@Mfauli and KrayZ Light was clearly insane and he did in fact kill people just because he didn't consider them worthy and he what he did was without question wrong, I don't care how you try to justify it.
He didn't just kill criminals he killed anyone who opposed and he didn't do it because of any sense of justice. I'm sure that is what he allowed himself to believe in the beginning but that is not what he was doing, he killed anyone he deemed unworthy and not only did he kill anyone who opposed him but he also killed people who just happened to be in his way whether they were good or not. Light was selfish, he was a cowardly dictator who wanted to rule the world he wasn't doing this to create a utopia he was no different from any other villain we've seen he just happened to be the "protagonist" thats all. What he wanted to do was rule the world and he only allowed those who didn't get in his way to live. The dude was bad, he was a villain plain and simple.
I don't consider myself to be a good person, nor do I consider myself to be a bad person but because I don't experience "guilt" or have a "conscience" and do things that may or may not hurt other people and don't really care whether it does or not people consider me to be bad. I unlike Light however have rules and principals I live by although I can't say I would be any different than Light was if I had that power but the power is what went to his head and made him believe that he was something more than human and could then control, manipulate and judge people and their lives because he was superior to them. Light was no different that someone like Orochimaru or Hitler because he too was trying to create a utopia I guess you think he was right too then.
well its because you can't see through lights actions...
its difficult for me to explain because my english sucks but i'll give it a try..
what do you think will people do when they know there is someone who punishes you in an instant if you do something like rape/murder and stuff... i believe they wouldn't do it anymore... criminalism like this would simply stop
It you paid attention Light's actions didn’t stop any crime nor does punishing criminals with prison sentences, torture or even death. It’s a part of human nature we are supposed to be evolved but sometimes we act just like animals. Some people just don’t care about what the punishment for their actions are , like Light he didn’t care that he couldn't go to heaven or hell and I suppose since we all know where he would end up he was better off not going. Anyway some people just don’t care whether they will be punished or not and some people will always convince themselves that they will be able to get away with what they did, again like Light.
and btw
history showed us that there have to be sacrifices to create a new and better order..
you have to kill 100 to safe 100000 sometimes... thats life.
and there is a saying which goes like "kill 1 to scare a hundred" and thats what light does... he kills a few criminals to scare everyone so that they won't become criminals anymore
Yes there have to be sacrifices to create a new order but there has yet to be a better order. With all the sacrifices and all the people who have died throughout history not much has changed. There are just as many criminals now as there ever was if not more, the weak are still being taking advantage of by the strong, the rich and powerful still operate without consequence and no one really cares what you do to others as long as it doesn’t affect them. Really nothing has changed society's ridiculous double standards are still there, people are just ignorant of them.
so i wouldn't say "it was all wrong"... and btw did you never thought of something like "damn this bastard.. i wish he would simply die" after hearing something in the news like "person xyz raped and killed 25 12-17 years old children" and so on? isn't it just natural to think he deserves the death sentence?
No I don’t wish they would die, sure I think they should be punished but I don’t view death as punishment. No one knows what happens when you die and eventually we will all die so killing them doesn’t really change anything. Someone like that should be forced to live a long life and be tortured, abused and ridiculed through out and made to suffer for the rest of their lives. Death is an escape, Death is easy, Life is what is hard.
we used to live with the code ( i m not sure what it is called in english) "eye to eye, tooth to tooth" which simply means if you kill my son, i will kill your son
if you do something bad to me, i will do something bad to you
people used to live like that for thousands of years it was even written down in the law they used to have, so it can't be THAT wrong can it?
Sure and eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth but then everyone would be blind, toothless and dead. You do something bad to me I do something bad to you and then it just keeps escalating and we end up doing worse and worse things to each other. At some point one of us would kill each other and then some one would exact revenge on the murderer and then someone would kill his murderer and on and on and on. The reason people stopped living like that or I should say the reason that it is no longer accepted is because it doesn’t work.
light didn't kill people who were innocent.. he only killed people which tried to catch him and people who were declared guilty.
the one who killed random people were the other deathnote user... this is the reason why they found out that there is more than one Kira..he even said that this senseless murder should be stopped (because it gives away a wrong image of kira)
Uh light did kill innocent people are you kidding me and even those criminals he killed he had no way of knowing whether they were in fact guilty or not sure they were convicted but that doesn’t prove they were guilty. Light only wanted him to stop because he wanted the power to himself, he wanted to rule the world, he wanted to be the one to choose who should live or die, him and him alone. The wrong image of Kira was also all about him, he was Kira, Kira was what he viewed his true self to be some one bringing down the image of who or what he thought himself to be was an insult to him.
so if kira succeeds in creating a world withought criminalism.. i wouldn't mind it.. and i believe you wouldn't mind it too... but the question is:
is it really the right way? we all know it is impossible to achieve this without the deathnote
and THATS why it is difficult to tell if light is doing the right thing or not... he was the one who recieved the deathnote and he is the only one who could achieve such a world... so can we blame him because he used the chance he was given?
A world without criminals will never exist atleast not in this life or this reality. Whether he had a death note or not wouldn’t change that all he would do was kill until he felt only the worthy people survived eventually someone sooner or later would commit a crime or do something he deemed unworthy and he would kill them. That would continue until he alone was left because in actuality he was the only person he felt was worthy. He thought that he was better than everyone else and if he was eliminating everyone who was not up to his standard then sooner or later it would be only him.
God that was long. All of that being said Light is still one of my favorite characters ever, he is endlessly interesting and he is a lot like me.:)