Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
I'm damn glad that Kimi is dead, he was a retarded character imho .. I'm VERY tired of all this curse seal crap. It makes everyone look totally ridiculous .. just hideous and mutated, not to mention it's not a natural power. Someone else mentioned it, but it's TRUE ..
Zabuza/Haku > Oro/Kimi !
This arc is getting real old, I'm worried that because Kishimoto feels he keeps having to pump up the powers of characters continually, that the series will start to lose it's feel, and become just a mutant/monster anime. I mean, what is ninja-like at ALL about Kimimaro? Or for that matter, any of the other sound mutants .. ?
As far as freaky weird powers / monsters, Kyuubi and Shukaku were quite enough, if not already over the top.
Good riddance Kimi, I hope you were truly the last retarded character thrown our way [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
This is so true, Kishimoto is losing the essence of Naruto with all these overwhelming power. It would be a shame if this anime turns out to be a dissapointment. However i am quite anxious to know more about Naruto-Sasuke. It's the best plotbase they have at the moment.