Oh Yea...looks cool.But is that Andrew's Gaia in Gold colour?And that pict with Yzak n Dearka,i thought i saw Dearka's Gunner ZAKU but Yzak's definitely not a Slash Zaku Phantom,coz that one has a beam sword,Slash ZAKUs are armed with Beam Halberds.
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Oh Yea...looks cool.But is that Andrew's Gaia in Gold colour?And that pict with Yzak n Dearka,i thought i saw Dearka's Gunner ZAKU but Yzak's definitely not a Slash Zaku Phantom,coz that one has a beam sword,Slash ZAKUs are armed with Beam Halberds.
Cool picts u got there...Akatsuki looks cool,but is that Andrew's Gaia in GOLD?Also,Yzak's MS is not a Slash ZAKU Phantom,coz the MS in da pict uses a beam sword/sabre,while Slash ZAKUs use beam halberds.Lacus looks sexy in black,n i juz luv Meyrin's long hair(looks better than childish tied-up hair)
Sorry for double post,first time i post my browser didnt show it...SORRY
Hey on those pictures with Athrun and I. Justice It looks like the jet behind I.J. can also move down towards its waist as well. (Just my observation on no sure)
Wooow Hooo Cant wait for Phase 39, when Strike Freedom unleeshes the DRAGOONs ^^
EDIT: Sorry for double post, Browser didnt show my post.
From what I've heard the all gold suit is Akatsuki. Hyaku Shiki for the UCist around here. Andy's getting the black and gold Gaia from the looks have to double check. Looks like the Murasames get a new paint scheme as well. Mwu also seems like he may in fact be Mwu again recovered from the brain washing. But I am definately happy to see the loving of the Meteors again. Three cheers for DESTINY and its ability to make me drool twice over after watching the intro and ending.
From the looks of the episode preview, it may be Andy in Strike Freedom? I heard something to that effect long ago.
Gawd, that opening is FULL of crazy shit. Lacus in a little black thing. Akatsuki. That end frame with Kira, Athrun, and Shinn. Maybe there is redemption for him yet.
Ooooh, just occured to me, in this whole "Destiny faster than Freedom" debate... Destiny fastter than a Meteor? We'll see.... mwahahahhh
Shinn VS Rey.
Everybody who faced Shinn in a scene like that, actually fought him.
yeeah, the intro proves what i've been thinking for a while, shinn will join sides with kira and athurn and he'll kill rey. We cant have kira kill shinn considering they're both "the heart" of the show shinn better wise up soon.
metor isnt necessarily fast, it is armed with a shitload of missles and weapons, it probably has like 4 extra boosters to add onto freedom's boosters (not 4 more, 4...add-ons i guess to make freedom even faster)
Im going to call this before anyone else does. I'm betting that Strike Rouge gets DESTROYED and/or HEAVILY DAMAGED when Kira goes into space.
Then ZAFT and the EA attack Orb while Strike Rouge is away in space. That's the
excuse why Cagali gets a new mobile suit.
Also, having FIVE destroy gundams get DESTROYED in a single episode is lame and a humungous waste.
Kind of a random theory after someone (actually, I think the guy ahove this post) posted in another thread and said "Luna is the new hand me down pilot." Considering Mwu's fate in the last series (not counting before GSD was finalized as a project) it wouldn't be that suprising if Lunamaria did die in the last episodes. If so then that, along with her time away from her sister, will have taken away whatever inferiority complexes Meyrin has about herself and verbally confront Shinn. Shinn would start having doubts and Rey would do something extreme and end up pushing a Shinn vs Rey battle. ^^;; Just a theory, of course.
if luna dies now, shinn will burst into a MEGA RAGE, destroying everything without reasoning
Don't think anyone's mentioned this: according to MAHQ, Gaia has three pilots: Stellar Loussier, Riika Sheder, Andrew Waltfeld. I'm willing to bet that Riika Sheder is a ZAFT elite pilot that becomes Gaia's new pilot, but then the Clyne Faction kills him/her (I have no idea which) when trying to escape, then they takes Gaia along. What do you guys think?
didnt know that, but that makes alot of sence, seeing how zaft currently has recovered gaia
^ i was sure Gaia couldnt fly at all so how would it make it into earth's orbit, or even fight in space? (we know the final fight will be in space)
err, he doesnt have very good reasoning to begin with (no i'm not really bashing shinn its true)Quote:
Originally posted by: darkshadow
if luna dies now, shinn will burst into a MEGA RAGE, destroying everything without reasoning
nope she/he was gaia's test pilot in destiny astray mangaQuote:
Originally posted by: Roko
Don't think anyone's mentioned this: according to MAHQ, Gaia has three pilots: Stellar Loussier, Riika Sheder, Andrew Waltfeld. I'm willing to bet that Riika Sheder is a ZAFT elite pilot that becomes Gaia's new pilot, but then the Clyne Faction kills him/her (I have no idea which) when trying to escape, then they takes Gaia along. What do you guys think?
ah, okay, that explains a lot. I didn't read the astray manga, so I didn't know.
Then I guess the Clyne Faction just steals Gaia then...
I absolutely flat out refuse to believe that 3 Gundams were able to change the ENTIRE course of the battle in the latest episode. I can accept that they interfere somewhat but not enough to change the outcome. The amount of troops and firepower gathered at Heaven's base shouldn't be affected by the interference of 3 Gundams.
Shinn hacking down an entire fleet in impulse? Puh-lease. The amount of firepower that the ZAFT fleet was hit with which included:
5 Destroy gundams massive back cannons which lay waste to an entire city in one shot,
an entire fleet of newly developed mobile armors and underwater forbidden mobile suits,
a small continent sized missile barrage,
and a whole grunt mobile suit fleet
which should have ANNIHILATED the ZAFT/EA combined fleet VERY early on.
Complete Garbage.
Destiny Gundam is what Strike Gundam SHOULD have become. Not this IWSP garbage.