Okay, it's definitely official with the Abridged thing.
In the new Funimation dub of Kai, in the scene where they show the Mr. Satan movie about how he beat Cell, all the movie characters are voiced by the TeamFourStar VAs. :p
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Okay, it's definitely official with the Abridged thing.
In the new Funimation dub of Kai, in the scene where they show the Mr. Satan movie about how he beat Cell, all the movie characters are voiced by the TeamFourStar VAs. :p
That's pretty much the highest praise you can get as a fan/parody dub.
I love every part of this. Mr. Satan having Abridged Nappa's voice. When they reach this part it should be the other way around. Official dubs doing these.
no episode this week?
I blame Goku for that.
Damn, Goku was actually pretty villainous this episode, was it just me or is the voice actresses changing her voice so that it sounds more like black?
Goku sure seems very cocky. I wonder what he's hiding. I wondering if it has anything to do with what is mentioned in this topic, *POSSIBLE SPOILER* http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news...hanics/.113686 Don't read it if you don't want spoilers.
The DS game?
I assume it has to do with Goku having a new hair color on the cover.
I doubt anything dragon ball heroes is cannon. it`s its own universe
Universe 7 only has 28 inhabited planets?!? What the shit?!
The recruitment conversation was baffling and disappointing. 17 and Roshi were the obvious "WTF?" choices for the team, and I was hoping there would be some interesting events leading to their recruitment, but no. Gohan and Goka are just brainstorming people and those two just come up on their own?
Also, fuck Gohan for basically spoiling Roshi's role. I was wondering wtf someone of Roshi's level was going to do, but Gohan pretty much straight up tells you he's going to end up knocking people off using devious tricks instead of power.
It's weird that they "leave that last slot open" for a surprise, and it's just going to be Tien. That should have been the slot that 17 or Roshi would have filled.
Yamcha you poor miserable bastard...
Manga and anime are done by different people with the same general plot but that's it. How they get there is up them. So there's no such thing as cannon with this one. Toriyama isn't doing the manga so can you even count that as cannon? In the manga Vegeta can turn into SSR and uses that against Goku Black while transforming into Blue right before hitting. That alone is very different from what we've seen.
I'm sure the manga will explain the selection process differently. Because honestly this sucks. Yeah master Roshi knows tricks let him on the team. Raditz alone would kick his ass.
Originally the anime was the cannon one and the manga was just there to work as an ad for the anime. Toriyama ended up becoming more involved in the manga however, so I consider that one more true to the series, but at this point is kinda subjective.
The anime is technically ahead, but the manga has been drawn (but not released) way ahead of the anime when it comes to the tournament of power, so the anime is taking cues from the manga.
Man, Goku and Gohan inviting Kuririn and Mutenroshi is just so dumb, lol. I can maaaaaaybe understand getting Kuririn, because he definitely far surpassed human strength, even doing damage to imperfect Freezer. But Mutenroshi? Fuck his "experience", when a lightning strikes you, it doesnīt matter how much you know about lightnings.
Seriously, are you guys not freaking out about the 28 planet thing?
I'm imagining Freeza's empire. And the Galactic Patrol. And the Four Kais that watch over the universe. And then I imagine how all of that shit is over just 28 freakin' planets. That's 7 planets per Kai!
Like, for reals, how were the Saiyans only sending lone babies to conquer planets when there's only 28 of them?! They didn't have enough warriors to send out a squad for each planet?
Well, if Freeza, Vegeta, Beerus, and whoever else would stop blowing them up, maybe they'd have more.
Well.. maybe. Apparently Beerus and Champa haven't been doing their job though, according to Zeno.
The Gods in charge of creation are supposed to keep the balance as well, so maybe it's actually their fault for not creating enough high quality planets and advanced civilisations.
It's true that the maths doesn't add up when you think about it.
The 28 planets thing was super stupid, yes.