Originally Posted by Bucket
- If Light was truly cornered, why didn't he play his trump card and ask for shinigami eyes? It's not like he had anything to lose-- and if he did that, he could buy plenty of time.
- Weren't there 3 books? One for Light, one for the girl and the third from the dead shinigami. I know there's one book unaccounted for; why didn't Light include it in a contingency plan?
- Speaking of contingencies, why didn't he even HAVE one? He should've had one, even if he thought his victory was assured. It seems very uncharacteristic of Light to hinge his entire plan on one crazy-ass follower of his. The guy might have been smart and predictable, but still out of his mind and prone to make mistakes.
- There are a bunch of actions related to characters that I can't swallow: Light just plain giving up, Mello agreeing to be a sacrificial lamb...