RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
Originally posted by: sofa king
Sasuke is an obnoxious, arrogant, selfish little prick
there ya go, you just described every heavy metal listener i know, and you defined the stereotype to a fuckin T.
sasuke in no way meets the requirments for a hip hop listner, you just dont like either so group them together. i think its amazing how stupidly narrowminded some people are. i mean look at the facts, the guy has longish hair, the guy wears black, the guy has NO friends and is a TOTAL loner, hes got MAJOR issues with almost every aspect of his life, he wont talk to anyone about anything, he enjoys NOTHING, hes condesending and rude.
how the fuck does that fit in with him listening to hip hop or gangsta rap? does sasuke wear fashionable clothes? does he wear bright clothes? does he have no hair/braids/spikey hair? does he act loud? does he act loutish? does he talk trash all the time? was he ever a trouble maker? does he try and act cool?
hmm you cant categorize ppls music taste by how they act, dress, wear their hair etc. etc. thats just stupid and narrowminded. i dress more or less fasionable and i dont hate everything but i still listen to metal. besides, since when did rappers and hip hoppers dress fashionable?
terra, dont lock this discussion please, it has finally became fun in here. the first real discussion in a long while.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Everyone listens to HardTrance and Hard-NRG
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
no they do not. jiraiya would never sink so low. hes all about the rolling stones, sweet, t-rex the list can go on.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
thats the thing tho PSJ if i showed you a picture and said to you hey what kind of music does this guy listen to? youd have no choice BUT to go off of physical appearance.
and you cant serioulsy be saying that rock bands dress fashionably? iam not saying rappers look good, iam saying its what is in fashion right now, thats all.
What kind of music do they listen to?
I agree with you mf, name's bad and generic. But that's the way it is. I don't really know how titles for new sub-genres emerge to begin with... but, yeah.
Discussions are fine, PSJ. However, going off-topic is not.
Going on someone's physical appearance is one thing chambers. Calling people angsty teens because they look like they do is another. And fashion is the most gay thing ever invented. I pity the idiots who follow dressing trends. Everybody should look like they want to look. Becoming slaves to what some drunkard in France says is "in fashion" is about as low as mankind can sink at this point.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
i'd have to agree with chambers on this one.......
even though stereotypes is bad, and there are lots of people that might like/dislike something regardless of what stereotypes say.....
the whole point of this discussion is to guess what type of music different characters listen to based on their personality.
and the only way to match personality and music together in a completely rhetorical sense, IS to rely on stereotypes.
and with that, i'd stereotype sakura to be the kinda person who would listen to boy bands [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
thats the thing tho PSJ if i showed you a picture and said to you hey what kind of music does this guy listen to? youd have no choice BUT to go off of physical appearance.
and you cant serioulsy be saying that rock bands dress fashionably? iam not saying rappers look good, iam saying its what is in fashion right now, thats all.
The 'fashion' that rappers dress in is one of their own creation.
Most musical genres have their own fashion, so most bands dress fashionably almost by definition since they set their respective fashions.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
thats the thing tho PSJ if i showed you a picture and said to you hey what kind of music does this guy listen to? youd have no choice BUT to go off of physical appearance.
and you cant serioulsy be saying that rock bands dress fashionably? iam not saying rappers look good, iam saying its what is in fashion right now, thats all.
okay terra i will try to include some on topic discussions to. what rappers wear arent in fashion here... fashions are diffrent in diffrent parts of the world. obviously.
yes, you have to rely somewhat on steroetypes to guess what kind of music they listen to but chambers used it to determine real ppls music taste to and thats wrong.
so heres my try to become somewhat on topic.
i forgot to include gaara last time. he listens to hardcore.
temari listens to pop-rock or whatever you call it like sahara hotnights and shit like that.
kankuro listens to industrial.
gotta agree with terra somewhat on that dressing completly in fashion is dumb, like follow the latest trends and stuff but the thing is when you go out to buy clothes most of it will be somewhat in fashion, the stores wouldnt sell it otherwise, as long as you dont dress all black or rapper style.
okay i included some on topic, sorry for the off topic tho but all of us has been going off topic more or less lately, even you terra...
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
i never used to describe people, i was merely saying that the sterotypical listner of rock IS an angst ridden teen, like it or not thats how it is!
i hate it sometimes on this board because its full of mainly people that like rock they get on peoples backs, at least SOME people can see reason, i also notice how ONLY ONE PERSON says a godamn thing about sofakings description of people who listen to rap, yet everyone jumps down my throat saying how sterotypes liek that are wrong. how hypocritical
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
i never used to describe people, i was merely saying that the sterotypical listner of rock IS an angst ridden teen, like it or not thats how it is!
No, it isn't. You're making things up again.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
er yes it is you idiot, iam not making anything up. do you watch tv or films? people who listen to rock music are tradiditionally moody, loner, suicidal type casts.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
God chambers you are an idiot.
Wasn't it chambers who said that thing about Kakashi knowing all the world's jutsus or something?
It all becomes clear now...
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
why am i an idiot? because i know sterotypes exsist? your the fuckin idiot.
are you actually telling me that a typical portrayla of someone that listens to rock is a level headed, popular guy whos good at sports and a hit wiht the ladies?!?! or is it a spotty often nerd like suicidal loner person?
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Um yea okay Chambers? But when you say suicidal that just takes it way too far. Why can't you just say a punk type of person? Just because you dont have any personal experiance with people, and you have to take sterotypes out of movies doesn't mean all of us do.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
OMG are you stupid!?!? iam not calling all people who listen to rock sucidal!!! i know there not, just like i know all people who listen to rap dont wear hankercheifs on there heads and wear ten tons of gold.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
er yes it is you idiot, iam not making anything up. do you watch tv or films? people who listen to rock music are tradiditionally moody, loner, suicidal type casts.
Chambers, I think it's time for you to come to terms with the fact that you're an idiot.
Ever heard the phrase "let's rock"? How often does that mean sitting down in a corner and crying? Rock is associated with partying and kicking ass. There's this anime called Naruto- you might want to check it out. You'll notice how when they want a sad mood, they play soft music, and when there's action, they play more rock-type music.
Just repeat to yourself over and over:
"I, [insert your real name here], am an idiot."
Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to overcomming it.
RE: What kind of music do they listen to?
wtf are you talking about? you know NOTHING.
what i said in that quote is TRUE. while what you said is true it doesnt nothign for your arguement, as if only means that when sombody is about to go mental and shoot shit up or kick the shit out of someone that person must listen to rock cos naruto plays is when they fight, so now your associating rock with violence, pain, madness, and most of all psychopathic people. so again i say thats sausuke to a fuckin T did you see how he reacted when he leanrd of itachis prescence?
What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
wtf are you talking about? you know NOTHING.
what i said in that quote is TRUE. while what you said is true it doesnt nothign for your arguement, as if only means that when sombody is about to go mental and shoot shit up or kick the shit out of someone that person must listen to rock cos naruto plays is when they fight, so now your associating rock with violence, pain, madness, and most of all psychopathic people. so again i say thats sausuke to a fuckin T did you see how he reacted when he leanrd of itachis prescence?
I know that you don't know what you're talking about. You're very predictable, chambers. Whenever you can't argue your point effectively, you start making things up.
Try actually watching Naruto before talking about it. They don't "go mental". Their ideal is to approach combat calmly. You sound like you watch the series after being filtered through the mind of a 10 year old. The only characters who "go mental" are Sasuke and Gaara. And, hey, guess what, they weren't playing rock music when Sasuke learned that Itachi was back. They played it when Jaraiya used his frog esophagus technique, though.
Stop being a retard and try getting your shit straight before you post.
What kind of music do they listen to?
sasuke, gaara, lee, naruto, zabuza, tsunade.
also guess what? iam not making things up, all those characters went beserk the only one that MAY not have had rock music was tsunade but id wager she had it to. aproach combat calmly the only people who have done that are kakashi, itachi, gaara and neji. everyone else goes mental and kicks the shit out of them.
and guess what else when sasuke goes mental and trys to chidori itachi what type of music where they playing?
you cant possibly argue that its a hip hop sterotype to be quiet, retreating, lonley, calm, selfish, and mental. yet i can thing of rock groups that sing abotu NOTHING BUT those subjects ALL THE DAMN TIME.
What kind of music do they listen to?
Originally posted by: chambers
sasuke, gaara, lee, naruto, zabuza, tsunade.
also guess what? iam not making things up, all those characters went beserk the only one that MAY not have had rock music was tsunade but id wager she had it to. aproach combat calmly the only people who have done that are kakashi, itachi, gaara and neji. everyone else goes mental and kicks the shit out of them.
and guess what else when sasuke goes mental and trys to chidori itachi what type of music where they playing?
They were playing ochestral music, you idiot. And when has Lee, Zabuza or Tsunade ever gone berserk? Are you really that stupid that the actual events in Naruto get replaced in your mind by this ridiculous fantasy version of yours? Who do you think you're fooling other than yourself?
And my exact words to describe rap were: "Gansta Rap- music for obnoxious craps"
That's right there on the forum, and you can't even get that right. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.