got some other stuff in it. I think I might actually get acrylic paint thinner next time, once I make sure it's both alcohol and more pure.
I have the factory thermal paste in place for my CPU water cooler, but I suspect I was too careless when installing the thing as my temps aren't really as low or consistent throughout all the cores as I would have expected. Especially since my previous machine had the exact same cooler and it displayed better results. Ivy Bridge apparently is a poor CPU for overclocking in general, which probably accounts for a part of my woes, but nonetheless it means that if I wanted to OC, I'd probably be wise to reinstall the cooler block. However, I haven't so far bothered to think about OCing and the CPU temps are still lower than many a traditional air cooler would offer, so I haven't done anything about it.
I visited a whole bunch of hardware stores in this city until I finally managed to find a bottle of "pure" 99% isopropanol. It doesn't seem to have oil in it, which is the most important thing, obviously, after the fact it's not diluted. However, it's marketed as an anti-ice agent for cars (or other vehicles with an internal combustion engine and a fuel tank), so I doubt a scorching place like Australia would have it in store for that purpose... Apparently pharmacies can carry isopropanol as well, but I wanted to avoid them if possible. I don't know about your parts but over here a pharmacy would have such a huge profit margin even in super cheap stuff like isopropanol that it would make Intel's executives green with envy. I paid a really insignificant amount of money for a liter of the stuff in the hardware store.
I use Arctic Clean which is a 2 step process that removes old TIM and prepares the surface (probably just isopropyl alcohol for the 2nd part). Costs $6 for the 2 bottles.
@Kraco: I used to think that too, but it actually does get cold in parts of Australia. Maybe not Finland cold, but cold enough that they might need de-icing agents.
Methylated spirits works ok, then do a final clean up with 100% isopropyl alcohol from Bunnings. Expensive as though. You can get isopropyl wipes off ebay for cheap which would probably work pretty good too
Ah.. Bunnings, might have to pop over there sometime.
@Kraco: I mainly visited pharmacies for my searches, and that 60% antiseptic rubbing alcohol was all each and every one of them had.
It had a rather nasty reaction (dulled, weird looking finish) when I tried using it on one of my PVC figures once, that was a real bitch. I'm not sure if it was an additive inside besides the alcohol, or if it was that combined to something inside the can of compressed air I was also using. Luckily it isn't terribly noticeable from normal viewing angles.
If it's antiseptic stuff, it might even have glycerin and/or some glycol compound for easier handling for the intended purpose. That's definitely something you don't want to have when you try to clean any surfaces (unintended purpose).
Hair cut today:
-asked for recommendations for hair type, none given. "It's up to you." really?
-hairdresser checked if length was okay after cutting.
-sides were uneven
-front was uneven
-no idea how the back looked because I was not offered a mirror
-rubbed product into hair before blowdrying/removing hair debris
-took towel/apron off without removing excess debris first, hair still stuck to face.
-skimped on promised shampoo+conditioner (though that's not uncommon here)
cost: 25AUD
They're not seeing me again.
I reckon you just visited some runaway posing as a hairdresser, not a real one.
Have you ever considered cutting your own hair? You have better control of what you want your hair to look like and spend just as much time and effort booking an appointment and sitting at a hair salon than it would if you cut your own hair at home if you get good enough.
Haven't tried doing that ever since a read a book that said a barber can't cut his own hair (properly). Maybe I'll give it a go if an internet guide makes me confident enough, but it's unlikely. I go for walk-in appointments anyway since they usually have time. Maybe the problem is that I need to find a place that requires booked appointments..
She was pretty horrible. Either she really didn't give a shit, orshe's in training without supervision.Nah, I think she just didn't give a shit. Students without training have this "shit, am I doing it right?" mentality rather than a "screw it" one.
Is it the usual place you go to get your hair cut? Maybe she was just having a bad day.
You're not one of these guys who is a slob but somehow is very particular about some frivolous shit? If you're a fat, smelly, unkempt p.o.s. but then you request/expect meticulous treatment in one aspect (such as your hair), then don't be surprised when the barber doesn't take you seriously and half-asses the service.
There is no excuse for bad service. If your mother died, skip work.
It's funny how you blame the customer though.
I shop around a bit. I've never been to this place before, though in the past I've visited another branch.
The only thing remotely "slobbish" was that I left my hair undressed (ie not styled with product) to make their cutting easier.
I'm an easy customer, perhaps she thought I was one too and acted accordingly.
The one good thing about it was that it was fast. I was probably in and out in 10 minutes.
Of course there is. I've been in customer service roles for over a decade and people get what they give. It doesn't have to be a tragic event to ruin your day or put you in a bad mood. Particularly if it's the customer himself/herself who does it. The customer is not always right, shit most of the time they don't even know what they want.
Well for 25AUD I don't think speed is something you'd want when getting a haircut.
It's funny but my dad has the same problem. He is too nice to people who are supposed to serve him, and he gets shat on accordingly. Take for example when he hires day laborers. He treats them like people and even helps them do the work. Consequently they slack off and do a shit job. You have to put the hammer down and treat them like you own them or they will turn on you.
In your case I'd go back to the salon and talk to the manager to get your hair cut the way you want for free to make up for the shitty service. If you're not comfortable doing that, do it anyway but then at least make sure you go on a day that the person who cut your hair before isn't there.
And as for haircuts, shopping around isn't a good idea. Find one shop you like and keep going back to them so you can get a consistent cut. No-brainer I'm sure but sometimes it needs to be said.
Excuses are for those who believe they are entitled to them. I am not saying they should be executed. However, they should own up and admit to their faults, and face proper consequences. Just because you had a bad day does not allow you to ruin someone's hair, which in some cases ruin their image/status/reputation/self esteem.
Not sure what you mean with the excuses part. But there are excuses and then there are reasons. Trying to hold people accountable for acting shitty is laudable but laughable too. People act shitty all the time and they are rarely made to admit it or face consequences. In buff's case, he can make the stylist own up to it by talking to the manager.
I think you put too much stock in a haircut if it can "ruin" your life from one bad haircut. It's hair, it grows back.
From what I have seen from my stays in the US, I fully understand how you underestimate how a horrible haircut can affect a person. Cultural differences, I believe. I once cut my own hair over there, and it was pretty crooked, but no one even noticed, or they were polite enough to ignore it.
Over here, I know some people who have skipped weeks of school because they are afraid they would be bullied because of a failed haircut. Also, just imagine attending a meeting with upper management or a presentation in front of the board of directors with a blatantly uneven haircut.
Once you equate laudable with laughable, it is hopeless. Just because everyone is an ass does not make them correct.
There are plenty of things that are laudable but laughable, like seeking world peace or trying to end hunger. The thought is nice, but ridiculously unrealistic.
I don't know where you are from, but it must be a much more homogeneous society where something that stands out makes you a target because you don't conform. So I imagine you're in southeast Asia. In the US, people have such wacky personal styles and lifestyles that a bad haircut doesn't matter. It might even be taken for daring or fashionable.
Are we excluding elementary school? A couple people gave me shit for not maintaining, back in the day.
Though I was far too self-absorbed to really notice.
YAY, RECESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been going to the same hairdresser for 20+ years (i.e. longer than I can remember). Follow her from business to business as necessary (three times).
Sounds like someone was looking for someone with good boobs they could go to regularly.
Protip: Don't go to Cost Cutters or Australian equivalent. You're not saving anything, and the haircut is always bad.
How much do you guys pay for your hair cuts? In my city any hairdresser that doesnt look like a workshop is fking expensive even for the most easy jobs.
I pay about 21 USD including the tip (which is a good one). It takes 15-20 minutes. To contrast Buff, I actually don't even look at it when it's done. I know it's good. Guess why I've stuck with the same person for 20 years...
It pays not to live in cities. :D
edit: To be fair, the younger hairdressers at the place are just as good at it (gone to them when the regular one has been on vacation or whatever). Both of the vocational tech high schools in the area have good beautician programs.
I've found a great Iranian woman at a local Supercuts, but they now charge you $2 for the "special request" of asking for the same person to cut your hair. What a crock. The haircut is $14 but I always have a coupon, so $15 with tip.
I usually pay around 6 USD, and that is more on the expensive end because I have had terrible experiences with cheaper haircuts.
The cheapest one I have gotten is .40 USD.
Haha, that would be an option if I actually had any hair left for them to cut. I just trimmed a bit from the front and sides at home in front of a mirror to at least make things symmetrical.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ani
Originally Posted by Ani
It'd be good if I found a good hairdresser, as well as good boobs. Sadly neither is the case (but mainly because #1 is not the case. Boobs are actually easily found), which is why I'm going from place to place. There's one guy who is cheap and also decent-ish who I've visited twice, but the second time wasn't as good as the first (and I went to another hairdresser in between), which made me think that his performance was either variable, or it depended on how my hair looked as I walked in.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
Maybe I need to do the opposite of Ryll and actually go in to the city and find places there. You know.. a place where I have to book in a week in advance and stuff, as opposed to just walking in and getting whoever.
Normally the case is that they're "alright" but not great. It's only this one who was terrible.
Anyway, I did fix it somewhat with a mirror. The rest I make up for with badassery.
Wow, do you just want to stare at/be pressed against boobies when you get haircuts?!?
Why the hell would anyone want to do that?!? The value of boobs is in the lack thereof.
My best hairdressers were gay guys. They were a lot more detail oriented and stylish than the straight women and men.
One of the things I hate most about changing duty stations(moving to a different military base) is finding a place to get a decent fade done. It's such a simple haircut, but everyone seems to be an expert at fucking it up.
If you were stationed overseas you could be lucky and get a flip barber at the PX. Those guys can cut hair.
my wiiu died, so I lost 8 years worth of saved game data. Shitty.
Even better, though the file structure for the Wii may be different from Windows or Mac which would complicate things. If the system boots before it freezes, and the OS is stored on the drive, that's a good sign that it's just file corruption and not hardware failure. There are tricks to pulling data from a crapped HDD (unless it's clicking in which case it's toast). You can try freezing the drive in a sealed plastic bag, or installing the drive in an external enclosure. Good luck.
How is the wiiu in anycase? Worth the $300? Only games I'll bother playing on it is the next smash bros, zelda, and mariokart. I'm hoping the price drops another $50 but its probably wishful thinking.
I bought a WiiU and have only played Wii games on it so far. However I am the anti-gamer.
It's fun, the Nintendoland that comes with it actually has some really neat party games, and shows some of the creative things you can do with the gamepad. But yeah, I only played some of mario bros wii and pikmin 3 (which is awesome, but also pretty short).
I'm not that big of a console gamer these days, myself.
PC games are customizable/modable to extend their play value and graphical awesomeness, and the PC is obviously useful for so many other reasons. Even so, I have an X360 and PS3 for the games that are exclusive to those consoles.
Having a hard time getting into GTAV. The characters are so unlikeable and the storyline is very cliched. I really enjoyed Nico's quest for the American dream in GTA4. Switching between characters isn't helping either.
You think that the GTAV characters are unlikeable and you liked Nico's storyline? I thought he was incredibly unlikeable and close to impossible to feel sympathy for.
Holy shit it must be terrible. Too bad it will invariably get game of the year all over the place (deservedly or otherwise).
Sure, Nico was pursuing the American dream of foreigner from a war-torn country comes to America and works his way up using the only skills he has... killing and larceny. I knew a lot of Serbians/Croats/Balkan people at the time who were also pursuing prosperity (though thru legal means) so maybe that helped me identify with Nico.
GTAV starts with a Sopranos wannabe who has quit the life, then you switch to a couple young black thugs who are funny but only the whitest of Suburbanite kids would identify with them. I haven't met the other characters but from the previews they are equally unsavory and unlikable characters. It's basically the same as any GTA game as far as gameplay so the story and characters have to shine or its more of the same.
The third character you play in GTAV is a trailer trash psychopath. It's like the writers want you to play the most unsympathetic characters ever. Maybe it's a moral lesson from them to make the criminal life seem less appealing, or it's in response to all the fan support given to Walter White on BB.
Why is there no separate gaming-forum on gotwoot? theres one for movies and tv-shows, so why not gaming? *waslookingforapokemonthread*
There was a gaming forum but it was removed iirc.
I've just moved into the dorms, and it's nothing like college movies suggested it would be. I didn't even see a damn Hacky-sack ball. let alone get hit by a frisbee and fall in the lap of a cute girl.
Wtf, right?
being a sports fan in Texas, particularly from Houston. We have the shittiest sports teams in Houston. I think our only championships are when the Rockets one two titles (with asterixes because Jordan was playing baseball for most of those 2 seasons) and when the Comets won the WNBA title 4 times. What a crummy sports town.
I know right! I've seen this pr0n series called "college rules" and it's like there are sex parties in every dorm room all the time. But when I lived in the dorms, nothing. I couldn't even hear people getting it on through the walls. I must have lived in a conservative dorm.
They exist! I went to a stereotypical college party last night, with DJs freestyling in the backyard, upsidedown keg stand drinking, weird ball/cup bouncing games, pretty American girls in skimpy dresses and grind-dancing galore. Also enough crowding to give me flashbacks about Times Square on New Years. Of course you'll only find these near a university famous for partying.
They are pretty fun, actually. But only if you like dancing/being around humans/seeing other drunk people act crazy. Not super special, you can prolly find a club that's more or less the same thing.
Oh, it's highly unlikely that you'll find that many people doing that in a dorm, of course. You have to go to a house. People do party in dorms but of course there's way less people and relatively in secret....
Someone lifted their legs so they drank it suspended in the air while they were upside down, or something.
Those parties are terrible btw.
That's a regular keg stand!
Saph, start a trend for people to do inverted keg stands! Keg mounted to ceiling or equivalent frame, user hangs suspended from keg making no foot contact with floor.
All photos of inverted keg stands should be flipped, so all onlookers appear to be on ceiling.
Yeah but make sure the keg is not properly suspended to the ceiling so there's a good chance it falls and crushes whichever drunken frat boy/sorority girl that drinks from it. That will make it more exciting!
Bitch: playing BF3, the Operation Metro map is great fun but it makes no sense that there is no alternate way to A from C on conquest. Pretty much whoever controls B can trap the other team at two points and win the game by controlling 2 flags.
Then take B. It's hard, but a good enough team can do it. The bottleneck is what gives B a tactical advantage.
That said, I find it's always easier to capture B first when you spawn above ground.
More like impossible if the top side team is decent. They just have to to spray with support machine gunners and cover 3 entrance points, two of which are basically the same bottleneck. Today I was on a team that repeatedly took B (we started underground) but repeatedly lost it back. I have been on teams that took B and went on to take A, but it's uncommon.
I can deal with support fire. Nade spams piss me off though.
Yeah those suck. I was on a server today that didn't allow them and it made things a bit less ridiculous. But the support fire basically created a never-ending wall of bullets that you couldn't pass through. Have you played BF4?