I did my taxes today and found out I owe the government over $4000.......
what do you have to bitch about? :mad:
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I did my taxes today and found out I owe the government over $4000.......
what do you have to bitch about? :mad:
My gripe lately is that I dislike people who believe that everyone is a good samaritan. So yesterday my friend was buying a lighter from some gas station, and I was like, "Well... urgh... I don't feel like going in. There's no point." Rather than go in, I stayed in the car, next to a bunch of punkass kids.
The driver, some girl, kept the passenger's side door open and kept staring at me. For a second I thought she was checking me out, but then I realized that was an unlikely case, as there were three other guys in the back seat of the car with her. Then, out of the blue, the passenger runs out of the store grasping two large boxes of beer. They speed off and I sorta just shrug as the owner of the store comes out.
He gives me this glare like, "What? You didn't catch the license plate? You didn't bother trying to stop them? Wtf is wrong with you?" But I honestly didn't care.
Why do people assume everyone will be a vigilante under pressure? Sheesh.
I fixed it for you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Genma
Personally, I'd have probably been too spaced out to notice that it was happening, much less get a license number out of it.
That has happened to me before but someone screamed to me to get it before they got away. Otherwise i would not of thought of it. I think they were stealing vodka though.
Did laundry last week and well this week as well. I didn't fold my cloths like i normally do at the laundry mart so here I am on a Sunday afternoon folding two big bags of laundry. It sucks cause I have realized that I have too much cloths as it is and I think it is about time to donate some of the older ones.
I had a project for my Phonetics class that I was really looking forward to doing. I thought it was due this Tuesday, but as I opened the file this evening to get started on it, I realized it was due last Thursday. Not only am I getting a non-negotiable zero, there's also no point in me doing the project now, even though I had really wanted to. Damn.
Just don't bring your sob story here when that guy kills your Uncle Ben.Quote:
Why do people assume everyone will be a vigilante under pressure? Sheesh.
I got issued a parking ticket for parking (abeit illegally) outside my apartment void deck. I've just written a lengthy letter to the relevant authorities. This really made me angry today, both at my miserable luck and the fact that I might need to pay a hundred bucks (around US$45)
I'm addicted to sneakers. No really, I just dropped $170 on some Nikes, for absolutely no reason. I wish I could stop buying sneakers.
I just got a ticket for parking in the senior parking lot at my school. The problem is... I am a SENIOR! I think our Rent-A-Cop is going crazy and now I have to pay $10 if they don't accept my appeal.
Last week we were given two options at work.
1) Work like normal till 7pm and work Thursday 5 and Friday 6 (free days because of Semana Santa... whatever you call it on USA).
2) Work till 9pm all April and not work on Thursday 5 and Friday 6.
We chose option 2 since knowing the boss of our boss we would be working till 9pm anyways
My boss went on vacation since Monday.
Yesterday the boss of our boss wanted us to work anyway on Thursday and Friday. We said no and she got mad. She was going to talk to us and make us come, but decided not to at the end because all the Programmers and Installers, which were needed to come as well (we can't Test Systems if nobody fixes or installs them) also said they weren't gonna come to work because they already had paid tickets to travel on this 'long-weekend'
Anyway... knowing her... shes gonna report us to our direct boss anyway. Bleh... I just want it to be 9pm today to forget about work for 4 days.
PS: I worked from 3am to 7am last sunday. Yes Sunday. Yes AM.
I haven't smoked a cigarette since sunday and the withdrawal symptoms are nice. Really NICE!:mad:
I ended up in the hospital yesterday, and they asked if I wanted them to call anyone, if I wanted any of my friends or housemates to come sit with me. I replied no, because everyone is busy studying for exams, and keeps talking about how much work they have to do, and I didn't want to take them away from studying. So after 6 hours at the hospital, I get home to find out that everyone in my house was playing WoW or other games, and not doing any work at all. It was sad.
What happened? I hope you're alright....
Bitching because i didn't get selected at 3d school, now this wouldn't be too bad if there was some kind of reason/explanation given.. nooo they just said: "person's name not on this list, will not get a interview and may go home".
My name wasn't on it, so when i asked the guy what the reason was, he acted like a dumbass and told me he can't remember the reason. ugh.
Why even invite ppl to come to the selection day, if you aren't even going to interview them?
We couldn't even discuss my work and stuff, and at that, only me and 1 other guy had 3d items in the portfolio, yet BOTH of us didn't get selected.
This led me to believe they did some stupid kind of random selection cause of the many applicants ( half of the ppl invited were told to go home)'+ we had to wait for like ... 2 hours before the guy came in and made that bullshit statement, i mean, in those 2 hours, they could've interviewed all of us, gotten a far better individual presentation of the applicants and then make a descision.
Fuck this is so retarded, i guess im school-less for a year....
I'm fine, thanks :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
I kinda nearly passed out in my lab, and not like normal dizziness as if I hadn't eaten or whatnot. It was like, I wasn't sure if I was going to lose consciousness or puke on the floor, and it lasted for a good 5-10 minutes. Anyways, we conveniently have a hospital on campus, so they took me there, since there was concern it might be related to how I bruised/cracked some ribs during a nasty fall at a skateboard park a few days prior (I hadn't gone to get it checked out cause there isn't too much they can do for cracked/broken ribs besides prescribe painkillers). Anyways, they did blood tests, and sent me for a CT scan the following day, to make sure my internal organs were undamaged, and then gave me the all-clear and sent me home. The most traumatic part was when they stuck in the IV for the CT scan (I do NOT deal well with needles, and I've never had an IV before....I couldn't even look at it without feeling woozy) so I was very glad when that was over and done with.
Glad you're ok. Didn't hear much about you skateboarding though. I hope your condition wasn't caused by the accident. I ain't too fond of those IV needles too, and I simply refused to have one during a situation a few years ago when I was stung by hornets. :p
Heh, IV needles. I don't have any particular hate for needles in general, but it's still kind of nasty to have one stuck into your vein for a long time. Like KitKat said, it's not nice to look at it knowing it goes inside your system, not to mention moving your arm and feeling it scrape against the walls of the vein (or maybe that's just my imagination)...
But I'm glad to hear it doesn't appear to be anything serious. It would be sad to lose the maker of my future scarf, atfer all.
Small talk is the bane of my existence. At work I often see people small talking...something along the lines of:
"Hi how are you?"
"Good. You?"
And then they walk away. Seriously, what the hell is their problem? If that's all you're going to say then don't say anything at all. Small talk like that is just a waste of breath. When people ask me "Hi how are you?" I always respond with "Not bad." Two words and that's it. It also effectively ends the meaningless conversation started by someone who had nothing better to say to me.
Also, it's interesting to note that nobody ever responds with "Bad" or "Not good." It's always "good." Are they telling the truth? Probably not. They just say "good" so that the other party doesn't drag on the meaningless conversation they started by asking for elaboration on that somewhat expected response. It goes to show that even small talkers themselves detest this meaningless chatter.
I rarely have good days. I have plenty of average days and a lot bunch of bad days. How do I know what kind of day I just had? Well, when you go to bed at night, do you think...
- Wow, what an absolutely fantastic day I just had!
- Nothing much happened. Meh.
- That was one shitty day. Glad it's finally over.
Keep a tally of this for one month and see what you end up with. I guarantee that your results will not differ much from mine despite how negative I sound. However, do keep in mind that this is somewhat subjective and depends on your own definition of what "good" and "bad" days are. If nothing interesting happens is considered a "good" day then...well...I got nothing for you. Sorry.
Now onto why people partake in small talk. My theory is that a majority of people in the world are boring. They cannot, or rather, refuse to think outside the realm of everyday ideas. I work in the same place as my roommates and at lunch, they would always start with some small talk.
"How's work?"
"How's your day?"
And the questioned would always respond with
"Pretty good."
While I would always respond with
"It sucks."
"It's okay. Nothing spectacular."
And I would always try to derail this small talk by bringing up *interesting* discussion topics. I won't get into what these topics are but I'll say that they are controversial and always stir up arguments. But that's the intent. Arguments actually require you to use your brain for once instead of giving premeditated responses like a mindless drone. Just yesterday I forced all of them to really stretch their minds and think rationally. We're always the most animated group in the cafeteria because everybody else is talking about the weather.
Imagine the world without small talk. WOW.
Even facebook couldn't contain BOC's hatred for "small talk"...
Though personally I distinguish between "small talk" and "grettings", which is what you seem to be complaining about. Small talk is idle chit-chat, serving only the purpose of filling silence - which can be devastatingly awkward. Greetings like "how's it going?" are less annoying to me because they're really just a place-holder for "hello", and aren't really intended to segue into discussion...unless the other person can't wait to talk about their day.
I must agree with Xan about stuff like 'how's it going' or 'how are you' conversations. They don't really mean anything but everyone expects them and thus most people initiate them and then respond to them automatically not really caring about the details but doing it because they think that they're supposed to and that the other parties involved would want them to. It's good to know that other people think thos little talks are as mindless and stupid as I do.