ok yea then i have a registred nickname but when i join the channel im the only one there.
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ok yea then i have a registred nickname but when i join the channel im the only one there.
that's weird, are you on the right server? irc.irchighway.net
yea i tried again and it worked. so im in now.
good for you they just released 139 by the way
yea just read it. damn it was madcool. i want more :'(
d00d, you guys are late with this comic, its atmost 12 months old. [atleast 8...] or even older.i just no its not new and that you guys are late [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
so what if its old? stop the spamming man posts like that are totally useless. you should read it so you can being to understand how amazing it is.
i am missing chps. 132 and on...is there any way that i can download them besides mirc? and if i cant will i be able to later? thanks
Jiraiya... you know that my bittorrent is fucked up...
ah but thats the beauty of it, u dont use bit torrent to get the manga. u use mirc
oh yea thats right only that you can get most of it through other sources than bt. check this thread for it. and rangeofhakke. i think you will be able to get them off of direct download sites in a while but mirc is faster and you dont have to wait [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
What he said. IRC hates to me... I got into the #manga-rain channel, when I tried to use a command I got kicked out or something and when I tried to get back in it's say "address blocked" or something >_>Quote:
Originally posted by: RangeOfHakke
i am missing chps. 132 and on...is there any way that i can download them besides mirc? and if i cant will i be able to later? thanks
hahhahahaha, im a total noob at mirc ive used it a total of 3 times i think, but even i could figure it out hehe
go to www.bleachfan.com i think it is, or maybe .net for a list of new releases and the packet number and stuff
HEY EVERYONE bleach 140 is out, you can get it on mirc at manga rain, after reading it i just gotta say i cant wait for the next chapter
@Kuroi: When ever you go to a new channel you have never been to use the " !rules" command there you will learn what you can can not do on the channel. Most IRC channels don't allow the @search or @find command you need to use !list or what command they specify.
On the 140 front yeah I want 141 to be translated super fast.
oh my god that was awesome i want 141 nooooooow. as a side note manga rain translates shaman king? anybody know if they have translated since vol 1?
i used to serve in manga rain, but now i cant even connect to highway in order to get bleach...is anyone else havign this problem??
ahhhhhhhh 141 was so cool, ban kai is awesome, go renji
ban kai was awesome i would like to see what ichigo's ban kai looks like. and since byakuya is a captain he also got a ban kai right i hope it looks cool to.
yup byakuya has a bankai too like you said can't wait to see ichigo's bankai
I'm also missing 132-140
and mirc is just too much hassle and waiting
anyone know a good torrent link to get this these?