At this point i wouldn't trust in any single organization to have it anyway
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One of the best episodes of both seasons, in my opinion. Lots of magic, esper powers and even jolly good Touma+Mikoto interaction with Mikoto deredereing like crazy. Looks like Touma is all fired up as well, after an innocent got hurt. I doubt he will ask for help from Mikoto but I hope she will tag along regardless! She has the firepower an artillery so it can't hurt to have her around when things turn to worse.
Tsuchimikado is a funny guy for sure. An intelligent one as well by purposefully explaining things to Touma to keep him friendly and useful for their (English) faction.
Tsuchimikaido is such a wonderful asshole in this episode. He's always been like that since he revealed himself in the Angel Fall arc, but he outdid himself here. He repeatedly is abusing Touma's ability left and right, throwing him into danger, manipulating Stiyl with threats about Index's safety, etc. Even if he can't use his incredible variable and powerful magic without killing himself, he's still a master at manipulation and knowledgeable to boot.
It's hard not to like him, despite how much of an antagonist he is. It's hard to trust his intentions even though we know he works for Necessarius. I'm never sure he's working for Laura Stuart so much as using her to his own advantage. We really have no idea what his true motives are. He's not as self-sacrificing for Index as Stiyl is, or anywhere near as selfless as Kanzaki is.
You get the feeling that you never know when he might turn out to be a villain. That why he's such a great character.
I would think that in a case like this, Index would be the most useful. Mikoto has the firepower, so she's a good replacement with Stiyl down, but Index is really ideal for facing off with Oriana. Oriana's Short Hand spells stand off on their own, once she puts them down, they act without her, there's no casting involved.
Then wouldn't Index's Spell Intercept be a pretty good way to trash them without needing to get near the tag or Oriana? Short Hand isn't that much different from Spell Intercept. Both use abbreviated casting with reduced efficacy by the sound of things.
Great episode. Tsuchimikado is really a bastard. An awesome one that is.
Loved how Mikoto was practically ready for a kiss for a moment, lol.
She needs to tag along after seeing what happened. She should have figured out what happened. The preview shows her with her Mother though.
Less index is win.
Indeed... they should just remove her completely, or at least all her "i'm hungry, play with me, i bite you" scenes.Quote:
Less index is win.
Yeah. It's kind of unfortunate that Index accompanying Touma didn't even visit my mind, simply because I consider her so annoying. Even though she might be usefull against an opponent using varying magic, like Ryll pointed out, there's still a high risk involved she would ruin this awesome development simply by being herself...
Spell interceptedit: Short Hand sounds exactly like all those traps Thomsom laid before. Something happens, they respond automatically. I always thought Spell Intercept worked by injecting little bits into an unprotected spell/instruction to alter it (kinda like packet injection into an unencrypted data stream). Using that analogy, Short Hand sounds more like a small scripted program.
I don't see how they're alike.
Tsuchimikaido sure is awesome, though I don't see him as being particularly manipulative here (besides the Index comment to Styil). It was actually Styil who pushed Touma into that first trap.
Tsuchimikaido was simply explaining the facts in such a manner that Touma would comprehend. Even without mentioning Index, Styil already understood the gravity of the situation and was ready to knock himself out regardless.
Ok yeah, great episode, but why on Earth wouldn't he just yell out "Don't touch that poll!" ? That particular part was nonsensical to the point it caused me physical pain, not to mention it killed any suspense that particular scene might have had. I'm a Mikoto fan but that was so forced it was retarded.
I'm also hoping Oriana has more tricks up her sleeve besides bewbs and traps, the final battle would be boring if she didn't have any more direct forms of attack.
I agree completely. That scene was absolutely retarded. There are dozens of different ways they could have had Mikoto going dere, but they chose the most random and illogical one.
It is also retarded how Touma was so late to react to every single situation. The girl was visibly hurt from whatever spell she activated, and with the detailed explanation he got on the way there, Touma should have instantly reacted and dispelled her immediately. However, he had to wait for Tsuchimikado to tell him to do it, just like he did for almost every single useful thing he did the entire episode.
we shouldn't really rant about illogical/retarded situations in this episode
because the whole game-scene is totally weird
at first it looks like the poles are 2 metres away to each other and in a straight line, instead of just letting touma touch them all he follows Tsuchimikado around and waits for him to say "its not this one"
also, why the hell wait for the game to begin instead of checking the poles before the game started..
then a few screens later the poles were all over the place and not in a straight line anymore
the "get out of the way"-scene is was painfull to watch too.
and its actually weird that Fukiyose touched the pole in the first place srsly..not really something a *referee* (or anyone) would occasionally do
I guess thats Anime and what happens if you want to creat a certain situation very badly
Hmm, a slow start for Touma, but regardless, it was a good episode. I keep thinking that Mikoto's in high school rather than middle school.
I thought the other way, that Touma was actually in middle school rather than high school.
It's a bit hard for me to guage though, since in Australia, elementary-middle-high school is split into Primary School and High School (7 and 5 years duration respectively).
Totally. I guess it was to add suspense, though it seems frustration better describes the result.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Well or decrease the sound of her voice QUITE A LOT.
Because I have no problem with some cuteness injections but her voice is infuriating, it makes me want to break things I can't deal with it. Though somehow I'm fine with Macross' Ranka Lee though I fucking hate her character
Ranka Lee because they're both supposed to be cute yet some how end up really annoying?
I'm a bit confused by the connection otherwise, since Index is Iguchi Yuka, and Ranka is Nakajima Megumi.
I guess I might be the only one here not regularly annoyed by Index. She has her moments, but sometimes I really think the series needs more of her. What makes Index annoying is that she reappears at random intervals, and has to make an impression each time. In addition, Touma ignores her a lot, because Kanzaki and Stiyl would kill him (Stiyl would try) if he got Index involved in everything that seems to go wrong around him.
If her presence was a bit more constant, she wouldn't have to vie for his attention so hard.
The connection lies in the fact that they never shut up.
I'm not really annoyed by Index, mainly because I'm relatively detached from To Aru Majutsu no Index in general unless Kuroko's involved.Quote:
I guess I might be the only one here not regularly annoyed by Index. She has her moments, but sometimes I really think the series needs more of her. What makes Index annoying is that she reappears at random intervals, and has to make an impression each time. In addition, Touma ignores her a lot, because Kanzaki and Stiyl would kill him (Stiyl would try) if he got Index involved in everything that seems to go wrong around him.
If her presence was a bit more constant, she wouldn't have to vie for his attention so hard.
What makes Index annoying is that she reappears at random intervals, and adds nothing to the story each time. Touma holds the sympathy card, not her, so it really works against her when she consistently complains to and bites him.
UTW-Mazui - Toaru Majutsu no Index II - 10v0 - 720p
With our dear Raze on his way to China, Ulrezaj, Moshi, and myself had to take care of this. Also, we’re having some .ts issues, so we used a share raw for this release (v0). We’ll v1 this as soon as we get everything set. Everything went wrong when Raze left, crap!