do contacts work if u get in a fight? I have this feeling that an eye punch would be devastating.
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do contacts work if u get in a fight? I have this feeling that an eye punch would be devastating.
Soft contacts won't really affect you much, well except giving you vision correction to avoid that punch in the first place.
That's exactly the situation I was thinking of. When I used to wear glasses, I was a lot more timid and afraid to get into a fight because I was blind without them, plus I would have gotten into even more trouble with the parents if I broke my glasses (getting into a fight would be bad enough to them). But getting hit in the eye isn't too likely, especially if you can see to avoid the punch like shinta said.
Having worn glasses for over 20 years now, and having been punched in the face while wearing them: It's hurts more when the frame concentrates some of the energy, but it's not that big of a deal. Bruising on the temple (from the frame) and around the eye socket (from the lens edges), maybe a minor cut on the nose (from the posts the nose pads are on). It's like getting a black eye, just concentrated.
I've broken/damaged more pairs of glasses by falling asleep with them on. Or messing around with them, snapping them myself: I'm never buying memory-metal frames again, extremely overpriced and not resistant to twisting or prolonged bending (like falling asleep).
I've also had to tape the lenses back in so I could drive home. An inconvenience at worst.
Contacts come with far greater hazards not related to physical injury. Increased chance of (occasionally rather serious) eye infection due to improper care or leaving them in too long, or having them stuck in there.
Contact lens issues are generally from misuse and negligence. If you form a habit of taking care of them there will never really be any problems, aside from the expected gradual deterioration due to time and usage.
shinta's got it right: if you do the proper things like washing your hands before handling, take out the contacts and soak them in saline solution every night, dispose of them according to schedule, and limit your wear time, contacts are virtually problem free. Unfortunately you're only supposed to wear them 10-12 hours a day unless you get some special contacts with improved breathability, otherwise you can cause problems for your eyes in the long term.
Like most people (probably), I wore glasses for years before switching to contacts. Contacts are definitely better.
Yeah they'd probably force you to switch to another carrier but continue the contract. Though it's been a few years since I had a cell plan so I'm not too sure how it works.
My dog got skunked today, right in the face/mouth too. I washed him off twice with an online recipe of hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/dish soap, but he still smells because I can't use the solution too liberally near his eyes and mouth. Funny thing is, once I washed most of the smell out, his fur still smelled like the yellow stuff in steamed crab, which is kind of delicious.
I bought two humidifiers to help alleviate the extremely dry winter air in my house.
Returned one the same day. Damn POS leaked. Twin-tank design, one tank never emptied, other one overfilled the machine and proceeded promptly "humidified" the floor. (edit: Yes, it was level.)
The second bedroom-sized one worked wonderfully the first day. I cleaned it this morning, following the directions to the letter, and now it doesn't work at all. Wonderful. I'll be returning that one tomorrow after work, since the store is closed today.
I'm waiting to see how long the third different model (which replaced the first) lasts. I'm guessing not long.
I just don't get why humidifiers are such pieces of shit. It's basically impossible to find a quality one. I'd spend a lot more on one if the damn things would fucking last more than a week or work at all.
Are they made in America? That might be the problem. Electronic devices that hold and distribute liquids are problematic by nature.
You can always try the Japanese way and boil water in your room. If you go with an induction-stove, you can even minimize your risk of fire (as opposed to using kerosene).
Considering how commonplace appliances they are, surely there must be good ones around, as long as you avoid the cheap Chinese things. Nobody's going to profit if they are all returned to the stores.
Jason Statham has a new movie in theaters soon called Porter. It's about a guy who gets double-crossed by his former criminal associates and gets payback in order to recover the money they took from his cut of the proceeds. The movie stars Mel Gibson and comes out in 1999.
First off, it is Parker (in 2013). The character is 1999 was Porter.
And comes out in 1967 (also much better), stars Lee Marvin, as Walker.
It's all based of The Hunter, where the role was named Parker.
Parker -> Walker -> Porter -> Parker
Isn't this fun?
I've never heard of any of them.
I don't watch as much movies as I'd like to, which is weird, because I don't do anything all day.
Lee Marvin was, and still sorta is, the fucking man. Everyone should see Point Blank.
(and The Dirty Dozen for that matter)
You're not missing much. It's typical Hollywood recycling concepts because there's a dearth of originality and daring in the business. These movies might be good for a boring Sunday afternoon freebie rerun once American football season is over, but not worth a movie ticket at the theater.
Old time American cinema is fucking terrible. I try watching these "classics" and it's just unbearable. So to a point a remake is worthwhile, but Payback isn't so dated that they need to make another clone movie just so Statham can get acting work.
Most movie buffs would say the same thing about Payback, because it was a pretty terrible version.
If you think that Point Blank or The Dirty Dozen are terrible cinema...well, you have just no taste at all. I'd give you Zardoz or something (also directed by the Point Blank guy). But there isn't a whole lot different from today's movies (other than the shit writing in current movies) with Point Blank or The Dirty Dozen.
Furthermore...Parker (2013) won't even be the first time the story was reused since Payback (1999). It's the main plot to GTA3.
And there are two dozen novels with the character. Who knows, they might even be going for a trilogy here.
Payback was pretty terrible, which is another reason why a remake is a terrible idea.
Old time movies aren't intrinsically terrible cinema, they just pale when compared to modern movie-making. The acting is stilted, the effects are usually laughable, and the editing is choppy and ruins the flow of the story. TV and movies have come so far in technical aspects, but they have to reuse stories and concepts from older movies because writers/producers lack imagination and daring.
I think it just comes down to allowing yourself to appreciate the aspects of a film in the context of their own eras. While acting is probably one of the few things you can compare to its modern-day counterparts.... I think a strong argument could be made for directing and editing as well. Sure there have been tons of advancements in the technology that has clearly made these jobs easier, but if you can't recognize good directing and editing from years ago then chances are you can't recognize it in this age either.
I would like to point out that I don't think you're entirely wrong Meniax, that for the most part directing and editing.... hell lets not forget cinematography's vast improvements.... have been made much easier to accomplish well. So nowadays you can go see almost any movie in the cinema and it will possess at least moderately skilled directing and editing. But the point I guess I'm trying to make is that just because its easier these days, doesn't mean films are better. Hell I'd say its the opposite. It takes less skill to produce something of great quality.
So instead of there being a lot of great directors making okay films and occasionally making an outstanding movie.... we have a lot of okay directors making decent films and sometimes not even achieving that. Then there's the few geniuses in both eras of film who produce consistently great cinema and occasionally reach perfection. If you want to try to compare those to each other, good luck with that, but thats not what I'm saying.
Well yeah, I wouldn't even be watching the old movies if I didn't think there were something worthwhile in them. Some of the classics are worth a watch regardless, but many more are unwatchable for the reasons I mentioned. Some examples I can recall are Serpico and Bad Lieutenant. I also recently watched some Charlie's Angels episodes from the late 70s and they were terribly acted and edited.
Hence my original bitch about modern Hollywood movies, films have improved aspects like direction and editing, but they reuse storylines and concepts and aren't much better for it, usually ruining the concepts they are trying to improve upon or update. So while the films aren't better intrinsically, they are still easier to watch than the old time movies because of production values.Quote:
But the point I guess I'm trying to make is that just because its easier these days, doesn't mean films are better. Hell I'd say its the opposite. It takes less skill to produce something of great quality.
So instead of there being a lot of great directors making okay films and occasionally making an outstanding movie.... we have a lot of okay directors making decent films and sometimes not even achieving that. Then there's the few geniuses in both eras of film who produce consistently great cinema and occasionally reach perfection. If you want to try to compare those to each other, good luck with that, but thats not what I'm saying.
Yeah, back then it took a real singular vision to make something worth being called film. Nowadays everything is "easy to watch" like you said, but it completely lacks in that vision which is what gives it a soul.
For me, I'd rather watch something that I can sense the director's intent in... than something that is technically smoother and easier on the eyes.
Definitely "easier to watch" doesn't equate to worth watching. It's like the first Gundam series, which I haven't been able to watch because of the terrible animation style. I'd love to see how the franchise started and its roots, but I can't sit through such shoddy animation in an animated series.
The original series is by far the best one and my personal favorite. Have you tried watching the movie versions? I think they might look a little better. They split the series into 3 films in case you didn't know. Bout to go watch them again haven't seen it in years, thanks for reminding me.
You're a schmuck if you can't get past the animation style. If that came out today as the new hip style you'd beat off to it. Just because you know its old you deem it as inferior. Okay prolly not but still.... the plot and characters prevail all things my friend.
Edit: Not on piratebay. Whats a good anime site for that shit?
Watch 12 Angry Men (1957) or M (1931, directed by Fritz Lang), and tell me that editing and cinematography has, on the average, improved in the last 50 years.
It's not the technology, it's the director and cinematographer. Always has been, always will be.
The original may have the best story and interesting characters, but the animation is awful:
Attachment 1405
My favorite Gundam series is 0080 and to a lesser degree 0083. War in the Pocket had it all and told a great story without the requisite fluff of later series. They also had the best Zeon mech ever, the Kampfer:
Attachment 1406
It also has one of the best generic mobile suit fight scenes:
I haven't seen the movie versions but I'll check them out if I can find them. And no, I don't like the new hip animation style, thanks for the baseless assumptions.
No, technology is just one facet of improvement for some movies. Of course, in character and story driven movies like 12 Angry Men, the technological advances don't matter at all. But the biggest difference, and this gets back to Parker/Walker/Porter/etc, is the lack of originality and the recycling of ideas in movies and TV.
After you watch the 3 Mobile Suit Gundam films I'd recommend the movie Char's Counter Attack. Its supposed to come after Zeta Gundam but I never watched much of it so that doesn't really matter cause I still used to watch the movie all the time in my younger days. Its all in the same universe tho, I forget what its called they have some name for that Gundam universe.
Saw Amazon's deal of the day for Pyrex storage containers, so headed over and saw some negative reviews for their product that I've used for years without issue. Turns out folks are upset that Pyrex no longer makes their products with the same glass they used to, switching from borosilicate to soda lime glass. I think I'm equally upset that companies go cheap to increase profit margins as I am upset that people are lamenting "the good old days" when glassware would survive any amount of misuse and lack of care. People are upset that the new glass doesn't stand up to temperature changes, such as when you take it out of the fridge and pop it in the microwave, and are concerned about the possibility of their glassware randomly exploding even with careful use.
I can't say which is more frustrating to me. We're talking about glass here people. The stuff breaks. Take care of how you handle it, instead of blaming it on the manufacturer when you drop your glassware and it doesn't survive.
I would be pissed about the glass. Heat-resistance in glass was what made it a viable piece of kitchenware alongside ceramics for me. It's like if smartphones suddenly decided that they'd stop developing tougher screens and just say "it's glass, shit breaks".
I have the "new" stuff. These people are idiots.
I take it out of the fridge and toss it into the microwave all the time.
What you don't do, is take it out of the freezer and toss it into a 500°F oven. Or much worse, the other way around. Don't serve the food out of it after microwaving it and then dunk it into a sink of cold water.
[hot -> suddenly cool] makes all ceramics shatter. Makes a lot of other things break too, like nalgene bottles, etc.
edit: Turns out the "new" glass has been used by Pyrex for 60 years. What changed was the lack of common sense among the general populace, and increased litigation, meaning the company had to increase liability protection with adequate warnings that used to be common sense.
Like Ryllharu said, there are tolerances with what you can do with glass, as with anything. The amount of abuse you can subject it to shouldn't be unlimited or even from "the good old days", and it still performs well with normal use. And we're talking about food storage products here. A cell phone that goes in your pocket/purse, gets handled leisurely and often used, should require higher tolerances than something you simply store and heat food in.
I have regularly put my Pyrex casserole pan into cold water in the sink to cool. Though maybe it made all the difference it had a chance to lose some of the edge in room temperature while I was eating. I certainly thought the whole point of Pyrex as opposed to some random cheap glass was very high resistance to temperature changes.
I think it's fair that there are limits to the resistance offered in a $2-3 piece of glassware and that basic safeguards like not subjecting them to drastic temperature changes isn't asking too much from customers.
Per the instructions (on my desk as I typed the previous post and this one), that's totally fine, and what they recommend.
What it warns against is, 'putting cold liquid in hot glassware (usually from oven), putting hot glassware on wet/cold surfaces without a dry potholder or thick towel, or placing hot glassware directly on a countertop or on a metal sink. Allow hot glassware to cool before washing, refrigerating, or freezing.'
The people who are breaking these are taking them out of a hot oven and putting them directly on their fancy (and generally cool to the touch) granite countertops, shattering the dish. Or "rinsing it out" with a quick splash of water so the food doesn't stick to it while they eat dinner.
I thought you were saying that they're making glass now that'd shatter if you microwaved it from the fridge. I would have been sorely disappointed at that. Further comments seem to say that's fine though, so I'm cool with that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I expect nothing out of $2-3 wares. I've got a 300ml French Press that I bought for $3. I didn't complain when the store assistant said that it could not stand 100C boiling water unless it was pre-heated. The filter has shitty gaps anyway.
I also have a 1L Bodem press that I bought for something closer to $70. I'd cry if they said it wouldn't stand a bit of hot water.
As for the cold-liquid in hot glassware thing, I haven't been paying much attention to it. I suppose whenever I put cold water into glassware and throw it into the sink, the glass must have cooled down sufficiently already.
Nah, it's more drastic temp changes than that. The thing is, I think a lot of reviewer complaints aren't about actual problems experienced with the product, but mainly potential problems based on the new material used in their construction.
I agree I want what I pay for, and almost always pay extra for quality. But I also think you have to take care of equipment or it will fail, no matter how well made.
I downloaded a shitty movie title parody porn (Pulp Friction) last weekend via a torrent and received a copyright infringement notice tonight.
What's worse is that the only parody was the name and the porn had absolutely nothing to do with the title they ripped off... I didn't even get to enjoy the forbidden fruit of my labor. :(
Yeah, just a C&D. Public Tracker. I don't use them much as it is, but unlikely. Cablelynx.
So where you actually after the porn, or the movie? xD
I heard some weird noises late last night. When I checked up on it, I found my printer going spastic. Machinery was moving around inside, but no pages were coming out. The machine was off to begin with, but when I pressed the ON button, it reports "Busy, try again later".
A little research showed that the printer, if left plugged in, will clean its heads periodically.. generally at around 3am in the morning.
I never got the whole 3am thing (that's when microsoft products are set to updates themselves as well if you leave it to default settings). Sure, it makes sense for office machines, but what about everybody else? :S
Anyway, now I have to choose between leaving the printer plugged in (late-night cleaning sometimes, not sure of the frequency), or to leave the printer unplugged until I use it. With the latter, it means whenever I plug it in, it will automatically do a 1 minute head-clean by default, making me wait and using my ink unproductively.
In the end, I think I'll choose the latter since I print fairly infrequently (and screw late-night mechanical noise).
I was hoping for an intentionally, hilariously bad parody of the original movie/characters with the porn being icing on the cake. Instead, it was 99% depressingly bad porn and 1% confusing irrelevant plot.
It was pretty funny when talking with the ISP rep; she instructed me to delete the movie, and I told her I already did shortly after I downloaded it because it was terrible.
Edit: Apparently, upon further investigation, I downloaded the wrong damn movie altogether...
Anyway, definitely leave it unplugged until needed.
Last episodes of X-Play and Attack of the Show aired today. I wasn't that into them, but they were fun to watch on occasion. With their demise, I will no longer have any reason to watch G4.
9th in a poker tourney for 25k$ when first place was 500k$.. Chipstack was worth 200k$ when I came into the final table. I want to puke. To make it worse they made a deal when it got down to 7 players where the player worst off got 150k$. So damn close. Decided to get high rather than drunk because drunk always makes me drunkpost or really depressed, think that was a great decision. Biggest adrenaline rush in forever though..
Other than that I am using adderal/ritalin/vyvanse more and more frequently and am scared it will be hard to stop. So much stress around family and everything else lately and this is the only thing making my anxiety go away and actually lets me do productive stuff, even simple stuff like going to the store and making food. I really need to start exercising every day.. I used to just use 1-2 times a week, now I'm using nearly every day.
I have tried a few therapy hours before but that was when I didn't use nearly as often and I didn't find the hours much use, it's all the same, just telling you you're a good person no matter what etc etc. Probably should try again but be more open about the adhd drugs actually being a problem(didn't think it was before).. anyway I probably wouldn't have posted the above before if I wasn't high, feels embarrasing when I look back at it, to complain on a forum I so rarely post on.
having things recorded on the forum will also allow you to look back and gain perceptive about yourself. I encourage it.
No comment Ani. To DBZ's point that is one of my favorite things about this forum. I spend the majority of my time here just rereading old posts, it is a great thing to be able to look back at myself and more importantly the way people perceive me.
I've looked at posts on other forums from 12 years ago and I notice a huge difference between how I wrote then vs. how I write now.
I think my writing quality peaked at around 2009.. then I've declined in general. Not sure if it has anything to do with the lack of reading literature.
I read a lot of modern classic novels and there seems to be a lack of concern for proper use of grammar and sentence structure. Take Cormac McCarthy's works, or Kurt Vonnegut's. McCarthy writes in short, clipped sentences, interspersing run-on sentences with long-winded paragraph-length sentences. I don't think it's helped my writing much at all. Being a liberal arts major during the past 3 years has definitely helped.
I feel the same right now about my own writing.
I have a hard time deciding when to use commas, when to use commas versus periods, and awkward logic ever since I've increased my exposure to other people's writing. Now, I'm not too sure what's really right nowadays...
e.g., When will you come my house, Tom?
When will you come to my house Tom?
e.g., Jason, please eat dinner with us.
Jason please eat dinner with us.
The list goes on and on; I think I'll just end up sticking to short and simple sentences in the future - especially since it'll be technical writing anyway.Quote:
e.g., Similarly, do we need a comma after the first word transition?
Similarly do we need a comma after the first word transition?
I would have identified those as the correct versions.Quote:
Originally Posted by Enkoujin
No matter the language (I bet), the name needs to be separated with a comma in the first two examples. The rule is about directly addressing someone.
"When will you come to my house Tom" <- In this example there's an entity called "house Tom". Is it a live music club or something?
It's more clear if you have the name in the middle of the sentence:
"When will you, Tomson, eat dinner with us?"
However, in Finnish there doesn't exist a thing called "first word transition", as far as I'm aware of, so such a thing would pose additional trouble for me (though some other comma rules might lead to the same effect, but that's a different story). There are also numerous other examples of the English and Finnish comma rules being totally different. When those two mix in my head, the end results is that I can't anymore use commas correctly in either language...
Hmm, now that you pick that up.. I would actually be inclined to use the comma in that Tom sentence as well. I was concentrating on "come vs come to" and picked the latter automatically.
In Finnish are the 'I' 'You' etc part of the verb or is it like in English?
I'm messing up English grammar because i mix it with Polish sometimes(and vice versa).
If we are talking about the subject of the sentence, they can be separate words, like in English, or in many cases they can be dropped out entirely because the verb contains the information in any case. Usually it's voluntary if you leave it there or not. Especially in spoken language it's usually left there.
I know some pay-for-DLC is already out there, but I hope this isn't the future of games: Dead Space 3 is selling suit/weapon kits for cash money. The game already costs $60, now they want you to buy stuff for use in the game.
This is really old news.
You're paying for kits rather than grinding out crafting materials. It's single player items, and nothing you can't get by playing the game.
It's no different from cheat codes of the older generation, any Korean browser MMO game, or games like Farmville. This might come as a shock to you...but this isn't even new for EA. It's no different from Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. You could buy packs instead of unlocking with in-game currency, except this only affects single player and co-op.
Pay for convenience. Absolutely nothing to get outraged over.
And if you're not talking about the micro-transaction kits...then it is just regular the DLC developed after the game went Gold (out for QA, certification, and printing). Which isn't anything new either.
I play plenty of games, but beyond ME3 and D3 auction house I haven't seen this level of pay for in-game eq. It seems like more than half the items in the game can only be acquired via cash or by sacrificing all other upgrades to save up for with in-game collectible items. It's sad to see the game world head in this direction. I'd prefer they left out MP and co-op play and charged for those, than to be required to pay for items that should be acquirable in-game.
I can't even remember all the Korean games I know that do this. Every single one I have ever played. Gunbound, Maple Story, some shitty dance rhythm browser game, Silkroad Online, Granado Espada, on and on and on.
If you want to talk "AAA" titles, there are dozens and dozens that do this. Just two examples, because I really don't want to waste too much time on this:
Saint's Row 3
DLC includes:
Unlockable Pack - Unlocks items, upgrades and bonuses that weren't chosen during normal gameplay.
Invincible Pack - This is literally DLC pack of cheat codes. Guns do more damage, never have to reload, etc.
Battlefield 3
DLC Includes:
Support Kit Shortcut - Unlocks all upgrades for the Support Class
(Three other specific class ones)
Vehicle Shortcut Bundle - Unlocks all upgrades for all vehicles
The Ultimate Shortcut Bundle - Unlocks all upgrade for all classes and vehicles
Place your faux outrage elsewhere. Even if you "play a lot of games," you don't know a whole lot about the industry trends as a whole.
This new game industry is here to stay. In my opinion is sad that this is the only way they have found to get profits but we have to get used to it. Anyway there are still plenty of companies and games that dont use this "extraction" system but they arent what we could call the mainstream in game industry. Big companies will keep this model of busineess unless users start to give their backs to them, but I dont see that happening anywhere soon. Thank god we never had to buy a DLC to get the rocket launcher in Doom 2.
We have lived the golden age of game industry now we are getting into the dark age.
I'll make it even better by including a much older AAA title to prove how not-new of a trend this is.
Tales of Vesperia (2008)
DLC includes:
Battle Support Item Pack - (Magic Lens, Life Bottle, Cure Bottle, Syrup Bottle, Nectar Bottle, Limit Bottle) x 10 (All-Divide, Hourglass) x 3 *Can also be obtained in the game. *This can only be purchased once.
300,000 Gald - Obtain 300,000 Gald. *This can only be purchased once.
Synthesis Kit: Lv. 3 - Whole ton of crafting items that can be obtained in game. *This can only be purchased once.
Pack o' Useful Stuff - A set of items that can come in handy during your journey. (Special Flag, Moon Selector, Winged Boots, Kitchen Knife, Salvage Crane, Collector's Book) *Can also be obtained in the game.
if you need to include DLC content in your game, then the product you're selling isn't as good as it can be. especially in single player game. the company should change the game to make it more fun to play and less frustrating, not put a patch on the bad gameplay and charge money for.
if gamers don't like to farm for random drops in single player, the solution is to make the drop rate more reasonable.
if the companies want to offer a 'more fun, casual and less restirctive form of play' by giving the player all upgrades, they should call it easy mode and include it from the get-go.
I guess it's just a different business plan; I think of the game as a single product that should entertain me (like a book), they think of it as a downpayment that they can build on and use as a channel to get more of my money.
I love how you say shit like this, yet my post has generated a bit of discussion with similar views to mine.
Yeah I agree it's sad they haven't found a better way to improve the gaming experience while also increasing their profits. They already raised prices so PC games cost $60 instead of $50 at launch. And with the emphasis on MP, SP campaigns have suffered, so paying full price for a game that you get 8-10 hours of play time just doesn't seem worth it. The developers don't get that not all gamers are into community and online play. Love the comment about the rocket launcher in Doom 2.
This is the truth.
Alternatively if players are ok with farming, the eq should be available for them to farm in-game, not have to pay for.Quote:
if gamers don't like to farm for random drops in single player, the solution is to make the drop rate more reasonable.
if the companies want to offer a 'more fun, casual and less restirctive form of play' by giving the player all upgrades, they should call it easy mode and include it from the get-go.
Companies used to build on the game with story expansion packs and sequels, not charge you for eq that should be farmable in the game. I'm also not happy with the preorder bonuses, something we've discussed before.Quote:
I guess it's just a different business plan; I think of the game as a single product that should entertain me (like a book), they think of it as a downpayment that they can build on and use as a channel to get more of my money.
Good god...
Just because a few people agree with you, doesn't make any of you right.
1) Entitled Gamer Complaint: Games were $50 when I was growing up, now they're $60! They just trying to screw the consumer over!
Intelligent Response #1: When I was growing up, games were up to $75. This was 1993 (video of a catalog).
Take Mortal Kombat for genesis. $62.99. Adjust that for inflation to 2013: $100.38.
Take WWF Royal Rumble. $74.99 Adjust for inflation to 2013: $119.51
Take an average game from that catalog. $49.99. Adjust for inflation: $79.67.
Current generation games started in 2005, they were released for $60, much to the dismay of gamers everywhere. $60 in 2005 adjusted for inflation to 2013: $74.27
Games are cheaper than they have ever been.
Yet their production budgets are higher than ever.
Is it really any wonder that they might want to make up for this massive differential in stabilized prices combined with increase in production costs?
Want to bitch about something legitimate? The prices of games NOT in the US.
The Australian Dollar is roughly equivalent to the US dollar these days. Yet they're charged $80-90 AUD on average for games. The Euro is worth more than the US Dollar. They're charged 60 Euro for a game. This isn't even physical copies. This is digital distribution like Steam.
2) Entitled Gamer Complaint: Everything that is DLC should be on the disc! It's bullshit that they have Day 1 DLC!
Intelligent Response #2:
Game development teams are massive these days. This goes along with the increased development costs of "AAA" titles. There are writers, concept artists, graphics artists, programmers (and a huge array of those), quality assurance teams, etc. Once the game has to be released for certification, publishing and release (commonly referred to as "going Gold"). The certification process takes a long time. Months even.
The writers, concept artists, graphic artists and a subset of the programmers don't have a whole lot to do unless the studio is immediately moving to their next title, which they won't while the game is still being readied for release. They can shift around people if they have multiple teams, but that only works for the larger studios.
So you know what they're going to work on? DLC content. Shorter turn around, shorter certification period, easy to accomplish. So yes, some of it gets released on the same day the game does.
You know what happened to this kind of content in the days of yesteryear? It never got made at all. If you were lucky and the game was successful, it got included in an expansion pack. Which cost money. Which also had to go through its own certification period.
I also like how you dismiss my complaint as frivolous, then proceed to write a dissertation about it.
In the end, squeezing gamers for DLC will hurt the companies. If I have to spend more to get the full experience from a single game, that's fewer games I'll play overall (that I pay full price for). They're going to bleed each other dry, as the bigger developers draw all the money away from smaller independents. What I've been doing is waiting a few months for prices to drop before buying. But sooner or later I'll return to the free dl option, if not for the full game, then at least for the DLC.
Oh no, separate issues.
Your argument that "a new trend" is making DLC that sells stuff available in-game is still frivolous. Pay for convenience isn't new.
Then you two decided to go on the separate track that game devs are trying to rip people off with higher prices and DLC that should be included on the disc. Both assertions are fundamentally false. Games are cheaper than ever, and in previous generations, this DLC (occasionally free) would never have been made.
Dude what have I said about reading too much into my posts? I get off a 2 hour run on DS3 (it's a horror action shooter, gets the heart rate going), then post a half-cocked rant on an internet forum at 2AM. Don't take it so seriously.
Nice posturing and backpedaling, "dude."
I'd almost believe it if you hadn't made other posts on the same subject.
That'll teach me to forgive your neurotic need to research and argue meaningless factoids to show your supposed awareness. Just imagine if you put that energy into something worthwhile like curing cancer.
I could care less about "trends" in the gaming industry. I'm currently playing a video game that happens to require additional cash pay to get the full experience and I call bullshit on that.
Aren't there so many DLCs nowadays simply because the technology now makes it exceedingly easy to release content in that form and make a solid business out of it? Naturally that wasn't the case 10 years ago, so it's useless to compare the situations. Even if individual people working as game makers, who are themselves oft gamers as well, want to make good games they are proud of, it's still the business that brings bread and rice to their dinner table, at the end of the day. You make money any way you can to keep your boat floating.
Yes but pissing off customers by reducing what comes in the game and making them pay for it as extras isn't good for business either. As people become more tech-savvy and find ways to circumvent paying for content, this sort of business model will encourage piracy.
They're not reducing anything.
Maybe you forgot the primary reason why games used to be "Nintendo hard." You can beat a lot of them, without cheats, in less than two hours.
That's even true of the PS era. Just search for speed runs on youtube. A lot of them aren't even tool-assisted (run at slow frames to make easier).
Games had come a long way since the Nintendo and PS1 to what was a pretty awesome period in gaming. Like Edort4 said, we were in a golden age, and now we're heading into a dark age for gaming. The graphics may be prettier, but the soul is being lost.
Then there are some freemium on tablets/smartphones with riduculous prices for some items (isn't one of the cars in CSR like US$100?)
As far as DLC, I usually just wait for "Game of the Year" editions of games like Batman and Borderlands. I honestly don't care if a game's 2 years old when I play it.
It's been thay way for me for a while where I'll wait for a game to go down in price before buying it, sometimes as special editions. But some games I will buy at release for full price. When I was working with college students, it sucked to be out of the loop on the latest game they were all playing and talking about.
DS3 has gotten better about items towards the middle of the game. There are actually better supply drops you can use to both survive and build the higher priced items, instead of buying them for cash as DLC. Earlier in the game these items were so scarce it didn't seem possible.
edit: I'll say this for DS3, it might be worth it to pay the extra cash for the upgrades. They aren't really necessary to succeed in the game, but it's a long game so it might be worth the upgrades and customizations. I'm 50% complete and spent 14 hours on the game at hard difficulty. And that's missing about 5-10% of the optional missions.
My stance on this:
If not having the DLC does not in anyway hinder your game experience, who cares? I thought Deadspace 3 is easily the worst of the 3 games, but the DLC had nothing to do with it. Think of it as all of the extra feature on a car, no one is forcing you to buy them. DLC exist for people who must have certain things in games and are happy to pay for it, if you're not one of those people then just don't pay anything.
The only time this really bother me is with a system like Diablo 3. It was very obvious that the game is made with the Auction House as the main feature and many of the design choices reflect this. It was at the point where Blizzard release a patch to nerf the drop rate, because people were not already spending enough time farming for loot.
Well I've relented on the subject, it's not such a big deal after all, but for the $60 you pay you kind of hate to have to pay more for stuff in the game. It doesn't hinder the game experience exactly, but it does detract from it seeing all of those unattainable items in your eq and customization lists, but way out of farmable price range.
DLC: DOWNLOADABLE content, just saying.
It's not such a simple matter to dismiss the issue by saying it's DLC. What's next, will they charge for patches and updates?
If not charge for them, then what if you don't have an internet connection, will they mail you the patches or do you get a partial refund because some feature in the game doesn't work right?
Trying Type-Moon's latest VN's demo, Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, I quickly noticed a strange, stupid, whining noise from my computer every time the game needed to do something more graphically intensive (yeah, it actually boasts quite impressive graphics for a VN). I removed a side panel and tried to locate where the noise is coming from. However, it was very difficult, to say the least. Nekomimi might have made a difference, but unfortunately my head doesn't sport a pair. Eventually I gave up and removed the video card, switching the monitor cable to the mobo's DVI port. Funnily enough Intel HD Graphics 4000 could barely run the game and not all too smoothly (that's some VN!), but the noise wasn't there.
From this I dare to guess the noise is coming either from the video card or the PSU. I suppose the next, and highly annoying, test has to be to relocate the PSU as far from the case as the cables allow, so that I can put my head between the PSU and the video card. That ought to tell, even with inferior human ears, from which direction the noise comes.
Just for clarity: I don't hear any such noise when launching some "real" game. It seems to be related somehow to the VN's very sporadic nature of needing more muscles. Most of the time, after all, just displaying text on a static background requires little power. It's only when something animated happens that the computer whistles.
I got home after another less than satisfactory day at work. You want to know the last thing I wanted to do? Deal with any effects of a rising water table in my basement.
Guess what I came home to find that I had to deal with:
The rising water table's impact on my basement. Something was blocking my sump pump.
Thankfully, the sump pump is the most efficient way of getting rid of most of the water in my basement. Not so the fact the basement was never designed for it, and not all of the water naturally flows into it. The previous owners installed it...but didn't really put deep enough, and since it was an afterthought, they never put it in the right spot, or re-graded the floor down there (the latter I don't really expect someone to do).
The first thing I would have done after being unable to identify the source of noise with my ears only, is to individually stop every spinning fan in the computer in turn. Assuming you've got the common cooling design for your video card, it's as easy as putting your finger on the middle spinning "axle" part. Don't hold them for say, more than 10 seconds, mind you :p.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
That said, how is that game?
I've always wanted a basement.. but now, no thanks.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
Sorry couldn't tell, though now that I'm re-reading it, it sounds like you're saying "pirate that shit."
As a homeowner, I feel your pain... coming home from work to some problem or other is always a bitch when you just want to relax. But still better than living in an apartment. And since I don't like you...
Attachment 1465
edit: sigh, crappy office network. Mods, please combine.
Shit, bro, what did the experts (plumbers, utility technicians, structural inspectors, insurance company, etc.) say?
If it's everything's still damp, I'd turn up the heating and put in place fans and dehumidifiers to get rid of that moisture in addition with that pump... mold will probably be a huge problem in the near future. G'luck dude.
Hmm... Maybe I will do that, after all. It's just that the noise is very much unlike any noise I've heard from deteriorating fans. But you never know, I suppose.
It feels quite a bit more mystery oriented than FSN or Tsukihime. I haven't got around to trying Kagetsu Tohya, so I can't compare to that one. This feels kind of like some of the more metaphysical portions of Kara no Kyoukai, I suppose.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I think I heard somebody say this actually has no choices to make, which means it wouldn't be a game, just a visual novel. And true enough, I haven't still seen a single choice. I don't know how long the demo is, though, and considering the story so far, it has still felt like an intro, so probably I wouldn't have yet seen choices even if it had those.
It's more of the fact that there is a rather large hole in my floor. That's where the sump pump goes. Unfortunately, it is also a double-edged sword, since the water table very easily rises through that same hole.
It's not really a plumbing issue. It's not very common either, but we had a lot of rain recently.
I run a de-humidifier year-round. I turned it back on this morning. It's a damp basement in general, due to the high water table.
This isn't the first time the basement has flooded (bad plumber's installation the first time, fixed that myself too), just the first time I've seen it rise up through the sump hole. Mold actually isn't much of an issue. There is very little that can actually develop mold down there. A few inches of drywall, and a few boards. I'll just spray it with a bleach solution and keep an eye on it.
Carried the gym bag all day only to realize, once i was actually at the gym, today is a national holiday.
I'm fucking retarded.
What does it mean that it's a national holiday? Are gyms closed as well as government offices?
My friend is driving me crazy, ironically. He has tons of mental issues that were not evident at all back when we met, now they all kinda exploded and somehow I`m paying for all the crazy shit he does. I honestly want out of all this but I also feel bad because I know it`s not his fault. sdjfbsiFNKVFLD
Abandoning your friends makes you a bad friend. It can't all be good times. But you also have to set boundaries and let him know what you won't be responsible for.
Keyboard faceroll of anger.
The random letters or my post?
Example given; He was supossed to help some girls make a thesis for college, he borrowed their laptop then had a fight with then, then according to him he got mugged and totally dissapeared on the girls. The girls SOMEHOW found my phone number and address so they call me expecting to have a magic number to my friend and get into my room uninvited expecting that i take them where he lives and to solve whatever problem they have. In essence i`m responsible for whatever issue they have out of nowhere.
He also has been stealing money from me for a while, I noticed this but since he`s extremely poor I never complained about it, I figured that if he was stealing from me it`s because he truly needed it, I even left money laying around every now and then in case he needed it. But now he`s stealing THINGS from my room, this makes me paranoid because I have absolutely no control. When it was money it was easy because I could just put it all in my pocket if I was low on cash, but now that he`s stealing random objects I`m paranoid because I don`t know what he`s taking or if he`s taking things before.
And that`s just a few examples, I could go on.