Oh, Masa, you and your back-handed compliments. Soo tsundere <3Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Printable View
Oh, Masa, you and your back-handed compliments. Soo tsundere <3Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
[16:18] <Browny> im out too boys
[16:18] <Browny> later
[16:18] <Browny> bye Assassin
[16:18] * Quits: Browny (~Assassin@gw-F1AEB8E6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: )
[01:13] <st33v> BurnHavoc
[01:13] <st33v> where have you been all this time
[01:18] <BurnHavoc> I have no excuse :(
[01:19] <BurnHavoc> I just rebooted one day a few months ago and forgot to start up IRC, and suddenly I had friends and a social life.
[11:44] <&Arcness> when does a DO = a negative?
[11:44] <&Arcness> it never does
[11:44] <Barbados_Slim> :\
[11:44] <&Arcness> stfu
[11:44] <&Arcness> or i will ban you
[11:44] <&Arcness> forever
[10:31:18] <DO> man
[10:31:23] <DO> it almost makes me want to jack off on it
<Spiegel> !command Destroy DS DONT HURT MY MISTRESS
* Jehuty Shift to Vector Cannon Mode
* Jehuty All Energy Lines Connected
<Arcness> i know ds
* Jehuty Inner Chamber Pressure Rising Normally
* Jehuty Life Ring Has Started Revolving
* Jehuty Targeting: DS
* Jehuty Firing Vector Cannon!
* Arcness sets mode: -o Jehuty
<Arcness> no
<Spiegel> :O
<Arcness> pick someone else
<DS> :O
<DS> saved at the last second
<Arcness> Barbados_Slim
<Arcness> him
<Arcness> its rockmanj
<Spiegel> !command Destroy Barbados_Slim DONT HURT MY MISTRESS
<Arcness> he's your test
* Gotwoot sets mode: +o Jehuty
* Jehuty Shift to Vector Cannon Mode
* Jehuty All Energy Lines Connected
* Jehuty Inner Chamber Pressure Rising Normally
* Jehuty Life Ring Has Started Revolving
* Jehuty Targeting: Barbados_Slim
* Jehuty Firing Vector Cannon!
* Jehuty sets mode: +b DS!*polx@spirit.of.ryuu
* DS was kicked by Jehuty (Target has been Destroyed (Reason: DONT HURT MY MISTRESS))
<Spiegel> damnit piece of shit
* Arcness sets mode: -b DS!*polx@spirit.of.ryuu
<Kraco> Heh. Nice.
* DS (~polx@spirit.of.ryuu) has joined #gotwoot
<Arcness> lol!
* Gotwoot sets mode: +h DS
<DS> .................................................. .................................................. ..................................
<Arcness> i dont know what to say ds
<Spiegel> i forgot to take the variable out at the end of the script
<Spiegel> sorry
<Arcness> i tried to save you the first time
<DS> spiegel
<DS> your aim
<DS> sux
<DS> so hard
<Spiegel> LOL
<Arcness> lol
<&Deadfire> COCK = Current Operations Combat Knowledge
<&_kAi_> lol
<&Deadfire> have you got your COCK today?
<&_kAi_> you're a COCK
<&Deadfire> seriously happened during basic
<%IFHTT> lol
<&Deadfire> have you got your COCK today pte?
<&_kAi_> lol
<&Deadfire> what do you say to that?
<&Deadfire> "Ummm... say again, sgt"
<&Deadfire> "what you never got the cock before?"
<&Deadfire> It's on of those moments in Basic that you just want to forget, but yet so funny to look back on
* Deadfire changes topic to 'Welcome to #gotwoot | http://ircstats.asshattery.info - Updated 11/18/07 |< ~IFHTT> so she wasn't like going into great detail explaining him while sensually caressing your tophat | No need for +s anymore, server auto hides your whois now.| Have you got your COCK today?'
<Iridani> nice topic change hun
<Chaos> greeeat
<Chaos> now that we're allowed to talk about WoW
<Chaos> there's no point in talking about WoW
<Chaos> let's talk about COCKs
<@Deadfire> WoW sucks
<@Deadfire> it gives you no COCK
<Iridani> i think you've been away in the army a tiiiiny bit too long DF
<@Deadfire> hmm.. I should get my army buddies on here
<&_kAi_> what we need
<&_kAi_> more COCK
<@Deadfire> and talk about the COCK we have learned about
<@Deadfire> this channel needs more COCK
<Iridani> like i said hun... been in the army too long already. you love the COCK
<@Deadfire> na I'm Air force, COCK doesn't apply it's self to me
<&_kAi_> everyone needs COCK
<Iridani> i should hope not... or i'd be questioning lol
<@Deadfire> I was surprised that the Navy doesn't get alot of COCK
<Iridani> the Navy never get a lot of COCK...
<&_kAi_> Iridani, you need to get more COCK
<&_kAi_> otherwise Deadfire isn't going to like your lack of COCK
<Iridani> i'm sure he wishes i had COCK
<&_kAi_> his COCK isn't very big
<@Deadfire> what can I say?
<&_kAi_> you need COCK
<Iridani> he needs COCK?
<@Deadfire> It seems so
<&_kAi_> we can't deny the facts iri
<Iridani> true true
<@Deadfire> I do need more COCK
<Iridani> yes you do
<@Deadfire> so I can teach Iri all about the COCK I got
<&_kAi_> haha
<Iridani> YOU teach ME about the COCK? i think it's the other way around hun
<&_kAi_> need COCK to give COCK
<@Deadfire> indeed
<@Deadfire> the best teachers have alot of COCK
<Iridani> DF'll learn his way around the COCK soon enough
<Chaos> basically, if the enemy starts firing at you
<Chaos> it's time to pull out your COCK
<Iridani> no kidding
<@Deadfire> Will if I'm under attack
<Chaos> COCKs are extremely sueful
<Chaos> they're handy
<@Deadfire> I'll pull out my massive COCK
<Chaos> oh god
<Iridani> i'd better be careful if i tickle attack you again hun
<Chaos> i just said COCKs are handy
<Chaos> ...
<Iridani> you might try to COCK me
<@Deadfire> same with my Fellow soldiers
<@Deadfire> we will all have alot of COCK
<Iridani> i'm lacking COCK sadly
<Iridani> ...
<Iridani> lmao
<&_kAi_> df has plenty for you
<@Deadfire> indeed
<@Deadfire> it's not alot of COCK but it will do
<Iridani> every student needs a good teacher for COCK
<@Deadfire> ...
<Iridani> that's a wrap
@Deadfire> make sure you wrap your COCK too you don't want it to be seen by people that don't need to see it
<@Spiegel> rockman, you are a fagoot
<@Spiegel> just to let you know
<@Spiegel> wow
<@Spiegel> that wasntspelled right
<@Spiegel> but whatever
<rockmanj> yea, and you cant spell
<rockmanj> "fagoot"
st33v: jaredster want to see Female-to-male post-op pix?
Jaredster: no
Jaredster: wtf
Spiegel: i am oddly curious
[ 21:50:22 ] *[ ~Wilik ] http://layer0.layeredtech.com/showth...3691#post43691
[ 21:50:24 ] *[ ~Wilik ] fuck LT
[ 21:50:26 ] *[ ~Wilik ] im pissed now
[ 21:50:37 ] *[ ~Wilik ] im complaining about them to the public on their own site now
[ 21:51:33 ] *[ @Mune ] lay it down wilik!
[ 21:54:47 ] *[ ~Wilik ] did you read my post? :p
[ 21:54:51 ] *[ darkshadow ] 120 hours
[ 21:54:54 ] *[ darkshadow ] nasty
[ 21:55:33 ] *[ ~Wilik ] fuck them, right in the ass
[ 21:55:46 ] *[ ~Wilik ] Masa, if I had the cash I would fly you over there so you can do the ass fuckin yourself
[ 21:55:47 ] *[ @Mune ] ...i'll need some lube for that
[23:19] <Deadfire> st33v is a good guy
[23:19] <Deadfire> he is just...a guy
[23:19] <Julie> if by good guy you mean total douche bag
[23:19] <Julie> sure!
[23:19] <Deadfire> and guys do things
[23:19] <st33v> cmon guys, let me in your club
[23:19] <Azzazzin> lol
[23:19] <st33v> I'm a good boy
[23:19] <Deadfire> like insult people sometimes
[23:19] <Deadfire> like me
[23:19] <st33v> i can follow the rhythm of the circle jerk
[23:19] <Deadfire> Azzazzin is a fag
[23:19] <Deadfire> see I do it too
[23:19] <Azzazzin> fags are a girls best friend
[23:19] <Deadfire> it's just about being a gay
[23:20] <st33v> lol
[23:20] <Deadfire> *guy
[23:20] <Deadfire> fuck
Looks like DF has spent enough time in the boys' club called military...
Knives ««WinAmp ::: HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - Resistance ««
Knives: put up resistance ass!!!
st33v: Knives is that what you shout during anal?
Knives ««WinAmp ::: MELL - Virgin's high! ««
[01:38] <DO> man
[01:39] <DO> it would be scary if #gotwoot had a meet up
[01:39] <Arcness> ya
[01:39] <Arcness> I bet the white people would be the minority
[01:39] <Assassin> haha
[01:39] <DO> 23 of us in one room
[01:39] <DO> lol
[01:39] <DO> for 24 hours
[01:40] <DO> oh god
[01:40] <Assassin> DO would snap not being able to /kill someone
[01:40] <Arcness> lol
[01:40] <Arcness> no he wouldnt
[01:40] <Assassin> so he'd take a gun to z's head
[01:40] <Arcness> he'd /kill in rl
[01:40] <Arcness> with his fists
[01:40] <Assassin> lol
[01:40] <DO> lol
[01:40] <DO> for sure someone is going to go home crying
[01:41] <DO> seriously
[01:41] <Arcness> he'd be like shut up z! *punch* /kill z, z dead
[01:41] <Arcness> iam crying right now
[01:41] <DO> assassin would just smoke weed
[01:41] <Arcness> weed is awesome
[01:41] <DO> and st33v would talk about stocks
[01:42] <DO> wilik would just order mt staff around
[01:42] <Arcness> fucking mt
[01:42] <DO> and DS would talk about his 360
[01:42] <DO> haku would pick on chaos
[01:42] <Chaos> what?
[01:42] <DO> Deadfire and iridani would be trying to make irl porn and get us to watch
[01:42] <Arcness> ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my eyes
[01:42] <DO> complich8 would call us all idiots
[01:43] <Arcness> MY 3Y3S
[01:43] <DO> IFHTT and Spiegel would fight
[01:43] <DO> Yukimura and Y would argue over everything
[01:43] <DO> Nasphreak29 would cry and moan about his ex gf
[01:43] <Arcness> lol
[01:43] <DO> thats what would happen
[01:43] <DO> >_>
[01:43] <Arcness> kai would steal our wallets
[01:43] <DO> all at once
[01:44] <Arcness> id ban WB
[01:44] <DO> AngelEyez would dress up in a leather outfit
[01:44] <DO> and try to whip everyone
[01:44] * DO would just lock the door
[01:44] <DO> and throw away the key
haha thats just too funny xD
Wow, a doomsday scenario regarding a GW meet-up without mentioning my possible antics. Quite amazing!
WHO is this clown?Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Spiegel joined the chat room.
Spiegel was promoted to operator by Gotwoot.
DO: This is the first time that I have grossed myself out
st33v: but you're just a little erect, right?
DO: just a bit sir
Spiegel: what... the... fuck... Did I walk in on
Best. Quote. Evar.