I think I'mma move into your neighborhood and drive the property value down.
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I think I'mma move into your neighborhood and drive the property value down.
OH NOES!!!!!11Quote:
Originally posted by: Souryusen
I think I'mma move into your neighborhood and drive the property value down.
Now you need to marry me twice. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Ooooh yes, and you'll go off to work while I'll stay home and clean and cook!
Fine, but you pay for the wedding party and the plane tickets =P
Edit: And the children's education and my car and uh, books and computer.
Of course, the way of the stereotype would accept no other solution!
Edit to respond to your edit: Throw all the bills to me, with my perfectly average working man paycheck I'll be sure to pay it all with only minor loans!
Viva the stereotype then!!
Wait, if we're going to live a sitcom, does it mean you'll have a real pretty secretary who always flirts with you?? The bitch!!
However you will not know that she is pretty for I will speak only bad words of her! Until of course you beat her up with a frying pan. And me too if I'm unlucky. Argh, that bitch!
And your mother will probably nag at me all day long about my cooking, while mine will nag at me about my husband, but it shall matter not!
Indeed for our love shall be eternally true... until our divorce in a few years. Of course.
Anyway, this has been a most splendid conversation but alas my stereotypical working-class work with insane schedules beckons me to my bed. However be not sad for my number will be on the fridge's door. Fare thee well beloved!
Oh, may you have a good night, my dear!! I shall have a nice dinner for you when you get home, and fear not, for the dog shall bring you your slippers to your favorite sofa!!
I'm so saving this conversation...
Awwee virtual love, doesnt get any better than that(wait...yes it does) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
uh oh terra, you heard it straight from the ladies man himselfQuote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
Awwee virtual love, doesnt get any better than that(wait...yes it does) [img][/img]
i'm so jealous of u guys' happily married life.
btw...i couldn't even remember what this thread was about...
Yeah.. uh.. anyway. Kakashi's gonna get them both with the rock bottom. The end.
Yeah and then he'll follow it up with a Kage Bushin no Peoples Elbows no jutsu
a forum where mods spam
too good
This thread is now a complete waste, thanks to Terracosmo.
I'll try and dig it up, but it was in a conversation with Zabuza was when he did it, It was just after naruto jumped in with Sasuke in the ice mirrors.
Hrm, dug through my manga releases for a sec, it's chapter 25, page 14 of the manga Guy if ya wanna take a look.
You are just jealous of my insane charisma, Gods_Son!
@Winged Dancer: Saving it eh? Good idea. Think I'll do that too, it was very entertaining. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
*Insert on-topic remark about Kakashi's superiority to the kids here for the sake of inclusion*
wow this topic went through a mayor change... terra isnt off topic bad? set a good example and warn yourself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]