Some nudity? A man eats a woman's amputated nipple in front of her . It's fucking beautiful.
Shigurui is also a nicely plotted show, a rival between two brothers for the favor of their psycho dad. Wonderful series.
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Some nudity? A man eats a woman's amputated nipple in front of her . It's fucking beautiful.
Shigurui is also a nicely plotted show, a rival between two brothers for the favor of their psycho dad. Wonderful series.
Don't watch Tenjou Tenge, it's a waste of time. It's good the first few episodes and then sucks the rest of the way. Tedious flashbacks that span about 10+ episodes come to mind. What looks to be a pretty cool martial arts/high school story turns into a "man possessed by a demonic sword" with the flashbacks and completely strays from what you thought would be a martial arts/high school setting.
I wouldn't mind the flashbacks and demonic sword crap if it was actually good.
I'd recommend Fist of the North Star as well. Old, but still one of my all time favs.
Now that I think of it, I must of blocked out about half of the entire show from my memory. Its that fucking intense.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Good god, I've got an urge to watch this show all over again. :eek:
Hey, any really good anime that everyone who hasn't seen it should watch? Any genre is good, I wanna see some new good stuff. As long as it's a finished series. No movies, thanks.
Do you mind being a little more specific?
I could just go to AniDB and sort the list by rating and rattle off a ton of titles.
Nodame Cantabile
Code Geass
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Rurouni Kenshin so you can watch Rurouni Kenshin: Reminiscence
CLANNAD (and After Story)
Detroit Metal City
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
But that isn't any fun.
(This is actually the same method I used to see a lot of series when I was starting out.)
I was down repped for this post (rightly so), probably for a "lack of effort." Which is true, I should have simply cut it off at, "a little more specific."
Look, there is absolutely no point in recommending a generic list of "Good Series." Anyone with half a brain can go to the Top Ten/Rated/100/200/etc of AnimeNewsNetwork, AniDB, Animenfo, or Anime-Planet and look at what they have and have not seen. There's several lists of "Good Series." You can even cross-reference them to find the best.
But what's the point in doing the same stupid thing in a thread like this? Just go to those sites.
On the other hand, you could get something a lot better here. You add a little more information, like "I hated [series1] and [series2], but loved [series3, 4 and 5]. What would you recommend to me then?" and in return, you'll get a subjective recommendation that is probably dramatically better than the one you could get on your own.
How the hell is anyone supposed to know what you have even SEEN much less what you actually liked or disliked unless you add a few specifics? Sure, I could list a bunch of subjectively picked titles, but that would be my personal preference of "good series." There are already plenty of "Top 5 or 10 Anime" threads in this forum, most of which I have posted in. all means, let me waste both our time by rattling off fifteen titles you've already watched. You don't really care what I like (if you do, you shouldn't), you care about what you will like.
I enjoy taking the list of what you've seen and handpicking titles I think you'll enjoy based on those likes and dislikes. It's challenging sometimes, fun and entertaining for me. Let me know what your favorite series are, and I'll give you more favorites. I do not enjoy regurgitating the top 100 lists.
Well my list is of 138 series and movies, are you sure you wanna see every title? Sorry for being so unspecific, it's just difficult for me to come up with any new anime at all (regardless of genre) to see.
And listing is what I basically wanted, because I thought it would be too much of a bother for others wanting to help if I asked them to give a little review and a short storyline description.
And on another note, searching Anidb or any other such site feels so unpersonal, so strict and formal, I like this forum and the people on it, so I thought I would get better tips here.
Favorites on my part are.
Cowboy Bebop
Code Geass
Crest of the stars (all of it)
Ergo Proxy
Golden Boy
Gundam Seed and Destiny
Hikaru No Go
Initial D
Love Hina
Lucky Star
Now and then, here and there
Onegai Teacher
Peac maker kurogane
Ranma ½
Rurouni Kenshin - Mostly because when you see the OAV you get a totally different view on what's been going on.
Samurai 7
Shakugan no Shana
Those who Hunt Elves
Escaflowne (Movie was better acording to me though)
Wolf's Rain
Zone of the Enders
These are some of my favorites.
Here are my suggestions, all completed series, based on the following (potentially arbitrary) organization:
Berserk, Claymore, Inuyasha, Kurogane, Kenshin, Samurai 7, Escaflowne
Gungrave, R.O.D. TV, Basilisk, Utawarerumono, Scrapped Princess, Mnemosyne, Darker than Black
Bebop, Ergo Proxy, Gantz, FMA, Hellsing, Now and Then, Noir, Wolf's Rain
Last Exile, Planetes, Witch Hunter Robin, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (and Higurashi Kai)
Shana, Scryed, Trigun
Bamboo Blade, Fate/Stay Night, Solty Rei
Vandred, FMP
Kenren Butoh Sai: The Mars Daybreak, Outlaw Star, Heroic Age
Code Geass, Crest of the Stars, Zone of the Enders, Zegapain, Gundam SEED, RahXephon
IdolMaster Xenoglossia, Gurren Lagann, Macross Frontier (good mecha is hard to find)
Onegai Teacher, Love Hina
Bokura ga Ita, True Tears, Spice and Wolf, Itazura na Kiss, Seto no Hanayome, School Rumble (sorted from serious to funny)
DN Angel, GTO, Getbackers
Kiddy Grade, Mai-Hime, Pumpkin Scissors, Baccano!, Shigofumi
Lucky Star, FLCL, Those Who Hunt Elves, Golden Boy
Excel Saga, Tsukiyomi Moon Phase, Pani Poni Dash, Genshiken, Hayate the Combat Butler, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster
If you saw and hated any of the series I suggested here, let me know and I will correct and adjust accordingly.
Loving the suggestions, finding alot of good stuff aint thought of before. Keep it up guys! :D
hey, so I was just watching Gin'iro no Kami no Agito, and in the beginning when they're running through the town, it made me start thinking about parkour in anime. With so many Hollywood movies using parkour in them these days, I figured there should be some cool anime with it.
off the top of my head, when I think about anime with parkour type scenes in them, the only ones I can think of would be like Tekkonkinkreet which had a lot of like roof jumping kinda stuff, then Naruto has some of that same stuff, and a little at the beginning of Tokyo Tribes 2.
those anime only really have like, jumping from roof to roof. but those are the only ones I can come up with off the top of my head.
so I was just wondering about other anime that have parkour scenes, or preferably anime that focus on parkour.
can anyone could give me some suggestions?
Air Gear is not really the same thing, but it's the closest thing to the same effect. There aren't really a lot of series that have a "finding a line" through obstacles element to them.
Figured I'd try askin here instead of doing a new post, but the banner that changes across the top of the screen, I saw one that looked like a woman with a dark and a white wing standing in the rain. What series is that, somehow I feel interested to find out.
This one?
That is Edward Elric, from Full Metal Alchemist. You can watch the old version, or you can wait for a remake this spring.
If that's not it, we might need a screenshot. I reloaded the banner about 50 times to get that one. (There are more images in there than I thought!)
Hey Ryu/Munsu
Paulyboy recently PM'd me asking about the character in my sig and avatar, we got to talk and i'm trying to recommend Fate/Stay Night to him but frankly i suck at it.
Think any of you could maybe write up something here about the anime ( and possibly the game )?
I tried looking the thread for something but found nothing, so that's something this thread is seriously lacking anyway :D
Whoa, thats Edward....looking at it for more than a flash I see it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Now I am scared and slightly amused....
Fate/Stay Night Is about a group of 7 Magi who each summon a servant that is either a Legendary hero from the past or from mythology(the hero's don't have to have ever lived). They then use these servants to fight a war over obtaining the Holy grail where the Magus with the last Servant standing wins the grail and gets any wish they want granted.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
That is pretty much the short version. You may want to add its based on a H-game but that is not terribly relevant to the anime only for recommending the game.
I wondered how good Toaru Majutsu Index is? The Picture used to present the series scares me a little because I see some kind of mages, a nun and lolis in school uniform with guns... this seems to be very random to me, but I heard a lot of good things about it, which is why I though I'd give it a try..
but I only found Eclipse subs yet and the .mkv files are so huge, ist there really such a big difference in quality? They are nearly twice as big as the normal .avi version
It's a matter of preference. Personally, i always enjoy watching an anime using a full screen so i get MKV whenever possible, if you feel differently just get the avi files instead.
Just be sure to watch eclipse subs, they're definitely the best.
As for the loli aspect, i'm not gonna lie to you there are alot of loli characters but it's not like it has any relevance to the story itself.
If you don't have download limits, get HD. If you like HD action, get HD. If not, I'd say the smaller versions are fine.
The closest thing to Index I can think of is Shakugan no Shana, so if you liked that, go for it.
That's the quick and brief explanation anyway. Someone else'll have ot give the detailed recommendations. :)
edit: Oh, and about eclipse, they're the only subbers for a reason. Their subs just kicked out all competition, speed or quality subbers. You can be faster, or you can be better, but you'll not find a group that beats Eclipse (nowadays anyway, though there are some close rivals).
I got bored mid-season (most things I'm watching have no notable discussion) so, envious of all the discussion Index was recieving and drawn in by the purported "amazing animation," (which is true by the way) I downloaded the 13 episodes released and marathoned it. The series has a lot of everything, but they approach it in a really interesting way.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Most of the main characters view all the magic, ESP, and other abilities through science. The author did a very interesting approach with some very heavy science like quantum physics and includes one or two very good examples to explain it, simple enough for laymen or teens to understand the concepts.
The approach is a little like the background story to Guilty Gear, where science had advanced enough to create, "free energy for all, which was subsequently dubbed as 'magic.' " There's those who still prefer to maintain the traditional ways (like Chipp and Jam from GG) and these are the magic users of the Index Universe.
I thought this comparison is interesting. I had avoided Index because I actually hate Shakugan no Shana, I thought it was totally overrated. I even called the series Shakugan no Index a few times.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
But the explanation behind all the abilities and the way it is presented is completely different. It's not just another tsundere love triangle with delusions of grandeur. If anything, the backstory is about as developed as the entirety of Shakugan no Shana. There is less deus ex machina too. The consequences of actions in Index are not something just tossed aside. So far, everything in the series has implications later on.
The series was a total surprise to me.
Is there a full version of that picture? =) I love it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Oh, isn't the new one just going to follow the manga? if that's the case, it'll be a lot different. Shouldn't it be called the alternative rather than remake? (I cannot wait for this btw)