Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
that is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum. naruto had zero chance against kimimaro and even gaara AND rock lee would've lost if it weren't for kimimaro's illness. kimimaro was just a superior fighter that none of the gennins (and shikamaru) could beat. i'm glad kimimaro wasn't beaten by any of those guys. when you talk about naruto thinking of a strategy to fight cleverly while in kyubi mode, it's almost a contradiction since when naruto is in full kyubi mode like how he was against kimimaro, naruto can't think clearly enough to be cunning because he is consumed in anger. there is no other way for naruto fight while in full kyubi mode like that. have naruto fought cleverly while using some of his kyubi chakra? yes, but never when he went all out.
That is possibly the most incorrect statement ever made on this forum. Naruto had zero chance? where do you get that? No, your onpinions doesnt mean its a fact. Kabuto > Kimmaro?..
i think this is the reason why so many people think that using kyubi chakra is lame while when gaara uses sand it's not. the kyubi chakra can do just so much more than what any other natural ability can (including curse seals). it is such a huge advantage in a fight that no other techniques or fighting styles can really match up to it.
umm.......What can Kyubi chakra can do more than any other natural ability other than healing? Im curious to know what your are talking about.
wow, learn how to quote. i had to fix a lot of crap.
first, i don't say incorrect things. if i didn't know what i was talking about, i wouldn't post it. anyway, zero chance was an exaggeration (since everyone has some chance of winning in any fight, even if the chance is VERY slim), so i'll go with: almost no chance. the reason for kimimaro dying from the illness instead of getting beaten by the genins is to show how strong he really was. there would be no point to have a character who could be defeated be beaten by someone/something other than the oponent. if gaara AND lee could not defeat kimimaro, what makes you think that naruto alone will be able to? just cuz he is the main character? of course not. there are reasons why certain times when naruto faces strong opponents the opponents either retreat or naruto moves on. it's cuz naruto can't beat them. it'd be dumb to have naruto fight a battle he can't win at all considering he is the main protagonist. ok, moving on, as you saw in the fight against gaara, kimimaro is practically uneffected by gaara's powerful ninjutsu and as you saw in the fight against lee, kimimaro impervious to all taijutsu. that leaves... genjutsu; naruto's prime skill. so... you care to explain how naruto could have had a chance of winning against kimimaro?
and i don't know about kabuto vs kimimaro, it's a toss up.
second, besides the healing the kyubi chakra can increase your stamina, agility, speed, reaction time, reflexes, strength and most importantly it gives you unlimited chakra capacity... i thought it was obvious but i guess it was pretty hard to figure after 227 chapters.