Have they actually ever showed Laxus or other 2nd/3rd gen dragon slayers eat their element?
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Have they actually ever showed Laxus or other 2nd/3rd gen dragon slayers eat their element?
Arch, this manga was never good to begin with. Its been one of those weekly time killers from the start, I dont know why you ever expected anything from it in the first place. The writer never wrote an amazing manga before this either, Rave was simply fun in the same sense.
Fair enough. The tournament has had its fair share of asspulls, even for this manga's standards.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I enjoyed Chapter 321.
So did I. Somehow it felt even refreshing. Laxus is supposed to be strong, so it was good he managed to beat Jura, even if barely. It's possible Jura wasn't anymore in his best condition - carrying a title of unbeatable does that to a person. But nevertheless, it was a big win, especially since it wasn't through any extravagant trickery or other stunts, like suddenly eating raw lachrima...
Gray and Juvia working closer together is always good news in my book. Gray should already get over himself, obey Erza, and form a pair with Juvia.
Wow... Laxus was originally losing, but then he won. That's a fucking game changer right there, manga will never be the same.
how is that stupid cat alive....? Whatever...time to power of friendship it up against 1000+ dragons
Rofl, Erza's new armor is literally asspull armor.
If it has so huge magicka/stamina drain that during the brief moment of a single defense and attack it already drained her second origin dry, it's not so overpowered. I guess it means the Sabertooth bitch was so tough even Erza couldn't have beaten her without extraordinary means. The only strange thing is how Erza has come to possess all the remarkable armors. We have been following Fairy Tail for quite some time, but she hasn't acquired too many new ones during this time? It seems like she's always using armors from before the story started.
When have we have seen limits from Erza? She's limitless and now has a miracle armor, that's bulshit beyond all other bulshits.
Not that it matters mind you, we'll never see this armor again and if we do it will only be so it can be instantly destroyed only to be replaced by another even more asspully armor.
Did you even read this chapter, huh? The ending let us believe in no ambiguous words that all the whole Fairy Tail team could do was to trudge to Sting's location and stand there. Sting could have kicked their asses without breaking a sweat. How exactly does that ring as "limitless power" in your ears?
Awww man it's rogue....and he looks gayer and more emo :-/
Still don't think that person died.
Why not? She wasn't possibly anything but a figment if she was from the future and has now fulfilled her purpose.
This whole ordeal seems to be ripe with misinformation and confusion. I wonder if Jellal actually has got any ideas of the truth behind it all.
Chapter 325 is out.
327 is out......shit just got real
Well that actually is pretty awesome.