Is item creation random or what?
If not, how did you make that?
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Is item creation random or what?
If not, how did you make that?
I will give you a little guide on how to do it, it will contain minor spoilers but only as for location names so it's nothing big.
However WARNING! If you do this, the game will be considerably easier. Many people would prefer it that way, but I think as so that I deserve this boost in strength that I got upon myself; even though it makes everything extremely easy. That being said, let's go: (again, minor spoilers for people who haven't gotten too far)
ALSO, this guide assumes that you know the basics of item creation. If not, go over to and read the Item Invention FAQ.
You will about 20 hours into the game enter a place called Barr Mountains. Here, there will be a female inventor named Misty Lear. Ignore her for now. Later on at this place you'll find a chest inside the Barr Ruins with a Soul Stone inside. Give this to Misty Lear and she'll join you as your inventor, she has an alchemy level of 50 and thus is vastly superior to all your own characters in that attribute. Station her somewhere where you have Alchemy installed. Next, head to the Mosel dunes (that's before this place) and you'll find a chest somewhere there with a Alchemist's Stone. Having that in your inventory will boost your Alchemy with an additional 20. Now get to work.
On the line on which you want to create an orihalcon, put Misty, Nel & Maria. This will you give a combined alchemy rate of 93. With the Alchemist's Stone, that's 113. You need at least 98 to create an orihalcon. Now choose original invention over and over until the cost gives you something around 5500. (might be 5300, might be 5700) then start inventing. If you can't do it on the first turn, quit and load. The chance to success lowers for every time the "Time" bar hits the end and the characters give an expression. If successful, you'll know how an orihalcon. Note that it gives +500 atk & +50% chance of Guts (resurrection upon death) when you fuse it with something. Patent it so you can buy them later too if you need more. And save. Now again throw up Misty, Nel & Maria and choose 'Specify Plan'. Pick the Orihalcon. If successful, this will enhance the orihalcon with an additional +500 atk. If successful, save. If not, load. Do this until it works no more, you run out of alchemy materials or have about 100.000 Fol left.
Now save of course. (Personally I got 5 upgrades before I reached 100.000) Now unequip the weapon you want to turn into a killing machine. Head over to the workshop and pick Synthesize (sp?). Make sure only playable characters are on the line because the inventors can't do this. It doesn't matter who you put there, synth is always successful. Now pick the weapon, then the orihalcon and enjoy. It will merge with the orihalcon one level at the time for about 10.000 fol, so if you got the orihalcon to level 8 the total cost will be 80.000 for a weapon which you want to merge with a +4000 dmg Orihalcon.
Hope you got all that. ^_^
Now for another SPOILER, dialogue I found funny:
Albel: I told you this was the wrong way, you fool.
Nel: I don't recall you saying that.
Albel: Me neither.
Well, I'm not that far yet, but I will be by at least tomorrow or the day after.
Speaking of this games dialogue, is anyone else greatly annoyed by the voice acting? I can't stand most of it in this game.
terra most pplz know about it and its not gonna make it easier not later in the game that is it makes it easier for now but later u WILL need to syst and seriously man its not a big sexrect not to most that played the japanese one like me hehe there is also alother thing u know know about its called mythrill and its goes for aromor great stuff total def i say..[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I figure it wasn't a secret seeing as I how am relatively new to the game found it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Right now it makes stuff damn easy though.
@PossiblE: Actually I don't mind the voice acting, I think it's pretty good... I just dislike the voice of some NPCs, like the purple-haired Nel subordinate.
Yeah she's pretty fucking annoying at times. It's funny how big time US anime voice actors are doing more and more games now a days or it just me not paying attention till now.
i got this as soon as i heard of it too.
i luv SO
I just got to disc 2! ^_^ Unlike disc 1, this one doesn't crash one bit. So far. Which proves my hopefully correct point that it was disc 1 that was fucking up, not my PS2. Now let's just hope disc 2 doesn't get raped... I'll get all sad again if so [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Edit: Well I've soon beaten Star Ocean 3 so at the same time I got started on Star Ocean 1...
anyone played SO1? And what are your thoughts on SO2 btw... since I turned this into a Star Ocean thread.
Holy hell. Maria is god.
I killed Crossel(sp) in under 10 seconds and took no damage. Both times. Scatter beam can be chained almost indefinitely... I had it at level 10 within 4 hours of getting Maria. This is making the game so easy I think I should probably take her out of the party. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
*small spoilers*
ARGHHH! I hate Barr Ruins, I can't play the damn flute how I want it. This is even more frustrating then figuring out I needed those hammers to destroy the walls in the sealed place (I forget the name). At least this is levelling Albel up since he is so behind.
i bought this game last weekened. its the first star ocean game i've bought and the first ps2 game i've bought this whole year. when i played the beggining i was kinda mad cuz it seemed boring and i was starting to regret ever buying this game. now after lots of hours of play (and still on the first disc ^^) I LOVE THIS GAME. freaking amazing...
@Souryusen: If you want to see cheap try using Nel with Flying Guillotine and chain that. It's sick.
I also beat Crossell under 10 sec with no damage but I was just using Fayt with a 3000 damage sword [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
@PossiblE: Yes that dungeon is annoying you need to learn what the difference between a hard and a light button press really is. Harder than it sounds!
@Possible: Pos, for soft melodies just let your thumb rest on the button, for the hard melodies actually push the button. The only one that's hard to get off is the melody for "playful dragon" where you hafta hold the button softly for a few seconds.
i like farleens voice its sqeaky like my gfs hehehe i didnt say that haahahah
anyways its retards that u cant syst with armor only with weapons super retards[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Just finished the game last night. Now I can start on the optional dungeons and such. Anyone else finished yet?
I'm still at the end of disc 2, haven't had time for SO3 lately... what's with occupied gaming room and shit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Anyone noticed the names of the musical pieces mentioned at claire's base.
They're all from the anime xD
damned bastards, your all so far ahead of me. im STILL in the friggin part where you have to go tame that huge ass dragon. im so behind ;_;
Speaking of having gotten far, I'm at the last boss.
God is that fucker cheap. I tried 3 times and gave up. And I was so determined on beating the game tonight. :/
Ah well will have to wait for tomorrow or something.
Bleh, I just got to planet Styx... I need Albel, this is too hard with Nel.