lol that was funny
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lol that was funny
LOL She seems to be everyone's favorite character to pick on. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: xiaoxue
OMG!! Did i see a monster?! Everyone is disfiguring Sakura.. poor girl
kooshi, great job! Definitely a lot more fun than watching that 101 episode. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Show us more of you talents!!!
Hmm.. that's a tough one. I am going to be busy for the next 2 months studying for exams, but I'll see what I can do with this one when I have some time.Quote:
Originally posted by: miaka
hmm i got an idea... what about having bugs and scars on sakura's face?
miaka, u r awesome. i too find enjoyment in the disfigurement of sakura. and u come up w/ great ideas!!
Well, since I got some inspiration from Miaka, Eurasian, ShinobiNeko, and Thundrakkon, I made another side comic. Hopefully it'll just be good as the others.
[img]!jl9e!Z5YVaKtxxEywYo0 CvPNZgtpMC!KO6naSKnXjGAEOrmtGvf84Qx!yGvsxcN1sQb*am *g6fnA5k/KakashiLips.jpg[/img]
a swollen lip. that's cute
LOL. That was a good one, too, kooshi, although the horrors of remembering ep 101 was so vivid in this one. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
OK, miaka... You got what you wished for... be forewarn... this ain't pretty at all. Actually, she might be ready for Halloween. Oh, btw, I also decided to add some Neji eyes for you, just as a bonus. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Oh yeah, it's a picture combination of Sakura, Ibiki's scars, Shino's bugs, and Neji eyes. I hope I didn't give anyone nightmares. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] This will probably be the last one I am doing until I am finished with exams. Enjoy!
hahaha these are great both kooshis and thundrakkons.... sweet please whenever either of you have time do sommore.... lol
Sakura reminds me of Chucky. u know that really creepy murderous doll!
@thundrakkon: BTW!!! EXAM!!! STUDY!!! i only say that cuz i want u to pass w/ flying colors. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Dude im really going to have nightmares......
Haha, that Sakura picture is scary in a not-scary kind of way (dunno if I made sense. It is scary, but I'm not scared).
Heh, thanks a lot. Yeah, since I got exams and such, I dunno if I can make as much as I would want to. I'll try to get my so-called creative mind working (I seriously think I don't have much of one).Quote:
Originally posted by: TruthofMistake
hahaha these are great both kooshis and thundrakkons.... sweet please whenever either of you have time do sommore.... lol
Alright, here's a quickie I made. Didn't put a whole lot of thought into it, considering how it was made in like 5 minutes, lol.
LOL!!! kooshi, that's hilarious!!!!!
why does everyone have exams coming up?? actually i do too...but i'm still here...
recent ones have been pretty funny, keep it up ^_^ [and good luck to those who have exams]
thanks thundrakkon... you are so good at this.. ^_^... and was sweet of you to do me a favor.. ^_^ hmmm next time.. what about sakura with no eyebrow.. and bleeding nose...
and kooshi.. man.. that comic was funny... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]but why do i get weird feeling you are picking on naruto? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] jk.. heh
LOL, these are great. You guys make me want to learn to use Photoshop. Nice work with the little comics, kooshi. And thundrakkon, since it's almost October, you should do a halloween showcase of disfigured Sakuras [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] after your exams though. I know the pain of exams all too well. Good luck on those! Study hard, and I hope you do really well!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Man thats funny did you make that up, b/c that is the coolest card ever Narutos expression when he gets hit with that move is priceless
Terracosmo, I just LOVE that card, lol. It's the best card ever!!! Haha, one of the best ever.
Heh, even though I know you're joking, I'm not picking on Naruto all the time.Quote:
Originally posted by: miaka
thanks thundrakkon... you are so good at this.. ^_^... and was sweet of you to do me a favor.. ^_^ hmmm next time.. what about sakura with no eyebrow.. and bleeding nose...
and kooshi.. man.. that comic was funny... [img][/img]but why do i get weird feeling you are picking on naruto? [img][/img] jk.. heh
1st --> Kakashi (green gas)
2nd --> Naruto (flaming Naruto)
3rd --> Kakashi (swollen lips)
4th --> Naruto (1000 years of pain)
So I guess you can say that I'm picking on Naruto and Kakashi, haha. So for your sake, I'll pick on Naruto again, but THIS time, in a good way. What would Naruto look like if he was in the Matrix?
[img]*4A6o3x4!a ZlgnUsx4wUBo3H02aVggMU1gAtB!4vJwoQM!f!XOxsmX65s1*o NiBp*A84/MatrixNaruto.jpg[/img]
xD LOL Terra that was hilarious[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Thanks guys. Yes, I made that card. I'm a person who gets bored easily. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]