KameronFrye has received 987 experience points, levels up to level 12 and achieves new title "Great Poster".
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KameronFrye has received 987 experience points, levels up to level 12 and achieves new title "Great Poster".
Originally posted by: Mae
Oh, come on, it didn't suck that bad... The Janken battle was funny... and Lee ACTUALLY taking notes so seriously... too cute. The ep was more of a cute ep than an action ep, so I can see the guys becoming impatient with it. BTW does anyone have a screenshot of chibi-Lee with his braid? Best part of the ep.
Any Good?
Agreed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] , I even pinked away a tear I think [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: KameronFrye
Honestly, any of you that say you're a fan of the show for the story and character development and hated this episode, you are completely full of shit. I enjoyed this episode. No other characters in the show have a really good, deeply rooted connection to each other like Guy/Rock do. There's some rivalries, sure... but the relationship between Guy/Rock is just nice. I am glad they expanded on this, despite a whole 60 seconds of previously shown flashbacks... oh no! Not a whole minute out of a twenty minute episode! Naruto was only in the show for 6 seconds? Boo! Beh. So what if it isn't word-for-word, arc-for-arc translated from the manga? That's just how adaptations work, they use what they feel is the best for the show and ignore what they don't want to. What you may find to be perfection in the manga, someone else could view as total shit. What makes your or the person who disagrees with you right/wrong? Just don't bitch simply because there wasn't a fight using kunai and fists in this episode
Seriously, you want action/violence? Go watch Bakuretsu Tenshi, catch some Elfen Lied, or go old school and get some Golgo 13 for for your action fix. There's more to this show than learning and using different jutsu for me. If you don't like it, great. But don't bitch simply because the show didn't have an asswhipping for once. The preview was definitely misleading, yeah; but again, the show's not just action.
I am just afraid more and more outside-manga scenes will be put in and that it will slowly move away from the manga .. I hope these fillers are just that. ..fillers..
Ah don't get worried... all that could happen is that we could go down the Kenshin route and have another kid appear who also has a monster as strong as Kyuubi inside him...
*plunges into the deep while chained to a wrecked bus, with the doors closed* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRGQuote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Ah don't get worried... all that could happen is that we could go down the Kenshin route and have another kid appear who also has a monster as strong as Kyuubi inside him...
just to say no one should complain spoilers in this topic since it says SPOILERS under the title <.<;
If you are referring to episode 100 spoilers, then yeah, it's ok. If you are referring to spoilers that have not happened in the Anime yet, then no, that should not be allowed. The Naruto section has non-anime readers like me who really do not appreciate spoilers from the "M", and I am pretty sure the Mods don't appreciate it either, more work for them. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: dbesing
just to say no one should complain spoilers in this topic since it says SPOILERS under the title <.<;
well, I liked this episode, but still hope they get back to the story before they cant controle the situation (they can get back to the story and then add more fillers in the next arc.. would work)
ps. you are talking about the next ep being from an extra manga chapter? Im a manga reader but I completely missed out the chapter.. where can I get it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Here's a pattern I see emerging on the forums:
Awesome Episode: Lots of action, getting to see new techniques applied in battle
Decent Episode: Not so much action, but plenty of comedy and developing new techniques
Filler: Less action and comedy and a bit of drama about the main characters
This episode sucks: Dramatic episode about main and sideline characters that is actually really good.
Really, I'm getting tired of hearing how hard an episode sucks just to download it so I can watch it myself (waiting for the AonE release here) and discover that it's one of those eps that define a quality anime. You want to avoid drama? I hear they're coming out with new eps of DB GT. That should have plenty of mindless action for you.
With all of the cries of "this sucks" peppered with people disagreeing with that, I'm expecting a really good ep.
rainstorm is so correct that it hurts
except that he's wrong about his view on "filler"
some people keep writing hurtful posts about idiots calling stuff filler......but little do they realize, that filler isnt a term for "less action and comedy" but "stuff that isnt in the manga"
learn the difference before making an ass of yourself with such profound posts
as i said before, i have nothing against this episode. It wouldve been better if they didnt show so much of lee in the previous episode (and i really liked the manga equivalent of this episode too)
but what really ruined the whole experience for me was the previews for the next episode.
The saga that should be taking place now is my favorite saga ive ever seen in the manga of naruto, so it pains me to see them do so much rearranging of the story at such crucial places.
Next filler arc:
Sasuke will temporarily become a girl
Naruto will get lost in Brothel city, causing Jiraiya 'great pain' whilst having to look for him
Rock Lee will begin to study medicine
Itachi will appear, then have his eyes plucked out by Tsunade as a joke, causing him to run around more less like a headless chicken in Konoha
Kabuto will come out of the closet and admit he is gay
Mando will bone (can he do that?) Gamabunta's Mrs.
Any other suggestions can come here.
Well, to keep my roomate's bandwidth headaches to a minimum, I'm just waiting for American releases on the manga, so I don't know what's currently in the manga. I can't really bring myself to reading manga on a computer screen, anyways. The only time that episodes get called filler is when the masses of gotwootians rise up in a massive "BLEAH! IT'S A FILLER" and accept whatever definition they happened to be using. For all I was thinking before, "filler" was an episode falling between two story arcs.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
except that he's wrong about his view on "filler"
some people keep writing hurtful posts about idiots calling stuff filler......but little do they realize, that filler isnt a term for "less action and comedy" but "stuff that isnt in the manga"
learn the difference before making an ass of yourself with such profound posts
as i said before, i have nothing against this episode. It wouldve been better if they didnt show so much of lee in the previous episode (and i really liked the manga equivalent of this episode too)
but what really ruined the whole experience for me was the previews for the next episode.
The saga that should be taking place now is my favorite saga ive ever seen in the manga of naruto, so it pains me to see them do so much rearranging of the story at such crucial places.
You don't have anything against this episode... great! Then my post wasn't meant for you. It was meant for the mindless hordes saying that any ep that doesn't have dramatic content is shit. I started another post with this goal, but it got locked (see Naruto 99 doesn't suck).
BTW, you should really come to expect variances, even major ones, between anime and manga. When it comes down to it, they're created with a different audience in mind. For me, I've never seen an anime based on a manga line directly up with it... sound familiar. "The book was better than the movie." It's the same principle. The Japanese know, just as Hollywood knows, that people who spend their lives glued to a TV set are doomed to learn alot less about the world around them and lack the creative desires that lead to things such as reading and poor eyesight.
As for wanting to make an ass of myself... that requires that I first give a shit about what you think.
unfortunately, i am not at liberty to explain why the timing they chose for fillers was bad....if you really want to know, you can find a rather lengthy post by me in the open discussion explaining the problems the producers will come across when they try to patch things together. There are good fillers and bad fillers, the stuff like the hokage battle and temari vs tenten were good fillers.......anything involving konohamaru is a bad filler. It's just that you hear more about the bad ones than you do about the good ones...but im sure that applies to generally anything in life. I'm sorry to hear you are waiting for american releases of the manga, however......since the ones by VIZ are simply horrible.
however, to say you dont give a shit about what other people think when half the posts you've contributed to this forum so far are about your feelings in regard to other peoples' opinions of the episodes would be counterintuitive to say the least
Gee, I'm sorry. I just thought I might compare my opinion to other people's. I had thought that was a form of conversation.
The things I agreed on with his post is that people tend to discard anything they don't like as filler, while it often in fact isn't. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
except that he's wrong about his view on "filler"
some people keep writing hurtful posts about idiots calling stuff filler......but little do they realize, that filler isnt a term for "less action and comedy" but "stuff that isnt in the manga"
learn the difference before making an ass of yourself with such profound posts
as i said before, i have nothing against this episode. It wouldve been better if they didnt show so much of lee in the previous episode (and i really liked the manga equivalent of this episode too)
but what really ruined the whole experience for me was the previews for the next episode.
The saga that should be taking place now is my favorite saga ive ever seen in the manga of naruto, so it pains me to see them do so much rearranging of the story at such crucial places.
Hey I have absolutely no problems with filler, been watching them for as long as I remember, I think most people dont like this episode b/c we're used to seeing the main character(naruto) in for 79% of the episode, And since I said that I like it for the character development, and since most of that episode was character development, how much of it do you thing I like?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The things I agreed on with his post is that people tend to discard anything they don't like as filler, while it often in fact isn't. [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
except that he's wrong about his view on "filler"
some people keep writing hurtful posts about idiots calling stuff filler......but little do they realize, that filler isnt a term for "less action and comedy" but "stuff that isnt in the manga"
learn the difference before making an ass of yourself with such profound posts
as i said before, i have nothing against this episode. It wouldve been better if they didnt show so much of lee in the previous episode (and i really liked the manga equivalent of this episode too)
but what really ruined the whole experience for me was the previews for the next episode.
The saga that should be taking place now is my favorite saga ive ever seen in the manga of naruto, so it pains me to see them do so much rearranging of the story at such crucial places.
I wasn't necessarily talking about you (or this episode in particular for that matter), Knives-chan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Awwwww..... How can anyone hate this ep? Arigato gozaimasu! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Shuurai
Originally posted by: Mae
Oh, come on, it didn't suck that bad... The Janken battle was funny... and Lee ACTUALLY taking notes so seriously... too cute. The ep was more of a cute ep than an action ep, so I can see the guys becoming impatient with it. BTW does anyone have a screenshot of chibi-Lee with his braid? Best part of the ep.
Any Good?
You know, everyone's saying it will be hard to get back on track with the Manga, but that's not necessarily true.
If they want to set up the part everyone's complaining about missing, then yeah, it'll be a little hard to set that up.. But it can be done.
But realistically, it's not hard for them to continue the story after the 'clash' without including it.