"If we kill everyone we can't have a tournament like this again."
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"If we kill everyone we can't have a tournament like this again."
"If we kill everyone, wait, that is stupid."
Well then. 17 is inexplicably badass.
He's oddly blase about everyone getting erased though. Especially for a preservationist.
17 must be stronger than 18 now by far, and all he did was train on an island and fight tanks & firearms. Like, who else on Earth can even fight against SSB? I doubt even Gohan or Piccolo could. Buu's the only exception until 17 rocked up.
As for 17, realistically none of the poachers should have made it onto the island at all.
I van't believe we have 5 more episodes of this recruiting business. I'm over it already. Show me some Roshi juking already.
Why do you think we have 5 more recruiting episodes?
Anyway, good episode. Did a different studio do the animations? The fight between C17 and Goku was crazily well animated, so fluied. Reminded me of HXH 2011.
As always, I hate the fucked up power levels, but I continue to try and explain them to myself. When C17 was relevant during DBZ, he was on the same level as Goku at that time, albeit weaker towards the end. I have no problem accepting that C17 can keep up with SSJ Goku. The problem follows with SSJ BLue. Thatīs about 2 power upgrades above Cell-level. I can imagine that C17 somehow got himself one power-level up, to Boo-saga level. But I cannot deceive myself into accepting that he got stronger so much that he can keep up with SSJ Blue. And just like Goku, what we saw wasnīt his maximum power.
If I look at things correctly, C17 isnīt a real android anymore like C18, they became human, hence having children. If it wasnīt for that, they could have explained his power upgrade with some modification of his android body. But they didnīt do that, so I guess C17 became stronger simply by training ... which I cannot believe. Somehow, some side-character got stronger by himself than our heroes, be it genius Goku or hardworker Vegeta, both of who only reached SSJ Blue-level because they got "lucky" and encountered Beerus. Meh.
Also, that SUPER coincidence of some space pirates appearing to get a minotarus horn NOW of all times. LOL.
Yeah powerlevels are BS once more.
I think we'll at least have 5 episodes until the first fist starts flying in the battle royale.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
One for fighting off aliens.
One for Gohan/Piccolo training
One for Tenshinhan recruiting.
One for Roshi or just getting business together in general.
One for everybody to bloody gather for the fight at the stadium.
Oh god, I forgot about Tenshinhan. How are they even gonna explain HIS power level?! :/ I kinda accepted that Mutenroshi would be there for nostalgia and "experience" (lol), but Tenshinhan? At his strongest, he was capable to use a suicide attack against imperfect Cell, to stop him, not really doing any damage. So he's below Cell-level, and even that goes only for the strength of his attack that draws from his very life energy, shortening his life span. Kuririn is in the team, because he's besties with Goku and because his solar flash-attack kinda neutralizes power-levels (although any strong fighter should be able to fight blindly thanks to sensing the opponent's energy ...). But Tenshinhan? He's nobody's best friend. He's not specially strong. Just what ...
I hope they put recruiting Piccolo, tenshinhan and Roshi into one episode. Spend half the episode on Gohan visiting Piccolo, then the last half on Roshi, who's visited by Tenshinhan because he wants to see his girl Lunch. There you go.
And I totally forgot about the coolest moment of the episode: The mention of Oob! I love those continuous story-elements :) Wonder what this leads up to. Apparently, Oob is too young yet for the current story, but maybe he'll be ready afterwards. You know, following my "Goku is the true evil"-stance, it'd be nice to have a story arc where Oob becomes the new hero and Goku is so corrupted by his battle lust that Oob has to fight him. At long last, he kills Goku, wishing for him to be reborn as more reasonable person ... to which Goku in his death responds with "no way!". In the end, Zeno creates 13th universe exclusively for Goku, where everybody permanently fights another, and death doesn't exist. Like a grand "Battle Universe", where contenders from each of the other universe can enter if they apply for and fight over the universe's territory.
I thought it was odd they kept talking about 17's family but refused to show them. Even when he showed Goku a picture. You just too lazy to design 4 more people Toriyama?
You are mistaken/confused by the old NA localization.
17 and 18 were never robots. They were always cybernetically augmented humans. So they were always human. And nobody ever wished for them to become completely human again(Krillin tried, Shenron couldn't do it), Krillin just wished for their bombs to be removed.
So they still possess whatever upgrades abilities that Dr. Gero implanted in them. And we don't really know what the full extent of those is/how they were intended to develop given time/training.
To be fair, Kikoho would be really great at knocking people out of bounds.
Oh yeah, that's right. Uub was mentioned. The moment they said there was a kid who was really gifted I instantly thought about him. Then they actually mentioned him. I did love that part.
Btw ... was it ever explained why Trunks and Gotenks are still little boys? :/
They are the same size during the fight against evil Boo. Then after defeating Boo, there's a time skip. Then Goku meets Oob on the last page of the manga, during a tournament. That Oob must be at least 7-10 years old. Even if we ignore the "future outlook" in the manga, the Boo-arc is still canon in Super, right? So Oob still needed 7-10 years to grow up. But Trunks and Goten stayed the same. :|
I wonder if there'll be some bs explanation, like "that kid suddenly appeared out of nowhere", instead of being born and growing up.
Super takes place BEFORE the epilogue of Dragon Ball Z. Pan and Bulla are both in that epilogue as young girls, they're just babies here. So this clearly only takes place a couple years after Kid Buu's defeat.
Uub was supposedly reborn the same year Kid Buu died, so he's only a couple years old at this point as well.
I know that Super takes place before DBZīs epilogue, Darth. But look at it:
During the fight against Boo, Trunks and Goten look EXACTLY the same as they do now in Super. But Pan hadnīt been born at that point. Iīm not sure, but did Kuririn have a daughter at that time already? Donīt think so. But most importantly: Oob wasnīt born at that time! 0 years old.
We havenīt seen Oob yet, but itīs fair to assume that when weīll see him, heīll look like he did in DBZīs epilogue. Otherwise thereīd be no point in mentioning the kidīs power when itīs still a toddler. And theyīre probably not going to do a time skip in Super.
And since you mention Bulla, thatīs another 9 months that Trunks and Goten didnīt grow at all.
Yes. Marron was already 3 years old during the Buu saga.
I actually feel like they're doing little timeskips all the time. As we said, Bulma wasn't even pregnant during the Black arc, but she's having her baby in the Universe Survival arc, so there was a skip of at least 9 months there.
But yeah, I get what you're saying, Trunks and Goten should be somewhere between their Buu arc ages and their epilogue ages.
Which sucks, because teeanger bum-Goten looked awesome in DBZ. :/