Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Kirakun
I sincerely hope the Minerva doesn't defect to help the AA out. At that point it's just a bunch of great pilots in Gundams beating down a bunch of grunts. They only ones I want to see defect is Yzak and Dearka.
Aye, I agree w/ you in that if the Minerva does defect, it's going to be pretty one sided. I wonder if Dearka and Milly will get back together...
To make GSD more like GS, they would have to make Rey destroy Core Splendor and have Shinn go berserk and kill Rey.
I wonder if the EAF will bring out more druggies. I mean, the first 3 druggies were brought in around this time in the series right?
And Lacus must not die! Nevah! I will cry if she dies. Kira and Lacus finally began to show more of a romantic relationship finally. Same w/ Athrun and Cagalli. Maybe Dearka and Milly. And possibly Yzak and his GF (I forget name). Ooooo... and can't forget Mwu and Ramius. Am I missing anymore? Luna and Shinn? Rey and Dullundal?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: MeroTZ
Originally posted by: splash
nah strike rouge is definitely not right for mwu, unless they give it a new paintjob.... but hey mwu's windam and exass were pink too so i dont think hes gonna go with a new paint job, still i believe mwu deserves more. Some new kinda of MS maybe, who knows
My money's on Mwu winding up in Andy's murasame. No others suits really possible at this point. Spoilers indicate Strike Rouge being taken to space, and the murasame really is the only choice....
Personally I don't think they will let Neo back into an MS until the very end. The biggest way I expect him to contribute is with the Girty Lue. Of course that depends on if the crew chooses to be loyal to Djbril or to Neo.
Oh, and I still stand behind the idea that Neo is not Mwu. I just think there are TOO MANY clues saying that he is. There was a quote in Hamlet (I think) "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much".
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i hope arcangel gets DESTROYED ( stupid ugly thing), then the crew escapes to eternal, and we can finally have some decent space battles
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
hmm... AA will most likely NOT be destroyed... it's like a symbol... and Orb's ONLY ship. o_0 (Well at least their only good one.) and the posibility of Minerva deflecting with AA is quite near impossible. Minerva is like the main oposition AA will get in the next war. Eternal will be for sure on AA's side but that old ship fom ORB.. Kusanagi i think.. well since we did see Kisaka (Cagalli's bodyguard) come back it MIGHT just make an apperance ( <-- yea right...) the whole point of those 3 in SEED was that they had 3 ships from the 3 nations wishing for peace. AA from EAF, Eternal from Zaft and Kusanagi from ORB. Like i said, this will most likely not happen in GSD seeing as only ORB and Clyne faction agree that both Zaft and EAF are wrong... man i'm just wondering How the hell are they gonna sort this out i the end? peace? One way to find out i guess... i hate waiting....
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
There won't be a ship from EA this time. Thanks to chairman, there doesn't exist anymore.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: telemari
There won't be a ship from EA this time. Thanks to chairman, there doesn't exist anymore.
What about the Girty Lue?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
you're right. GSD just have more fractions than GS: ZAFT - Minerva, ORB - Archangel, EA - Girty Lue, Clyne's - Eternal.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: telemari
There won't be a ship from EA this time. Thanks to chairman, there doesn't exist anymore.
What about the Girty Lue?
its most likely docked on the moonbase we dont know if it ever decesend onto earth
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: telemari
There won't be a ship from EA this time. Thanks to chairman, there doesn't exist anymore.
What about the Girty Lue?
its most likely docked on the moonbase we dont know if it ever decesend onto earth
Also important is a point I posted somewhere else on whether the crew is loyal to Djbril or to Neo.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
it seems everybody was obsessed with Neo. "NOOO I'LL DO IT FOR NEO! AS LONG AS HE KEEPS GIVING ME SEX!!!"
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
I guess this is probably the best thread for random stuff. I just thought this was an interesting approach to eBay.
They start the bidding at 1 cent with no reserve, meaning you can acctually win it for 1 cent, but if you aren't paying attention you might get tricked into the $36 shipping charge. Buyer be ware.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
The EA forces under LOGOS control are definately still in this fight. The moon base exists. Also I believe there are plenty more Extended. Remember Destroy is piloted only by Extendeds. When it powers up it has to link up to a living CPU and you get that sync ration. Stellar had a better ratio than Sting. She was prolly above 90%. I also suspect that Yzak and Dearka will switch sides bringing a nice gift with them. The recaptured Gaia. This is probably gonna occur as Lacus is exploring the plants and Kira has to rescue her. But I'm wondering if that scene will even happen now. It said he comes in the Strike Rouge. Is it just to switch to the Strike Freedom? Hmmmm
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Curium
I guess this is probably the best thread for random stuff. I just thought this was an interesting approach to eBay.
They start the bidding at 1 cent with no reserve, meaning you can acctually win it for 1 cent, but if you aren't paying attention you might get tricked into the $36 shipping charge. Buyer be ware.
Not that I bought this (you cant prove I did!), but if I did I'd tell you that its nothing more than a horrible Chinese forgery, with subs worse than what you can get off of Boxtorrents.
What I dont get, is if Eternal already has Strike Freedom spaceside, with Andy at the helm (my guess as to 39), why would Kira need to save them? Lol.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Cause Andy doesn't have the spatial awareness to take down 20+ Mobile suits at once. My guess is that Andy is actually either in his Gaia or he is in IJ. Kira gets there in Rouge and takes down as many MS's as he can then Lacus is all like 'get in Eternal I have a sword the size of san diego for you.' and then its just complete Kira ownage after that.
PS: Who wants to bet during the fight at Orb somehow, Destiny or Legend or a ZAFT MS has a final shot lined up on either AA or Akatsuki and Kira does his normal dramatic entrance taking out the gun?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Kira's gonna do his dramatic entrance saving Cagalli from Shinn. Atleast according to everything I've read. Oh and here's a teaser pic for something we've all been waiting for.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Yeah! Now Kira can own everybody at half the time!! WooT!!
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i guess it's somewhat possible for neo/mwu to return to his old self and launch to fight. he seems to have gotten some more skills in GSD too.
and even if someone else is going out in strike rouge soon, if it's someone who knows cagalli, he'd know better than to get her MS blown up. also she will be busy talking to orb citizens or the like, not fighting.
so mwu might get it in the end. neo's suits were all pink so he might like that color now. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] would make a funny scene, er...
Ramius: The only unit we have left is strike rouge here, if you want to join the battle you'll have to settle with this.
Mwu: Oh, but this thing's a gundam! Thought you were gonna put me in one of those orb's pieces of junk.
Ramius: Err...glad you like it. I'll just have the tech team there repaint it and you're good to go.
Mwu: No, wait! Leave it like this. It's kinda cute.
Ramius: o_O
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
am i the only one who is really getting tired of everyone in Minerva saying what an ace Shinn is. Shinn this... and Shinn that... please. the first time shinn and rey face kira and athrun with their new gundams they are going to hide their tails behind and go back to Dulindal and start crying on his shoulder. So probably Dulindal wants some kind of advice on the combination of kira and athrun.
so he calls in the two people who fought with them in the previous war: yzak and diarda (probably misspelled). They are probably going to say if Shinn and rey are some kind of aces in Destiny and Legend, then kira and athrun combination are super aces where there is no single combination in the entire ZAFT who could face up to them. Hell yeah! it's kira and athrun all the way.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i just wanted to be the first to confirm the S-Freedom gundam is a machine of mass destruction you wanna know y destiny doesnt have the title shot watch the raw for episode 39 its worth it