Well yeah, that's why Eren and Historia are idiots.
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Well yeah, that's why Eren and Historia are idiots.
Back then?! I'm talking about RIGHT NOW! Right now Eren heard the exact same explanations from the exact same person Historia did, and Eren ALSO wants her to "betray everyone and eat Eren"!
And Eren is not her best friend. Ymir is. Eren and Christa have said maybe 10 lines to each other in this entire series.
Eren wasn't trying to convince her to snap out of it! He was trying to get her to DO it! Eren is doing THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING you're calling Historia a bitch for! Only she snaps her fucking SELF out of it, Eren STILL wants her to go through with it, but SHE fucking snaps HIM out of it!
Watch the episode again for fuck's sake!
So much shouting.
Caps AND exclamation points!
But yeah, this is just more of MFauli's "Mineta did nothing wrong" MRA horseshit. "Historia is a stupid thot who deserves to die but Eren is fine even though he would have done the exact same thing".
I believe Kenny called out Ross for always forcing other members of the family to do the Titan thing, so cowardice may be the reason he didn't do it himself.
Is Historia 'bloodline enough' to utilize this power in the first place? I thought true Riess bloodline members couldn't have their memories messed with by the power? What Eren lacks in ability he will no doubt subsidize with his obsession as far as controlling the power goes.
Good point about the bloodline. That is yet to be seen, since the royal line may be different from noble lines.
As for Eren, his dad didn't ask to be eaten. Daddy Jager just injected Eren knowing that eating the nearest human would be what a titan would do.
You silly twat. Historia wasn't snapping out of ANYTHING prior to Eren's appeal to her! She was deadset on eating him, hence her surprise when Eren reacted differently than she had expected. Watch the episode again ffs!
This is just DarthEnder throwing an uninformed tantrum again. He's probably still jealous of Mineta. 🐧
I just realized Ross might not be a Reiss bloodline. Maybe he married into the family.
Wasn't he going to die? So he saved himself by turning into a titan.
Then why is Historia, does that mean the slut she was born off is of Reiss' bloodline?
I don't think so.
Unless her dead "sister" is her actual mom (it seems like she can delete/change memories after all) - I don't see how Historia would be of the Reiss family if Rod is not
So much shouting.
The Scouts didn't declare their intention to kill Ross, so he didn't have to assume that he'd have to die.
His fixation was on returning "God" back to his side, and if that wasn't possible, he took it upon himself to keep the Titan power within his bloodline. That's how I read it.
HE made her change her bitchy mind. Had EREN not been 'pathetic', she wouldn't have snapped out of it and eaten aka murdered him. It was Eren's effort, albeit unintentional, to stop her from her shit. Praising Historia here in any way is just deluded. She should have been against murdering Eren from the beginning.
It's LESS deluded than praising Eren, who was actively trying to get the opposite result.
"Well, you were trying to save Hitler by killing his assassin, but you accidentally shot Hilter. Here's a reward for killing Hitler!"
Eren being pathetic only reminded her of the kind of person she actually was. If she wasn't a good person to begin with there would have been nothing to "snap her out of".
Like, if the positions were reversed and someone told Eren he could destroy all the titans if he ate his friend, Eren would have eaten them in a second and not even shown a shred of remorse.
Not so sure about that. Eren has always been a hero. He's not the type to sacrifice people, especially those he cares for, for his goal. What he is totally ready to sacrifice is himself, which fits the hero archetype.
That's the main difference between Historia's and Eren's reactions to the bullshit story. Historia was asked to kill her friend to save humanity. Eren was asked to kill himself. Historia doing that may be practical but cruel. Eren doing that is heroic, coz yknow, he's the protagonist. His life is his own to spend. Historia doesn't have the right to kill him. That's the critical difference.