This host sort of pissed me off today, beginning when I tried to make a table in my mysql database.
Accessing my customer page I was informed I had to change my password. This I disliked alot as alot of my files on the server access the databases and with password changes I have to go and edit all these files with the new password. What I disliked more is that you FORCED! me to change it. You gave NO option to not change it and allow me to continue what I came to do.
"Fine, whatever" I said changing the password, then more problems happened
I try to FTP with the new password... It doesn't work. Angered I created a new FTP account with root access, I got in. Using that I changed the config files with the new password to the database and tested them. They fail, I try it again with the old password, that fails as well.
At my limit of dislike, I try to log into my customer page to see what is up...and long behold I can't log in.
So I will ask that because I would like my site function. Because you know thats why I paid for hosting in the first place, I would like you to assist me with matter. I tried to call your support but it appears that they are to busy to assist me that way (Also, I sort of disliked the fact you had "money" from pink floyd as hold music)
As a Side note currently where I am has no access to my e-mail, as I would have checked the change to my password, however I don't think it matters as the new password I put in is both written down and saved on my computer.